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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 22:09 CET
by DennisBastioni
Hi guys, i hope my link works this time. lol
Here is my submission, if someone would ask me about processing i'll be happy to explain what i did. I really enjoy this song so thank you to the band and as always, thank you to all mix challenge staff. ... sp=sharing

Good luck to everyone!


Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 22:39 CET
by Mork

for this song I had one goal in mind - make it MASSIVE! Don't know if I succeeded, but at least it's somewhat in the direction I'd hoped for. The biggest battle for me was curing demo-itis. Everything sounded so plane and wouldn't come together at all. There wasn't one specific solution to this, it was coming together piece by piece. For example the screams have up to four stages of distortion on them (subtle and not so subtle), just to give them attitude and aggression. But most if not all stuff has some form of saturation on it to take off the plastic edge. For the guitars I used the original amp sounds. I delayed guitar 2 to make the chords wide and heavy. Tried to take out the ear piercing stuff, now they're a big and almost dark bed for the other instruments. I swirled a lot of stuff (MicroShift, Valhalla Space Modulator), so everything doesn't just sit on top of each other and to create the "cushion" (paired with verb and delay, of course). Chorus Vox are also swirled, because it sounds very cool, creates interest and gives a lift to the chorus. This is almost a vocal up mix, because the vocals were extremely upfront in both original mixes. But I think it suits the song, nice singing voice, fits the genre like a glove.

Oh, almost forgot the link :hihi: ... sp=sharing

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 23:21 CET
by mdihero
Hello. First time posting or entering. This entire mix was done in the box in Ableton.

First major change was I opted to use the DI tracks with amp sims instead of the Mic'd tracks. I used AmpliTube 4 for all of them. Orange Thunderverb on the rhythm and lead guitars with matched 4x12 Orange cab. On Guitar octaves I used a Marshall JCM800 with matching cab. On bass I used an Ampeg SVT-CL with 8x10 cab. The rhythm guitar is delayed on the right side, and a 1/2 note echo is used on the leads.

On drums I opted to not use the included room track. I used Abbey Road Chambers instead. On snare I used a blend of a plate IR and the Quartz algorithm in Ableton's Hybrid Reverb. Since the drums are sampled I didn't do a ton of EQing besides a bandpass on kick drum. Both the overheads and the close mics have 1176s getting smashed at ALL ratio independently in parallel, so I could get a loud drum sound without smashing the transients. I used Abbey Road Saturator in parallel to brighten the overheads (I almost always do this instead of EQing). All drums also run through an SSL G to glue everything.

Vocals I am again using a plate IR mixed with an algorithm in Hybrid Reverb. The screamed vox I have both parallel saturation as well as an amp sim and being smashed by an 1176 similar to the drums. The sung vocals use an LA2A. All of the vocals are high cut to like 300hz. I also employed a reverse reverb on a couple of the screamed lines for emphasis. Lastly, the pre-chorus vocals and last chorus was tuned in Melodyne.

The entire mix is run through an SSL G compressor, the J37 tape plugin, and then KClip and L1 for loudness and peak limiting.

This was also the first time I did a mix using room calibration, so we'll see if that was a good idea or not.

Thanks for listening ... share_link

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 23:33 CET
by SuC76

first of all, a big hello to everyone !

Here is my mix: ... share_link

BASS - DI - mono, filtered
BASS - filtered
SUB - sidechain to kick, added some sub, bass and treble and some distortion

DRUM KICK - copyed to two channels, on one added some sub, treble, compression and some short reverb
SUB - added some parallel compression

DRUM SNARE - copyed to two channels, on one added some bass, treble, compression and some reverb
SUB - added some parallel compression

DRUM STEREO OH - added some top
DRUM STEREO ROOM - added some compression
DRUM TOM - added some bass and treble and some reverb

GUITAR 1 - filtered
GUITAR 2 - filtered
SUB - added some bass, treble , little bit of chorus, some eight note delay and somme reverb

GUITAR LEAD 2 - filtered
GUITAR LEAD - filtered
SUB - added some bass, treble , little bit of chorus, some eight note delay and somme reverb

VOX chorus - filtered
VOX chorus-1 - filtered
VOX chorus-2 - filtered
VOX chorus-4 - filtered
VOX chorus-5 - filtered
VOX chorus-6 - filtered
SUB - added some treble, compression, some slap delay, and some reverb

VOX clean - filtered
VOX clean-2 - filtered
SUB - added some treble, compression, some slap delay, and some reverb

VOX harmony - filtered
VOX harmony-2 - filtered
VOX harmony-3 - filtered
VOX octave-above-1 - filtered
VOX scream - filtered
VOX scream-1 - filtered
VOX scream-3 - filtered

DAW: Ableton Live 10

VTM Brit-N, UAD-Pultec, VTM

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 23:49 CET
by diegoneryproducoes
I really liked this track!
I mixed everything in Reaper, 1176 UAD, reaeq, filters, ssl comp, TSAR-1R and delay.
Fierce vocals please me, but these took a lot of work to highlight..
In short, lots of automation, parallel compression, saturation, peak control with limiters and pitch corrections.

