2024-SEP-01 Info: Every September, the Mix Challenge audio community brings awareness to the topic mental health. Please have a look at Songwriting Competition 085.

MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by kombainera »

My entry : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e9ZB9z ... sp=sharing

Thanks to all envolved and happy 10th Anniversary !!! To the song i am a bit disappointed that everything was so well recorded that there is not much to do exept the drums maybe. Starting on them a little low shelf on the kick and just hi passing on the rest samples no compression at the direct drum tracks at all. 3 paralel busses - drive - decapitator, tranzient shaper and lexicon style ambient revurb.

Bass guitar : L2 limiter to even a bit but not much , fab saturn to bring the low mids even more upfront , multiband for melodic control but again not doing so much and a bit low shelf boost 1-2 dbs.

Piano: LA-2a style comp. lexicon hall revurb. 1 db low end boost with hi pass.

Guitar: basic shelving eq again fab saturn ot the hi register mostly and telefunken spring revurb that is not easy to hear in the finale mix but its there.

Lead vocal: basic shelfing eq with low mids cleaning , deeser , rvox comp. - 2-3 db max , decapitator on insert and little microshift too. Lexicon style revurb again my goal was to make the vocals as feary as possible, slap back delay too

Back vocals: api 2500 comp. and room lexicon revurb

Mix bus: ssl e channel style plugin for some saturation and some cuting at the hi-es and 1-2 db smile eq style. bx_glue 1-2 db gain reduction max and some saturation again . fab pro l2 just to boost 3-4 db to come close to -1 db pick and the -16 lufs but it dosent do any limiting at all.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Chris46 »

Hey guys, nice song and thanks for the multitracks! :smile:
Last edited by Chris46 on Thu Jun 06, 2024 15:18 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by PauPeu »

Hello everyone! Thanks to the song provider for this opportunity.

It seems we are a little folkie lately, it's alright with me.

The result of this mix is kind of warm and mellow, giving the voice the main protagonist of the mix.

The mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uMqgQN ... sp=sharing

EDIT: I usually normalize the final track to -16lufs, I totally forgot, now it's at -18 so it's a little lower than usual.

There are 4 aux tracks with room verbs, lush verbs and a plate reverb for the voice (emt 140), all tracks have some of that, even the bass. It's useful to make a cohesive mix without over compressing.

Drums: the kick is now more mellow, I've removed the hi attack with eq, In the hihat there was a little bump on the 300hz z that bothered me a little so I turned down with eq. The other elements are quite preserved as the original tracks.

Drum Bus: Tape saturation with ozone tape, Tube tech style eq (with little touches here and there), then a touch of compression with MJUC, and a little limiting. Aux send to a convolution medium room "natural" reverb.

The snare also have a little spring verb for that special touch.

Bass: I like this performance a lot. Pultec style eq with a low boost and a 700hz boost for that cool nasal fretless tone, there is also touch of chorus (lex chorus) to emphasize it in the mix.

Guitars, I used the clean ones, removed the clicks with rx 7, and then added a bunch of tube saturation, finally a little pan to the left, also delayed it for 13 ms, it seemed a little rushed to me.

Piano, removed low end rumble and a hi shelf lift at 5k.

The 2 main voices, centered, de-essed, pultec style eq, and compressed and saturated with neold wunderlich.

The blackvoices, smooth hi and low filters, hard panned, hard de-essed, compressed with the arturia diode comp (neve) and saturated with ozone 5 tube.

MIXBUS: T-racks tape machine 24 for cohesion then a touch of clipping, compression and limiting

I hope you enjoy the mix, Good Luck!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by elements »

Mister Fox wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 16:04 CEST
elements wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 07:30 CEST
question: what is the official length of this song?
Thank you for bringing this up. This was a thread editing mistake on my part - I just fixed this, and also updated post #003.

In fact, the Mix Pack bundled TXT (General Info) lists 3:17min as runtime. Considering no "fade out" with the last bass note, and no safety net of silence in front/back for further editing, the song is actually 3:23min long.

:arrow_right: One final/bonus hint for the acoustic guitars:
► Show Spoiler
Thanks for the tip. It has me way inside delay land now. Which I might say is a good place to be.
White Punk OD
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by White Punk OD »

You can align the 2 guitar captures with your eyes + clip dragging, very similar to drum alignment, if the DAW can magnify down to blockpixel = sample.
Take care if you want the git forward-leaning or backward-leaning, by choosing which clip to shift.
Haas Delay isn't a bad idea either, depending on additional reverbs that may or may not have early reflection options.

A couple of mixes are down or not shared correctly!
Greetings % love to everyone.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by nico.mayorgaa »

Hi! How's it you doing?
My name is Nico Mayorga, I'm 24 years old and this is the first time I have participated in the contest.

Song link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sMvbEy ... sp=sharing

Software used: Studio One 6

Vocals: I used Vocaling for to align them, then eq, comp, eq, saturation in the mid frequencies and delay with reverb by send fx.
Doubling Vocals: I used the same elements and I added a doubler.

