hi all,
My first time on here! my entry is called "Nyamuragira" which is the name of a volcano in Democratic Republic of the Congo.
I was happy with the drum beat which starts about half way through. It is made from:
Kick = one of the hits from the "street drums" pitch shifted down 1 octave, then 3 instances of Transient Shaper, increasing punch and reducing sustain, then EQ with +9dB @80Hz -20dB @330Hz, -6dB @1.3kHz and -10dB shelf @2.5kHz and
Snare = Smash Printer Dist Tube-Culture to give distortion, again 3 instances of Transient Shaper
'Ghost notes of snare' = Plasma Cutter, chopped up, Dist Tube-Culture and 1 instance of Transient Shaper
'Hat' = clothpulled w/ HPF @700Hz
The Drum bus then hits a compressor and Process Audio Spicerack with a lot of drive 43% wet. We then add the FX which are Valhalla Supermassive "going wide" preset and another channel of Altiverb "Teldex". The main sound is combined with those FX and sent to a distressor doing about 3dB GR, then finally into the 1176 with all buttons in, slow attack, medium-slow release
For the rest of the sounds we have
- the Wurlitzer tones used, pitch shifted many different times
- Cardboard
- 440Hz beep, 1000Hz beep (with delay)
- Imbus Keys
- GiftWrapPaper
- Shoehorn (cut up)
- ClothPulled (cut up)
- LI - Drone 3 G (shifted down 7 semitones)
- LI - Drone 2 F (also shifted down 7 semitones)
- LI - Pad 3 - Atmospheric (into saturation then Crystallizer "industrial drums" preset)
- pink noise
Here's the link to the track:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RV6hgd ... sp=sharing
best listened to with eyes closed!
Cheers all