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MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by bluesation »


At first, I did not want to mix this song, cause of the bad recording, especially the drums. I dont think mixing is a repair job. Serve good recordings and we get a good result, cause you cannot polish shit. But the vocals and the A guitar and trem guitar changed my mind.

First of all, I sliced all the drum tracks and put the pieces where they should be. Then I supported the kick and snare with just one sample of a kick and snare sound. With EQ, Compressor, Gate and Transient enhancer I came to a good result. The room track was bad and so muted it the whole song. Just a bit of reverb for the drum kit, a plate reverb for the snare. The overheads were set at a lower volume.

Further no special treatments, just a normal equing, compressing, gating. I did no surgical equing. The guitars are highpassed, the bass is splitted in two tracks, one the lows, one the highs. The lead vocal is doubled with a second track, which is soundwise the same as the first one. Ons goes into an ambience reverb, the second is left dry. The backing vocals as a whole go to the same ambience as the main vocal, but more wet. All in all I used just a little reverb. The gain guitar is very low in volume, cause it is so awful.

Here are the results:
wav: Shades of red
mp3: Shades of red

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by UprightJoe »

mp3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/42k15zywo0a9e ... e.mp3?dl=0
wav: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ixm5sw7y15pw ... e.wav?dl=0
screenshot 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9tgmgduj54uw ... e.png?dl=0
screenshot 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/846g9fpgfwftr ... e.png?dl=0

This is my first time participating in the contest - it was fun. Thanks to everybody who put this together!

First off, I didn’t think the drums and vocals were as bad as described. They have a really great vibe. From the description, I gather that Gary is looking for some creative treatment to be applied to the mix so I was a bit heavy handed with some of the panning and such. I only had a couple of days to turn this around due to travel or I would have tried to do more. FWIW, I work completely in the box using Digital Performer. I’m a big UAD enthusiast but I use plugins from a ton of different companies.

There were a few places where the drums were distractingly out of time. I manually corrected these areas by slicing and nudging the tracks. I’ll include screenshots to provide a sense of the amount of editing. It wasn’t very extreme IMO. I did a bit of pitch correction on the vocals - more on the harmonies than the lead. I removed sections of silence in the vocals to get rid of some breaths and mouth noises. I trimmed the beginning and end on the pads. I also removed EG1 and EG2 during the chorus as I felt the parts weren’t fitting the feel I was looking for.

I have a setup that I use which attempts to mimic Brauerization. I won’t go into all of the details but I sum everything into 4-5 busses which then get summed into a submaster which is finally routed to master. I also sum the drums to a drum bus and the vocals to a vocal bus which sends them off to an additional aux channel. This setup allows me to easily do parallel compression on the drums and vocals. Any given track tends to have multiple compressors in its chain making tiny amounts (less than 3dB) of gain reduction as needed. I usually only slam a compressor if it’s being used in parallel.

I notched out resonances in the overheads and acoustic guitar using Fabfilter. Everything else had pretty gentle EQ applied if it had anything beyond HPF or LPF. Drums were EQ’d using the UAD API Vision channel strip.

Delay / Verb
I ended up with 4 reverb channels and two delay (unusually high for me). I used the AUD AKG BX20 as my main reverb. I set three of these up. One panned hard right, and one panned hard left. For some instruments such as the acoustic guitar, I panned the instrument hard to one side and sent it to a reverb panned hard to the other. I used a plate reverb for the snare. I set up an eighth note ping pond delay and a quarter note delay that I could send various things to.

Misc Effects
I have a channel set up with a UAD Dimension D Chorus. I sent a bit of this and that to it (EG1 and EG2, pads, a bit of EGT GAIN). For the electric guitar solo, I ran it into amplitube with the amp modeling turned off so that I could access its cabinet and mic modeling. For the bass I used a UAD Ampeg SVTVR, Bass Rider, and the UAD 1176.

There was a fair bit of automation. Vocals, drums, the guitar solo, delay sends, etc...
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Henrik Hjortnaes
Posts: 91
Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2018 22:03 CET
Location: Dynaudio City, Skanderborg

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Henrik Hjortnaes »

My mix
Shades of Red.wav
Shades of Red.mp3

General vision
Listening to the raw song a couple of times, I immediately wanted to make the mix dry, close-up, warm, big, intimate and have clarity. The vocal and drums being the main elements to take me there and to dominate. I knew the raw drums would make it challenging due to the recording. I used a lot of time on just the snare alone, and it might be the most powerful brushes you've ever heard, hehe! No drum samples are used.

Elements I really liked
The raw vocal: what a great sound to have as a singer. Great low-end power yet incredibly clear, as it bulldozes through any mix you have going - in a good way. The guitar solos were another thing I fell in love with. Read more below. Also, the song is just great and composed well.

Drum performance
I only did 1 edit to align a hit. A full mapping and re-alignment would be a big task and possibly create a domino effect on all tracks, that would take time to get right.

Guitar solos
I edited and aligned the guitar solos to the drums (solo #1 needed help the most), to have the solos be more relaxed and in-time. Very minor EQ performed. Really cool to have 2 solos in one song! I mixed them with quite a lot of reverb and delay, but kept them forward in the mix with the help of Fuse Audio Labs VCL-25A levelling amp 5 dB. I wanted the solos to stand out, so I mono'ed the tremolo- and electric guitars center and lowered them in volume during the solos.
The guitar solo sound have a lot of, should we say, tonal personality, that may not sit well with everybody, but I made sure they had lots of space in the mix and turned up loud - because full exposure is sometimes what it takes to bring out the beauty of the beast!

Snare drum
Kick bleed removed, then subtractive eq (MDW EQ5), gate (Boz +10 db), Fuse Audio Labs levelling amp VCL-4 1.5 dB, -> into Drum bus -> into Mix bus. I reduced the overly bright snare in the overheads (by eq) and bussed the snare track to 4 different effects: Snare wires, Snare extender, Snare depth, Snare amb. I guess the names are selfexplanatory. I ended up with a dry, dark, more defined and fat sounding snare. I used Soundtoys Crystalizer to lengthen it ("80s Drum Sound" preset + tweaking). I'm probably gonna use this trick on future songs which have thin short sounding snares.

Kick drum
I also struggled with the kick. I had to do enormous amounts of eq to make it sound useable, holy cow! Boz GateyWatey, Ozone EQ, bx subfilter to add low-end resonance, BRA VEQ-1P for even more low-end shaping. No track compression.