Drums: Eq, comp, eq, comp and saturation (in the Hihat, Stick and toms channel).

Guitars: Eq, comp, eq.

Piano: Eq and comp.

Drum bus: In the drum bus, I used a room reverb and a little of saturation and api-2500 comp.

Mixbus: In the mixbus I used an Tape Machine (Kramer Tape by Waves), eq (Amek 2500), Soothe 2, TR5 Quad Image, Reverb (YES! a Fabfilter Pro R for the glue in the mix) and an SSLComp to tighten the mix a little more.

my audio file is not 3:23
it is 3:18 long, why?
I find it unnecessary to leave so much time unlistened to

Thanks for all :D
All the best :smile: :smile: :smile:
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by UHLS »

Thank you for the opportunity to mix the song.
Since the band insisted on its own dynamics, I didn't use compression. Only the vocals are slightly compressed with H comp from Waves.
The noise the band mentioned came from the piano. So piano track got PSE waves expander, like the last note from the bass.
There were two EQs in use on all tracks:
F6 (waves) as a substractive eq to free the tracks of resonances, and Pre TridA (Arturia) as a character eq.
I worked on the drums in places with phaser and reverb from GTR3 stomps (waves), and on hihat with the panner,
to bring a little movement into the static drums.
Bass also got light phaser and flanger from GTR3 stomps.
Guitar is processed with slap delay for stereo width.
I processed instrumental bus with Softube Transient shaper instead of using a compressor.
Vocals are spread over three buses:
Main Vocals, Add Vocals and BV.
For this I used two hdelays (waves) and two Lexicon MPX for reverbs.
I still automated a few places in the mix, and that's it.


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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by tipa »

Hello !
It's been a while I haven't participated :)

DAW : Studio One 6

Monitoring : Slate VSX + super cheap but nice Edifier MR4 monitors

Vocals: 3 sub groups with each Nomad Factory Magnetic 3 + SSL Channel Strip 2 + Pro Q3.
Vocal Bus : Arturia Pre 1973 + Smooth Operator + SSL X-Comp + C6 + Automation

Drums: SSL Channel Strip 2 + some Pro Q3 + some StandardClip. Except API 2500 + API 550B + Pro Q3 on kick
Drum bus : Arturia Pre 1973 + Waves VComp + StandardClip

Piano : SSL Channel Strip 2 + Pro Q3 + Arturia VCA-65 + Trackspacer SC with Vocals

Guitar : SSL Channel Strip 2 + Pro Q3 + Arturia VCA-65 + Trackspace SC with Vocals

Bass : Kramer HLS + SSL Channel Strip 2 + Pro Q3 + Fuse + Vapor splitted from 225Hz+

Aux : Arturia LX24, Eventide SP2016, Valhalla Vintage Verb

Mixbus : Black Box + SSL Bus Comp 2 + StandardClip + Amek EQ250 + ML4000 + SmartLimit. Several plugins but light processings.

(reup with the right LUFS)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V_JMRb ... drive_link

Thanks you for listening :)
Last edited by tipa on Thu Jun 06, 2024 14:21 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by zed999 »

tipa wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2024 11:11 CEST
Hello !
It's been a while I haven't participated :)

DAW : Studio One 6

Monitoring : Slate VSX + super cheap but nice Edifier MR4 monitors

Vocals: 3 sub groups with each Nomad Factory Magnetic 3 + SSL Channel Strip 2 + Pro Q3.
Vocal Bus : Arturia Pre 1973 + Smooth Operator + SSL X-Comp + C6 + Automation

Drums: SSL Channel Strip 2 + some Pro Q3 + some StandardClip. Except API 2500 + API 550B + Pro Q3 on kick
Drum bus : Arturia Pre 1973 + Waves VComp + StandardClip

Piano : SSL Channel Strip 2 + Pro Q3 + Arturia VCA-65 + Trackspacer SC with Vocals

Guitar : SSL Channel Strip 2 + Pro Q3 + Arturia VCA-65 + Trackspace SC with Vocals

Bass : Kramer HLS + SSL Channel Strip 2 + Pro Q3 + Fuse + Vapor splitted from 225Hz+

Aux : Arturia LX24, Eventide SP2016, Valhalla Vintage Verb

Mixbus : Black Box + SSL Bus Comp 2 + StandardClip + Amek EQ250 + ML4000 + SmartLimit. Several plugins but light processings.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J-w-0U ... sp=sharing

Thanks you for listening :)
Did you read the loudness rules? -1dB peak, -16 LUFS.
Your "light processing" got you to -0.5dB peak, -9.4 LUFS.
Just a warning to anyone new to this game as Mr Fox is tired of repeating this himself.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC098 June 2024 - Submissions until 21-JUN-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by tipa »

zed999 wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2024 12:00 CEST
Your "light processing" got you to -0.5dB peak, -9.4 LUFS.
Just a warning to anyone new to this game as Mr Fox is tired of repeating this himself.
Oups sorry, reup.
Thank you for the warning !
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