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MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by TrueFlowStudio »

@jw_ , many thanks man, it's corrected. By the way, great mix of yours! I still got a lot to learn.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by jules666 »


Here is my entry for the this months challenge:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aPABss ... sp=sharing

Drums: I use a couple of parallel compression chains here that I mix into, though all tracks had EQ/compression/saturation, shells also had a clipper on the end of the chain. I duplicated the Snare track and processed the second as a snare bottom track rolling everything below 3k off and compressing heavily, before sending to verb.
Room track was also duplicated, with one heavily compressed and saturated, the other had no saturation but verb added to difuse it a little.
Hi-Hat & Pump Hihat - had EQ/saturation and compression, with the rest of the cymbals having just saturationa and EQ. Did push the normal hi-hat track a little hard, hopefully it works though. :hihi:

Bass: Duplicated track twice, processed one for lows, the other for highs and the third had a little distortion to help cut through in mix.
Swell and Synth Bass: just had EQ and heavily saturated, and some 1176 on the synthbass.

Guitars: Mainly saturation/EQ/some compression, doubler/widening effect using delay and chorus was also used in a few places - and sent to a verb bus.
Lead: EQ/Saturation and a delay into a plate verb.
Bouzuki:EQ and saturation mainly, number 3 track did get some compression. All sent to chorus and verb. Pan automation used in places as well.

Piano: EQ/Saturation sent to a verb.
SFX: EQ and saturation and sent to a verb.

Vocals: my normal vocal chain, compression - EQ - Compression - EQ - COmpressor and then limiter and desser. Sends were automated to various fx, including chorus/verb/delays. Clip gained in places as well on some of the vocal tracks.

All instruments each have their own bus, with a little EQ/clipping and Waves NLS Bus to add a little analogue warmth.

I use a rear bus and a parallel compression bus that gets most of the final mix which are then bended back into the final output.
On final output I used a touch of clipping, subtle tape saturation, SSL compression and EQ.

Finally the entire mix has automation running all the over place, from simple volume to some panning/fx send moves as well.

Hope you enjoy
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by rvalle »

Hello friends!

Here's my entry for this challenge:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ydrNsu ... sp=sharing

Another great song to work with. Nice voice recordings. Nothing much needed to be changed.
I would like to thank @Christoph_K for the opportunity.

The aim here was to accentuate the feeling of the "character" returning from a sad, dark place to something more hopeful. To do this, I used ambience to sink the elements into the first parts of the song, especially the voice. At first, the reverbs are dense, long and muffled, becoming clearer and less obvious as the song progresses.
There wasn't much change in the timbres of the elements.
Some resonances were a bit of a chore to remove, like on the GTR 2 and the live HH;
Some guitars were stereoized with the bx_stereomaker and Voxengo Stereo Touch plugins;
An interesting detail was the beautiful effect achieved with DearVR Pro on the Farvox;
The ambience plugins, all as send fxs, were:
- DLY: Soundtoys Primal Tap (Chorused & Sinc'd MIDI preset), which received Main GTR, Bouzuki 3, Bottle Solo, Pitched Drop and DrumLoop;
- DLY Vox: UAD Cooper Time Cube (Rhythmic Echo preset), which received LV Intro, LV, Farvox, Home 1 L and Home 1 R;
- REV Vox: Sonible smartReverb (something between natural and rich), which received the vocal bus;
- REV Short: Eventide UltraReverb (Small Chamber preset), which received Main GTR, Bouzuki 1, Keys bus and Water Rings;
- REV Room: Eventide TVerb (preset The Venue CZ - Bus), which received the drum bus, GTR bus, Bouzuki 2 and Bottle Solo;
- REV Long: Acon Digital Verberate 2 (preset Empty Warehouse), which received Bottle Solo Amped, Bottle Solo, LV Intro, LV Intro FX, LV, Home 1 L and R, BG Home 1 L and R and the BGV 3.
I made a print of a single stereo file, opened in another project in Reaper, in which I used a bit of equalization to control the bass and also a bit of gain in the 2.5khz region; some bus compression with SPL Iron and harmonic saturation with IK Tape Machine 80.

Good luck to all. :tu:
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by scottfitz »

Home Notes

An absolute joy. Thanks so much for submitting this Christoph_k it’s a truly beautiful production. Thanks also to Mister Fox for hosting the best Mixing Contest on the internet. My main task this month - try not to ruin it!

