Hi everyone!, glad to be part of this month challenge
I will mention only the "unusual" processing I used for this track besides the regular eq, compression and other fx on the tracks
All of the kick and snare tracks were gated before processing
Getting a punchy kick out of the recording was one of the main challengees of this IMO I decided to use the "kick in" track for the low end and the "kick out" for the actual transient, on kick in I added a low pass filter centered at around 100hz, MJUCjr compressor with a slow attack
On kick out I used Bass Professor II wich is one of the pleaent results I got from experimenting on this mix, for those how don´t know it Bass Professor II is a plugin aimed to make bass guitar sound better, it combines multiband compression, eq and satauration. I reduced the sub bass and tweaked to taste so I could exagerate the punch, then I used ReaEq to boost at 100hz, reduced a lot of mid range (300hz to 1Khz), this made the sound of the kick drum more clear and also helped reduce the bleed from the vocals, boosted the "click" sound (around 3Khz), then low pass filter at 4Khz, at this point a lot of the cymbals bleed came through.
For the snare top first I notch filtered some very strong resonant frecuencies (466hz, 603hz, 739hz), reduced 3dB at 1.2Khz, I added
Xfer Records 8-bit shaper with a 50%dry/50%wet setting, I later realized that I had enabled a low pass filter but decided to keep it so I could add the brightness with the bottom mic track, added some extra compression with a slow attack and slow release and finally a HP filter at 100hz and a low pass filter at 1.4Khz since there wasn´t much information in that area anyway. For the bottom mic snare I used a HP filter at 1.4Khz and some overdrive, then blended both tracks together.
Acoustic guitars
On the 12 string guitar after eq and compression I added some chorus as I think it complements the already chorus like sound of a 12 string guitar and also helped to add more width.
Electric guitars
after eq and compression I added some subtle overdrive/distortion, I added a delay send and automated the send from each track so it´s only active during the arpeggiated parts to make the pre-chorus sections more upfront and add depth during the chorus. For the solo track I replaced overdrive with tape saturation, used a different delay and added chorus to make it wide.
Main vocals
For this track after compressing and eqing I used a mixture of reverb and slapback delay, the slapback delay was in stereo with a 30% amount of feedback. The levels of the fx were more subtle than the ones used on the vocal harmonies.
Vocal harmonies/choir
First I divided the vocal tracks in 3 groups, the first was the "oooooh" choir type of harmonies, the second was the repsponse type,
the "der Kreidler Florett" part and the third was the "Alles nicht mehr wahr" part.
I made 3 different reverb sends for each group, no special processing for the choir part, for the other two parts I automated the reverb decay to go to the maximumum at the last word so it creates a big lush pad sound that fades in the next section.
And that´s it, I think I ended up with decent mix between traditional folk and pop style processing.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/796rr7ctbzn57 ... x.wav?dl=1
https://www.dropbox.com/s/3484sw3n92vuh ... x.mp3?dl=1