I was going for a mellow mix with a big room sound and some high end sparkle from the acoustic guitars and music box. I wanted a long boom from the kick drum and combined it with a gated copy for definition.
Kick: Track copy 1: Low shelving boost, 4k boost, 1k cut, long reverb band passed about 100 Hz for big thud. Track copy 2: Gated with 250 ms release, high passed at 500 Hz, high shelving boost, 2k cut saturated, short reverb
Snare: Track used mainly to reinforce bottom and mids, so it was highly saturated with big low end boost and low passed at 3k with a boost about 1k, reverb
Hi hat: flanging effect to keep it from sounding too dry and help in blend with overheads
Overheads: scooped with big narrow cut at 1.3k (Don't remember why I did that), reverb
Tambourine: big long Motown reverb
Bass: narrow boost at 350 Hz, highly compressed then did a send to another channel where I high passed at 360 Hz, added tube distortion and flanging
Acoustic guitars: Multiband compression, 2 bands split at 1.6 k, big cut at 160 Hz. Sent to another channel super compressed, high and low passed for mid reinforcement. Big reverb panned opposite each guitar.
Accordian: A little EQ and lots more reverb.
Electric guitar 1: Used DI, compressed, saturated, Vonexgo Boogex for cabinet sim, low shelf, high shelf, bootst at 1.5k, flanger, ping pong panned reverb
Finale electric: used supplied amp track, saturated, 100 Hz boost, various EQ sloping down to about nothing by 5k, Azurite chorus effect and long reverb
Zebra Bell Piano: Azurite chorus, 2k boost trying to get definition, exciter to make some more high mids
Music Box: big cut around 3k to tame the clickety-clack, low pass at 10k to filter out those weird Zebra overtones, flanger and reverb to make it sound more natural
Phosphor HiPad: Exciter and Vonexgo Stereo touch effect AFTER a plate reverb (don't remember what I was thinking, but seems to work)
Female vocal: Crazy EQ all over attempting to tame standing wave from the phone booth she was standing in, lots of compression, delays and reverb to diffuse the vocals. I failed...
Lead vocal: Room sound successfully mitigated with notches at 320, 690, and 1170 Hz. Gentle wide boost around 500 Hz. Dynamic EX compressing at 280 Hz and 4.8k, big reverb
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mdS8Ud ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tr3ELi ... sp=sharing