very nice song, I had a lot of fun mixing it and I learned so many things. Thank you
@Edling for this fantastic production!
I used Focal Solo 6 Be + Focal Sub 6 in an acoustically treated room adjusted with SoundID.
My goal for this song was to keep the mix as clean as possible and avoiding the use of saturation etc. if possible. I wanted that every element has its own place and is audible with a cohesive front to back image in the sound stage with a nice low end. I also wanted to make sure that the guitar parts compliment the vocal performance during the verse, so that they interact in a playful way and to highlight the emotional and dramatic aspect of the song. This is how I at least understand and hear this very nice production.
The main goal was to create a powerful build-up so that the song reaches its climax where the guitar solo is playing with the string section in the background. I hope I did the song justice and created something the song provider had in mind.
This is what I did:
-Adjusting the gain of each track for a good working space
-Checking phase of the drum tracks and inverted it if needed. At this point, I used an EQ on the individual drum tracks to make room for the kick drum (low cut is around 70-90 Hz)
-Initial volume balance and panning of the drum elements, created subgroups (OHs, Snare, Toms, Ambience) and a Drum bus
-Applied some slight Flex Time and Flex pitch here and there on the vocal tracks (mainly for the chorus), so that everything is really tight. I just had the drums and the bass playing for this task to not get distracted by other elements
-Bringing in all other elements for gain staging and panning elements for a wide stereo image with a strong center image.
-Since I don’t like riding the faders I decided to go the clip gain route
-I created subgroups and individual busses and a dedicated instrumental bus to control things a bit better (mainly for the fade out) and to have better ovierview over the project
-At this point I decided to not use any reverb or delay and leave everything complete raw as it is
-I only used Linear EQ and TDR Kotelnikov to mix the song
-I did some extra work to find out which spot had some rogue peaks and adjusted things manually
-Final touch was a TDR Kotelnikov on the instrumental bus just barely kissing the kick for tiny bit of glew and also a Linear EQ with +0.2 @ 1 kHz, +0.3 dB @ 3,4 kHz and +0.5 dB @ 7,3 kHz as a high shelf for a little bit more shine, Vox bus has +0.7 dB @ 2,7 kHz
Here is the mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iqMMU8 ... share_link