Lead vocal
Oxford Inflator, MDW EQ5 exclusively subtractive, FAL VCL-4 compressor (3 dB), Slate FG-Stress (3 dB), HOFA Deesser light deessing, Waves F6 ducking 7 kHz, HOFA deesser BUS mode ducking 2-3 kHz range, bussing the track to 2 Slate VSC reverbs, d16 Repeater delay, Soundtoys EchoBoy for depth. Everything is subtle and impressively; no additive eq thanks to the raw track. Then off to Vocal Bus (Acustica El Rey 1 dB) -> Mix Bus.

Guitars electric
I created dubbed guitars for the gain- and tremolo guitar tracks, by copying and pasting bits and pieces around. It takes time but to have them genuinely dubbed and fully panned out stereo was worth it. I also created some guitar and bass slides to improve impact. If you know the song in detail, you will hear it. Again, the original sound of these guitars and the out-of-tune way they are played, may not suit all ears, but I gave them full throttle anyway because it works.

Guitars acoustic
Worth mentioning is Eiosis Deesser for taming the high frequency strumming spikes. I just loaded the preset "Acoustic Guitar Attacks UnCrisp" and done. No more excessive poking through.

Drum Bus
Kush Clariphonic, Slate Grey compressor 1 dB and FG-MU compressor 0 dB, Boz Mongoose (monoize from 215 Hz and down 6 dB/octave).

Mix Bus
Oxford Inflator, Kush Clariphonic, Slate FG-Red compressor 1 db, MDW EQ5 (subtractive), Kush Hammer EQ, Waves F6 (dynamic ducking 129 Hz by 2 dB), Acustica El Rey compressor 1 db.

Plug-ins worth mentioning and used throughout the mix
Wavesfactory Trackspacer (for transparency), Oxford Inflator (transparent increase of instrument body), MDW EQ5 (great for subtractive eq), Boz Pan Knob (keeps panning sounding natural), Fuse Audio Labs VCL-25A and VCL-4 (transparent levelling), Acustica El Rey compressor (bumps the low end and adds "goodness"), HOFA deesser (very versatile and great sounding "frequency ducker").

A lot more is going on, on the remaining tracks, but the above is the most important / interesting. Lots of automation and minimal use of compression throughout the whole mix.

Loudness values

Code: Select all

Integrated LUFS: -16.9 LUFS
Short Term LUFS: -12.9 LUFS
True Peak: -1.0 dBTP
Peak: -1.1 dB
Dynamic Range: 9.1 DR
Loudness Range: 11.5 LU
Export from Pro Tools

Code: Select all

SESSION NAME:	Copy of MC050_Gary_Germaine Round1 20
SAMPLE RATE:	44100.000000
BIT DEPTH:	24-bit

P L U G - I N S  L I S T I N G
MANUFACTURER            	PLUG-IN NAME            	VERSION         	FORMAT          	STEMS                   	NUMBER OF INSTANCES
Acustica                	EL REY                  	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	3 active
Black Rooster Audio     	VLA-3A                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	VHL-3C                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	VHL-3C                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
                        	VEQ-1P                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
                        	VEQ-1P                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Boz Digital Labs        	L8R                     	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	L8R                     	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Stereo           	1 active
                        	Mongoose                	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
                        	Gatey Watey             	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
                        	Pan Knob                	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Stereo           	14 active
                        	Plus 10 db              	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
D16 Group Audio Software	Repeater                	1.1.6           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	4 active
Eiosis                  	Eiosis E2Deesser         	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Fuse Audio Labs         	VCL-25A                 	1.1.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 inactive
                        	VCL-25A                 	1.1.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
                        	VCL-4                   	1.3.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 inactive
                        	VQA-154                 	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
HOFA                    	HOFA IQ-DeEsser         	1.0.4           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	3 active
                        	HOFA IQ-DeEsser         	1.0.4           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	3 inactive
HoRNet                  	HoRNetTape              	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
IK Multimedia           	AmpliTube 4             	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
Klanghelm               	VUMTdeluxe              	2.1.2           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Kush Audio              	Clariphonic DSP MKII    	1.1.1           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
                        	Hammer DSP              	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Massenburg Design Works 	MDWNEQ5 5B              	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	12 active, 5 inactive
Mastering the Mix       	Reference               	1.1.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 inactive
                        	LEVELS                  	2.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 inactive
MeldaProduction         	MAutoAlign              	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	6 active, 2 inactive
                        	MAutoAlign              	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Native Instruments      	Transient Master-AAX        	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
Plugin Alliance         	bx_subfilter            	1.1.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
Slate Digital           	VBC Rack               	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	VBC FG-Red             	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	Virtual Mix Rack         	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	3 active
                        	Virtual Mix Rack         	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 inactive
                        	VerbSuite Classics        	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	6 active
Sonarworks              	Sonarworks Reference 4         	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 inactive
Sonnox                  	Oxford Inflator         	3.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	3 inactive
                        	Oxford Inflator         	3.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	4 active
SoundToys               	Crystallizer        	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	EffectRack          	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	4 active
Waves Audio             	F6-RTA               	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	3 active
                        	F6-RTA               	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
Wavesfactory            	SnareBuzz               	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	SnareBuzz               	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 active
                        	Trackspacer 2.5         	2.5.1           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 active
                        	Trackspacer 2.5         	2.5.1           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	6 active
iZotope, Inc.           	iZotope Trash 2       	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
                        	Tonal Balance Control      	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	Ozone 8 Equalizer      	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
                        	Ozone 8 Maximizer      	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active

