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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by scottfitz »

On the loudness war, note that if any of you are fans then Dan Worrall massively agrees with what Mister Fox just wrote. I grew up on classical music with my mother a professional cellist and so for me I find even the regular use of compressors a little bit unnatural. Every time I do before and after comparisons I prefer the uncompressed, but then in the mix you realise that you can't have everything uncompressed because then certain elements jump out more than others and it can be detrimental to the listening experience.

Unfortunately in the loudness war it seems like loud has won for the time being. I have enjoyed recently learning how to make a mix loud, but if I loudness match the loud mix with the mix without the loudness enhancing processes, then I always prefer the quieter mix. So it seems we are just all losing in the loudness war. So I appreciate that the Mix Challenge seem to be conducted with this in mind.

Cheers all
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by Mellow Browne »

Hello all,

thank you so much for participating, it was a pleasure to listen to all your mixes and to discover similiarities and differences in your process but also in your environment. Like I mentioned in another post I will give feedback to ALL mixes because I think I owe you this. But I will also share a lot of thoughts and invite you to discussions if you agree or disagree.

I hope you can find some useful information in my comments, aha-moments or at least get a better feeling about your/my setup in general. I will be very honest and I hope nobody will get angry because of my feedback. I know, I don’t have the top notch, most professional equipment to judge your mix 100% correct from an engineering point of view nor do I have the knowledge and wisdom of a seasoned producer to create a flawless sound stage. I still think my setup is not bad for a producer studio and actually pretty good for a hobby/enthusiast home studio.

I can assure you that problematic mixes will not pass the main system test in my home studio. They are accurate enough to show problematic translation issues. They are certainly not precise enough for professional mastering purposes (especially in the sub, low mid and midrange area), but you will find lots of professional producers using this setup because of their warm and engaging sound, and also some smaller mixing studios as well.

I believe I have enough experience of two decades creating thousands of beats, rapping and recording hundreds of own songs, producing, writing, editing and vocal tuning, recording and mixing for other several artists (also a few respected German artists) to give you a more or less valid feedback and to say where you are right now in your path. I’ve been there too and now I understand much better what I need to do in the future, also thanks to this forum, this is an amazing experience with this mix challenge as song provider. Learning never ends!

If you are not a fan of „nerdy“ stuff you can skip straight to the feedback or the top 15 vote, I will separate things into spoiler categories. But be aware, you might miss some useful information for your path as a mixing engineer/hobbyist and maybe the biggest revenue of this mix challenge. If you are not happy with YOUR own result or you are insecure about how it sounds, this is a chance to get some help and to dive deeper into certain topics. And don’t expect somebody else to like your mix when you cannot say to yourself. Trust me, people can hear your confidence or insecurety in a mix!

I joined this community in 2018 and the vibe on this plattform has changed quite a few times tbh. But it was worth to stay loyal, the host Mister Fox is a treasure for the home studio community and he has so much to offer, I think we are not really aware of the value he brings. He is a real „nerd“ and a cool guy, you can ask him for advice at any time and be sure he will answer with compassion.

Please, treat him and the community with respect and don’t try to fool him or others on the community with some strange behaviour, „cheaters“ will be recognized! I highly recommend you to check his KVR marks (look for member Compyfox) with interesting articles about loudness, LUFS, peaks etc. I learned so much from these articles in the last two years! Check it out!

Lack of detail:
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Speakers I've worked on so far:
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My current setup and room:
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My opinion about room acoustics and speakers:
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The 2nd mix(09/24) I provided was made a month or so after I got the sub and improved the room acoustics and I didn’t spend too much time on it. Now that I had the time to learn the new environment, the integration and the physics a bit better I would change a few things to create more impact, especially on the low end.

My opinion about the "Trap House" 808:
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About the evaluation process:
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The second listening session and new community experience?
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Car check:
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About altering the arrangement and the use of a Wild Card:
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How I monitor true peak, loudness etc:
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The feedback process itself:
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PS: Unfortunately, not everybody provided information about the monitoring! I find this piece of information to be as important as the mix process itself. I think this would be a nice addition for future challenges so the community can check their work / setup a bit better. I also forgot to ask if anybody has some kind of hearing impairment or is suffering from tinnitus (I mean on a permanent level 24/7 for at least 3 months) but I thought this would be too personal and intimate. But, if anybody wants to share something about this topic you are welcome to send me a PM. In case you might wonder, I have to deal with such things from a professional point of view and I’d love to learn more about it. I’m thankful for every information you want to share!

