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MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Nonlinear »

wave: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wj1J4w ... sp=sharing
mp3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ADUQUA ... sp=sharing

First - this is a beautiful tune, well written, arranged, performed and recorded. It was a pleasure and honor to work on this mix. Thank you, Alan, for sharing your tracks!

Most of time I spent on this mix was dedicated to the lead vocal track where I addressed the following:
  • Pitch and vibrato - Some of the notes, possibly from previous pitch correction, were completely stripped of any vibrato or pitch variations which sounded somewhat unnatural and attention-grabbing at times. Other notes had a great deal of vibrato that were not always centered on-pitch. I worked to re-generate vibrato where I felt it was needed while reducing those areas where I felt it was excessive.
  • Click track bleed, pops, clicks and other noises - The lead vox track had click track bleed running throughout which was, of course, most noticeable during the quiet passages. I first experimented with using Izotope RX to remove the clicks but did not like how it was sometimes cutting into the vocal tails which I was afraid would be audible in the mix. So, instead, I used track automation to manually cut the clicks only where audible in the context of the mix. Same approach was used to control "T's", breaths and some "F's".
  • Dynamic range - The dynamic range on this track was very large. Unfortunately, some of the note tails were at lower amplitudes than the click track bleed (as stated above). Compression used to control the track dynamics also brought up the click track bleed which required careful automation adjustments. Typically a track like this would be a good candidate for "parallel compression" but that approach has a side effect in that the compression is most audible at low signal levels. In this song the lowest vocal signal levels occur where instrumentation is the sparsest making the compression more noticeable. So I chose not to use parallel compression. Instead I used traditional "top down" compression which has most effect (and side effects) at high signal levels. Since the instrumentation is most complex at these higher levels it helps to conceal the compression. I used two compressors in series: an opto-style to control the macrodynamics followed by a VCA style to control the faster transients. Gain riding for the mix was provided with automation.
  • Those "esses"! - The track had A LOT of "esses" that were exaggerated by the large amount of compression I used (a typical side effect). I tried a few different de-esser plugins but did not care for the results, so I went with the tried and true method of note-by-note automation (see attached screenshot).
I used the Lead Vox track volume automation to control the esses, click bleeds, pops and "T's" and sent that output to a dedicated lead vocal bus where I applied overall volume automation, EQ and send FXs. I used a short room for the verses and a longer verb (send 2) for the choruses. EQ was used to clear up the low end with a 3.5dB dip at 200Hz as well as a 1.5dB dip at 4.3kHz and 1dB high shelf boost at 10kHz.

Choir tracks - I grouped the choir tracks by type (Alto, Soprano, kids, etc.) and sent each group to its own bus where I applied panning and EQ. No compression was used on any of these tracks as I felt the dynamics were great as recorded. I used just a tad of EQ to add some "air" and roll off the low end where necessary. The vocals were panned per common choir positioning (tenors center, alto/soprano left/right). I applied a long hall reverb with rolled off highs for the big cathedral sound. Automation was used on each group to bring the tracks into the mix at what I felt were the appropriate levels.

Tubular bells - Even though bells consist of many non-harmonically related overtones the opening hit of the bell in the intro sounded flat to the piano. To tighten this up a bit I offset the track by +22 cents (using Elastique "time and format setting") to better align the bells with the piano. I used clip gain on this track to control mix levels as appropriate.

Piano - I used slight EQ dip at 550Hz to reduce the "honkiness", added a bit of boost at 80Hz for more "beef" then high passed at 45Hz to remove any thumping from pedals/keys.

String tracks - Sounded great as-is. I added a bit of EQ bump at 2kHz only to the staccato track to make it bite a little more but left the other string tracks as recorded. I used volume automation on these tracks to bring them up/down in the mix as I felt appropriate.

Organ. This track was a major player in the overall power of the song. I brought up the bass end with a massive 11dB low shelf boost at 125 Hz and rolled off some of the highs to reduce the brightness where at times seemed a bit too shrill. Both EQ and volume were automated on this track. I also used a stereo widener to expand the soundstage.

Glock - I used a limiter on this track to control the transients and produce a more consistent level. Automation was used to bring it up/down in the mix as I felt appropriate.

Master output - No compression or limiting was used on the 2-bus, only a very wide EQ dip at around 800Hz to even out the spectrum a bit. I wanted to maintain the full dynamic range that this recording deserves. If I were to master this track I would apply a peak limiter to nick off the peaks and that's about all.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder:
Including today, 3 days left to submit your edit
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by VasDim »

Hi all,
this is my attempt to mix:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fv4c58cwvgcnt ... m.wav?dl=0
Good luck to all.
Waleed Morris
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Waleed Morris »

Hello Everyone ,
Great song ,and production as well , :tu:
Here is my mix ,
Wav : Wave file download link here
Mp3 : Mp3 file download link here

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year To All :)
Long Life Mix Challenge.

