Here's my song, "Wicked Stimulation": ... sp=sharing
This track is kinda experimental, I personally love it. As there's no genre limitation, I blend multiple genres together. The first drop is a old school boom bap groove with unusual sound selection, and then the track progresses to the second drop. The second drop is a Dubstep Drum Groove but feels a bit like trap. The Outro is just insane sound design, it took my hours!
When I first see the topic "Wicked Party". I know I need a creepy/dark melody, but also with energy so that people can "party". The whole track is guided toward this direction.
First I made a lead patch from scratch using a synth called Dune 3, you can clearly hear that in the intro, first and second drop. The patch is just wavetable synthesis with a little bit of FM synthesis layered in the background, with distortion of course. Then I came up with the first drop melody, just keep it simple and catchy. Then a old school groove, added some harmonic layers (Trombone and Trumpet) with FL's stock Flex VST, not realistic at all, but that's what make it cool.
After that I made a Arp from scratch using Dune 3 again, just trial & error, again wavetable synthesis and fm synthesis layered, with some ring modulation, the sequencer is moving at a fast rate 1/32 bar. Use it to fill in the high frequency gaps. Some of the notes aren't in key but I don't care, this is what make this song fit the theme! This song's key is constantly changing lol.
After the first drop is done. I found out that the low notes on FL's stock grand piano is kinda creepy, with some weird harmonics or notes overlapped. So I put it in the intro, also as a important element to bridge to the second drop. At this time FL studio keep on crashing I don't know why, I use a M1 Macbook Air and the new FL version just doesn't work pretty well, so I bounce out the stems, save the patches and move to Logic.
After that the second drop, I thought it would be cool if I implement dubstep in to this. I love melodic dubstep btw. Of course I won't do a traditional one, I hate generic stuff.So I build it block by block. You can hear I'm still using the two patches (lead, arp) but changed up the melody. Also the lead patch is a bit different, I reduced the layers, reduced the unison, changed the ADSR and mod matrix a bit, the most obvious change is there's less detune and I modulate the cutoff with a LFO.
At last, I made a bass sound from scratch using Dune 3 again (it's a amazing synth!). Because I know it need to work in both drops, so I keep it very simple, not too experimental but it doesn't appear much in pop so it may sound new to some people. Just Saw waves and a Sine Wave layered. With two different notch filters.
Outro is unusually long, you can hear me enjoying myself, it's a combination of the first & second drop. You can hear me enjoying myself. Automating, modulating, flangers, phasers, filters, saturation, panning, bit-crush and more! To my ears it's an amazing way to conclude the whole track. Hope yall will like it too.
When I first work on this, I don't expect to make something this good. This is a banger. One of my best works till this day no doubt.
Daw Used:
FL Studio
Logic Pro X
Instruments Used:
Dune 3 (Synapse Audio)
Flex (FL Studio Stock)
Grand Piano (FL Studio Stock)
Samples Used:
Royalty Free Sample Packs
Apple Loops
Effects + Processors:
Gliss EQ (Voxengo)
Saturn 2 (Fab Filter)
Flanger (Arturia)
Infiltrator (Devious Machine)
Vertigo VSC2 (Plugin Alliance)
RC-20 (XLN Audio)
Multiplcity (DMG Audio)
NewFlanged Elevate
That's it! Voting process seems a bit complicated for a newbie like me, hopefully everything goes smooth