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MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder:
Including today, 24 hours left to submit your mix

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by HerbFelho »

Hi all,

wow, many mixes this time, here´s my take on it. Thanks for sharing the tracks!

Mixing in Presonus Studio One:

Vocals: Individual tracks only have Vocal Rider for balance and Soothe to tame harshness and resonances on them. Bussed them all and treated them there with Waves MV2, CLA, LA2A and Stock EQ

Kick: Both tracks used equally and bussed. On the bus: Waves Kramer, Smack Attack, Stock EQ

Snare: all 3 tracks used. Used Slate trigger to blend some roomy sounding samples (30% only) to make up for missing room tracks. Snare bus with Stock EQ and Compression, Waves Smack Attack and a Send to stock convolution room reverb.

Tom tracks not used.

OH: Stock EQ, Waves JJP, Stereo Image narrowed with Stock Binaural Pan Plugin.
Some drum track might have been nudged some milliseconds and/or polarity inverted for better phase coherence.

Git: Three tracks used: SM57 90% left. Ambient track centered, "Extra warm" 90% right. Bussed together and put on Waves CLA, Trackspacer triggered by vocal bus a tiny bit. Fab ProQ2 and a bit of Delay/Reverb from Waves Kramer FX.

Bass: Waves Bass Rider then split at 140 Hz to treat high and low part differently:
low bass: heavy compression with 1176 and LA2A
high bass: 1176 and Ampeg sim
Bass bus: Bass Professor, Waves CLA, Fab ProQ2, Slate VMR, Trackspacer triggered by kick.

2Bus: API 2500 Comp for glue and punch, Slate Tape and a bit of corrective EQ (Fab ProQ2)

Other than that automations of course.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FuifB ... U7498g9Fpq
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JsqnZ ... rdtmHNPRfW

Good luck all!
smooth foundation

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by smooth foundation »

Hi guys,

Here is my mix.
Wav: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xeoaxaabr4hla ... n.wav?dl=0
Mp3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n3foxhxn7ddpb ... n.mp3?dl=0

since this is a punk band, I keep it simple but dynamic, and try not to loose the atmosphere captured in their recording.
So i didn't use samples which has not have no bleeds.

I cleaned up all tracks carefully with EQ to determine each instruments with certain frequencies, covering
wider range of frequency and making space for vocals, but not overdone
I also spotlighted on guitar tricks he played in the middle or right before the last chorus, and
whatever i read they intended to do.

I left enough headspace, about 6db that would be enough for mastering engineer to work on.
I prepared wider frequencies that means mastering engineer can work on more on EQ too.
I believe it will be pretty much guitar punk sound when proper total comp and EQ are taken place.

enjoy my mix.
thank you.
Olli H
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Olli H »

I tried to preserve the live feeling. Quite simple set up. The sound is made mainly with eqs in every track and automations. I wanted to create old time punk sound, that's why I used as reference ”Safe European Home” by The Clash.

During mixing my main idea was too keep the groove and energy rolling on all listening levels. So my attention was not so much on individual track sounds.

I didn’t use toms.
Some samples to add a bit snap to kick and snare. I used my own triggers. Orginal kick and snare are quite loud in the mix.

Nothing special. Added a bit saturation and parallel compression.

”Extra warm” guitar to center and others to sides. In Guitars Buss I used ReaFir to tame some harsh frequencies.

I used two plates (short and long) and tape delay two create the room. Also some parallel compression and saturation.

Klanghelms SDRR to add some grit.

MP3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=113pT0 ... qvE_JxQzuT
WAV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ie3I_ ... mWYoN7-PVH
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:08 CEST

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by okayzon »

[quote=leary post_id=2943 time=1534179061 user_id=408]

what a somewhat decent punkrocksong!

here we go:

drumbus: kind of middle of the road
kick: no high pass, bx_subfilter @ 65Hz, gating to kill as much /cymbals/HH bleed as poss,
emphasize on bottom/oumphf - so not much click@5KHz and attenuation of midrange freq.
Typical kick compression.
snare: attenuated undesired freq. + a bit short reverb.
oh:just a small amount, just enough to sense a stereo-perspective.
Otherwise the bleed is all in the center
(The count-in by sticks is from guitar-miking bleed - it is punk after all)

bass: bx_subfilter @ 70 Hz, boost of everything below 420 Hz and heavy compression.

guitars: panned a bit around. The "Guitar Extra Warm" gets phaser and delay in stereo
medium compression on most guitars.
Sidechain compression, input from vox bus, to leave better room for vocals.

vox: a little panned to sides, minimum treatment, some compression. Rich chorus gets a backing role, added som medium room D-Verb,
to move him backwards.
All vox sent to bus, wich ran the Hornet autogain pro, to level things a bit, then compressed.

