thanks for sharing this multitrack, very nice.
My mix - 48kHz / 24bit, -17.7 LUFS / -3.1 dBTP
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bi92mx61kj0nd ... e.wav?dl=0
My goal was to set the focus on the vocals, without mixing them too loud in relation to the instruments, but distinct in front of the instruments.
Relating to the instruments I set the focus on the guitar. I wanted to keep it a bit 'fighting' with the vocals respectively treat it as the lead instrument with good presence.
I started with the guitar and the vocals. When I had both in basically good shape, I went on with the other instruments and started fine-tuning.
Partially I did a lot of volume automation, especially on the vocals (pre-FX and post-FX).
Mixed with REAPER.
1. Pre-FX volume automation to restrict the dynamics in a first step and feed the compression gently.
2. 'Chirurgical' EQ cuts: sucked out some lower mids and bass with a shelf (-6dB), two narrow cuts at 1kHz (-3dB) and 4kHz (-2dB).
3. A little bit De-Essing (just the highest peaks).
4. Sent from this automated, EQed and slightly de-essed track to:
- parallel compression (1176 blue, 20:1, fastest attack and release) with additional 3rd order distortion
- 16th note slap-delay with a broad bandpass at 1kHz, panned left -> sent to a haas-delay panned right -> both sent to a Lexicon plate without pre-delay
- two slightly delayed (11 and 15ms), pitch shifted (+/- 10 cents) and hard L/R panned tracks
... the parallel compression is further sent to the delays and the pitch shifted tracks
... the pitch shifted tracks are further sent to the delays
These parallel tracks are just blended in subtle.
5. All tracks go into a main vocal bus with gentle LA2A compression (max. 10dB GR), an 80Hz HP and a broad 2dB boost at 6-7kHz with different EQs. Volume-automation of the bus in relation to the whole mix.
Acoustic guitar
1. Three different EQs: At first two narrow cuts in the midrange (-2dB at 500Hz and -1dB at 1.55 kHz), then broad 'brushstrokes' with the SSL 4000E-channel with cuts only (HP at 50Hz, sucking out some lower mids and bass with the shelf and sucking out some mids for the vocals in two areas) and at last a high-end boost with a passive EQ. Knowingly before the compression -> thereby the vocals have more room to my ears.
2. Slight limiting with an L1 (just the loudest peaks) and slight clipping with KClip2 (max. 3dB, 50% soft). No further compression ... tried a black 1176 with 4:1 and moderate timings but ended up with less compression here. Let it breathe.
3. Pre-FX volume automation to tame some crackle and noise in the breaks. Post-FX volume automation (+2dB between 2:42 and 3:02).
4: Panned 25% left. Sends:
- pre-EQed parallel distortion (2nd order)
- haas-delay, 100% right
... the parallel distortion is further sent to the haas-delay
Cello (Piz on a separate track)
1. SSL 4000E-channel: -11dB at 350Hz (Q: 1). Post-EQ compression with 3:1, fast attack and 790ms release (piz 390ms), 3dB GR (piz 6dB)
2. Bass-boost with a passive EQ
-> Emphasized it's role as the bass instrument and leave some space for the other instruments and the vocals.
Violins - on two separate tracks, panned hard L/R, but with the same adjustments (volume automation slightly different)
1. Narrow -2dB cut at 5kHz
2. SSL 4000E-channel: HP at 150Hz, -12dB at 200Hz with the low-shelf, -7dB at 3kHz (Q: 2). Post-EQ compression with 3:1, fast attack and 790ms release, max. 10dB GR
3. Volume automation, especially between 1:47 and 2:42 to support the 'drama' in interaction with the vocals
1. Narrow -3dB cut at 450Hz
2. SSL 4000E-channel: 200Hz HP, +10dB at 5kHz (Q: 0.75). Post-EQ compression with 2:1, long attack and 790ms release
3. Panned 50% right. Sends:
- pre-EQed parallel distortion (2nd order)
- haas-delay, 100% left
... the parallel distortion is further sent to the haas-delay
Strings piz
1. Narrow -2dB cut at 5kHz
2. SSL 4000E-channel: HP at 150Hz, -12dB at 200Hz with the low-shelf, -7dB at 3kHz (Q: 2)
3. Panned 25% right
Instrument Room
I tested something new here. At first I used separate instances of the Lexicon Room (Small LA studio), with different panning and partially additional compression.
But I ended up using only one stereo instance and sending all of the instruments to it. The acoustic guitar and the piano are sent only from the haas-delays, which results in less reverb with a longer pre-delay for them . The Cello is sent 6dB quieter than the violins and the string piz 3dB quieter.
I like this as a compromise here. Sometimes I use no reverb on some isntruments, not only on bass instruments, or delays only.
1. Elysia alpha master compressor: stereo-mode (no M/S), 1.5:1, fixed 20ms attack, fixed 390ms release, average 2dB (max. 4dB) GR
2. Ozone 7 Vintage Tape
3. Volume automation (1dB max.)
Little hint about the Waves SSL 4000-E channel ...
A few yeras ago I measured the Waves SSL 4000-E channel with pink noise and an analyzer and found out that the EQ section (especially the LMF and HMF) is a little displaced. For example 3kHz with the HMF are rather 4kHz and 1.2kHz with the LMF are rather 1kHz.
Don't know if this follows the original hardware, but's it's nice to know about ... the data above is relating to the adjustments in the plugin, so it differs accordingly as mentioned.