Hi! This is my mix and the process i did to it!
inserts: ssl chanel strip for filtering low end, ReCenter to be more phase coherent, fab filter pro q3, and a Waves C6 sidechain for sidechaining the top end of the vocal to not clash the cymbals.
Sends: Ssl Channel strip
Hi Hat: Fab Filter pro q 3
Bass Drum:
Insterts:Waves Scheps 73, and Waves Smack attack for less sustain
Sends: bx_yellowdrive, Waves dbx 160, Side chain to c1 in the vocal.
Snare top:
Insterts: Waves Scheps 73, Fab filter pro q 3
Sends: bx_yellowdrive, Waves dbx 160, Side chain to c1 in the vocal.
Drum Buss:
Inserts: Nls Channel, Ssl Comp, Reelight tape, Waves Tg12345
Sends: Empty250 Reverb, Waves Api 2500.
Inserts: Fab filter pro q3, Waves Smack attack, Waves Cla 1176, Fab Filter pro MB
Sends: Empty250 Reverb, Waves H-delay, Waves BrauerMotion, Cla-1176
Inserts: Waves ClaBass, Waves Nls Channel, Waves MaxxBass, Fab Filter pro q3
Sends: Waves MaxxVolume, H-Delay
Inserts: Waves Nls Channel, Fab filter pro q3, Waves C4
Sends: Empty250 Reverb, Tal-Chorus
Piano: Fab Filter Pro q3, Waves Puigchild 670, Waves Smack Attack, Waves C4
Inserts: Fab Filter pro q 3, Waves Kramer hls, Waves Nls Channell, Waves C1 comp with side chain.
Sends: Waves H delay, Waves MaxxVolume, Waves BrauerMotion
Lead Vocal Intro:
Inserts: Waves RDeEsser, Studio one Gate, Waves Cla 2A, Fab Filter Pro q3, Voxenego Varisaturator.
Sends: Waves H-delay, Waves BrauerMotion, Echoboy, Soundtoys Microshift
Lead Vocal:
Inserts:Waves RDeEsser, Studio one Gate, Waves Cla 2A, soundtoys Devil lock deluxe, Waves Nls channel, Fab filter pro q 3, C1 comp with sidechain.
Sends: Waves H-delay, Soundtoys Microshift, echo boy, Slate Virtual Mix
Backgound Vocals:
Inserts: Nls Channel, Fab filter pro q3
Sends: Soundtoys Microshift.
Master Track: Waves Ssl Comp, Waves Rs56, Bx V3, TDRVOSS EQ, Waves Linmb
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1C-k89 ... AfeUJDBc2K