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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:53 CEST
by mixedbynicolas
Hey there! I mixed on a 2010 13" MacBook Pro in Logic Pro X with Channel EQ, Waves dbx-160, CLA-76, CLA-2A, API-2500, H-Delay, PuigChild, Dorrough, WLM Meter and Sausage Fattener and lots of system overloads.. ... sp=sharing


Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 23:34 CEST
by Esvsound
Whats going on people,
I was scrolling through internet for mix competitions, happy i found this one

Heres my mix, i tried to keep it as balanced as possible i hope you enjoy (and hope ive not broken any rules lol)
I mixed through Logic X using mostly FF and Waves plugins , i dont have many places to reference at this point in time but through my headphones im chuffed..please let me know if you think they are lying to me lol

I look forward to hearing evreyone else's ... E.wav?dl=0 << WAV ... E.mp3?dl=0 <<MP3

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 03:12 CEST
by KrissK
Hi. Thanks to vivire en Marte for the nice tune. :phones: Here is my submission :

Wav : ... vA40m1DA4K

Screenshots : ... awE0sGYzPa

Hope you like it! :hyper:

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 03:40 CEST
by UprightJoe
It's been awhile - school and work have been crazy but I managed to squeeze in an entry this month! Here it is:

wav: ... e.wav?dl=0
mp3: ... e.mp3?dl=0

This mix is about twice the track count of the largest mix I've ever done. I started by organizing the session and trying to get to a good static mix. This is definitely a mix that calls for a ton of automation. I found myself automating much earlier than I usually do. There are so many little parts to pull up for a phrase here or there. I think I could spend a year mixing and remixing this one and still discover new things.

I have a 7 year old computer and I'm a bit light on UAD cores right now (I'm building a studio and most of my gear is stored away where I can't easily access it.). I knew I would need to process tracks in groups as a result. I would say about half of the tracks have no plugins in their inserts. The ones that do mostly just have a single EQ (usually Fabfilter) though there are a handful of tracks where I put compressors in the inserts. Almost all of the processing is done on busses. Even so, I almost maxed out my UAD capacity and started to hit the point where CPU was about to become a problem.

I won't list every single plugin I used because it would be tiring to read but here is a list of the more prominent effects that I used:
Intro vocals: UAD Dytronics Cyclosonic Panner
Acoustic Drums: Soundtoys Devil Loc
Drum Bus: UAD API 2500
All group busses: UAD Studer A800
Master bus: UAD Ampex ATR-102 and Manley Variable Mu (just barely bouncing the needle - maybe 1dB of GR)
All vocals: Motu De-Esser AND Waves DeEsser - lots of sibilance to fight!
Reverbs: UAD EMT 250 (strings, one kick drum track) UAD AMS RMX 16 (non-linear on some of the snares, short plate on the vocals and various instruments)
Most vocals: UAD 1176, UAD Massive Passive

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 10:55 CEST
by maxovrdrive
Unfamiliar territory again for this one. Many thanks for the opportunity, Green-Dog.

WAV: ... p_VmnCjKzq
mp3: ... 5Tcg_OXSAA

"Master Track"


........"Kick 1"
........"ACC DR 2 Kick"
........"Kick 3"
........"Kick 2"
........"ACC DR 1 Kick"

........"Snare 1"
........"Snare 3"
........"Snare 2"
........"Snare 4"
........"ACC DR 2 Snare"
........"ACC DR 1 Snare"

........"perc loop"

........"HH 4"
........"HH 1"
........"HH 5"
........"HH 3"
........"HH 2"

................TRANSCIENT PLUBIN
........"ACC DR 1 OH"
........"ACC DR 2 OH"
........"ACC DR 1 Room"
........"ACC DR 2 Room"

........"Pulse Synth bass"
........"Synth Bass Br"
........"Bass Solo Br"
........"Moog Bass ARP"
........"Bass Synth 2"

........"GTR Intro"
........"GTR B_Box C"
........"GTR B_Box L"
........"GTR B_Box R"
........"GTR Br L"
........"GTR Br R"

........"GTR EBow L"
........"GTR EBow R"
........"GTR Ch L"
........"GTR Ch R"
........"GTR v3"
........"GTR C"

........"El Piano 2"
........"El Piano"

........"Pad 2"


........"Vox Doub Intro"
........"Vox Double Male"

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:26 CEST
by kirurg
Hello everyone,

Wav ... g.wav?dl=0

Mp3 ... g.mp3?dl=0

This time turned out quite a rhythm driven mix. Did not use "noFX" tracks.
There is eq, comp (ssl style), also virtual console (slate digital on individuals
and Acustica Audio Lime amp on synth/guitar groups and main bus) and
volume automation as well on every track.

drums: wanted to keep room&overhead significant, but OH/room tracks sounded
bright. Simply volume decrease of these caused to disappear the ambience too much.
Then started cut off higher frequencies, but now sounded still harsh. Then cutoff
harsh frequencies (3-4kHz), finally got better. Still decided to narrow stereo field for
overhead/room tracks. Also transient designer was used to shorten the tails.
There are drumkit kicks for kick tone and the other kicks for body. Kick tone saturation
comes from UAD Studer800 plugin, this plugin can saturate drums more than any other tape
plugin have tried. Drums send a bit into parallel comp (dbx-160)

Vocal: tiny amount additional slap echo for room feeling, in couple places delay and
Eventide blackhole in one short part. Edited vocal with eq manually in couple places
to remove midrange highlight.

