thanks for providing!
My mix
https://www.dropbox.com/s/e0dokse3o7uu1 ... e.wav?dl=0
48 kHz / 24 bit
-18 LUFS / -1.5 dBTP
This time I used
NO mixbus processing at all. I compressed the instruments a bit more than usual for my approach and added distortion to all elements in the mix. I wanted to hear the band as transparent as possible and let the performances speak for themselves. Overdubs are usual these days and it seems to me that the band is used to play together, so I saw no necessity to 'glue' the band together in the mix. Far from it - I wanted that every element can stand out clearly.
I tested two bus compressors with different adjustments ... tape emulation, too.
In most cases I like an appropriate mixbus-compression followed by a mastertape emulation as part of the mix (if I master by myself, I'll do any processing beyond this in a 2nd step).
But I'm simply the mixer here, so I'm totally fine with leaving the mixbus empty.
I did no re-amping, because bass and guitars were amped already.
And I use no presets and no 'auto'-plugins in general.
I think this is a good example for how complex drums and drums recordings are. Because, although it's a nice and suitable recording in general in my opinion, it suffers from some problems:
At first there's a ride cymbal on Overhead1 which is way too loud in comparison to the rest of the cymbals. This can be both a matter of the cymbal selection and the microphone placement, I think it's the last one here. I fixed this with automation of the OHs and the room mic.
Some of the quiet Tom1 hits in the beginning aren't on the tom track, although they were played (I checked this with the overheads). The gate swallowed some of the quiet hits. I copied a suitable hit with the correct delay in there to resolve the problem.
On Tom2 I further cutted out some cymbal bleed and boom. The Toms are too boomy here in general, I think ... this always results in more postprocessing. It's mostly a matter of drumtuning, drumhead choice, performance, microphone selection and placement.
The kick is lacking some attack (for my taste), but this is a frequency thing here, which I encountered with both a broad cut and boost.
Apart from that I mixed them with my usual manner with EQ and compression mainly on the drumbus (more or less EQ on the single tracks as well, gates on the kick and snare top). I used the nice natural drum room, EQed it a bit, compressed it heavily and spreaded it a bit with a haas delay. On the other tracks I added some (parallel) plate reverb. I used parallel distortion (2nd order) on all tracks. Different send volumes to the parallel tracks ...
I resolved phase issues just with a phase shift on the snare bottom and aligning of the overheads to the snare top (the time relationship between the OHs is untouched).
Volume automation of the kick, hi-hat and toms; threshold automation of the snare top gate (rimclick). Volume automation of the drumbus.
Compression in three steps - 1st slight limiting, 2nd usual compression (with the SSL4000 channel) and 3rd soft clipping. The last one distorts clearly and is therefore adding brilliance in the midrange, which I emphasized with a broad boost at around 1 kHz afterwards. I added low end with Waves 'loAir', but without the actual loAir (just rising the filtered signal below 80Hz). Post-FX volume automation. I created some very subtle space with two parallel, EQed and panned delays here.
I processed the guitars on two different tracks, panned hard left and right. Except the pre-FX volume automation (to feed the compression gently) and a 'chirurgical' EQ - for slightly cutting each one frequency (-2/-3 dB) in the midrange - with the same adjustments: Slight limiting, followed by slight LA3A compression and EQ (with cuts only) with the SSL 4000E channel. Sent to each one parallel, pre-EQed distortion track, also panned hard left/right, and to each one parallel room track, panned 50% left/right (sent also from the distortion tracks).
Post-FX volume automation.
Pre-FX volume automation to feed the compression gently. Processing of the vocals in the following order: Sucked out some lower mids and bass with a broad shelf, sucked out 4dB at 4kHz. Limiting of the highest peaks. Blue 1176 compression with 4:1, attack and release on 5. SSL 4000E channel: low cut at 120Hz, -4dB (Cut) with the HF at 8kHz. Manual de-essing with automation (very few annoying esses here ...).
Parallel tracks:
Two pre-EQed delays, panned 50% L/R -> both sent to a plate without pre-delay and early reflections.
Parallel distortion (3rd order), sent to the delays.
All these tracks go into a main vocal bus with volume automation.
Good luck to everyone.