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MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Winners announced

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MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Winners announced


Post by Mister Fox »

Hello and welcome to the Mix Challenge 57 - August 2019

This is the introduction post, where we directly link to the challenge corresponding files (source files, submission information, sponsors), start of the evaluation process and the first post for re-submissions for Mix Round 2.

This month, we'll get access to a Smooth Jazz production by Dirk Mallwitz, written for the movie "WALTER" (2018) by Zejnula Sahiti. The song is called "Don't leave me", and the main focus of this particular challenge is to create a homogeneous mix that feels like it is being performed on a small stage, or even a jazz bar.

Read more about the production below, and in the bundled TXTs.

Please take note of the following
  • IMPORTANT: It is mandatory to provide WAV files, files need to be accessible/downloadable, try to work within suitable work levels (the focus of this game is "mixing", not mixing and finalizing), document your edits (ideally with screenshots), name the files properly to distinguish your edit from all others.
    IMPORTANT: please use the following naming convention (Contestant Name = Forum Username):
    • MC000_ArtistName_TrackName_ContestantName.wav
    • MC000_ArtistName_TrackName_ContestantName_R2.wav for those that go into Mix Round 2
  • please only upload to cloud storage spaces (DropBox, GoogleDrive, etc), not SoundCloud. Please consult the official "Rules and Gudelines" regarding Upload and Submission Guidelines
  • It is highly encouraged to give feedback to each other, to share tips and tricks. Ideally, this should happen after Mix Round 1 has ended, to not influence each other during the main competition round

Also please take note of the following
  • We're desperately looking for new source material for future competitions. Please follow our official campaign. Your only investment is time in turn for a free mix by our very talented participants. No new tracks mean no more challenges! Please reach out!
  • Social Media accounts can be found via the handles @MixChallenge (Twitter) and MixChallenge (Facebook). Please spread the word!
  • if you like what the Mix Challenge (community) has been doing in recent months, please consider supporting us.

This post will be updated with the corresponding links as we progress, and of course the suitable thread headlines. So please watch this spot:

Submission Period: General Information, Source Files, Sponsors
Mix Round 2: Global Feedback and Round 2 Participant Announcement
Results of the Mix Challenge 57: Winners announced
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Mister Fox
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Submissions until 21-08-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »


Time Frame: Thursday, 01st August 2019 to Wednesday, 21st August 2019 (21 days)

Challenge submission will end on 21-08-2019, 11:59pm CEST/GMT+2 (Germany) - until further notice.

Want to find out if you're still within the deadline, please consult the following options:
The Global Countdown on it's dedicated page or the countdown on the home page. You can also consult the World Clock at the top of the forum or alternatively the following tool - in this case please select "Berlin (Germany)" as location 1, and your location as location 2: Time and Date - World Clock Meeting Planner. We do post reminders via our Twitter account and Facebook page.

Song Provider: Dirk Mallwitz (feat. Sara Milena Imhoff)
Song Name and Length: Don't leave me (from the movie "WALTER" by Zejnula Sahiti), 2:31 min
Song Information: 130 BPM / Signature: 3/4, Key of C maj
File Format: WAV, 48kHz, 24bit

GENRE: Smooth Jazz

Preview of the Song:
phpBB [media]

A word from the song provider:
Dirk Mallwitz wrote:Plot: the main character, Walter, had a really bad day. He has lost his job, his girlfriend has left him, after he found her with another guy. so now he is in a live music bar with only one purpose: getting drunk quickly. Unfortunately he's being confused with a gangster carrying a bag with drugs - so his bad day isn't over yet...

The vocals start right away with no intro because of the script: the singer is already on stage when walter enters the bar. so the voice must be very present from the first second.

The challenge here is to make the song sound as if it was performed in a live jazz bar. So don't (over-) use big reverbs, for example. Avoid any harshness, if possible. Personally, I prefer a warm sound with a solid and round low end.

As always: no re-sampling allowed. please. use ALL tracks and do not re-arrange anything.

(more technical details in the Mix Pack bundled TXTs)

A few words by the Mix Challenge staff:
Staff (Mister Fox) wrote:"Don't leave me" might look easy on paper (especially if you take a look at the host screenshot), but this production can go various routes. Understanding the overall concept while paying attention to detail is the main key of this particular mixing challenge.

If you watch the music video, you'll notice that there is a certain room sound for the drums, while the vocals are sounding modern and very present. The current mix has a very late 80s/early 90s European Jazz/Pop-Rock feel. Depending on a certain focus on filtering, saturation and send effects, you can turn this song into a late 60s production, up until the sound of modern jazz/pop productions from the last 10 years.

I do recommend taking a dive on Youtube with the search term "Jazz Club". There you can find plenty of examples of live gigs at larger environments. But also productions like "The Hot Sardines - Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen", "Bright Lights Late Nights - the Speakeasies' Swing Band!", "Black Swamp Village - the Speakeasies' Swing Band!", "Rose & The Howling North 'Cuckoo'" (although the production is a bit too distorted for my taste), "Becca Krueger Cover of Ray Charles "Hit the Road Jack"", etc. Just to name a few examples. Although they do lack the strings and epiano parts a bit.

And of course there is still the Collective Cadenza (CDZA) and Postmodern Jukebox - two rotating musical collectives that got popular with cover versions of modern productions, but ported to "jazz and swing". I can more than recommend taking a closer look at those two groups to get inspired in terms of audio productions.