PPS: please, don’t try to fool the host Mister Fox or the Song Provider! Just be real to yourself and your work, don’t use several accounts in hope to grab a plugin for free. And don’t re-upload your entry, people WILL notice. You already „lost“ with this mindset imo, this is just you trying to hide your insecurities with some strange behaviour and really, you’re not getting anything out of this whole community and your craft as a mixing engineer. Grow as a personality and become mature, never take the feedback personal, you should take it with honour instead because somebody (maybe more experienced than you) took the time to listen to your work and communicated his thoughts. How could a free plugin be more valuable than this? He gave you his FULL attention, what an engagement.

Really, nobody wants to discourage you in your path! We all have this passion for music. And honestly, if you feel offended by the feedback about your work from a stranger, I don’t think you are ready for bigger projects, yet.

Give yourself some time to grow, especially mentally, but also technically. There is no short cut. Sure, a wonderful acoustic and high end monitors can help you to get faster results with more precision for sophisticated detail work but you still have to make the experience in the first place to learn the many many tools. But you also need to learn how to verbalize such things in a precise way, maybe even in a foreign language. And in times of AI and mix and mastering tools, let’s really celebrate this whole process and learn as much as possible about this wonderful craft.
Be fair to others, be fair to yourself and most important, respect your work!

So, here is the feedback for every mix! I hope I didn’t forget anybody. Have fun reading, maybe you can learn something from my comments, if you agree or not etc. I highly encourage you to cross check some work with my notes and listen to other entries as well, download your favourite mixes and import them into your DAW, listen carefully, compare your setup / mix approach and make notes. Try out the settings with TDR Nova (it’s a free plugin) I mentioned and take notes. See for yourself what works and what doesn’t. I hope you this helps you in the learning process. Have fun!

All the best,

So, drumroll please…

My TOP 15 (in no particular order):
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Let’s go!

Feedback for every mix:
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Again, thank you all for participating. The point of view as a song provider was by far the most important experience in my path as a mixing engineer and I learned a lot of things!

General notes to mixes:
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Further adjustments in my room:
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The infamous SSL and loudness discussion:
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Congratulations to you guys, you did a good job with my mix and I like what I’m hearing. There are still a few things I would like to you take care of. And please, don’t consider my TDR Nova settings as the all-in-one solution, there are still other things in your mixes which need more detail work. But I hope this gives you an idea of what I’m hearing in my room. I can’t wait to hear your revisions for Round 2. Have fun mixing!

All the best for 2025 to you guys,

Edit: typo correction, adjusted things for better readability and I highlighted your forum name to make it easier for you to find the specific feedback!
Last edited by Mellow Browne on Sat Jan 04, 2025 21:33 CET, edited 5 times in total.
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MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »

Thank you for handling the evaluation, @Mellow Browne .
I think this is the most extensive feedback we've had so far -- and it is highly recommended to read by everyone.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us kick off Mix Round 2, which will end on Thursday, 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET

As of this moment, that is 5 days (plus the hours since @Mellow Browne's update). All Mix Round 2 participants will be sent a reminder via mail shortly.

There is a GLOBAL COUNTDOWN available to check for deadlines.
Just follow this link: Global Countdown (on homepage)

The following 15 participants go into Round 2 (alphabetical order), with "Wild Cards" being pointed out (if present this month).
(all Mix Round 2 participants should have been pinged, all participants will also get a reminder via the new newsletter engine)

@Alex Van mixland
@Drannob (Wild Card usage offered)
@Shubhashish (Wild Card usage offered)
@White Punk OD

 ! Bonus Info
Please read more about the "Wild Card" game mechanic here
Mix Challenge - Addendum: Statistic Sheet and Wild Card Mechanic

All Wild Card users are not only asked to apply the requested changes, but also to fix what they had at fault with Mix Round 1.

Please use the following filename template:

The feedback to the productions can be found here:
Please see post #142 for individual feedback.

If you are unsure what to do exactly with your mix, reach out to the song provider and engage in a conversation here on the forum.
And please keep the Rules and Guidelines (post #6) in mind regarding submitting your entry. Please do pay attention to detail. (yes, please also check the song length of your entry!)
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by elements »

Thanks @Mellow Browne for your detailed feedback. I really appreciate it. Your whole commentary was a good read. Thanks for all of your efforts in this comp.

All the best to the Round 2 participants.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by jw_ »

Tbh, I have a little trouble processing the feedback. This is NOT supposed to be a dig at you, @Mellow Browne, your work is admirable and I cannot imagine having to listen to a million mixes over the course of this mix challenge. And I, of course, can only congratulate the top15, well done.