Cheers !
Last edited by Waleed Morris on Mon Jun 24, 2019 16:59 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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Mister Fox
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder:
Including today, 1 days left to submit your edit

:!: BONUS:
To spread an early holiday spirit, let's make that 1,5 days left to submit your edit.

I'll be keeping the doors open for a couple of extra hours after the game has ended. So if you're currently short on time and think you might not make it, there will be no repercussions if you submit your edit after the deadline, but before(!) I post the official "the Mix Challenge 39 has ended" message.

If you make it in time, even better. Just don't take this as invitation to procrastinate. (I just need to take a breather ever so often)

Good luck! :hug:

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by parnellij »

Hello all!

This is my first post here at Mix Challenge. Here is my submission:

MP3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ap-LGE ... sp=sharing
WAV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o5Td0o ... sp=sharing

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Rendyarr »

this is my submission. i try to approach orchestral layout for choir and strings. and lead vocal it self make me a lil confuse in hi freq, i think there's some resonance from recording room or something and choose to reject the band a lil wide after try with combing filter :D overall this is was difficult for me.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ec54V ... tHmRzRrtDw

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by OctopusOnFire »

Here's my submission for this song. Great recording and production, honestly, and nice to hear some christmasy thing in christmas for a change.

MP3: https://mega.nz/#!hHxgGa6S!Y6U0X1llNghs ... UpXSUjH1NM

WAV: https://mega.nz/#!5Wh03BrR!tBdE8Q8yL2Vv ... QJYutjNIGI

I organized the mix in sections: Voice, Band and Choir. Band having subsections for the strings on one hand and the rest of the instruments on the other. Choir was divided into adults and kids, and then each voice range (Soprano, Tenor, Alto).

By "sections" I mean buses, folders or whatever you name it.

The idea of the mix was to feature the main voice over the band, since it's a christmas carol and the lyrics are supposed to be important. Later in the song, I blended the voice with the choir trying to keep it prominent. I used panning and exciting to spread and widen the choir, also used an exciter to bring up the attack in the stacatto violins.

I used an envelope shaper to bring out the tubular bells initial attack around 2-3k, so they could poke out enough without overwhelming the rest with the density of the tail.

Other than that, pretty usual stuff EQwise. Barely any compression was used, just on the kid's choir that say "hallelu-hallelu-halleluja" to bring up the "hal" and on the main voice.

Main voice: It goes to 3 aux tracks with microshift (to widen), echoboy (slap), and little plate (<3 soundtoys). Automation was used in the way you'd expect, adding a little verb on the choruses, taking a little out on the most intimate parts (especially the ending).

Finally, some cool stuff I did was using Little Alter Boy to bring down the formant of the tenor choir a smidge and differentiate them more from the soprano.

I hope you enjoy the mix. Cheers!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by Dwic »

Here's my submission. I'll elabourate more on my methods later, I just wanted to get in before the deadline.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fEMtW ... EtIlRFBjp4

Devin Wickens

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC39 December 2017 - Submissions until 21-12-2017 11:59pm GMT+1/CET


Post by davemcisaac »

First of all, what a beautiful song! I'm honored to be a part of this experience.

As with most of the others, the main challenge was to clean up the lead vocal and still keep it as emotional as was intended. Lots & lots of automation! I gated the track with ReaGate (I mix in Reaper) which took out a lot of the unwanted sounds, but still needed automation to control the esses, T's, breaths, etc. Also used MSpectralDynamics and RDeEsser to control sibilance after adding "air".

I used bx console G for most of the EQing & compression and NLS Channels & Busses for a bit more analog feel. On the Master Bus, I used the NLS Buss "Mike" with the Drive @ 6 to add some bottom & tame the highs. Then bx_hybridV2 for Hi Pass & Low Pass, mono-ing the bass below 150 Hz and a bit of stereo widening. Then PSP oldTimerME for a bit of glue, followed by Wave's Vitamin for more stereo widening control (center the vocals a bit) & a bit more vibe.

The Scheps 73 worked great on the Piano & Staccato Strings to help lift them in the mix.

For reverbs, I used MTurboReverb:
Lead Vox - Silver Plate
Choir - Cathedral
Insts - Cathedral

I hope I was able to do this beautiful song justice!

Mp3 - https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code ... NjlJc5NeGy
Wav - https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code ... knK7sGPaeV
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