Other than that, have fun and good luck.

Please also consult the TXT files that are bundled in the source files package below. There you can find more information about the individual files and changes to the time signature.

Special Add-On Rules:
  • try to create a mix that complements this production (in your own style)
  • Clean / Alternative versions can be used if you need more flexibility over a certain sound (if present in this production)
  • No rearrangement or pitch shifting of the song structure, with the exception of the following add-on rules
  • PRODUCTION RELATED: make the best out of the provided audio material (EQ, compression, transient tools, etc), no "drum sample triggering / replacement"! Failing to adhere to this rule will result in instant disqualification
  • summing bus processing is allowed, as long as the dynamic range (average signal strength to maximum signal strength) doesn't suffer - use of this method is artistically!
  • try to not(!) pre-master the track (please no overuse of mix bus treatment, no loudness adjustments / limiting) - read: NO MASTERING
[moderate=Mister Fox]Additional Information:

There is a music video bundled with the package. You can use this during the mixing process for possible guidance at your own private leisure. But you can not distribute the video with your edit, as the content owner doesn't allow this (WAM - Die Werbe- und Medien-Akademie).[/moderate]


Source Files:

Main Mix Package - Mirror on the Mix Challenge Homepage (377,94 MB, LZMA compressed, zip)

The provided files were packed as ZIP with LZMA compression.
File size extracted: 903,30 MB, packed 377,94 MB (ZIP, LZMA)
In order to extract the files, we can recommend these programs:

The Unarchiver - get it here
Keka (open source) - get it here

7zip - Installation / Portable


Please take note of the official rules - they can be found at the following thread:
Mix Challenge - Official Rules and Guidelines

Please address any OT question in the official Gossip thread:
Mix Challenge - Gossip and Discussion


SPONSORS (Prizes):

Prizes for Mix Challenge participants:

Note: All licenses are NFR (Not-For-Resale), except where noted.
Changes to available prices on short notice may be possible and will be announced separately.

Acon Digital is kind enough give away a single plugin of winner's choice
License will turn into NFR
More info on Acon Digital: http://acondigital.com

Hornet Plugins is kind enough give away one license from the depicted tools (see image) to the winner
License will turn into NFR
More info on Hornet Plugins: http://www.hornetplugins.com

IK Multimedia is kind enough give away one license of T-RackS ONE to the winner
License will turn into NFR
More info on IK Multimedia: https://www.ikmultimedia.com

Metric Halo is kind enough to give away a single plugin of winner's choice
License will turn into NFR
More info about Metric Halo: http://mhsecure.com/metric_halo/

MuTools is kind enough give away one license of MUX Modular 7 of winner's choice
License will turn into NFR
More info on MuTools: http://www.mutools.com/

NOS Audio is kind enough give away one license of NOS Roomer to the winner
License will turn into NFR
More info on NOS Audio: http://www.nosaudio.com/

Sonarworks is kind enough give away one license of Reference 4 Headphone edition to the winner (until further notice)
License will turn into NFR
More info on Sonarworks: https://www.sonarworks.com

Tone2 is kind enough to donate a license of Ultraspace to the winner
License will turn into NFR
More info on Tone2: https://tone2.com

And also a thank you to all former contributors as well.

If you want to sponsor content (please have a focus on mix plugins, bundles and the likes), please get in touch with the Mix Challenge staff.

Please spread the word of the challenge on social media.
For example with our dedicated Twitter Account or Facebook Page


Good luck to all participants.
And most importantly, have fun!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Submissions until 21-08-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Chriswilson83 »

Hi Zejnula:-)

Is vocal tuning permitted? I don't know if I will tbh (only just listened on phone speaker, never the greatest judge) but thought I'd check in advance.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Submissions until 21-08-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by dima510 »

hi, i'm dirk - the producer of this month's challenge. yes, you may tune the vocals if you feel this is needed. cheers, dirk.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Submissions until 21-08-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by TomImmon »

Hello Dirk,
First: What a great song, big and intimate at the same time. Really perfect for this movie and the story behind it. The mix is excellent, but for our challenge I have a question: the original mix sounds a bit bigger than a small jazz club. especially during the guitar solo. It also sounds fresh and open, with a deeper depth than many other mixes in this genre. I like that a lot. In the requirements is now that a small jazz club sound is in demand. Do you want an even more intimate sound or may it have the attitude of the original?
Greetings from Berlin

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Submissions until 21-08-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by dima510 »

hi tom! glad you like this song :-) please feel free to adjust the room and depth the way you want. it does not *have* to be a small jazz club. this is only the setting in the movie. but without the pictures you actually don't know... i'd say the reverbs and rooms should be appropriate for this genre. but you can choose to make it even bigger than my mix - no problem, if it feels right ... ;-) greets, dirk.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Submissions until 21-08-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by JulienMeirone »

Yep this is a good song with a good video. But to me tuning the lead vocal in this song is not appropriate. There is like a raw emotion in the vocals especially with such lyrics. Tuning it may remove this raw emotion imo.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Submissions until 21-08-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by creedchub »

Last edited by creedchub on Fri Oct 11, 2019 12:28 CEST, edited 2 times in total.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC057 August 2019 - Submissions until 21-08-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by JulienMeirone »

Last edited by JulienMeirone on Fri Aug 09, 2019 04:27 CEST, edited 2 times in total.
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