T R A C K  L I S T I N G
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	Gatey Watey (mono)	Ozone 8 Equalizer (mono)	bx_subfilter (mono)	VEQ-1P (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Kick_02                       	           1|1	          82|2	     81|1| 499	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Snare.01
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Plus 10 db (mono)	VCL-4 (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Snare.01_02-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	Snare.01_02-02                	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Tom rack
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Tom rack_03-02                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	Tom rack_03-04                	           5|3	          24|4	     19|0| 538	Unmuted
1       	3       	Tom rack_03-03                	          24|4	          25|1	      0|1| 252	Unmuted
1       	4       	Tom rack_03-08                	          25|1	          38|1	     13|0| 177	Unmuted
1       	5       	Tom rack_03-06                	          38|1	          39|1	      0|3| 774	Unmuted
1       	6       	Tom rack_03-10                	          39|1	          40|1	      1|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	7       	Tom rack_03-07                	          40|1	          82|2	     42|1| 019	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Tom floor
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Tom floor_02-02               	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	Tom floor_02-04               	           5|3	          24|4	     19|0| 538	Unmuted
1       	3       	Tom floor_02-03               	          24|4	          25|1	      0|1| 252	Unmuted
1       	4       	Tom floor_02-08               	          25|1	          38|1	     13|0| 177	Unmuted
1       	5       	Tom floor_02-06               	          38|1	          39|1	      0|3| 774	Unmuted
1       	6       	Tom floor_02-10               	          39|1	          40|1	      1|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	7       	Tom floor_02-07               	          40|1	          82|2	     42|1| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
STATE: Hidden Inactive Muted 
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	EGT Lead.1-01.L               	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	EGT Lead.1-02.L               	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	OH Left-13                    	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	OH Left-14                    	           5|3	          24|4	     19|0| 538	Unmuted
1       	3       	OH Left-05                    	          24|4	          25|1	      0|1| 252	Unmuted
1       	4       	OH Left-10                    	          25|1	          38|1	     13|0| 177	Unmuted
1       	5       	OH Left-08                    	          38|1	          39|1	      0|3| 774	Unmuted
1       	6       	OH Left-12                    	          39|1	          40|1	      1|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	7       	OH Left-09                    	          40|1	          82|2	     42|1| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	OH Right-13                   	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	OH Right-14                   	           5|3	          24|4	     19|0| 538	Unmuted
1       	3       	OH Right-05                   	          24|4	          25|1	      0|1| 252	Unmuted
1       	4       	OH Right-10                   	          25|1	          38|1	     13|0| 177	Unmuted
1       	5       	OH Right-08                   	          38|1	          39|1	      0|3| 774	Unmuted
1       	6       	OH Right-12                   	          39|1	          40|1	      1|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	7       	OH Right-09                   	          40|1	          82|2	     42|1| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
STATE: Hidden Inactive 
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	ROOM-02                       	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	ROOM-03                       	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	VHL-3C (mono)	Oxford Inflator (mono)	AmpliTube 4 (mono)	VCL-25A (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Trackspacer 2.5 (mono)	Trackspacer 2.5 (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	BASS DI-14                    	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	BASS DI-15                    	           5|3	          24|2	     18|3| 058	Unmuted
1       	3       	BASS DI-03                    	          24|2	          24|3	      0|1| 401	Unmuted
1       	4       	BASS DI-05                    	          24|3	          53|2	     28|2| 283	Unmuted
1       	5       	BASS DI-Poly                  	          54|1	          54|1	      0|0| 451	Unmuted
1       	6       	BASS DI-12                    	          54|1	          54|3	      0|1| 469	Unmuted
1       	7       	BASS DI-16                    	          54|3	          55|1	      0|2| 323	Unmuted
1       	8       	BASS DI-18                    	          55|1	          55|2	      0|1| 101	Unmuted
1       	9       	BASS DI-20                    	          55|2	          56|1	      0|2| 864	Unmuted
1       	10      	BASS DI-22                    	          56|1	          56|2	      0|1| 254	Unmuted
1       	11      	BASS DI-23                    	          56|2	          79|2	     22|3| 201	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Oxford Inflator (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	VCL-4 (mono)	Virtual Mix Rack (mono)	HOFA IQ-DeEsser (mono)	F6-RTA (mono)	HOFA IQ-DeEsser (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	V.cm-05                       	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	V.cm-06                       	           5|3	          57|2	     51|3| 129	Unmuted
1       	3       	V.cm-03                       	          58|2	          61|4	      3|2| 215	Unmuted
1       	4       	V.cm-04                       	          62|4	          82|2	     19|2| 412	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	VOX DUP2_04-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	VOX DUP2_04-02                	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	VOX Dup1_04-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	VOX Dup1_04-02                	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	BG VOX 1_02-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	BG VOX 1_02-02                	           5|3	          81|3	     76|0| 101	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	VOX DUP_02-01                 	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	VOX DUP_02-02                 	           5|3	          81|3	     76|0| 101	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	BG VOX 2_02-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	BG VOX 2_02-02                	           5|3	          81|3	     76|0| 101	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	AG neck_03-07                 	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	AG neck_03-08                 	           5|3	          29|3	     24|0| 009	Unmuted
1       	3       	AG neck_03-06                 	          29|3	          35|3	      6|0| 405	Unmuted
1       	4       	AG neck_03-05                 	          35|4	          54|1	     18|1| 115	Unmuted
1       	5       	AG neck_03-02                 	          54|1	          59|4	      5|3| 581	Unmuted
1       	6       	AG neck_03-03                 	          59|4	          82|2	     22|1| 697	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	AG body_03-07                 	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	AG body_03-08                 	           5|3	          29|3	     24|0| 009	Unmuted
1       	3       	AG body_03-06                 	          29|3	          35|3	      6|0| 405	Unmuted
1       	4       	AG body_03-05                 	          35|4	          54|1	     18|1| 115	Unmuted
1       	5       	AG body_03-02                 	          54|1	          59|4	      5|3| 581	Unmuted
1       	6       	AG body_03-03                 	          59|4	          82|2	     22|1| 697	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G 1_02-01                     	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	G 1_02-02                     	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G 2_02-01                     	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	G 2_02-02                     	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G gain_01-06                  	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	G gain_01-07                  	           5|3	          61|4	     56|1| 340	Unmuted
1       	3       	G gain_01-02                  	          61|4	          62|3	      0|2| 781	Unmuted
1       	4       	G gain_01-03                  	          62|3	          82|2	     19|2| 818	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G gain.dup1_02-01             	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	G gain.dup1_02-02             	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	G gain start
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	L8R (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	EGT GAIN-Reverse_01-01        	          29|1	          29|1	      0|0| 228	Unmuted
1       	2       	EGT GAIN-23                   	          29|1	          29|2	      0|0| 162	Unmuted
1       	3       	EGT GAIN-07                   	          29|2	          29|2	      0|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	4       	G gain_01-05                  	          29|2	          29|3	      0|1| 193	Unmuted
1       	5       	EGT GAIN-07                   	          54|1	          54|1	      0|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	6       	G gain_01-04                  	          54|1	          54|1	      0|0| 285	Unmuted
1       	7       	G gain start_01-01            	          62|2	          62|3	      0|1| 720	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Oxford Inflator (mono)	Virtual Mix Rack (mono)	VCL-25A (mono)	HOFA IQ-DeEsser (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G solo_03-01                  	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 408	Unmuted
1       	2       	G solo_03-02                  	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G trem_01 L                   	           1|1	          81|4	     80|3| 322	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G trem_01 R                   	           1|1	          81|4	     80|3| 322	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Pad 1 (Stereo)
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	iZotope Trash 2 (stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Pad 1-02.L                    	           1|1	           2|3	      1|2| 217	Unmuted
1       	2       	Pad 1-03.L                    	           2|4	           3|1	      0|0| 937	Muted
1       	3       	Pad 1-05.L                    	           3|4	           4|3	      0|3| 410	Unmuted
1       	4       	Pad 1-06.L                    	           4|4	           5|3	      0|3| 120	Muted
1       	5       	Pad 1-09.L                    	           6|1	          80|4	     74|2| 880	Unmuted