Link for my mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WlBKNR ... sp=sharing

General approach

Brauer template used, thanks again to you for recommending this just over a year ago Christoph_K, it’s taken me a long time to get my head around it but I believe it’s helped me to raise my overall game.

I added a lot of delays and reverbs, tried to keep the compressors light and a certain amount of cleaning up of the low end was needed with the EQ. Many tracks were left untouched.

Specific Notes (in no particular order)

Intro Guitars
UA 176 with preset “Acoustic Finger Picked” trying to catch some of the notes which jump out.
Sent to Valhalla Plate with preset “LG-Guitar Cloud”

HPF 170Hz
Baby Audio TAIP with preset “Lo-Fi Piano Now” with drive dialled down.
Valhalla Delay preset LOFI-Reverb at 25% wet
HPF 240Hz

Lead Vox
Puslar 8200 with HPF 62Hz and +2dB HF shelf @10kHz
Weiss Deess from 6.5kHz
Softube FET medium attack, fast release 4:1
FireCobra saturator - “Vocal Awesomer” preset dialled back a little.

Sent to 3 effects channels
1) Valhalla Plate - MED - “Shiny and Chrome Vocal”
2) Arturia DELAY ETERNITY - “Basic Ping-Pong” with lowered feedback
3) Valhalla Supermassive - “80s Mod Room” used only for the last section

Auto aligned

Split EQ - “Kick Click + Thud” preset
EQ +3.5dB @67Hz and +2.5dB @160Hz
C2 compressor “Punchy Rock Kick” doing 4dB GR
Transient shaper -3dB off the sustain and +5dB punch
Signum Audio Skye Clipper doing around 1.5dB GR
EQ +1dB @40Hz
Softube Saturation Knob - “Keep Low” setting

Pulsar Massive - adding some highs
Kotelnikov doing 1-2dB GR
Germanium - Brauer type settings
Kazrog True Iron - Master Bus Sheen
The Oven - UpFront Energy

Thanks all and please message me if you’d like to know anything else in my settings for this mix, as usual I have a real time shortage due to a young son.

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by VasDim »

Hi all,
this is my attempt to mix:

https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlnxH7wdHQB2gys6KwK ... Z?e=QKJ5ki

For all track are used:
- Waves Q10;
- Waves C4;
- Db ProComp.

AUX Effect;
- Waves TrueVerb;
- Waves SuperTap;

Good luck to all.
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Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2019 09:17 CET

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by simola »


Here is my entry: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SRiZhc ... jLnyjMbyQ6

Really good and diverse song, but at the same time I had a bit hard time getting the balance good because of the great variety of dynamics. But nothing a bit of clip gain, volume automation and compression won't fix :smile:

Another challenge I made for myself this time was to mainly mix with Cubase stock plugins and that succeeded pretty well. Some third party plugins were used like Soothe 2 and Powair, but all main EQ and compression was done with Cubase stock plugins.

- Tried to get a roomy but a punchy sound for the live drum part later in the song
- Basic eq and compression and tried to dig out the room tone from the actual room track
- Routed to drums bus with couple of db of compression with slow attack and fast release

- Pretty consistant already at the source, but tried to dig out some midrange with EQ
- After that routed to bass bus with no processing there

- Mainly basic highpassing and minor compression + volume automation
- Routed all tracks to Keys bus with just a couple of db of compression

- First time using Cubases new Vocal Chain plugin which has all the EQ, compression, saturation, de-essing etc. in one plugin and it worked out pretty well
- Scooped out some honky midrange with Soothe 2 plugin
- After that used the Sound Radix powair plugins leveler feature to get a more consistant level for the Vocals
- Send the main vocals to a reverb FX channel which had the Soundtoys Little plate there
- Routed all vocal tracks to main vocal bus with no processing there

All the instrument busses were mainly used for volume automation duties in this project, not a lot of processing going there apart from that.
In the master channel I had the Brainworkx Townhouse bus compression with slow attack and fast release knocking out just couple of db's and a limiter to be sure not to exceed any given true peak values.

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Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2018 07:54 CEST

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by maxovrdrive »

Thank you very much @Christoph_K for providing the song.
I am grateful for your dedication to this endeavor @Mister Fox.

My mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/19II-Jm ... i_MG8/view

Method to the madness --- I just took a snapshot of my Reaper session... just ask if you're curious about something.

Master Track
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST3: The God Particle (Cradle)
VST: Slate Digital FG-X (x86) (Slate Digital)
VST: True Iron (Kazrog)
VST: ReaLimit (Cockos)
VST: Ghz Good Dither 3 (Goodhertz)

Hardware outputs:
Output 1
No sends

Track #1 "Home Master 20200313"
Volume: -3.74db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: on
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
Empty FX chain
Hardware outputs:
Output 1
No sends

Track #2 "DRMS"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: BC PatchWork (Blue Cat Audio) (9->8ch)
VST: SSLComp Stereo (Waves)
VST: ReaLimit (Cockos)

No sends

Track #3 "DRMSPAR"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: BC PatchWork (Blue Cat Audio) (9->8ch)
VST: Chandler Limited Germanium Comp (Softube)
VST: ReaLimit (Cockos)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

No sends

Track #4 "DROOM"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: TR5 CSR Plate (IK Multimedia)

No sends

Track #5 "01 Kick 909"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"
To track #24 "20 SynthBass"

Track #6 "02 Live HH"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: JJP-Cymb-Perc Mono/Stereo (Waves)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #7 "03 Pump HH"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 50% left, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: JJP-Cymb-Perc Mono/Stereo (Waves)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #8 "04 DrumLoop"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 50%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #9 "05 Kick"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"
To track #23 "19 Bass"

Track #10 "SHELLPLT"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 50%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: TR5 CSR Plate (IK Multimedia)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"

Track #11 "06 SN"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)
VST: ReLife (AnalogObsession)
VST3: Pulsar 1178 (Pulsar)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"
To track #10 "SHELLPLT"

Track #12 "07 RockTom"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)
VST: ReLife (AnalogObsession)
VST: ReaLimit (Cockos)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"
To track #10 "SHELLPLT"

Track #13 "08 FloorTom"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)
VST: ReLife (AnalogObsession)
VST: ReaLimit (Cockos)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"
To track #10 "SHELLPLT"

Track #14 "09 OH"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: JJP-Cymb-Perc Stereo (Waves)
VST: NA LoFi (Nembrini Audio)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #15 "10 Room"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: JJP-Cymb-Perc Stereo (Waves)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #16 "11 Trash"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #17 "12 Crash"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #18 "13 Ride"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 15% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #19 "14 Tambourin"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 40% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: JJP-Cymb-Perc Stereo (Waves)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #20 "15 Shaker"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 90% left, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: JJP-Cymb-Perc Stereo (Waves)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #21 "16 Action Strike"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: MV2 Stereo (Waves)
VST: dbx-160 Stereo (Waves)
VST: Harmonic Maximizer (x86) (BBE Sound)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #22 "18 Riser"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #2 "DRMS"
To track #3 "DRMSPAR"
To track #4 "DROOM"

Track #23 "19 Bass"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Trackspacer 2.5 (Wavesfactory)
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: DeEsser Mono (Waves)
VST: Comp TUBE-STA (Arturia)
VST: Spectre (Wavesfactory)

No sends

Track #24 "20 SynthBass"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Trackspacer 2.5 (Wavesfactory)
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: Comp TUBE-STA (Arturia)
VST: Spectre (Wavesfactory)

No sends

Track #25 "GTRMAIN"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: PuigChild 670 Stereo (Waves)
VST: Rev SPRING-636 (Arturia)

No sends

Track #26 "21 Intro GTR"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 45% left, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #25 "GTRMAIN"

Track #27 "22 Intro GTR Parallel"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 75% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #25 "GTRMAIN"

Track #28 "23 Intro Space GTR"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #25 "GTRMAIN"

Track #29 "24 Main GTR"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: Gem Dopamine (Overloud)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: SSLComp Mono (Waves)

To track #25 "GTRMAIN"

Track #30 "25 Main GTR Echo"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)

To track #25 "GTRMAIN"

Track #31 "26 Bouzuki 1"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 8% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: ReLife (AnalogObsession)

To track #25 "GTRMAIN"

Track #32 "27 Bouzuki 2"
Volume: -3.30db
Volume envelope
Pan: 30% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #25 "GTRMAIN"