My mix: ... p=drivesdk

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 23:52 CET
by Davias
Hello !

An interesting mix again this month, I tried to make it punchy and shiny a bit like some metaloid tracks I heard in some animes (a little bit).

mixing in API style with the api channel from lindell.

I kept the DI bass which I thought was more tight. Tried to make the drums more punchy and with more room. I kept the guitars, but I re amped one of the DI for more grit an fullness. added some reverbs on the guitars and the voices. vari-mu style compression on the master buss.

here is the link : ... sp=sharing

I could clean the background noises in the guitars or voice recordings next, and I guess automate more. automating the reverb could be very good on some parts. also I wanted to make a reverse reverb for the second coming of the screaming voice, but no time.

Best luck to everybody ^^

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 00:06 CET
by againstpower
my mix ... sp=sharing

I will write the technical notes later due to lack of time

MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 00:25 CET
by Mister Fox
It is the 22nd December 2022, 00:20 UTC+1/CET - the first Mix Round has officially ended

Another very warm welcome to all new participants, nice meeting you and I hope you'll enjoy your stay. Also, a huge "welcome back" towards old regulars. It's a pleasure seeing you. As usual, a huge thank you to everyone that is spreading the word about the Mix Challenge. Please help get the Songwriting Competition as popular (less than 3 days left, currently 5 entries).

Statistic Sheets have been updated (on 25-DEC-2022 06:25 UTC+1/CET)
Statistic Sheets are not available yet, please wait for the official announcement post -- sheets will arrive by mid 25-DEC-2022 latest

 ⚠ Moderation Message from Mister Fox  
Important Update:
As of MC081, the Song Providers can now decide from the start, or once the Statistics Sheet has been provided, which route to go in terms of providing feedback. You can read more about this in the Mix Challenge - changes to main game (October 2021) thread.

:arrow: Our Song Provider for this month, @Rawkinron, decided to go the "(Feedback for) Top 15" route.

We will keep you updated.

I now open the field for everyone to give each other feedback (highly encouraged). This will be independent to the client feedback however.

Please watch this spot for the statistics sheet, client feedback and Mix Round 2 participant announcement.

Good luck to all participants.

:arrow: The Songwriting Competition 064 (SWC064) is still in full swing.

The deadline is 24-DEC-2022, 23:59 UTC+1/CET. The genre is "free to select" (Theme: "Out the window"/Picture Theme). So far we have 5 entries, with some interaction. Please share feedback, and maybe join yourself.

We're also still collecting samples for the upcoming Special Sound Design Challenge called "Community Scramble" in January 2023. You are not forced to join the follow-up game. Please get involved!

Please spread the word!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 01:02 CET
by scottfitz
Hi all,
This tune has been another great experience but this challenge will not happen past February of next year unless new material is found. We all know bands and songwriters, so please get working on it if you have any free time, find material and get in touch with Mr Fox.
I've not yet listened to all the entries but after I hope to give some more feedback. Of the ones I have heard Christoph_K was my favourite for creating a really polished sound with great creativity in the effects and tone used.
Cheers all

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 01:07 CET
by againstpower
againstpower wrote:
Thu Dec 22, 2022 00:06 CET
my mix ... sp=sharing

I will write the technical notes later due to lack of time
My mixing process:

I did a lot of editing work in order to obtain a similar level through the vox tracks and the guitar tracks along with a proper gain staging for all the tracks.
I've used all the tracks, in particular both d.i and amped tracks. For bass case I use d.i track to obtain the low-end with a HPF at about 350Hz and the amped track for the mid/high end with a LPF at the same frequency. The two tracks go to a bass bus with a comp, eq and send to a mono delay effect and a parallel compression. Amp track was send to a saturation bus.
For Drums: I isolated snare ghost notes (I like it!) and put it in the mix for more groove. I used parallel compression and a tape saturation on all the drum set. All track go into a drum bus with a sslcomp for glue effect. Previously the tracks are treated in a typical way with comp, eq, limiter.
I also used a sub-mix bus in order to enhance sub-frequencies from bass d.i. track and kick track.
For guitar case I used d.i. tracks to obtain more attack and thickness. On some tracks I reversed the polarity to avoid phase issue, then I put them in the bidimensional space using pan and Combined Panner cubase option. Guitar 1 amp and d.i were routed to a guitar bus 1, the same thing with the second guitar and both are routed to a same bus. The process is repeated for the lead and guitars octaves and all converge in a guitar total bus with a send to grungelizer and saturation. FX used: stereo delay and rverb

VOX: I grouped the backing vocals, the clean and screamed vocals into three buses that converge into a voice bus
I used 4 parallel process to compress, give more presence, attitude and saturate. FX: stereo delay with different values and rverb, the same used for guitar.

All main buses go to mixbus with sslcomp as glue and eq to give more air.

I would like to receive any kind of feedback from the challenge participants :phones: