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MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by zed999 »

Thanks to Jeroen for providing the track. Good man! Fun song but tricky. I had a few goes at this, I think this was the best one. The drums and bass hold this track together giving the guitars a great base to be more easy going. I like that loose but tight thing. Nice.

Here's my attempt at mixing it..
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nd77thqyi5d07 ... 9.wav?dl=0

Anyone heard of Shaperbox? I used it on... just about everything really. Transient design, stereo effects, compression, distortion, gating. All the effects are 3 band with moveable boundaries. Nice tool.

Shaperbox audio triggered volume curves on kick, snare, toms to gate and shape and on the room and overheads for 3 band compression.
Reverb free Oril River.

Shaperbox for some frequency targeted grit, Free Basslane for some harmonics, EQ.

Hells teeth there's a lot of them!
Shaperbox for Audio triggered distortion. This is really great - same guitar can be clean quiet, distorted more and more the louder the input gets, volume controlled output keeps it all behaved as you hear in the "quiet bit".
Generally treated a lot of guitars as pairs. Distorted were left, shaperbox for all distortion and some 3 band compression. Lots of highs cutting, I'm old! FirComp on most for either de-essing the highs or general compression duties.

Organ... Sort of turned it up a bit out of guilt. Not really sure it adds anything it's like a sine wave but someone thought it did so in the mix it goes!

Free FireComp compressor, Fircomp, Nova... again lots of high cutting and taming. Not really happy how they sound, muddy... but the highs hurt my poor ears. Never really sure if it's my tinitus, hyperacusis distortion, my distorting woofer (one on order) or the track so I hit them. Reverb is Oril River again.

There was a fair bit of clip volume editing.

Mix bus.
Put the highs back and some general grit and compression with Taipei, A couple of db spike catching with free Kotelnikov and a free clipper to catch 3 or 4 it missed. These were not really used to increase volume.

I had a lot of trouble getting this to 16. It sounds fantastic at 12. :)

Note: I have no connection with Shaperbox other than using it and getting a nice surprise. Dan Worrall has done a great video on it. I've only been playing with it for a few days.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by PistolPete »

Title;Statistics - "MC091__SilverStoned__EyeOfTheNeedle__Pistolpete"
Loudness_Value;-17.45 LUFS
Loudness_Range;5.08 LU
Max_True_Peak_Level;-1.34 dBTP
Max_Momentary_Loudness;-12.65 LUFS
Max_Short_Term_Loudness;-15.31 LUFS
Sample Rate;44.100 kHz
Average RMS (AES-17) Left;-17.95 dB
Average RMS (AES-17) Right;-18.14 dB

Max. RMS Left;-15.37 dB
Max. RMS Right;-15.60 dB

Max. RMS;-15.37 dB
Min. Sample Value Left;-2.37 dB
Min. Sample Value Right;-2.37 dB
Max. Sample Value Left;-1.60 dB
Max. Sample Value Right;-1.62 dB

Peak Amplitude Left;-1.60 dB
Peak Amplitude Right;-1.62 dB
True Peak Left;-1.34 dB
True Peak Right;-1.39 dB
DC Offset Left;-76.36 dB
DC Offset Right;-76.58 dB
Bit Depth Left;24 bit
Bit Depth Right;24 bit

Estimated Pitch Left;1850.5Hz/A#5
Estimated Pitch Right;1849.6Hz/A#5

Here is my mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/144kHn1 ... sp=sharing

I want to thank the song provider for submitting us your music to the mix contest.. and thank you to Mister Fox as well for putting on this contest. I really enjoyed mixing this song. To me it reminded me of my high school days of Nirvana, 311, smashing pumpkins type feel, so I actually spend some time listing to music of this era and went for a “clean” but garage band type jamming style. I hope the artists like what I did but I did change the vibe a bit from the original mix so it’s a gamble always when doing this.

First I reduced gains to match level with pink noise around -15db to get a good starting point for the mix balance vs meter which gave me a ton of headroom to work with.

Obvious first steps, color coding the files, cutting filler “noise and silence” regions out of the data, listening to each group of instruments to hear what needed to be attacked.

I set panning carefully, keeping each guitar in its own “pocket” in the stereo field based on frequency and groove. I listened to a lot of the band 311 prior to mixing to get a feel how they did the guitars and went for a dedicated side for each guitar, with a ton of panning modulation and automation to create a pulsing stereo effect at times and to give thickness and dimension. I only used the DI tracks and scrapped the mic/amped ones as I wanted a cleaner sound. I used my own flavor on the guitar amping, different from the originals, but did keep the re-amp somewhat true to the original sound but swung in favor of my personal taste.

I didn’t do any direct processing on the guitar tracks except phase and time aligning all “like” guitar tracks to make sure there wasn’t any clashing.
  • On the main rhythm guitar and main groove guitar I did add a transient designer to give the amped guitars a slight real life motion to them.
    All tracks had a high/low pass filter on them cutting out any noise above/below their frequency zones.
    All guitars were linked to a volume VCA to control the group volume without affecting the individual blends and sends.
    The magic really came from a multitude of FX sends that are blended into each track to create depth, movement and distortion.
    One specific send I named guitar destroyer and it had eq, filter and modulation/reverb to completely destroy and buzz out the guitar mids, and then blended to liking on each guitar track to give a almost doubling effect and this was automatically leveled using a auto fader to give it life.

  • Drums were phase and time aligned to the left overhead to give a nice snap and clarity to the drums.
    On the kick and snare I used Omnichannel because of its sidechain feature which allows me to eq, tune, compress and tie it with the bass so the bass ducks the kick slightly to give it room to snap. Both snares and kick were eq’d to liking compressed and panned center.
    Most of the overhead tracks also had transient designers to sharpen the percussion and minimize noise and mud.
    Drums were all sync’d to a VCA volume channel and most of the “processing” was done via sidechain FX sends/returns.
Dedicated FX sends for drums were:
  • FX compressor – RS 124
    FX saturation – Blackbox
    FX distortion Devil Loc

  • Bass I used Omnichannel to EQ, compress and tune the bass as well as to sidechain to the kick to duck the kick slightly about 2db.

    I created a dedicated Bass FX channel which purpose was to thicken and spread the bass into the low-mids strongly and add a lot of destruction/distoration/buzz to help warm the sound.

    I added a bass fader rider to auto ride and give the bass a real feeling, and I added R-Bass and Maxx Bass to tune and thicken up the sub lows and low end.
The vocals I spend a lot of time on as I wanted them to really compliment the guitar and drive the song as well as wanted to keep it more “garage band” type grime to the vox as well as give them some nice “production” factor to the backups to give a more big studio element to the vox.
A lot of the focus was on the “sound” and thickness of the main vocal, and a lot of doubling/chorus/modulation and panning to the backups.

On the Main vocal
I used a transient designer, EQ, Little Alter Boy, and the new “magma” pre plugin to create a nice impactful, live present main vocal with some edge and grungy ness to the low mids.

Most of the processing was done via FX sends.

The vocal backups:
I used CLA vox and a ton of different FX sends. Manually created volume Automation of the entire backup vocal was used to really help the hook/chorus stand out from the verse, key words in the verse to have “doubled” backup effects and to create overall movement and liveliness in the song, and on the bridge to really give a completely different vibe.

The vocals were all set to a volume VCA and most of the processing was done via about 8 different FX sends all automated to each of the 3 channels.
These auxs were compression, delays, grunge/gritt distortion, thickness, and reverbs all used differently on each vocal track.

All tracks were sent to a main mix bus were virtually no processing was needed. I used RBass to tune the low mids a bit of the entire song and Soundtoys Sie-EQ to slightly sculp the overall Low – Mid – High balance and to give a lot of analog warmth.

On the main stereo bus all I had was a single limiter which probably wasn’t even doing much work just to prevent any overs which I really didn’t even need but set with a threshold of -1.5 and a out ceiling of 1.6. Just an ever slight glue was even noticed.

Really enjoyed mixing this song. My change in guitar amps is a gamble...i hope its well recieved and enjoyed.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by d8bflup »

This contest was more up my alley musicwise then most. However, I have plenty experience mixing this genre live, but never did this in a studio enviroment. So thanks to the provider to give me the opportunity.

link to the wav file:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zrcrei2qsl7yy ... p.wav?dl=0

As usual, I mixed this on my Soundtracs CM4400, using as little plugins as possible.

Kick - Some desk EQ + Pultec style EQ (lindell PEX-500) followed by the SPL transient designer
Snare Top - very minimal desk EQ, dbx 560A compressor - Yamaha SPX 990 plate reverb
Snare Bottom - Lo cut only - Yamaha SPX 990 plate reverb
Those three channels also go to a subgroup for paralell compression - Lindell 7X-500 (1176 style compressor)
Toms - high cut on the rack tom - Aphex Exciter on both toms - Yamaha SPX 990 plate reverb (a lot on the rack, almost none on the floor)
Room - did not use
OH's - low cut, rolloff the lows, a few dB's off the highs (all on the desk)
Most drum channels got a touch of Hall reverb from a TC M3000 to blend everything together

Bass - a few dB's off the lows and a boost at 400, 2A-KT (LA-2A style compressor)

I did use almost all of the tracks (skipped only one DI track
Most DI tracks and even some other tracks got a good dose of Presonus Ampire Amp simulator. I just browsed trough the presets until I found something interesting for the style of that particular track. Most Ampire tracks are just the presets with only very light tweaks
I did try putting all the guitars trough the ART VLA tube compressor. In the end however, I chose to leave the guitars uncompressed, the VLA did nothing to improve the guitars, propably because I chose mainly heavy distorted sounds in ampire. Distorted guitars are already heavely compressed.

Organ - No EQ, very low level in the mix

I comped Vocals 1 and 2, except for a low cut, no EQ on the desk. Vocal EQ was a WA EQP-WA pultec style EQ (heavy boost on 400 and 8k, light cut on 10k). A dynamic EQ by fabfilter was used to tame the highs and provide warmth. Vocal compresion was done by the 76-KT (1176 style) 8:1 fast attack and very fast release
Vocal 3 - only low cut, compressed with Lindell 7x-500 (1176 style)
Reverb for the vocals was the TC DVR250 plugin (default preset with a very short rev time)
Delay for the lead vocal was a TC D2 on the default 2290 preset




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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by JanLefr »

Hi everyone and thanks to @JeroenZuiderwijk for providing the track!

Here's my mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CNP1DU ... sp=sharing

Compared to the demo mix and what I've heard here so far I went for a somewhat tighter and cleaner version. However there's a lot of dirt going on! (can you have enough tubes? I think not :cool: )

Special things I did besides basic EQing and compression:

- Gate on Kick and Snare
- RBass on Kick for extra punch
- Roommic is squashed heavily with compression
- Parallel Compression on the drum bus: FX channel with heavily compressed drums that I carefully added to the main drums, sort of like a densening effect.
- Plate Verb on the Snare; the whole drumset placed in a room via FX send

- I split the bass into two tracks to process low end and mids/highs individually
- Send FX: mids/highs send into HG-2 Tube VST
- Send FX: lows and mids/highs send into Ampeg Bass Amp
- RBass, too!

- nothing fancy, just an EQ, some Saturation (Steinbergs Magneto II) and Reverb

- I went for my own guitar sound using the DI tracks and Steinbergs VST Amp Rack
- also I thought it was important to feature the Lead track in the mix
- Send FX: another HG-2 Tube VST
- Automation: for the quite bridge I turned down the fuzz amount on the guitar - I liked the idea of having a neat quite break before rocking on

- I used a whole bunch of send FX, but like the rest of the mix I didn't drown the vocals in FX but instead added them on a subtle level:
- small reverb/ big reverb/ multiple delays
- another instance of HG-2 Tubes!
- Parallel compression: crushed vocals added to the main signal to add density
- Automation: for the quite break I used two new delays that sound kind of spacy and flanging. Also the vocal DT doesn't stay on a constant level; to emphasize certain phrases I automated the DT level throughout the whole song

To glue it all together: subtle glue compression on the master bus!

I also did some minor timing corrections using time shift.

Looking forward to the evaluation :phones:
All the best
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by m_tree »

Nice track with good vibes! Thanks for this opportunity.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/qg1anwk2twpqa ... e.wav?dl=0

I thought the timing issues are more problematic before I heard the tracks. The drums are a bit shaky, but in the whole mix this doesn't bother me anymore. So I corrected nothing.

I like transparent mixes and follow a kinda oldschool mix approach (80s / 90s). Volume automation on all instruments (except the organ), the vocals and the master track. Automated some other details. Mixed with REAPER.

Gate on the Kick. EQ (some corrections and/or presence boosts) on the kick, snare, toms. Room: emphasized some low-end (without EQ), tamed the transients a bit and used heavy distortion instead of compression. Added different plate reverbs for kick+toms and the snare.
Folder: Compression with soft-clipping + black 1176, two different EQs (boosts with a passive one).

Slight limiting, distortion with emphasis of the upper mids, emphasized some low-end (without EQ), compression with 3:1 and a light mid boost (both with the SSL 4k-E).

Mixed it unobtrusive. Slight limiting & compression with the SSL 4k-E (2:1, fast attack and about 1 sec. release) - brightened it up a bit with softclipping and boost at 4-5 kHz.

There are no effects on the single tracks except of re-amping of some guitars. I treated all of them on two folders with different treatments (compression, distortion, EQ). In general I mixed them bone dry except guitar 01, 03 & 04 (which are sent to an EQed delay which is sent to a plate reverb - panned in different directions).

I used a separate folder for guitar 06, 11 & 12 (SSL 4k-E compression, distortion and EQ). Initial re-amping of guitar 11 & 12 with Waves GTR Amp (overdrive).

I think the guitars are recorded very well, so I EQed almost nothing on the other folder track. Re-amping with Waves GTR Amp (edgy) of guitar 2, 7, 9 & 10.
LA3A compression (stereo) on the main folder followed by slight EQ with the SSL 4k-E (HPF @120Hz, 2dB broad mid boost, 2dB bass boost with the shelf).

Also the vocals are recorded very well in my opinion, so I didn't EQ much. Unlike the guitars I mixed them atmospheric in the background.
I treated the three tracks on a folder track with the following settings: slight limiting, LA2A compression, light distortion, subtle EQ with the SSL 4k-E.
The track is sent to two delays with different lengths (both of them with feedback, EQ, panned in different directions) which are sent to a plate reverb.

Master track
Compression (Elysia Alpha Master, 1.5:1, fixed attack & release, 2dB GR av.), subtle mid/side EQ, Ozone 7 Vintape Tape, volume automation to bring up the choruses a bit.

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by SuC76 »


Here is my mix:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y796yA ... sp=sharing

Kick - copy to two track one of them gated, fg-n eq, added some bottom , and some high mids
Snare Top - copy to two track one of them gated, fg-n eq, added some 100 , and some high mids
Snare Bott - fg-n eq,
Rack gated - fg-n eq, and some reverb
Floor Tom - fg-n eq, and some reverb
OH L and OH R - subbed together, removed some lows and and added some highs
Roommic mono - crushed with cla-76 and added some room reverb

- bussed together, added some ssl 2:1, and some fg-n eq, automated during song

Bass - copied to 3 tracks, one of them is ampeg sim and on one of them added some overdrive

- bussed together, some sidechaing comp. to kick,and some fg-n eq, automated during song

Gtr 01 - roll off some bottom and top
Gtr 05 - roll off some bottom and top
Gtr 08 - roll off some bottom and top
Gtr 04 - roll off some bottom and top
Gtr 06 - roll off some bottom and top
Gtr 09 - added some jmp amp sim and copied to two track L, R
Gtr 10 - added some jmp amp sim to di track
Gtr 11 - added some jmp amp sim to di track

- bussed together, added some sidechain comp. and fg-n eq, added some 1k and 2,5k. added some short delay

Gtr 02 - not used
Gtr 03 - not used
Gtr 07 - not used
Gtr 12 - not used

Voc 01 - roll off some bottom, cla-76 blue, cla-3a, fairchild
Voc 02 - roll off some bottom, cla-76 blue, cla-3a, fairchild
Voc 03 - roll off some bottom, cla-76 blue, cla-3a, fairchild, added some mild overdrive and chorus

- bussed together , added some cla-76 blue comp. , fg-n eq , added some 1.6k, 3,5k and some top, added some devilloc
reverb and volume automation during song

Master bus
SSL native bus comp 4:1
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by ggibson1988 »

Hope you all enjoy...

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1luLI9c ... share_link

First: basic level balance.

Starting with Kick - Fabfilter Pro-Q3 with boos at 50Hz, 400Hz and 4kHz.
Added Waves (boo) submarine for more low end. 
Fairchild 670 with light compression.
Pro Tools Pro compressor with low pass on detection circuit. Slow attack fast release.
Sent to Kick Bus with Studer A800 for saturation and Pultec EQP-1A (boost at 60Hz, 5kHz)
Added parallel compression to Kick Bus.

Snare - Gated both Bottom and Top and ProQ3 on both.
Duplicated Bottom with heavy compression to bring out ghost notes.

OH’s - ProQ3, Saturation and compression. Automated panning for Crashes.

Bass - Duplicated Bass, low pass on one track, high pass on the other with Guitar Rig on high passed track for distortion. Summed to Bass Bus with Fairchild Compressor and ProQ3.

Re-Amped all guitars with Guitar Rig. Summed to Guitar bus with Fairchild 670, CLA 1176 and EQ. Guitar Bus sent to L/R slap delay and Room Verb.

Organ - Fairchild 670 and EQ.