2       	1       	Pad 1-02.R                    	           1|1	           2|3	      1|2| 217	Unmuted
2       	2       	Pad 1-03.R                    	           2|4	           3|1	      0|0| 937	Muted
2       	3       	Pad 1-05.R                    	           3|4	           4|3	      0|3| 410	Unmuted
2       	4       	Pad 1-06.R                    	           4|4	           5|3	      0|3| 120	Muted
2       	5       	Pad 1-09.R                    	           6|1	          80|4	     74|2| 880	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Pad 2 (Stereo)
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	iZotope Trash 2 (stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	PAD 2-05.L                    	           1|1	           2|3	      1|2| 217	Unmuted
1       	2       	PAD 2-06.L                    	           2|4	           3|1	      0|0| 937	Muted
1       	3       	PAD 2-08.L                    	           3|4	           4|3	      0|3| 410	Unmuted
1       	4       	PAD 2-09.L                    	           4|4	           5|3	      0|3| 120	Muted
1       	5       	PAD 2-12.L                    	           6|1	          74|4	     68|3| 214	Unmuted
1       	6       	PAD 2-03.L                    	          74|4	          77|1	      2|1| 224	Unmuted
1       	7       	PAD 2-04.L                    	          77|1	          80|4	      3|2| 420	Unmuted

2       	1       	PAD 2-05.R                    	           1|1	           2|3	      1|2| 217	Unmuted
2       	2       	PAD 2-06.R                    	           2|4	           3|1	      0|0| 937	Muted
2       	3       	PAD 2-08.R                    	           3|4	           4|3	      0|3| 410	Unmuted
2       	4       	PAD 2-09.R                    	           4|4	           5|3	      0|3| 120	Muted
2       	5       	PAD 2-12.R                    	           6|1	          74|4	     68|3| 214	Unmuted
2       	6       	PAD 2-03.R                    	          74|4	          77|1	      2|1| 224	Unmuted
2       	7       	PAD 2-04.R                    	          77|1	          80|4	      3|2| 420	Unmuted

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by philk »


This was fun to mix. Or should I say fun to edit? :D Editing took me about a whole afternoon, maybe 4-5 hours, but once I stepped down that rabbit hole, I had to do each and every channel. I really like editing and I think especially with material like this, editing is more than half of the job as I think of mixing as "taking source material and do whatever it takes to deliver something the artist might like". I tried to maintain a natural feel by not aligning every single hit, just fixing something here and there. I think it turned out great.

Once edited, this song nearly mixed itself in my opinion. For better mixing results, I built a second gain-guitar and edited the tremolo guitar in a way it would support and suit the rest of the mix, as it didn't do that right from the start in my opinion, due to tempo variations.

I worked very little on the single elements to keep a natural sound.

Drums: I supported the original drums with some samples, which I liked. Parallel Comp, EQ, Reverb, Soothe

Bass: Splitting in high and low for more control, some saturation, an ampsim for grit, EQ

Acc-Git: Comp, EQ, Reverb, Deess

E-Git: little Comp, EQ, Reverb, Delay, Soothe

Pads:: EQ, Reverb

Vocals: Editing with Revoice, Comp, EQ, Deess, Saturation, Delay, Reverb

Mix: EQ, 2dB of Buscomp, a little stereo spread, aroma, inflation, tape machine simulation

Here are my files:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/6t7rb2pe2v1uy ... k.wav?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/nss8ybr95qqyn ... k.mp3?dl=0

Thanks for your time!! :love:

Cheers, Phil
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by jeffssoloband »

Dear Gary Germaine and the Mix Challenge Community,

Please find my submission for MC050 here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/voz3eu0lu093f ... d.wav?dl=0

MP3 for reference:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8om55iviazw6f ... d.mp3?dl=0

My Process: (NB- all was done ITB in Logic Pro X, no samples or additional tracks were added. Also, I did not use any tracks from the "Old Takes" folder.):
  • For Starters:
Since the song was recorded without a click track, my first step was create a beat map. It mostly hovered around 72 bpm in 4/4 time, but there was a lot of fluctuation. I also switched three measures to 2/4 to keep the downbeat in the right spot throughout. I wouldn't always do this, but since the song provider mentioned "a psychedelic atmosphere to compliment the melancholy nature of the song," I decided it would be a benefit down the line when using host-synced effects. I then went through each individual track do apply high- & low-pass EQ to remove any unnecessary frequencies. Then on to my sub-mixes...
  • Drums:
I started with the drums. I let the room and overhead tracks do most of the heavy lifting. I used a really fast gate on the kick & snare, and then used a transient shaper to get it to sound the way I wanted. I then blended them into the room & OH mix until it was just snappy enough. I went pretty basic with the rest of the drums tracks (i.e. EQ & compression). Then I ran the complete drum sub-mix through a compressor in parallel, and a chamber reverb.
  • Bass:
Bass got some harmonic distortion, and some vintage-style compression.
  • Electric Guitars:
The two clean rhythm guitars were panned hard left & hard right, with the distorted guitar & solo guitar straight up the center. The tremolo guitar has a circling panning effect to help give it some movement. All but the tremolo guitars were fed through a tape emulator, and reverb was added. The Lead guitar had to have a healthy dose of compression for me to get it to sit in the mix where I wanted it.
  • Acoustic Guitar:
I ran the acoustic guitar through Crystallizer & some echo (Soundtoys) to add to some extra psychedellic-ness to the overall feel of the song.
  • Pads:
The pad tracks were panned hard left & hard right. I then ran the both of the through some harmonic distortion, and also gave them a circling panning-effect.
  • Lead Vocals:
Vocals were subtly pitch corrected, compressed, slightly distorted, and then ran through a Cathedral-style reverb. I also sent the vocals through an auxiliary track with a tape emulator followed by a plate reverb. I mixed this aux track into the other lead vocal track in an effort to get that MMJ sort of reverb without overdoing it.
  • Background Vocals:
The two harmon vocal tracks were panned hard left and hard right, and the unison track was straight up the middle. All three bg tracks were aggressively pitch corrected, compressed, and run through a pretty heavy plate reverb.
  • Putting it together:
I did some dynamic EQ-ing to each of the sub-mixes to ensure all of the parts were coming through. The Stereo Out track has a compressor set with a very low ratio & threshold to tame any sneaky transients. There is also an EQ present to tame some of the harsh high frequencies.

