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MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by leary »


what a f*cking great punkrocksong!

here we go:

drumbus: radiator to give it a nice smack, a bit of slap
kick: bx_console ssl, a shitload of 60hz and 8k, 350 dip; transient designer
snare: bx_console ssl, 8k shelf, 150hz shelf, gentle compression
oh: tg12345 preset drums overheads

bass: cla_bass rip distortion

git: left right (git extra/git sm57); bx_console ssl, 8k/200hz shelf; cla_guitars crunch

vox: bx_console 1,5k dip, 8k shelf, cla 76, clala2a, cla vocals, decapitator

no limiting/no mastering

https://dl.dropbox.com/s/5q5hw9eefk9ghj ... y.mp3?dl=0

https://dl.dropbox.com/s/bztysu8448yhs4 ... y.wav?dl=0

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by GGermaine »

Stumbled on this site last night. This sounds fun!
I figured I'd give this a shot. Let me know if my submission needs format changes. (I don't even know what "FLAC bar minimum on low internet bandwidth" means :-)
I look forward to any feedback y'all can give for me to improve. - (Just be gentle, for I am but a snowflake) :smile:

WAV File: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-bWhJ ... E44H7BkLrL
MP3 File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19QiKGn ... sp=sharing

My editing is as follows using Reaper:
Pretty much used a lot of saturation using Waves NLS channel.

Drum Buss: SSL Comp for "glue" (barely a tickle on the meter)
Overheads: ReaEQ to highpass, remove the mid gong and add some sizzle. Waves CLA-76 compressor, and Waves NLS Channel
Kick: Gate, EQ (A TON) CLA-76 compressor, and NLS Channel.
Kick Trigger using a sample to blend in w/original kick - eq'd and compressed to taste.
Snare top: same plugs as kick, but different settings. Sent snare top to Gated plate verb
Snare trigger/sample w/eq and comp to blend.
Snare bottom: EQ, CLA-76 and NLS Channel
Used TOM L and R as Room L and R, and Floor Tom as Room center. Created a bus for them, EQ'd and sent it to a Impulse Response Reverb Hall and crushed it hard w/Waves API-2500 compressor.

Waves CLA Bass for some distortion and compression, ReaEQ and NLS Channel
Sent Dry bass signal to Impulse response of an SVT 8x10 cab to blend in

Panned hard w/57 on right and the 2 "extra" tracks left. Nixed the 3000 track.
Created guitar buss and EQ'd, NLS channel, and a tickle of the SSL comp.

Some use of the Waves doubler on a few of the backing vox, eq and comp.
Vox Bus has SSL Comp & NLS Buss for saturation and glue, CLA Vocals for widening, and more saturation w/Kramer Tape. Sent a few vox tracks to Impulse Room verb and a bit of slap w/waves H-delay.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Nige »

A cool little pop-punk number, I especially liked the play off between the various vocals in the chorus and everything's recorded pretty well which made the mixing process fairly straight forward.
I didn't get too outlandish with this mix, I just tried to keep it natural sounding, while at the same time tight and punchy with lots of saturation on specific elements.
I did however adjust some of the kick hits because for me personally, off-time playing is an instant turn off, even within the punk genre so hopefully that doesn't count me out
Mixed completely ITB using FL Studio 20 with mostly stock plugins with the exception of Audiocation Comp (both mono and stereo), Ozone, Oxford Transmod, Scheps Omni, ADT doubler and Kclip limiter.
I opted not to use the tom tracks, but did use the supplied kick and snare trigger tracks blended with the originals, cheers.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/50f6h31toci0m ... e.wav?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/2jpk22gqszd5i ... e.mp3?dl=0

Master buss - Kclip limiter with a 9db push
Kick#2 - Ozone (M B Comp)>Audiocation Comp>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Kick Trigger - Audiocation Comp>Scheps Omni>Fruity Parametric EQ2
O/H - Audiocation Comp>Ozone (top end verb)>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Snare Top - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Snare Trigger - Audiocation Comp>Oxford Transmod>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Snare Bottom - Oxford Transmod>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Bass01 Low - Ozone (M B Comp)>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Bass02 Clean - Fruity Parametric EQ2
Bass03 Dist - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Blood Overdrive>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Guitar Extra Warm (hard pan left) - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Reverb>Ozone(M B Comp)>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Guitar SM57 (hard pan right) - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Reverb>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Guitar Ambient (61% left) - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Guitar Extra (61% right) - ADT
Chris Chorus Vox - Audiocation Comp>ADT>Fruity Reverb>Fruity Blood Overdrive>Fruity balance(automation)>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Chris Verse Vox - Audiocation Comp>Ozone(M B Comp)>Fruity Delay 3>Fruity Balance (automation)>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Rich Vox - Audiocation Comp>ADT>Fruity Blood Overdrive>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Mark Vox - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Blood Overdrive>Fruity Delay 2>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Rich Vox 2 - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Blood Overdrive>Fruity Reverb>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Kick Buss - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Snare Buss - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Guitar Buss - Audiocation Comp>Ozone(M B Comp)>Fruity Blood Overdrive>Fruity Parametric EQ2
Bass Buss - Audiocation Comp>Fruity Blood Overdrive
Vocal Buss - Audiocation Comp
Snare Verb Send (all 3 snare tracks) - Fruity Reverb>Scheps Omni(eq)
Last edited by Nige on Thu Aug 16, 2018 05:54 CEST, edited 1 time in total.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by GGermaine »

Nice! I like the filtered BG vox. Had a hard time with those. I should have done that. Sounds great!
Studio Saturn

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Studio Saturn »

Man this song. They have invested their emotion. Best of all they have allowed the engineer to be free and express what makes him or her an engineer. You have my respect. Best of all I really wanna get to know that Margarita chick. :exhausted:

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by GGermaine »

Nice job! - Love the reverse verb on the vocals.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Drumwizard »

GGermaine wrote:
Tue Aug 14, 2018 17:03 CEST
Nice job! - Love the reverse verb on the vocals.
Thank you! Vocals in this song reminded me of the early albums of Faith No More. So... here the reverse verb! :sing:

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Tommycore »

Hi, :hyper:
I asked myself why i haven't found this cool site before!

MP3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=139ukV ... mm7izs3PKs
WAV:https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Rd2o ... rXFgYm0m3m

DRUM: A lot of plugins, i replaced the snare trigger included in the folder with one of my sample.
i also used the tom tracks as a room track.

GUITAR: I used all the tracks included, panned L and R, and added some eq and compression.

BASS: I duplicated the track and saturated one of them, put some compressions, eqs and limiting a lot.

VOX: eqs, a lot of compressions, reverb, some delay on the back vocals.

no limiter add on the master buss.

I look forward to hearing your opinions about my mix.

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