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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Winners announced

Thematic Songwriting Competition - recurrence: monthly
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Winners announced


Post by Mister Fox »

Hello and welcome to the Songwriting Competition 073 - September 2023

:information_source: BEFORE WE GET STARTED:
  • Please consult the official and very simple "Rules and Guidelines" (TL;DR version) for the Songwriting Competition regarding principles of the game, it's engaging game mechanics (allowed editing/re-submission of your entry until the deadline has been reached) and upload/submission guidelines.
  • The general idea of this game is to "...just make music", to also challenge yourself by stepping a bit out of your comfort zone, and take a dip at realms you've never worked in before. Instrumentals are just as welcome as productions with vocals.
  • The Genre and "Premise" of this months challenge can be found in in post #002
  • Filename Template (Important): SWC073__ArtistName__TrackName.wav or .mp3
    • example: SWC073__MisterFox__ColorOfTheSky.wav
    • example: SWC073__Mister_Fox__Color_of_the_sky.wav
Read more about this month's competition further down below. And if you got any question, please also reach out on Discord.


Post #001 -- Introduction post and index for the various stages of the Songwriting Competition. Will be updated as we progress
Post #002 -- Submission Period: General Information, Source Material, Sponsors
Post #003 -- Cheat Sheet: A couple of examples / audio demos for this month's challenge (limited if genre is "free to select")
Post #020 -- Voting: Summarized entries and start of voting process
Post #048 -- Results: Results of the Songwriting Competition
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Submissions until 24-SEP-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »


Time Frame: Friday, 01st September 2023 to Sunday, 24th September 2023 (24 days)

Challenge submission will end on 24-SEP-2023, 23:59 UTC+2/CEST (Germany) - until further notice.

Want to find out if you're still within the deadline, please either consult the Global Countdown (dedicated page), or the countdown on the landing site. There will also be short reminders on Social Media and on Discord. Does the game time frame feel too long? Why not set a personal shorter one of 5-7 days absolute max to push yourself to focus on the essentials, then use the rest of the time to ask for feedback and possible refinements. :idea:

SONGWRITING THEME: "Reflection" (Mental Health Awareness Month)
GENRE: free to select

Image Source: Thiago Matos (via Pexels), released under Creative Commons CC0

A few word about this month's theme:
Staff (Mister Fox) wrote: I initially had many ideas for this year's "Mental Health Awareness Month", only for them to falter at the very last minute yet again. In the end, I decided on a theme, that is currently also occupying a lot of my time, not to mention mental headspace.

Sometimes, you just need to stop what you're doing, take a step back, and reassess things. Maybe your mind is doing that all by itself already. Forcing you to take on a different point of view, observe, contemplate what is currently happening. And if you are able to, start with a fresh mindset. Trying to do better.

Maybe you can't put this feeling into words, in this case, music might be the better outlet... and this is what this yearly recurring game is all about. There is no other clear guideline this month...

The genre doesn't matter.

It can be anything. A piano tune, it can be an ambient soundtrack, it can be an electronic track, it can be EBM with distorted vocals, it can be a hard rock production, it can be chaotic Drum and Bass, it can be a pop ballad, it can be a Hip Hop tune.

Just... make music. Tell us a story if you want to. One about yourself, about somebody you know, or maybe nothing at all (just whatever comes to mind). Process your emotions, channel it into art, and let it speak for itself.

:arrow: The month (September) is about spreading awareness of Mental Health on the Mix Challenge audio community.

Not only on our audio community - I do want to spread awareness in general, maybe even some positivity in the process. We do need to get rid of the stigma that you shouldn't speak up and ask for help. That you should rather "man up", stick to yourself, pretend that everything is all right, even if it isn't. This is considered "a weakness" in our society - and we need to stop treating it as such.

A lot of people simply cope with art. May it be artwork of any kind, writing poems, humor, or in our case... creating music. Everything of that, is telling a bigger tale. And this is exactly what I'd like to evoke (again) this month: reach out, tell a story.

