Hi everyone, here is my take on this month's challenge:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/dlam97g0yenr6 ... n.wav?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/k13yjbcxq7uac ... n.mp3?dl=0
Really cool song, I enjoyed mixing it. The arrangement is great, the band is tight, the parts are played very well, I liked the feel of the song and the humor in the lyrics. So thank you, UprightJoe and the band! Here's what I did.
Drums: Lots of challenges here. First I took care of the bleed with a FF Pro-G, which I had to automate to let through some of the really soft parts of the song. I revived the kick with an SSL channel, then I mixed it normally using a Pro-Q2 and a Waves CLA-76. On this kick I also added an RBass to give it more body, but it's really subtle. On the snare – apart from the usual EQ and compression – I used some tube saturation which I like to do to get more voice out of it. The rest of the drum channels got the usual treatment – some EQ, some compression here and there, plus an SSL comp on the drum bus for glueing things together.
Bass: Nothing special here: FF saturn (split at 180Hz, clean tube preset on the upper band), a Pro-Q2, and a Waves CLA-2A. I like how this compressor preserves the low end, and it's easy to use, too.
Guitar: I split the channel in three (single notes, chords in choruses, and lead) and treated them separately. The all have a C1 comp on, and a Pro-Q2. The lead part also uses a Waves CLA-Guitar plugin for color.
Keys: A Pro-Q2 and a Flux BitterSweet with about 12% on the bitter side for accentuating the attack.
Lead trumpet: Wow, that thing was bright. I used a de-esser, two separate EQs: one (stock Logic EQ) for upper resonance notches and the other (Pro-Q2) for sound shaping. Then I added an RBass with the highest setting possible to give the trumpet some body (the effect is subtle), and then I compressed it with a CLA-76.
Trumpet: Pro-Q2 and an RBass for body (subtle again).
Sax: Pro-Q2 and CLA-76 for color.
The trumpet and the sax were bussed together with more EQ added and for automation purposes.
Vocals: FF Pro-MB to control the low-mids, a Pro-Q2, a CLA-76 blue, and a de-esser. The double and the harmony vocals also have a Waves Doubler on with the center signal turned off. I wanted to preserve the lush velvety quality of the singer's voice, so no drastic moves here.
Mix bus: an SSLcomp for glue (2:1, 10ms attack, auto release, up to 3Db GR, analog off), a J37 for color, a Pro-Q2 with one node in tilt mode to add brightness, and a FF Pro-L to bring the mix up to the Mix Challenge standards – the ceiling set at -1Db to catch stray snare hits, the RMS dances between -20 and -16Db, the PEAK value reaches -1 in loud parts. None of my plugins can measure LUFS whatever that is. I know this has been a hot topic recently so I'm trying to explain everything clearly. My mix was too soft, so I had to bring it up a bit and I used a limiter to be safe. You can clearly see by the waveform and hear that it's not squashed at all.
Hope it's cool
Overall thoughts: This song reminded me of guys like Phat Phunktion and Electro Deluxe, so I listened to them for reference. I wanted to get a crisp and transparent mix which - if needed - could be made a lot denser at the mastering stage. That being said, I had to be really careful with compression which meant that I had to automate a lot more things than I normally would, to get a smooth mix and to feature different elements at different times. I even automated sends on individual channels, for example, there's a quiet place before the final chorus where I gave the keys more reverb for a more intimate feel.
I guess that's it. If anybody feels that I missed something – feel free to ask!
I'd like to once again thank UprightJoe for the cool song and Mister Fox for the work he does. Any feedback is welcomed. Good luck to the contestants! Cheers.