Final entry!!!
Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 00:47 CEST
I did some tweaks in the mix. Drum a little less loud, Vocal less heavy effect. I didn't have time to do much work on it because I was and am still very busy with being songprovider voor the MC091 this month. So this is my final version of "A Night Together".!Ahp8xH6KRIfbgVxCQxa ... 2?e=F48pda
It felt good to write some music on guitar. I didn't feel like sitting behind a computer and composing staring at a screen. I just recorded some tracks on a portable multitrackrecorder and tried some different things on accoustic guitar before recording it. I uploaded the tracks in Reaper for mixing. I used the Focusrite Voicemaster pro for the vocal (the compressor and EQ are amazing for vocals) and I used the WA Buss for the drumtrack give it more body..... I used some freeware ampsims and stacked them untill I had the sound that was in my head. Dirty fuzzy distorded but with lots of character :-)
Jeroen!Ahp8xH6KRIfbgVxCQxa ... 2?e=F48pda
It felt good to write some music on guitar. I didn't feel like sitting behind a computer and composing staring at a screen. I just recorded some tracks on a portable multitrackrecorder and tried some different things on accoustic guitar before recording it. I uploaded the tracks in Reaper for mixing. I used the Focusrite Voicemaster pro for the vocal (the compressor and EQ are amazing for vocals) and I used the WA Buss for the drumtrack give it more body..... I used some freeware ampsims and stacked them untill I had the sound that was in my head. Dirty fuzzy distorded but with lots of character :-)