Vocals - De-Essing with stock Pro-Tools De-Esser at 6.1kHz.
ProQ3, CLA 1176 and ProCompressor on all vocal tracks.
Parallel Compression on Voc 01.
Sends from Voc 01, and Voc 03 to L/R Slap Delay, 1/8 delay, 1/4 delay, and 1/2 delay. As well as Room Verb, Plate Verb and Hall Verb.

Stereo Bus - API 2500 Bus Compressor with Mix Bus - Mix Glue 1 preset, adjusted Threshold to net about 0.3 dB of reduction and minimal make up.
EQP-1A with boost / attenuation at 60Hz and 10kHz.
ProQ3 Mid/Side Equalization. (no more than 1dB of variation) and Ox Inflator.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Punchipum »


This is my first time trying to participate and I made the mistake of reading the rules after mixing and not before. So I think that my mix is ​​disqualified because I have used samples in the kick and snare and also compression in the Mixbuss and some tape emulation (things that I still don't quite understand why they are prohibited). But hey, as it has cost me a lot of work, I'll still leave my mix here even though it can't be part of the Challenge. Next time I hope I can stick to the rules although it's going to be very difficult for me because I always mix with a compressor on Mixbuss.

I would also appreciate some kind of feedback.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rGKbBs ... share_link
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by juhu »


1) Enjoy my mixdown of "EyeOfTheNeedle" by SilverStoned:
http://tinkerstate.com/mix-challenge/MC ... __juhu.wav

2) Documentation, but hold your horses because it is advisable to listen to the entire mixdown before reading any of the spoilers hidden below:
► Show Spoiler
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC091 April 2023 - Submissions until 21-04-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by rvalle »


Here's my version:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LjbMnw ... sp=sharing

This was a nice challenge since I didn't mix rock music so often. And it was really fun. Thanks @JeroenZuiderwijk for the submission. Must say that sometimes I totally forgot to mix and only enjoyed the song. Really good energy.

So, that was my movements:

- Biggest challenge was the kickdrum. I wanted a heavier timbre, stronger in the lows. So the struggle was to clean up the midlows a lot and accentuate the fundamental region. I used three equalizers for this, among them the excellent SplitEQ. The accentuation of the click with the "transient" function of this EQ really helped the kick stand up in the mix. Compression with Elysia Mpressor and some soft clip saturation with StandardClip.
- On the snare, besides equalization and compression, I added the Snare Top and Snare Bottom to a group track, where I inserted the Raum reverb to get that characteristic sound of the style. It ended up not being so apparent.
- The overs channels were also added into a group track for processing. I used Soothe2 and Lindell MBC for harshness control.
- on the remaining channels, just equalization and compression for a better blend.
- in the drumbus, I used the API Vision Channel Strip for treble tuning.

- the goal here was to keep the weight in the low frequencies and clean up the mids with EQs. I applied some distortion with the Decapitator and CrushStation and compression with TR5 Black76. Finally, I gave the stereo a little opening with the Eventide H949 Harmonizer.

- in the EQ, I filtered the bass below 150hz and accentuated the mids. I applied a chorus and delay effect with the H949 Dual Harmonizer.

- The guitars were grouped according to their function: rhythm, lead, and intro/outro.
- Rhythm: I used Guitar Rig 5, Eventide CrushStation and iZotope Trash2 for guitar timbre. Guitar 09 and 10 were opened in stereo. On the group track, I used Soothe2 to attenuate some resonances in the mid-bass.
- Leads: Only on guitar 03 I used Guitar Rig for timbre. As for the rest, only EQ. On the group track, again Soothe2.
- Intro/outro: Only EQ for a cleanup in the 150hz region.
- On the guitarbus, I used Soothe2 triggered by the vocals in sidechain, on mid/side mode just to open some space in the mid.

- On vocal 01, simple equalization to attenuate the 7khz region and compression with UAD LA-2A Silver;
- I divided vocal 02 into three tracks for different processing, depending on the moment of the song. In the verses, I processed with the H910 Harmonizer; in the bridge, I used severe compression with the LA-2A Gray and a very interesting effect from the H3000 Factory; in the chorus, I used the Unfiltered Audio SpecOps for a distortion effect.
- on vocal 03, I used a very strong compression with the Pulsar Smasher and created a spatialization with iZotope's Vocal Doubler.

Ambience: I opted for just one ambience processor, the Eventide SP2016 with a room preset.

I printed out the mixdown and processed it separately for loudness control. I took the opportunity to make small adjustments with the AMEK EQ200, as well as saturating with the UAD Fatso and AA Cream2.

Thanks again for the opportunity and good luck to all.
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