Feel free to share the word via social media with the following hashtags, to get more people involved:
#MentalHealth #MusicTherapy #HealThroughMusic and #ItsOkayToNotBeOkay

:!: Important Footnote:

If you know of somebody that is suffering from depression, showing signs of self harm or having suicidal thoughts - don't look away, do not lock this person out. Reach out, offer help - and may it only be an ear that listens to a story. If you know of somebody that is suffering anxiety or is showing signs of severe introversion, don't pressure this person, give him/her space, be mindful and understanding.

Never ever treat this person with disrespect or shrug away a subliminal cry for help. It is hard to judge how a person's mind works, sometimes the person you try to help is locking you out or will brush you away. The walls could be thick, they could be paper thin. Every single word can be measured in gold without you knowing. Be patient, be kind, just... be there.

If in doubt, contact local aid agencies that are specialized in this field.

Songwriting Rule Summary / Add-On Rules:
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:arrow_right: LICENSE SPONSORS (Bonus Prizes):

A huge thank you goes to our very generous License Sponsors for this month's game. Those being (in alphabetical order):

Cherry Audio, Ghostwave Audio, Hollow Sun, Hornet Plugins, IK Multimedia, JRR Sounds, kv331 audio, Luftrum, Musiclab, Rekkerd Sounds, satyatunes - Sound / Graphic Design, and Tone2.

A detailed list of offerings can be found in the following information block.
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Good luck to all participants.
And most importantly, have fun!
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Submissions until 24-SEP-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »


Articles and Info Pages:

A great starting point is the "Addendum"/Supplementary thread for the Songwriting Competition
Songwriting Competition - Addendum: Music Maps and BPM Charts

Since the genre this month is "free to select", there are no clear pointers

Music examples (selection for inspiration, 00 videos):

No music examples available this month. But I can always recommend to enter random genre search words either into Youtube, Spotify or whatever music streaming services you prefer using.

Please also check in with the following threads in the the Gear Talk sub-forum, if you're on the look-out for new tools:
Places to fuel your GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) (the starting point if you're in need of audio tools -- from free to affordable).

if you're new to/need help with songwriting - please check out the following tools:
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More tools of the trade
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UPDATED: 30-AUG-2023 08:20 UTC+2, updated 00-SEP-2023 00:00 UTC+2
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Submissions until 24-SEP-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder:
Including today, 17 days left to submit your production.

So far, we have 0 entries.

If you want to access the extended game mechanics of the Songwriting Competition (asking for feedback during production), please try to release your first edits within the next 7 days to have enough time to get possible feedback (if needed/wanted) and continue to work on your song.

To those sitting on the fence - please don't feel scared off and think "the bar is set too high, I will never make it" - set yourself a shorter private deadline. Just make music, submit your entry, join the conversation. See where this goes.

By joining, you're already a winner. The rest is bonus. :tu:
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Submissions until 24-SEP-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Arelem »

Hello All,

Here's my song "Anxiety". It's an alt-pop track with hip-hop/trap influences (at least that's how I'd classify it). I spent longer on this track than I have any song in a while but I think the result is worth it. I deal with anxiety and panic attacks so this one is pretty personal to me. I hope ya'll like it :grin:

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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Submissions until 24-SEP-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder:
Including today, 14 days left to submit your production.

So far, we have 1 entry, but sadly no further interaction.

If you want to access the extended game mechanics of the Songwriting Competition (asking for feedback during production), please try to release your first edits within the next 7 days to have enough time to get possible feedback (if needed/wanted) and continue to work on your song.

To those sitting on the fence - please don't feel scared off and think "the bar is set too high, I will never make it" - set yourself a shorter private deadline. Just make music, submit your entry, join the conversation. See where this goes.

By joining, you're already a winner. The rest is bonus. :tu:
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Submissions until 24-SEP-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by BenjiRage »

Hi all

This is my first go at entering the songwriting competition. Truth be told, it's actually only the second song I've written in about 10 years, but the theme of this month's comp couldn't be more relevant to my life right now.

I've been going through frequent ups and downs recently due to worsening tinnitus and hearing issues which are linked to an ongoing low CSF pressure issue I've had for about seven years straight. It feels like the condition is slowly destroying my ears from the inside out and I've been very worried about how much time with good hearing I might have left. So much so that it's caused me to reassess the direction my life is going and I've made the decision recently to pursue music much more fully than I had previously been doing, while I still can.