Feel free to hit me up with any questions/ comments/ concerns. Thanks for listening, and good luck to all.

Best regards,
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder
We're in the final 24 hours to submit your mix

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Franz »

Hi Gary, Hi everyone,

Wow, what a challenge this month ! Really fascinating ! Because you say "it's open for interpretation and experimenting".
So, the dice are thrown away. Regarding your original mix, I find it very flat, without relief or personality, sound like HI-FI.
By listening to the tracks, we are indeed surprised : taking for example the two tracks of the guitars of accompaniment
(EGT1 and EGT2) and listening to them together, this "sounds" sometimes very bizarre, almost false.
The drums has a fairly pronounced swing, and does not always seem to be in place. These are defects but it will be
necessary to transform assets through mixing. Seriously, differences in the setting of a single dB change the whole sound of the title.
For me, it's all these imperfections that make the real charm of the title. Now let's try to give a musical meaning to this sad story.
If all these tracks exist (except the old tracks that are to be excluded), it is that they represent something specific that will have
to be exploited at best. In fact, everything must be linked: the instruments and the (the) voices. And everything must be linked
(that's why, among other things, I extended the "feedback" of the guitar "metal" at the end of his second intervention
to smooth the arrival of the guitar solo).
Since there is a lot of ways to look at a painting or an image, there is so much to listen to a piece of music.
And there, these are quite personal feelings that, in principle, are not discussed ... Truce chatter, let's get down to business.
Here is the technique :

Using Reaper, Samplitude Pro 3 and mixing on Tascam 4800 with Alesis HD24
+ external effects gears (reverbs and compressors)

Note: I did not use samples but only the existing tracks

_snare: equa +16 dB at 5,66 Khz and Q = 2,87
+ equa + 16 db at 140 Hz and Q = 1.20
+ equa + 6 db at 1.78 kHz and Q = 0.82
+ equa +10 db at 2 Khz and Q = 0.82
and reverb Tektronics Plate (external gear, not a plugin)
_kick: equa + 16 dB at 2.52 Khz and Q = 1.20
+ equa +18 db at 4.42 Khz and Q = 2.14
+ equa + 8 dB at 42 Hz and Q = 1.71
+ equa + 16 dB at 63 Hz and Q = 0.67
then Tascam compressor: thres = -10 dB, ratio = 10.0: 1
attack = 0 ms and release = 180 m
_OH: equa: + 14 dB at 13.5 Khz and Q = 0.38

NO “toms” tracks used (we find them in O.H. tracks)
NO “room” tracks used

BASS: use only D.I.
equa: + 14 dB at 8 khz and Q = 1.41
+ equa: + 8 dB at 88 Hz and Q = 1.41

PADS: no equa, use more reverb with external gear (Lexicon 300)

GUITAR (AGT); first mix between body and neck, then equa:
+ 4 db at 5.66 Khz and Q = 0.47
+ 6 dB at 74 Hz and Q = 2.14
+ external reverb SRV 2000 Roland
then the same guitar without equa and reverb in a plugin "Vandal" of Magix
with chorus and phasing then rendered stereo by the rains "Widener”
to arrive at a total of 3 tracks (a stereo and a mono) balancesfully.
GUITARS : electric one and two + tremolo: no equa no reverb no comp

GUITAR "metal" : I used the plugin "Vandal" of Magix "to remake another metal sound "and made the result in stereo with the plugin" Widener Polyverse " : once at 200% + a second time to 150%
then equa: + 8 dB at 2.52 Khz and Q = 1.41
and + 12 dB at 891 Hz and Q = 2.87
and all with a Lexicon 300 stereo reverb

GUITAR lead : first use of a plugin "transcend shaper" then equa :
+4 dB at 3.56 Khz and Q = 1.71 + reverb Lexicon

THE CHOIRS : no particular action, no equa, only “TC stéréo reverb” in the Tascam 4800

THE VOICE : equa: + 8 dB at 3.36 Khz and Q = 2.87
+ equa: +12 dB at 125 Hz and Q = 074
plus a very very light Lexicon 300 stereo reverb.

and to finish with the master output of the Tascam 4800 and to contain everyone arriving on the bus,
I used the compressor of this console with the following very sharp settings:
tresh: - 8 dB ratio: 1.18: 1 attack: o ms and release 5 ms simply not to exceed 0 dBvu

And here's the result :

WAV :https://www.dropbox.com/s/hu9whrj126na1 ... v.wav?dl=0
MP3 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/6zjapxfs53zhq ... 3.mp3?dl=0

Good listening, I hope you enjoy and good luck to all. And thank you Gary for this excellent title!



Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by s&f »

Henrik Hjortnaes wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 22:24 CET
My mix
Shades of Red.wav
Shades of Red.mp3

General vision
Listening to the raw song a couple of times, I immediately wanted to make the mix dry, close-up, warm, big, intimate and have clarity. The vocal and drums being the main elements to take me there and to dominate. I knew the raw drums would make it challenging due to the recording. I used a lot of time on just the snare alone, and it might be the most powerful brushes you've ever heard, hehe! No drum samples are used.

Elements I really liked
The raw vocal: what a great sound to have as a singer. Great low-end power yet incredibly clear, as it bulldozes through any mix you have going - in a good way. The guitar solos were another thing I fell in love with. Read more below. Also, the song is just great and composed well.

Drum performance
I only did 1 edit to align a hit. A full mapping and re-alignment would be a big task and possibly create a domino effect on all tracks, that would take time to get right.

