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MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by 3ee »

CeZar wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 23:35 CET
3ee: drums feel a bit too dull, needs more tone, snare tone feels bit too dry, chorus feels a bit noisy on the cymbal side, , gtr solo needs to be a bit more present, control low end and polish everything;
noted, thanks! :tu:

about the last pointers there:
'control low end' ... overall? do you feel it's a bit too boosted and/or a bit too dynamic? I can tighten it up some more

'polish everything' .. a bit too vague for my understanding since I though already did that couple of times...

I mean, I left plenty of room for mastering i.e. transients are mostly there and pretty dynamic which might give a sense that it needs more 'polish' .. at least this is what I understand for now, a bit of help clarifying pls :help:
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-03-2020 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by zanox »

Hi! First of all thank you again for the opportunity to challenge with other people! i'm curious about the remaining 3 people out of top ten, can we know who they are?

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-03-2020 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by anto »

Hi CeZar,
Thanks for taking time in evaluating all the mixes.

If you're open to it and have some time to spare, I was wondering if you could please provide some more feedback as to what "Mistake" category each of the mixes fell into (for those who didn't make the top 10)?

I suspect many other entrants would like to know and learn from this experience.
While it's great for those who make the top 10, others who have spent time working on mixes don't really have much of an idea of where they went wrong or what they need to improve in future.

I know it's a big ask (and possibly not required as part of the rules of the competition) but I think it would be helpful.
Maybe if others don't wish to know or want the feedback, then perhaps they could also let you know?

In the absence of that type of feedback for others, could you please let me know the feedback / raw notes for my mix?

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by CeZar »

3ee wrote:
Thu Mar 26, 2020 04:32 CET
CeZar wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 23:35 CET
3ee: drums feel a bit too dull, needs more tone, snare tone feels bit too dry, chorus feels a bit noisy on the cymbal side, , gtr solo needs to be a bit more present, control low end and polish everything;
noted, thanks! :tu:

about the last pointers there:
'control low end' ... overall? do you feel it's a bit too boosted and/or a bit too dynamic? I can tighten it up some more

'polish everything' .. a bit too vague for my understanding since I though already did that couple of times...

I mean, I left plenty of room for mastering i.e. transients are mostly there and pretty dynamic which might give a sense that it needs more 'polish' .. at least this is what I understand for now, a bit of help clarifying pls :help:
Hi man, there's a bit too much low end on the bd and the bass, you can hear it at the beginning of verse 2, so that needs tightening up. Drums feel like they're too far in the back, especially at the chorus when the acoustics come in and become more "percussive" than the drum itself. Also, it could use a bit of mid-range for tonality, not too much, just so we can distinguish it. When I say "polish" I mean look at your eqs between tracks and the proper levels (as in listen to them in mono and do the usual order for loudness between elements, from loudest to the lowest it should be "vocals->snare->bd->bass->gtrs->synth")
Hope it helps
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-03-2020 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by TomImmon »

CeZar wrote:
Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:26 CET
GaryRegnier wrote:
Thu Mar 26, 2020 02:27 CET
Mistake 5 - Not enough compression or too much compression (A few files were mastered, others were even severely burnt, some of them had almost no compression), I've used Levels by Mastering the Mix to monitor everything here)

Really? You used a plugin and not your ears?

Feel for you being faced with so many entries and good luck to the those through to next round.

I've definitely used my ears to know that you've submitted a 48khz file instead of 44.1.
When I read your post regarding 48khz I first thought: whether I also ...? And what can I say: Yes, I also made this mistake :-(
BTW, I love DAWs that use the project settings regarding the sampling rate only for the tracks, but for the mix use the setting of the last export ...
White Punk OD
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-03-2020 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by White Punk OD »

On another note,
who got rid of the beep click in 18 AcgMain, and the rumble in 18 Ac Main U87L, both at the end of the song?
I did notch filters at 500 and 1000Hz, and a targeted fade-out, but left in a very small remainder of it, weakly audible if you know it's there.
Could do a lot more with the swiss-knife mode audio editor.
Some mixes are really trampling into it.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-03-2020 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by JulienMeirone »

Helo guys,

here my submission for the round 2.

Wav : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmcs6v22u8vhb ... 2.wav?dl=0

Screenshot : https://www.dropbox.com/s/pnfxfvfp5a84h ... x.png?dl=0

I just added some instances of Fabfilter Q3, one milennia NSEQ2 on the vocals and two lo-fi on guitars in comparison with the round 1. For the most part, it was rebalancing some details and de-esse vocals using clip gain.

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-03-2020 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

I am temporarily closing the thread to clean up the Off-Topic conversation, which will be moved to Mix Challenge General Gossip Thread.

This is a recurring topic - it has been addressed several times in the other thread. If users continue to derail the MC063 thread despite me asking several times to move the conversation, I will start to temporarily suspend accounts (48 hours). You have been warned.

EDIT - 19:32: Thread reopened.

Mix Round 2 participants can continue to ask questions, everyone else can give feedback/ask questions to entries. Questions and comments regarding "rule sets" or other issues go into this thread.

I will move/delete posts without any further warning
Alex Van mixland
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-03-2020 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Alex Van mixland »

Hey CeZar,
I'm glad that you liked my mix. :hyper:
Kick drum: when I read your feedback I immediately understood what you heard, because about 3 days after uploading my mix , i listened my mix through airpods and noticed that especially in the chorus i could not hear the kick drum and i corrected it but i was not able to upload new mix.
Snare drum: I noticed that some hits on snare were too loud and i also corrected it.

My question is: can you give me a bit more information about snare drum - it has too much low foundation or snare has some mid frequencies that need to be cut? I already did some changes but before uploading my mix i want to be sure that i did right moves.

Thank you for the feedback.


Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC063 March 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-03-2020 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by tumewor »

Hello Paglia,
paglia wrote:
Mon Mar 09, 2020 16:32 CET
Hi everyone

I mixed this song in hybrid analog/digital configuration using Neve summing mixer. All drums channel are summed in one stereo bus with Smart c2 in parallel. Bass in Dbx 165A. Acoustic guitar in stereo IGS Alter 500. Distorted guitar nothing special, eq and comp. Vox StaLevel and Distressor. Reverb and delay of course.
If you want a more spec ask me!!

Greetings from italy..and it's a really bad time for Italian people. Hope this nightmare ends soon!!


https://www.dropbox.com/s/z6x0fhgwo1zof ... a.wav?dl=0


https://www.dropbox.com/s/p83rcmjuzr01l ... a.mp3?dl=0
May i know what did you do to make your clean electric guitar sound ? roughly in 00.30 min mark where the 1st clean electric guitar part comes in ? Like the plugins you use, the effect attack or release setting u use , if there's any of that. it sound pleasing to my ear, or perhaps anyone know how to achieve that kind of sound ?

im working in some project and its kinda need that particular sound, i hope you don't mind sharing it, thank you.
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