But reflecting on something much more positive of times gone by, I decided to write this song "Above the Clouds" about a teenage crush I had when I was 17 on the character Tidus from the video game Final Fantasy X. Kind of sounds silly I know(!), but it was a big awakening at the time, so much so that I even had dreams about him. So yeah this song is about that, something really personal to me from a happy and care-free time of my life.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/18K6YSd ... sp=sharing (Final Entry)

All the best


Production notes:
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Last edited by BenjiRage on Sun Sep 24, 2023 23:35 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Submissions until 24-SEP-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by BenjiRage »

Arelem wrote:
Fri Sep 08, 2023 18:17 CEST
Hello All,

Here's my song "Anxiety". It's an alt-pop track with hip-hop/trap influences (at least that's how I'd classify it). I spent longer on this track than I have any song in a while but I think the result is worth it. I deal with anxiety and panic attacks so this one is pretty personal to me. I hope ya'll like it :grin:
Hey Arelem, cool track! I really like the strings and reverb effect you've used. I was sitting at my monitors when I pressed play and at first I couldn't tell where the sound was coming from, it was like it had sunk way back into the wall! Really cool! Very evocative lyrics too.

A few small things I think would make it even better:
• Kick drum is just a bit too overpowering, even on small speakers it thumps a bit too loud and drowns out some of the words
• Maybe add a bit more vocal compression too
• A lot of the vocal phrases feel like they're coming in a bit behind the beat, just a fraction of a second but enough that it seems to throw it out. I realise this might have been done for creative effect or it might just be the heavy reverb predelay, but if not try nudging the vocal waveforms a fraction to the left

Nice work though :)
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Submissions until 24-SEP-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder:
Including today, 7 days left to submit your production.

So far, we have 2 entries.

If you want to access the extended game mechanics of the Songwriting Competition (asking for feedback during production), please try to release your first edits within the next 3 days to have enough time to get possible feedback (if needed/wanted) and continue to work on your song. Please also remember, vocals are not mandatory -- instrumentals are just as welcome.

And to those sitting on the fence - please don't feel scared off and think "the bar is set too high, I will never make it" - set yourself a shorter private deadline. Just make music, submit your entry, join the conversation. See where this goes.

By joining, you're already a winner. The rest is bonus. :tu:
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC073 September 2023 - Submissions until 24-SEP-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Arelem »

BenjiRage wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2023 23:45 CEST
Hi all

This is my first go at entering the songwriting competition. Truth be told, it's actually only the second song I've written in about 10 years, but the theme of this month's comp couldn't be more relevant to my life right now.

I've been going through frequent ups and downs recently due to worsening tinnitus and hearing issues which are linked to an ongoing low CSF pressure issue I've had for about seven years straight. It feels like the condition is slowly destroying my ears from the inside out and I've been very worried about how much time with good hearing I might have left. So much so that it's caused me to reassess the direction my life is going and I've made the decision recently to pursue music much more fully than I had previously been doing, while I still can.

But reflecting on something much more positive of times gone by, I decided to write this song "Above the Clouds" about a teenage crush I had when I was 17 on the character Tidus from the video game Final Fantasy X. Kind of sounds silly I know(!), but it was a big awakening at the time, so much so that I even had dreams about him. So yeah this song is about that, something really personal to me from a happy and care-free time of my life.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/18K6YSd ... sp=sharing

All the best


Production notes:
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Sounds good, especially for not really producing any songs as you said. I was more impressed with the vocals until I saw that you used SynthV to do them. I mean, they still sound good, it's just that they are synthetic. I'm still a bit impressed because when I tried checking it out, I found it quite cumbersome to program and manipulate. My favorite part was at about 2:50 when it goes intramental honestly; so don't feel like you NEED to add vocals to your productions. I tend to do vocals on mine because that is the type of music I enjoy and also to get practice working with vocals. I don't really like my own voice so I do tend to either bury it a bit or cover it in effects. Anyway, I don't really have any critiques for you. The mix sounds good and all that. It does feel super retro but I assume that you meant to do that (it would be weird if that was on accident). Good job!
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