But you mentioned timing multiple times, the hat doing something strange, you praised my (non-existant) filter automation at the start of the song and admonished, "accidental" delay-ish automation on the end of the song (again, no delays there). There are supposedly out of time delays on the adlibs, but I assure you, it's just straight 8th notes (well, that's not the whole truth, but the main delay sound is 8th notes). For the life of me, I cannot hear any of these things. My hats are SIGNIFICANTLY lower in level AND highend compared to any of the top15 mixes I listened to (tbf, I did not listen to the whole lot, maybe 5-6). Maybe I'm listening for the wrong stuff, who knows. Could anyone else please have a quick listen to my mix with regards to these things, for the sake of my sanity?
Link to Mix

I'm not trying to convince anybody of the qualities of my mix - I was too much on the psychedelic side, that's alright, I usually am. Just a little nonplussed.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by scottfitz »

jw_ wrote:
Sun Jan 05, 2025 02:28 CET
Tbh, I have a little trouble processing the feedback. This is NOT supposed to be a dig at you, @Mellow Browne, your work is admirable and I cannot imagine having to listen to a million mixes over the course of this mix challenge. And I, of course, can only congratulate the top15, well done.

But you mentioned timing multiple times, the hat doing something strange, you praised my (non-existant) filter automation at the start of the song and admonished, "accidental" delay-ish automation on the end of the song (again, no delays there). There are supposedly out of time delays on the adlibs, but I assure you, it's just straight 8th notes (well, that's not the whole truth, but the main delay sound is 8th notes). For the life of me, I cannot hear any of these things. My hats are SIGNIFICANTLY lower in level AND highend compared to any of the top15 mixes I listened to (tbf, I did not listen to the whole lot, maybe 5-6). Maybe I'm listening for the wrong stuff, who knows. Could anyone else please have a quick listen to my mix with regards to these things, for the sake of my sanity?
Link to Mix

I'm not trying to convince anybody of the qualities of my mix - I was too much on the psychedelic side, that's alright, I usually am. Just a little nonplussed.
First of all can I say that I'm blown away by your round up @Mellow Browne. This is by far the most comprehensive of any Mix Challenge I've done in best part of 3 years. I am still trying to process the vast amount of information you have given.

Anyway @jw_, I've just listened to your mix and I do find it hard to pick out the specific things that @Mellow Browne was hearing. I like your mix, I would say well done for most of what you did. The one thing that I noticed immediately which I thought was a potential problem was the characteristics of the vocal FX. I was wondering what the decay time of the main reverb was and thinking it sounds like about 3 seconds. The problem with this on a rap track is that if you imagine each word of the rap with it's own separate 3 second tail, what we will hear for most of the time is a blanket of reverb, which is there all the way through the flow of words until at the end of a phrase and we finally get a break from it. It's cool also, like that ambience definitely gives us something too, I can see how you have got to it. However I think when you have a performer who has recorded something so accurate in it's nature that it is too big of a loss to process it in such a way where we will end up blurring it effectively. In terms of dynamics if you put a layer of reverb at 20% of the volume of the main track and it's nearly always there, for me you have lost 20% of the dynamics because each new word cannot impact fully as it's trying to emerge from this layer of reverb.

I know this wasn't quite what you wanted when you asked for help, but I thought that this might be of use to you in thinking about how this track could be. I wonder for example what your track would sound like if you could reduce that vocal reverb decay time to 0.8 seconds or less ? The timing is actually critical to whether or not the groove feels nice, so I would recommend that you spend a long time deciding where it should be.

Anyway Cheers and good luck to all who are still playing, I am reworking my mix to a reasonable extent having been alerted to many problems.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Rockincher »

Thank you very much for the time taken to provide the feedback.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by jules666 »

Thanks @Mellow Browne for the feedback some interesting notes, especially on your Nova settings at around 7.9k as I already must of noticed this range as had a dynamic EQ there already on my master but it was a very narrow Q
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Thanks for the feedback most appreciated.
Good luck to all in Round 2.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by JeroenZuiderwijk »

Hi Mellow Browne,

My compliments for the extreme usefull and detailed feedback! From this feedback we can all really learn. I can imagine it must have taken hours to listen to all the mixes and give such precise feedback. I am not only reading your comments on my mix but also your feedback on the other mixes....it helps me to get a feeling for improvement in my mixing decisions. And all you other information is also good fun to read :-)

So thanks for all your hard work and to make it extra fun to participate for everybody.

I agree with your notes on my mix btw. I was struggeling to get the low end audible.....adding more saturation wasn't the answer.


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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC101 December 2024 - Mix Round 2 until 09-JAN-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by jw_ »

scottfitz wrote:
Sun Jan 05, 2025 11:52 CET
Anyway @jw_, I've just listened to your mix and I do find it hard to pick out the specific things that @Mellow Browne was hearing. I like your mix, I would say well done for most of what you did. The one thing that I noticed immediately which I thought was a potential problem was the characteristics of the vocal FX. [..]
Thank you for taking the time!
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