Track #33 "28 Bouzuki 3"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 70% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #25 "GTRMAIN"

Track #34 "29 Reverse GTR"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)

To track #25 "GTRMAIN"

Track #35 "GTR"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: PuigChild 670 Stereo (Waves)
VST3: Gem EQ550 (Overloud)
VST: Spectre (Wavesfactory)
VST: Seventh Heaven Professional (LiquidSonics)

No sends

Track #36 "30 GTR 1"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: Gem Dopamine (Overloud)
VST: Saturation Knob (x86) (Softube)
VST: Spectre (Wavesfactory)

To track #35 "GTR"

Track #37 "31 GTR 2 L"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 100% left, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)

To track #35 "GTR"

Track #38 "32 GTR 2 R"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 100% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)

To track #35 "GTR"

Track #39 "BSFX"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Seventh Heaven Professional (LiquidSonics)

No sends

Track #40 "BOTSOL"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Comp TUBE-STA (Arturia)

To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #41 "33 Bottle Solo Amped"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 10% left, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)

To track #40 "BOTSOL"

Track #42 "34 Bottle Solo"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)

To track #40 "BOTSOL"

Track #43 "35 Accordion"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: Ozone Imager 2 (iZotope, Inc.)

To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #44 "36 Pitched Drops"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 60% left, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: Scheps 73 Stereo (Waves)
VST3: Pulsar 1178 (Pulsar)
VST: BC PatchWork (Blue Cat Audio) (9->8ch)

To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #45 "37 Piano Reverse"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
Empty FX chain
To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #46 "38 Piano Melo"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 60% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: Scheps 73 Stereo (Waves)
VST3: Pulsar 1178 (Pulsar)

To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #47 "39 Piano Pluck"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 40% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: Scheps 73 Stereo (Waves)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: BC PatchWork (Blue Cat Audio) (9->8ch)

To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #48 "41 Ambient Landscape"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: ReLife (AnalogObsession)
VST: Cinematic Rooms Professional (LiquidSonics)
VST: Ozone Imager (iZotope, Inc.)

To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #49 "42 Water Rings"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)

To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #50 "43 BassSwell"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #51 "44 Orchestra Swell"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FrontDAW (SoundeviceDigital)
VST: ReLife (AnalogObsession)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: Spectre (Wavesfactory)

To track #39 "BSFX"

Track #52 "LVALL"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Spectre (Wavesfactory)

No sends

Track #53 "LVSAT"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST3: Saturation Knob (Softube)

To track #52 "LVALL"

Track #54 "LV480"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: LX480 Complete (Relab Development)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #52 "LVALL"

Track #55 "LVDDL"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: NastyDLAmkII (x86) (Variety Of Sound)
VST: Weiss Deess (Softube)

To track #52 "LVALL"

Track #56 "LVLIQUID"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Cinematic Rooms Professional (LiquidSonics)
To track #52 "LVALL"

Track #57 "45 LV Intro"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Tube-Tech CL 1B (Softube)

To track #52 "LVALL"
To track #54 "LV480"

Track #58 "46 LV Intro FX"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Tube-Tech CL 1B (Softube)

To track #52 "LVALL"
To track #54 "LV480"

Track #59 "47 LV"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Tube-Tech CL 1B (Softube)
VST: Weiss Deess (Softube)
VST: Eiosis E2Deesser (Eiosis)

To track #52 "LVALL"
To track #53 "LVSAT"
To track #54 "LV480"
To track #55 "LVDDL"
To track #56 "LVLIQUID"

Track #60 "48 DBL"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Tube-Tech CL 1B (Softube)
VST: Weiss Deess (Softube)
VST: Ozone Imager 2 (iZotope, Inc.)