Guitar solos
I edited and aligned the guitar solos to the drums (solo #1 needed help the most), to have the solos be more relaxed and in-time. Very minor EQ performed. Really cool to have 2 solos in one song! I mixed them with quite a lot of reverb and delay, but kept them forward in the mix with the help of Fuse Audio Labs VCL-25A levelling amp 5 dB. I wanted the solos to stand out, so I mono'ed the tremolo- and electric guitars center and lowered them in volume during the solos.
The guitar solo sound have a lot of, should we say, tonal personality, that may not sit well with everybody, but I made sure they had lots of space in the mix and turned up loud - because full exposure is sometimes what it takes to bring out the beauty of the beast!

Snare drum
Kick bleed removed, then subtractive eq (MDW EQ5), gate (Boz +10 db), Fuse Audio Labs levelling amp VCL-4 1.5 dB, -> into Drum bus -> into Mix bus. I reduced the overly bright snare in the overheads (by eq) and bussed the snare track to 4 different effects: Snare wires, Snare extender, Snare depth, Snare amb. I guess the names are selfexplanatory. I ended up with a dry, dark, more defined and fat sounding snare. I used Soundtoys Crystalizer to lengthen it ("80s Drum Sound" preset + tweaking). I'm probably gonna use this trick on future songs which have thin short sounding snares.

Kick drum
I also struggled with the kick. I had to do enormous amounts of eq to make it sound useable, holy cow! Boz GateyWatey, Ozone EQ, bx subfilter to add low-end resonance, BRA VEQ-1P for even more low-end shaping. No track compression.

Lead vocal
Oxford Inflator, MDW EQ5 exclusively subtractive, FAL VCL-4 compressor (3 dB), Slate FG-Stress (3 dB), HOFA Deesser light deessing, Waves F6 ducking 7 kHz, HOFA deesser BUS mode ducking 2-3 kHz range, bussing the track to 2 Slate VSC reverbs, d16 Repeater delay, Soundtoys EchoBoy for depth. Everything is subtle and impressively; no additive eq thanks to the raw track. Then off to Vocal Bus (Acustica El Rey 1 dB) -> Mix Bus.

Guitars electric
I created dubbed guitars for the gain- and tremolo guitar tracks, by copying and pasting bits and pieces around. It takes time but to have them genuinely dubbed and fully panned out stereo was worth it. I also created some guitar and bass slides to improve impact. If you know the song in detail, you will hear it. Again, the original sound of these guitars and the out-of-tune way they are played, may not suit all ears, but I gave them full throttle anyway because it works.

Guitars acoustic
Worth mentioning is Eiosis Deesser for taming the high frequency strumming spikes. I just loaded the preset "Acoustic Guitar Attacks UnCrisp" and done. No more excessive poking through.

Drum Bus
Kush Clariphonic, Slate Grey compressor 1 dB and FG-MU compressor 0 dB, Boz Mongoose (monoize from 215 Hz and down 6 dB/octave).

Mix Bus
Oxford Inflator, Kush Clariphonic, Slate FG-Red compressor 1 db, MDW EQ5 (subtractive), Kush Hammer EQ, Waves F6 (dynamic ducking 129 Hz by 2 dB), Acustica El Rey compressor 1 db.

Plug-ins worth mentioning and used throughout the mix
Wavesfactory Trackspacer (for transparency), Oxford Inflator (transparent increase of instrument body), MDW EQ5 (great for subtractive eq), Boz Pan Knob (keeps panning sounding natural), Fuse Audio Labs VCL-25A and VCL-4 (transparent levelling), Acustica El Rey compressor (bumps the low end and adds "goodness"), HOFA deesser (very versatile and great sounding "frequency ducker").

A lot more is going on, on the remaining tracks, but the above is the most important / interesting. Lots of automation and minimal use of compression throughout the whole mix.

Loudness values

Code: Select all

Integrated LUFS: -16.9 LUFS
Short Term LUFS: -12.9 LUFS
True Peak: -1.0 dBTP
Peak: -1.1 dB
Dynamic Range: 9.1 DR
Loudness Range: 11.5 LU
Export from Pro Tools

Code: Select all

SESSION NAME:	Copy of MC050_Gary_Germaine Round1 20
SAMPLE RATE:	44100.000000
BIT DEPTH:	24-bit

P L U G - I N S  L I S T I N G
MANUFACTURER            	PLUG-IN NAME            	VERSION         	FORMAT          	STEMS                   	NUMBER OF INSTANCES
Acustica                	EL REY                  	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	3 active
Black Rooster Audio     	VLA-3A                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	VHL-3C                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	VHL-3C                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
                        	VEQ-1P                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
                        	VEQ-1P                  	2.2.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Boz Digital Labs        	L8R                     	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	L8R                     	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Stereo           	1 active
                        	Mongoose                	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
                        	Gatey Watey             	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
                        	Pan Knob                	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Stereo           	14 active
                        	Plus 10 db              	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
D16 Group Audio Software	Repeater                	1.1.6           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	4 active
Eiosis                  	Eiosis E2Deesser         	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Fuse Audio Labs         	VCL-25A                 	1.1.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 inactive
                        	VCL-25A                 	1.1.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
                        	VCL-4                   	1.3.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 inactive
                        	VQA-154                 	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
HOFA                    	HOFA IQ-DeEsser         	1.0.4           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	3 active
                        	HOFA IQ-DeEsser         	1.0.4           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	3 inactive
HoRNet                  	HoRNetTape              	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
IK Multimedia           	AmpliTube 4             	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
Klanghelm               	VUMTdeluxe              	2.1.2           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Kush Audio              	Clariphonic DSP MKII    	1.1.1           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
                        	Hammer DSP              	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Massenburg Design Works 	MDWNEQ5 5B              	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	12 active, 5 inactive
Mastering the Mix       	Reference               	1.1.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 inactive
                        	LEVELS                  	2.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 inactive
MeldaProduction         	MAutoAlign              	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	6 active, 2 inactive
                        	MAutoAlign              	0.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
Native Instruments      	Transient Master-AAX        	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
Plugin Alliance         	bx_subfilter            	1.1.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
Slate Digital           	VBC Rack               	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	VBC FG-Red             	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	Virtual Mix Rack         	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	3 active
                        	Virtual Mix Rack         	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 inactive
                        	VerbSuite Classics        	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	6 active
Sonarworks              	Sonarworks Reference 4         	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 inactive
Sonnox                  	Oxford Inflator         	3.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	3 inactive
                        	Oxford Inflator         	3.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	4 active
SoundToys               	Crystallizer        	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	EffectRack          	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	4 active
Waves Audio             	F6-RTA               	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	3 active
                        	F6-RTA               	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
Wavesfactory            	SnareBuzz               	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	SnareBuzz               	1.0.0           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 active
                        	Trackspacer 2.5         	2.5.1           	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	2 active
                        	Trackspacer 2.5         	2.5.1           	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	6 active
iZotope, Inc.           	iZotope Trash 2       	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	2 active
                        	Tonal Balance Control      	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active
                        	Ozone 8 Equalizer      	AAX Native      	Mono / Mono             	1 inactive
                        	Ozone 8 Maximizer      	AAX Native      	Stereo / Stereo         	1 active

