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What age have we here?

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Dr Dendrite

Re: What age have we here?


Post by Dr Dendrite »

TrojakEW wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2019 22:42 CEST
Look at me
is that you? the small fast dude? hold up a sign that says "mix-challenge" in a video.

I grew up boxing, amature ranks. Trained Jujitsu for a while, just he basics. Did the cage thing before it was so popular. Trained a few fighters, worked some corners and help found a fight club myself. Music, Fight and 1 other thing were my life.

I decided to go to college and earn a degree and use my head instead of my fists to earn money.
I still cant get over my music fantasy though.

Your partner looks tough, stays tight, sits in pocket, level change. His stance is wide though and that front leg is begging to be snatched but who am I to judge?

Re: What age have we here?


Post by TrojakEW »

Dr Dendrite wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2019 07:20 CEST
is that you? the small fast dude? hold up a sign that says "mix-challenge" in a video.
:lol: :lol: Taking sign instead of gloves to the ring will end with fast KO.
Dr Dendrite wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2019 07:20 CEST
I grew up boxing, amature ranks. Trained Jujitsu for a while, just he basics. Did the cage thing before it was so popular. Trained a few fighters, worked some corners and help found a fight club myself. Music, Fight and 1 other thing were my life.
Great then we have quite a lot things in common.
Dr Dendrite wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2019 07:20 CEST
I decided to go to college and earn a degree and use my head instead of my fists to earn money.
I still cant get over my music fantasy though.
No way to earn money with my fist. Don't have skills for this. To to earn money I'm using my head too (not like this :bang: :lol: :lol: ) since I'm IT guy.
Dr Dendrite wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2019 07:20 CEST
Your partner looks tough, stays tight, sits in pocket, level change. His stance is wide though and that front leg is begging to be snatched but who am I to judge?
He is tough. I already saw too many people underestimate him and challenge him for sparring. He is not pro or even amateur boxer but he was able to wipe out the floor even with pro boxers. Usually he KO'd them or they run away from ring yelling that this is not sparring :lol: . They come in gym doesn't now him and challenge him to fight because they think he is easy prey. The one whose run away was even heavier then he is. He was really yelling on him that he went full on him instead of sparring. My friend was looking clueless what he is blabbing about since we (I and him) always do sparring at this intensity and yes I'm usually the one laying on the ground :lol: but I'm know that he is still going easy on me. Actually I'm the one who is always going at full power during our sparring. Once I even break my hand after punching his head. In order to get him you need to use a baseball bat :hihi: .

If you have boxing experience you should know that boxers prefer wider stance and he trains boxing only. I adapt training method to suit his personality and physical advantages. So he is defensive fighter who is luring his prey to take a bite and when they thinking they got him he strike with his short but powerful punches. As you can see even mitt work is adapted to suit his defensive style. What I done is that I have fortified his defense even more and adjusted his punching style similar to kind of filipino boxing when they do not fully extend their arms in order to be able return back to defense as soon as possible and for him it works very well.
Dr Dendrite

Re: What age have we here?


Post by Dr Dendrite »

TrojakEW wrote:
Sat Apr 13, 2019 23:09 CEST
Usually he KO'd them or they run away from ring yelling that this is not sparring :lol:

If you have boxing experience you should know that boxers prefer wider stance and he trains boxing only.
both of your points are suspect, sparing and fighting are two COMPLETELY different things that serve two COMPLETELY different purposes. Nothing shows no class, and will get your head busted faster, more than someone who comes into the ring under the sparring pretense and starts throwing bombs. It shows lack of control and lack of self confidence and a lack of respect for your partner. If you got something to prove then fight, don't spar.

Every body is different, but a wide and forword stance is generally discouraged, they leave you open to left hook and cuts down on mobility, repectively. but if it works, its hard to argue against.

im growing tired of this off-topic discussion, you randomly brought up martial arts (twice) and you posted a video of two unknown people sparring, post a video of you holding up a "mix-challenge" sign. leave the other video up and if the person in that sparing video and the person holding up a mix-challenge sign are the same then Ill believe you. But if you don't care if I believe you... I won't blame you as I feel the same way. I've just seen to much bullshit tough talk by internet junkies to believe anything I read in these places.

We come from different parts of this beautiful world (which is obvious by our polar opposite views) lets just leave it at that, shall we? I respect your music irregardless of your other abilities or disabilities.

There are other forums to discuss fighting style, this is a music related site (based on competition...so maybe its a fight....nah)


Re: What age have we here?


Post by TrojakEW »

I will not bother you anymore with this. My response was related to age and nothing more. You were the one wanting some "pictures".
Posts: 53
Joined: Tue Sep 10, 2019 16:28 CEST

Re: What age have we here?


Post by gruskada »

This looks like as good a place as any to introduce myself.

I heard about this site from Rekkerd.org a while back, and kept it in the back of my mind to submit a song here at some point. I finally did last week, and Roland suggested that I get to know the group a bit, so here I am :smile:

I started playing the piano at around age 10, and started playing guitar at age 16. I am 44 now. I was in a progressive rock band in college, but just play for fun and stress relief now. I have no mixing career - I'm just here to learn. I took Michael White's free course on YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... eY2MLoDsAJ ). It was incredibly long and dry, but full of good info. I also bought the Musician on a Mission mixing course, which I thought was pretty decent. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them.

In any case, I plan on trying my hand on at least a few mixes in the challenges.

Re: What age have we here?


Post by mattaroni_and_cheese »

Hi everyone,

Let's just say I'm old enough that I'm not passing a military PT test anytime soon, but young enough that I'm still physically and mentally active in a wide variety of pursuits :)

I started with music at a very young age playing instruments, never great honestly, and then many years ago started playing in working band and that's when I started getting into recording and production/mixing etc, first with 4-track tape and then discovering Reaper around 11 years ago ... then life happened and I got back in several years ago and have been focusing on mixing. I do enjoy making my own music as well, but that's a lot more effort for me.
colorado weeks
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2021 13:24 CEST
Location: delaware, usa

Re: What age have we here?


Post by colorado weeks »

don't really see any other introduction thread here, so hi! i'll be 28 by the end of this year.

i was a choir kid and generally was an active member of my school(s) music programs from my youth up until i started university, but ended up quitting performing music for a while because i thought i needed to get serious and focus on my very-serious-no-fun-allowed field of study. i went nuts for years denying myself of everything music-related (i considered it a "frivolous interest" at the time) before realizing that non-work interests are what keep people relatively sane.
it's been about two months since i started my journey into songwriting/the wide, scary world of audio engineering, and now i drive myself nuts writing silly songs and trying to make my tunes sound nice (which honestly, i'll take any day)

Re: What age have we here?


Post by joshfreeman »

25 and still a loser.
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