There is ssl style comp on main bus, also eq cutting somewhere at 800 Hz (-0,5dB)

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 14:31 CEST
by Waleed Morris
Hi everyone,

What a great song !thanks for the great opportunity and experience. I must mention very good samples as well
Started with drums as usual create many groups for kick-snare and other rhythm tracks.
Spent most of the time to balance theme and there are huge bass tracks as well so low end in this song is very busy.

Plugins I used :

EQ: Fabfilter Q3/ Bx SSL E channel / BX Digital v3/

Dynamic: Arousor / Wave 76 and DBX160 /Rvox /

Harmonic /Saturation : Decapitator / inflator /Satin /Lofi

Delay: valhalla delay

Reverb / valhalla room and plate/ VerbSuite Classics/ blackhole .

and finally izotope imager.

Loudness : -17.0 LUFS , TP Max -1.0 dBTP (By NUGEN) , any comments or feedback are most welcome .

My submission.



Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 21:03 CEST
by Matik
Hi mix challenge community,

Here is a link for my submission: ... k.wav?dl=0

This is my first mix challenge, so I would be grateful if you told me if everything works properly(Is downloading working etc.).

Song is great for mixing and bit challenging, but really fun to work with.

Here is my workflow for that mix:

First I arranged tracks and made some buses to have everything in control and don't get lost. Then I worked on quick volume balance and panning.
This time I started with Vocals - some deessing -> get out boxines and more esses with eq -> comp and some volume automation for better control -> last reverb and delays (on Main to get deepness /// on DOUB and BACKING to make it wider + some pan automation).
Next bass - need to a lot of eq to remove mudiness. Main Bass get some saturation (Fabfilter Saturn) for clarity and comp. Low Pass on Pulse Bass and more ducking from Kick. On Solo Bass I made something interesting for clarity. I just sidechain Main Bass to made it quiter when Solo plays.
Guitars gets only eq's and volume automation + delay and verb on intro.
Drums gave me a little headache, but after some work I came to an agreement with them. A lot of eq and volume and pan automation here. I eq cymbals and shakers for darker sound. Throw some reverb on Snares with some changes of pan during song. Kicks have only eq and comp on bus. NY compression on Room.
On Piano heavy saturation and "lo-fi" eq. On Pads eq to get rid off mudd + bit of wet from Movment vst for space. Steelpan heavy eq, comp and transient designer. I gave some growing distortion on instrument bus on outro to made it really big.

This is ofc a brief description, if you have some specific questions ask boldly. I'm glad I found this site :)

Hope you like it. Cheers!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 08:39 CEST
by ICMix
Hi Mix-Challenge Community!

This is my first time here, so I don't know how much detail should I go into. Feel free to ask me anything specific! The only tracks that I used without the FX were the pads, synth bass on the bridges and the acoustic piano track.
I focused a lot in creating space and an atmosphere where every element could be noticed, which was challenging considering the number of tracks, but I managed to do it mainly with EQ, filters, panning, reverb and automation. On the mix bus I am using Ozone 8 Elements (just the EQ module for fine tuning), VMR (Virtual Console MixBus Module), and a limiter set at -0.1 just to prevent any possible clipping.

Enjoy and good luck to everyone!

WAV: ... _CbH_Q13vK
MP3: ... 5G3Nh5IGxQ
Pictures: ... sp=sharing

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC059 October 2019 - Submissions until 21-10-2019 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 19:21 CEST
by guiZgui
Hi back everyone, it's been a long time !
This one was quite a challenge in a way that there is so many different parts and so many different ways to mix the song,
so I tried to keep it close to the reference mix we had.

Here is my mix :phones: : ... sp=sharing

My goal was to have a good sens of space and depth, giving also more bite to the drums and bass using saturation.
Most of the work was coming from the balance but again, it was my vision, I hope you'll like it too :)

I'm not gonna tell in detail what I used for everything, there is really no secrets, same tools as anyone. But if someone is interested to know what processing I used on something, please message me, I will be more than happy to answer and talk about it !

Now I'm gonna listen to the other mixes !