Masterbus: PSP Vintagewarmer. I love how it makes everything blend in nicely.

Otherwise I use Nomad plug-ins to great extent.I got all their plugz.

Here it is:

Thank You!
out of Denmark

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST



So many entries... This is my mix!
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j7o5kq2ga49j ... Yxhxa?dl=0

Actually I liked provided original mix, but this time I try to maximize some "ethos" and stabilize whole mix/reducing hollowness especially when listening through speaker at expense of 3d-staging of the sound.

I will update my post for further information. Hope you like it.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Dwic »

Here's my mix...

https://drive.google.com/open?id=17UwBL ... EiKHcdLm_n

So it’s punk. So my strategy was to mix it like punk song. so I decided to keep the original drums - the drums needed more attitude than precision. I used the triggers as keys for gates on the kick and snare tracks but I mainly used the overheads for my drum sound.
For the bass, I duplicated the track. One I left completely untouched the other I put through a Bass Professor Mark 2. These tracks were then summed and compressed.
The guitars were great I left them almost untouched. I didn’t use the ambient, the SM57 went straight up the extra warm went left the extra went right. they got summed into a bit of compression and some dynamic EQ on the low-end. Really good guitar sound, worked perfectly for the song.
Chris’s vocal worked really well. I did some eq notch out at 300 and at 1400 and a bit of compression little de-ess that was it.
For the choruses I was trying to give it kind of a Pixies vibe. I don’t know if that came through but with the oohs I made them nice and spacey.
dj blackie

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by dj blackie »

Hi there,

Here is my mix:
WAV--> https://we.tl/t-30OgMccflP
MP3--> https://we.tl/t-VmUOFPoeVJ

It would be too long to describe each channels in detail and an image is better than 1000 words, so i give you my screenshots. All the process here is only to make sure the "sound" punk is manageable. :hihi:

Not sure if punk need UFS level control when they like all button red in the board :grin:
Here, i did it in Pro Tools (as you can see), because i like it...

Good luck everybody! :tu:

:help: First time i participate in a forum, and i don't know how to correctly post pictures... (can't find a way to import my screenshots into the text).
Last edited by dj blackie on Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:52 CEST, edited 2 times in total.
Ville Karaksela

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC046 August 2018 - Submissions until 21-08-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Ville Karaksela »

Good evening all! :)

First time participating.

Here's my mix:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/s6qhw54r4mwzc ... a.wav?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9u45t6aqezvn2 ... a.mp3?dl=0

I cleaned the guitartracks from some unnecessary noises
Thightened the drums in the beginning of the song a bit


Gated the kick and snare quite tight, also used TDR Nova on snare as a high frequency expander to reduce hihat bleed further.
EQ, compression, transient smoothing with SDRR2 on individual tracks (this also gives the drums nice slightly darker tone with the Fuzz mode)
I didn't use the tom tracks at all, I used Cubases Reverence with a Bricasti plate impulse instead for some space
DC8C3 on the drum bus for some snap and punch. :)

EQ'ed some nasty frequencys out
Added more aggression with SDRR2 tube mode
Actually sidechain compressed the Gtr bus with kick and snare (just 1 db max) to give the song a touch more energy
Two of the guitars panned hard left and right and one in the center. I didn't use the c3000 track.
Guitars go to the same reverb with drums

I used Nova to even out some volume differences between notes and then compressed with MJUC
Ignite amps SHB-1 to emphasize hi-mid frequencys

EQ for slightly more top end
MJUC for compression
Nova to tame sibilance slightly
TDR Kotelnikov to smooth out the vocal bus, also SDRR2 fuzz mode for some dirt
Cubases Reverence reverb with the default preset just slightly modified (it's a great preset! :))

Well, that's most of the things I did. Nothing on master.

BTW, mixed the song almost completely over two weeks ago, then forgot about the whole thing. Now remembered it just in time to finish and send the mix! :grin:

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