To track #52 "LVALL"
To track #54 "LV480"

Track #61 "49 Farvox"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Tube-Tech CL 1B (Softube)
VST: Ambience (x86) (Magnus @ Smartelectron:x)
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)

To track #52 "LVALL"
To track #54 "LV480"

Track #62 "BGV"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Tube-Tech CL 1B (Softube)
VST: Weiss Deess (Softube)
VST: Spectre (Wavesfactory)
VST: BC PatchWork (Blue Cat Audio) (9->8ch)

No sends

Track #63 "BGVROOM"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: FabFilter Pro-Q 3 (FabFilter)
VST: TR5 CSR Room (IK Multimedia)

No sends

Track #64 "BGVPLT"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Pantheon Reverb (x86) (Lexicon)

No sends

Track #65 "BGVLIQ"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Cinematic Rooms Professional (LiquidSonics)
No sends

Track #66 "50 BGV Swell"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
Empty FX chain
To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"

Track #67 "51 BG Home 1 L"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 45% left, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)

To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"
To track #65 "BGVLIQ"

Track #68 "52 BG Home 1 R"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 45% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)

To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"
To track #65 "BGVLIQ"

Track #69 "53 BG Home 2 M"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)

To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"

Track #70 "54 BG Home 2 L-R"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Scheps 73 Stereo (Waves)

To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"

Track #71 "55 BG Home Low 1"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 10% left, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)

To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"

Track #72 "56 BG Home Low 2"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 10% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)

To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"

Track #73 "57 BGV 3 M"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: center, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)
VST: Ozone Imager (iZotope, Inc.)

To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"

Track #74 "58 BGV 3 L"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 50% left, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)
VST: Ozone Imager (iZotope, Inc.)

To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"

Track #75 "59 BGV 3 R"
Volume: 0.00db
Volume envelope
Pan: 50% right, width 100%, default pan law
Mute: off
Solo: off
FX bypass: on
FX chain:
VST: Scheps 73 Mono (Waves)
VST: Ozone Imager (iZotope, Inc.)

To track #62 "BGV"
To track #63 "BGVROOM"
To track #64 "BGVPLT"
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Oct 26, 2023 19:37 CEST

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by BenoitCharbonnier »

Hello everyone here is my version

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xnwhap3y ... 27wz6&dl=0

I loved the song and the ambience created in the original mix, i tried to push it further.
i created a huge space using the new Klanghem spring reverb which i love, and a pulsar echorec for the delay trying to create that sense of huge space.
i wanted the basses to be driving the song when they come and to match the two sonically, i tried to make tke 909 and the drumkit to sound cohesive.
i used a short drum room for the drumkit and compression for a lot of individual sources, i used a vari-mu on the 2 bus doing very little.
one thing that i wanted to enhance is the action strike, i put them in a distortion box to make them sound like thunder.
the rest was balancing and putting into space.
i loved working on that song and i love the song too so that's a great combo.

goodluck everyone.
Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2023 20:40 CEST
Location: Ålesund, Norway

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by malene »

Thanks for the opportunity to mix this song. Here´s my mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o7MJ_o ... sp=sharing

I always mix in stem folders. So I can treat all my drums, bass, guitars, keys and vocals as separate units. And, when needed, as separate tracks.
On the drums and bass I use several instances of NLS, RBass, The shadowhill compressor, the BlackBox, and StandardClipper. The ShadowHill only takes 1dB off the drums and half a dB off the bass. I use a lot of parallel compression on the kick and snare.

For the vocal, I use Silk Vocal, a little bit of lo-fi, eq'ing out all the harsh frequencies around 250 hz, 700hz, 3500 hz, 5600 hz and 10500 hz with dynamic eq. And the famous CLA vocal plugin.
Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Jul 21, 2020 14:25 CEST

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC095 December 2023 - Submissions until 21-DEC-2023 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by UHLS »

Download: https://workupload.com/file/XZs6Azm6nCt
File MC095__Arvo_Kim_Noah__Home__UHLS.wav
Length 5:42.545
Peak -1.6
LUFS-I -17.6
Hi guys, thanks for the opportunity to mix this song.
This time I decided to use only three compressors (Waves CLA-2A/CLA-76, Kush AR-1) and one equalizer (bx_2098) for all tracks and splits.
Some splits and tracks have a Waves Doubler in parallel.
All Reverbs: several instances from Lexicon MPX.
On the 2bus I have a master eq (Hammer DSP), Clariphonic DSP and master comp (DDMF MagicDeathEye), in addition.

First I cleaned the tracks with Waves PSE, split them up and then used different effects on different splits from Waves GTR Stomp Suite, like a delay, chorus, tremolo, LayD etc.
With a few automations, the mixing progressed quickly.
In any Case, it was fun to mix this complex song, so thanks for that.
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