Hello, here is my mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jMRdTF ... sp=sharing
- Firstly, I leveled the volumes of all tracks to 0db VU.
- I started increasing the volume of the voice, and then other instruments.
- kick and kick-alternative, I joined the two channels into a group, inverted the phase of the kick-alternative, started with a compressor with slow attack and quick release, then I added an equalizer increasing low frequencies and lowering medium low frequencies.
- On the bass, a clipdistortion to contain louder transients and then a compressor with a slow attack and higher release.
- In the box, a compressor with slow attack and quick release, then a clipdistortion to contain louder transients.
- Hihat an eq cutting low frequencies up to 320hz, and a comb filter cutting at 6900hz.
- Cymbals a bass cut up to 500 Hz.
- Toms, a stereo imager to open up the stereo more, a gate to hold a little resonance and a compressor with long attack and short release.
- wurlitzer_cleaner_factory_preset, I used a delay to open up the stereo more, an EQ cutting at 100 and 500 Hz, a clipping to cut louder transients and a compressor with a slower attack and longer release.
- accoustic_gtr_no1 and accoustic_gtr_no2, I opened the pan of these two channels to left and right, I didn't do any more processing on the audio, I left it as is.
- e-gtr_with_all_FX, eq cutting lows up to 700hz and cutting highs up to 7200hz, gate and clipping to cut louder transients.
- e-gtr_DI, a clipping plugin, an eq cutting lows up to 400 cutting highs up to 7200, and increasing the frequency of 3470 by 6db.
- cello_1, low cut up to 200 hz, compressor with medium attack and quick release.
- cello_2, low cut up to 500hz, cut at 6500, +6db at 15200, compressor with medium attack and long release.
- Then I combined the two cellos into 1 track and equalized with a cut at 1000hz and 6db at 10800hz.
- rings-section eq with high cut up to 500 hz, cut at 1170 hz. Clipping and then a gate.
- acoustic_guitar_sampled, EQ cutting lows up to 200hz, cut at 870hz and 1370, and +6db at 5300. Then a clipping, a phaser pedal to make the mid-bass sound cleaner and a tone pedal to take away some of the shine.
- e-guitar-solo_DI and e-guitar-solo_with_all_FX, combined into a single track, gate, EQ cutting lows up to 300hz, cut at 2900hz, compressor with fast attack and medium release, and clipping.
- trumpet_no1 and trumpet_no2, combined into a single track, opened the pan left and right, eq +3db at 1600hz and +5db at 7060hz. Then a clipping plugin.
- Choirs, I combined them all into a single track, EQ with low cuts up to 100hz, and then clipping to cut peaks.
- vox_lead_cleaned, a low cut up to 100 hz, +3db at 180hz, -6db comb filters at 435hz, 820hz, 1690hz and 8550hz. Then a denoise to eliminate noise, a deser at 8000hz, a clipping, a gate and a compressor with fast attack and slow release.
- vox_under, same treatment as vox_lead_cleaned, with the exception of the eq which was cut low up to 270hz, and +6db at 11900.
- vox_wail, same treatment as vox_lead_cleaned, with the exception of the eq which was cut low up to 300hz, specific cut at 800hz and 2500 and +6db at 11900.
- Effects:
- Delay: used in vox_lead_cleaned and vox_under.
- Medium Plate Reverb: on all channels, with low cuts up to 100hz and highs up to 10000hz.
- Medium Plate Reverb: on the vox_under, vox_wail, srings-section, trumpet and choirs channels, without EQ cuts so that the reverb also picks up the high frequencies, with the aim of distancing these instruments a little.
- Chorus: on the vox_wail and choirs tracks.
- On the master track, a neve distortion simulator plugin, a clipping, a high frequency exciter and a tape simulator.
- Automations: on the track vox_wail panorama automation to attract attention and not clutter with too many vocals. On the e-gtr_with_all_FX track, volume automation to give more emphasis to certain points in the song.