T R A C K  L I S T I N G
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	Gatey Watey (mono)	Ozone 8 Equalizer (mono)	bx_subfilter (mono)	VEQ-1P (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Kick_02                       	           1|1	          82|2	     81|1| 499	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Snare.01
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Plus 10 db (mono)	VCL-4 (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Snare.01_02-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	Snare.01_02-02                	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Tom rack
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Tom rack_03-02                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	Tom rack_03-04                	           5|3	          24|4	     19|0| 538	Unmuted
1       	3       	Tom rack_03-03                	          24|4	          25|1	      0|1| 252	Unmuted
1       	4       	Tom rack_03-08                	          25|1	          38|1	     13|0| 177	Unmuted
1       	5       	Tom rack_03-06                	          38|1	          39|1	      0|3| 774	Unmuted
1       	6       	Tom rack_03-10                	          39|1	          40|1	      1|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	7       	Tom rack_03-07                	          40|1	          82|2	     42|1| 019	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Tom floor
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Tom floor_02-02               	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	Tom floor_02-04               	           5|3	          24|4	     19|0| 538	Unmuted
1       	3       	Tom floor_02-03               	          24|4	          25|1	      0|1| 252	Unmuted
1       	4       	Tom floor_02-08               	          25|1	          38|1	     13|0| 177	Unmuted
1       	5       	Tom floor_02-06               	          38|1	          39|1	      0|3| 774	Unmuted
1       	6       	Tom floor_02-10               	          39|1	          40|1	      1|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	7       	Tom floor_02-07               	          40|1	          82|2	     42|1| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
STATE: Hidden Inactive Muted 
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	EGT Lead.1-01.L               	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	EGT Lead.1-02.L               	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	OH Left-13                    	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	OH Left-14                    	           5|3	          24|4	     19|0| 538	Unmuted
1       	3       	OH Left-05                    	          24|4	          25|1	      0|1| 252	Unmuted
1       	4       	OH Left-10                    	          25|1	          38|1	     13|0| 177	Unmuted
1       	5       	OH Left-08                    	          38|1	          39|1	      0|3| 774	Unmuted
1       	6       	OH Left-12                    	          39|1	          40|1	      1|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	7       	OH Left-09                    	          40|1	          82|2	     42|1| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	OH Right-13                   	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	OH Right-14                   	           5|3	          24|4	     19|0| 538	Unmuted
1       	3       	OH Right-05                   	          24|4	          25|1	      0|1| 252	Unmuted
1       	4       	OH Right-10                   	          25|1	          38|1	     13|0| 177	Unmuted
1       	5       	OH Right-08                   	          38|1	          39|1	      0|3| 774	Unmuted
1       	6       	OH Right-12                   	          39|1	          40|1	      1|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	7       	OH Right-09                   	          40|1	          82|2	     42|1| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
STATE: Hidden Inactive 
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	ROOM-02                       	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	ROOM-03                       	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	VHL-3C (mono)	Oxford Inflator (mono)	AmpliTube 4 (mono)	VCL-25A (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Trackspacer 2.5 (mono)	Trackspacer 2.5 (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	BASS DI-14                    	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	BASS DI-15                    	           5|3	          24|2	     18|3| 058	Unmuted
1       	3       	BASS DI-03                    	          24|2	          24|3	      0|1| 401	Unmuted
1       	4       	BASS DI-05                    	          24|3	          53|2	     28|2| 283	Unmuted
1       	5       	BASS DI-Poly                  	          54|1	          54|1	      0|0| 451	Unmuted
1       	6       	BASS DI-12                    	          54|1	          54|3	      0|1| 469	Unmuted
1       	7       	BASS DI-16                    	          54|3	          55|1	      0|2| 323	Unmuted
1       	8       	BASS DI-18                    	          55|1	          55|2	      0|1| 101	Unmuted
1       	9       	BASS DI-20                    	          55|2	          56|1	      0|2| 864	Unmuted
1       	10      	BASS DI-22                    	          56|1	          56|2	      0|1| 254	Unmuted
1       	11      	BASS DI-23                    	          56|2	          79|2	     22|3| 201	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Oxford Inflator (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	VCL-4 (mono)	Virtual Mix Rack (mono)	HOFA IQ-DeEsser (mono)	F6-RTA (mono)	HOFA IQ-DeEsser (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	V.cm-05                       	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	V.cm-06                       	           5|3	          57|2	     51|3| 129	Unmuted
1       	3       	V.cm-03                       	          58|2	          61|4	      3|2| 215	Unmuted
1       	4       	V.cm-04                       	          62|4	          82|2	     19|2| 412	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	VOX DUP2_04-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	VOX DUP2_04-02                	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	VOX Dup1_04-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	VOX Dup1_04-02                	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	BG VOX 1_02-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	BG VOX 1_02-02                	           5|3	          81|3	     76|0| 101	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	VOX DUP_02-01                 	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	VOX DUP_02-02                 	           5|3	          81|3	     76|0| 101	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	BG VOX 2_02-01                	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	BG VOX 2_02-02                	           5|3	          81|3	     76|0| 101	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	AG neck_03-07                 	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	AG neck_03-08                 	           5|3	          29|3	     24|0| 009	Unmuted
1       	3       	AG neck_03-06                 	          29|3	          35|3	      6|0| 405	Unmuted
1       	4       	AG neck_03-05                 	          35|4	          54|1	     18|1| 115	Unmuted
1       	5       	AG neck_03-02                 	          54|1	          59|4	      5|3| 581	Unmuted
1       	6       	AG neck_03-03                 	          59|4	          82|2	     22|1| 697	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MAutoAlign (mono)	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	AG body_03-07                 	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	AG body_03-08                 	           5|3	          29|3	     24|0| 009	Unmuted
1       	3       	AG body_03-06                 	          29|3	          35|3	      6|0| 405	Unmuted
1       	4       	AG body_03-05                 	          35|4	          54|1	     18|1| 115	Unmuted
1       	5       	AG body_03-02                 	          54|1	          59|4	      5|3| 581	Unmuted
1       	6       	AG body_03-03                 	          59|4	          82|2	     22|1| 697	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G 1_02-01                     	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	G 1_02-02                     	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G 2_02-01                     	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	G 2_02-02                     	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G gain_01-06                  	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	G gain_01-07                  	           5|3	          61|4	     56|1| 340	Unmuted
1       	3       	G gain_01-02                  	          61|4	          62|3	      0|2| 781	Unmuted
1       	4       	G gain_01-03                  	          62|3	          82|2	     19|2| 818	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G gain.dup1_02-01             	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 480	Unmuted
1       	2       	G gain.dup1_02-02             	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	G gain start
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	L8R (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	EGT GAIN-Reverse_01-01        	          29|1	          29|1	      0|0| 228	Unmuted
1       	2       	EGT GAIN-23                   	          29|1	          29|2	      0|0| 162	Unmuted
1       	3       	EGT GAIN-07                   	          29|2	          29|2	      0|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	4       	G gain_01-05                  	          29|2	          29|3	      0|1| 193	Unmuted
1       	5       	EGT GAIN-07                   	          54|1	          54|1	      0|0| 153	Unmuted
1       	6       	G gain_01-04                  	          54|1	          54|1	      0|0| 285	Unmuted
1       	7       	G gain start_01-01            	          62|2	          62|3	      0|1| 720	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	MDW Native 5B AAX Parametric EQ (mono)	Oxford Inflator (mono)	Virtual Mix Rack (mono)	VCL-25A (mono)	HOFA IQ-DeEsser (mono)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G solo_03-01                  	           1|1	           5|2	      4|1| 408	Unmuted
1       	2       	G solo_03-02                  	           5|3	          82|2	     76|3| 019	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G trem_01 L                   	           1|1	          81|4	     80|3| 322	Unmuted

USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	Pan Knob (mono/stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	G trem_01 R                   	           1|1	          81|4	     80|3| 322	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Pad 1 (Stereo)
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	iZotope Trash 2 (stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	Pad 1-02.L                    	           1|1	           2|3	      1|2| 217	Unmuted
1       	2       	Pad 1-03.L                    	           2|4	           3|1	      0|0| 937	Muted
1       	3       	Pad 1-05.L                    	           3|4	           4|3	      0|3| 410	Unmuted
1       	4       	Pad 1-06.L                    	           4|4	           5|3	      0|3| 120	Muted
1       	5       	Pad 1-09.L                    	           6|1	          80|4	     74|2| 880	Unmuted

2       	1       	Pad 1-02.R                    	           1|1	           2|3	      1|2| 217	Unmuted
2       	2       	Pad 1-03.R                    	           2|4	           3|1	      0|0| 937	Muted
2       	3       	Pad 1-05.R                    	           3|4	           4|3	      0|3| 410	Unmuted
2       	4       	Pad 1-06.R                    	           4|4	           5|3	      0|3| 120	Muted
2       	5       	Pad 1-09.R                    	           6|1	          80|4	     74|2| 880	Unmuted

TRACK NAME:	Pad 2 (Stereo)
USER DELAY:	0 Samples
PLUG-INS: 	iZotope Trash 2 (stereo)
CHANNEL 	EVENT   	CLIP NAME                     	START TIME    	END TIME      	DURATION      	STATE
1       	1       	PAD 2-05.L                    	           1|1	           2|3	      1|2| 217	Unmuted
1       	2       	PAD 2-06.L                    	           2|4	           3|1	      0|0| 937	Muted
1       	3       	PAD 2-08.L                    	           3|4	           4|3	      0|3| 410	Unmuted
1       	4       	PAD 2-09.L                    	           4|4	           5|3	      0|3| 120	Muted
1       	5       	PAD 2-12.L                    	           6|1	          74|4	     68|3| 214	Unmuted
1       	6       	PAD 2-03.L                    	          74|4	          77|1	      2|1| 224	Unmuted
1       	7       	PAD 2-04.L                    	          77|1	          80|4	      3|2| 420	Unmuted

2       	1       	PAD 2-05.R                    	           1|1	           2|3	      1|2| 217	Unmuted
2       	2       	PAD 2-06.R                    	           2|4	           3|1	      0|0| 937	Muted
2       	3       	PAD 2-08.R                    	           3|4	           4|3	      0|3| 410	Unmuted
2       	4       	PAD 2-09.R                    	           4|4	           5|3	      0|3| 120	Muted
2       	5       	PAD 2-12.R                    	           6|1	          74|4	     68|3| 214	Unmuted
2       	6       	PAD 2-03.R                    	          74|4	          77|1	      2|1| 224	Unmuted
2       	7       	PAD 2-04.R                    	          77|1	          80|4	      3|2| 420	Unmuted
I found this mix great!!! wow, nice job!!! any chance u can share the project so I can study what u did? if u can't I totally understand. good job!!!

I was going to participate in this challenge but got too busy. what a great song. I think it deserves a re - record. ur voice is really nice on this record!!!! congrats
kevin gobin

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by kevin gobin »


What a great singer!!!

https://www.dropbox.com/s/mz9jy81hap5fp ... n.wav?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/62fut3c6kyjtt ... n.mp3?dl=0

What I tried to achieve first was a kind of vintage David Bowie sounding mix. Do not ask me why.

My eq and pan settings are what you mostly hearI think.

A little reverb here and there, delays too.

I used no samples on drums.

I played with a little chorus and tremolo on electric clean guitars to add depth and homogeneity with what I had.

I added a bit of echo and magnetic sauce on the guitar solos.

I used a 2 mix busses technique (one clean one compressed) to stay clean but still dense and excited.

Then I tried to add entertainment with automation.

I can explain further if anyone asks.

Good luck Gary with the thousands of listenings!!!

Merry Xmas everybody.

See you soon.
Last edited by kevin gobin on Fri Dec 21, 2018 17:40 CET, edited 1 time in total.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC050 December 2018 - Submissions until 21-12-2018 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by guiZgui »

kevin gobin wrote:
Fri Dec 21, 2018 15:58 CET

What a great singer!!!

https://www.dropbox.com/s/6k8hlubine83t ... 2.mp3?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/n3dh1y3lrnw8k ... 2.wav?dl=0

Hi Kevin gobin !
just to say that you put the wrong link, it leads to the previous mix challenge track !

See you soon.
Post Reply