I stayed loyal to the original mix but made it a bit more atmospheric and dreamy- it's a love song, so I wanted it to sound like falling in love
There's a bit of ear-catching Tchad Blake energy with the percussion and I ended up using delays more than I thought I would, but this is one of those seemingly simple mixes with a bunch of stuff going on behind the scenes, which I'm going to detail for you right now
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UKgJdg ... sp=sharing
Verse guitars: Bx_hybrid, 4db boost 300hz, Transperc
Chorus Guitars: Bx_hybrid, 4db boost 300hz
Rhythm: Valhalla VintageVerb, Black Guru
Arreglos: EQ
Ambeo Orbit for imaging
Waves ADT
API-560 boost at 8khz
H-Delay 1/8
Channel EQ 3khz boost
Guitar summing: Black, EQ with dip at 1k, and Trackspacer
Synth: VintageVerb, EQ cuts at 2k and 3.5k with low cut at 215 hz
Black Guru,Vertigo VSC-2, Maag EQ4, Transperc
PercU has Kraper Tape bussed out to an Echoboy
Claps: CLA-3A MaagEQ4
Shakers: only passing 4khz-10khz range
Little Drum: Black Guru, Unfiltered Audio G8, ValhallaRoom
Cymbal: trackspacer
Lindell 254E Pro-Q 3, TDR kotelnikov, bussed to a Devil-Loc and Vertigo VSC-2 and a short Manny Marroquin Reverb.
Black Guru
TDR Kotelnikov
ERA De-Esser
Then to PolyComp for parallel compression and Trackspacer, side-chained to a harmony track to avoid drowning that
Kramer Delay on right bv
Main vox summed to bus with hi peak at 10khz and RX8 Mouth De-Click
FF Micro, REV PLATE-140,Valhalla Room
Then Echoboy for sends.
BVs: 1989 verb, VIntageverb, cut at 850hz
All vox summed up with Maag-Magnum-K,F6-RTA dynamic eq, and the RDesser. Bussed to Pro-R for the intro only.
FX: Room
FX: DevilSpringVerb, Gain phase invert, Fiedler audio stage, channel EQ cut at 1khz
bx_console Focusrite
Low Wave Track24
Bx_hybrid (cut 3db at 3k)
BLA Magnetite
Airwindows Infrasonic
All of this is to increase warmth, Infrasonic actually increases the volume through its low-cut filter and Chris's mysterious algorithmic powers, but the normalized version is more 'dynamic' than the one without the plugin. Who knew?