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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Winners announced

Thematic Songwriting Competition - recurrence: monthly
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Doc Jon
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Doc Jon »

Things I have learned during this month’s competition:
It is always nice to have a selection of different styles/genres to listen to, but it does make comparing and voting much harder!
My main learning point from doing my track this month was learning how to program Synthesizer V and realising that I no longer have to inflict my own mediocre singing voice on the public. Program in the melody/harmonies with MIDI notes, type the lyrics, add in some expression, and you are good to go! It takes quite a bit of work to get it perfect but it is very, very convincing. I wanted to learn how to use this software and the Songwriting Challenge has been the ideal opportunity.
I also learned that even after a long break from making music it just takes a small bit of inspiration like this to pull you back in so I hope I’m here to stay for a while again 😊

A Future In Noise
What’s Expected From Me
I liked the raw feel to this track and the chorus was particularly strong, nice guitar solo at the end. You have managed to achieve a very clean recording of the guitars and vocal tracks and it all hangs together well. Some of the timing is perhaps a little too loose and could do with tightening up a bit. I would also have liked some variation in the processing of the vocals in the verse and chorus to create a ‘lift’ in the chorus sections, maybe some doubling or stereo spread. The ending was rather sudden

Great guitar and vocal, the drums have a lot of punch which I like a lot. Some great choices of guitar tones and noises, Guitar track is very impressive and I was amazed when I read your track description to realise that this was all achieved with plugins. The reverse reverb effect in the middle eight is highly effective. Overall a very accomplished and aggressive track, the loud mix really suits this style - however for the purposes of this competition I fear you have poured gasoline on the -14 LUFS loudness limit and set it on fire! If you had more time I suspect you would have been able to lover the overall mix volume but still keep the punchy feel and aggressive tone

All Night Together
Great track, well recorded with some good drum programming. The vinyl sounds at the start and finish can risk sounding a little cliché but they really fit in well here. The vocal section was very good, with a great vocal performance, but I would have liked more vocals in the rest of the track please! The first half of the track is excellent but feels like it would be even better with a vocal line on top. The bass guitar needed to cut through the mix a bit more (I’m not familiar with the bass simulator sound system that you used but I suspect this may be the reason) and some additional processing of the bass line would have helped to achieve this

A nice laid back track. I liked the raw drums and the fairly dry sound of the drums in the mix suited the feel of the track well. The electric piano was too loud for my liking and did muffle some of the other sounds as a result although you did drop the volume right down during the vocal sections. The vocal was too ‘up front’ for my liking and would have been better a little lower and farther back in the mix, with maybe not quite so much of a hard panned L/R effect – if I’m being very fussy I would also cut out the tiny vocal ‘click’ right at the very very end of the track!

Mellow Browne
I like this a lot. Grabs the attention right from the start with some well-chosen lo-fi sounds. The whole track has a feel good travel/holiday vibe which I thought fitted the theme well. I thought the instrumentation was very good, it did not sound cheap or fake to me at all as I felt it fitted with the general lo-fi feel of the track. You are right – this track needs vocals! As I was listening to it I was singing to myself over the top and it just felt right to have a vocal line with it, that is certainly what I would recommend if you were to spend more time reworking the track – however, as it is, I still love it!

Postal De Les Vacances Dels 80
Some really lovely 80s synth sounds and nice drum machine beats although the same drum break did get a bit repetitive after a while. I certainly got the 80s feel from this track, it would be very suitable for the closing credits of an 80s movie

Postcards From Around The World
A very good track, well constructed and very well mixed. I like your idea of different motifs using different ethnic instruments from around the world which fits very well with this month’s theme of postcards. Very difficult to find anything wrong here, my only suggestion for change would be to use the ethnic instruments even more prominently in the melody and mix to make them even more the star of the show – and I’m still looking for the didgeridoo! I would also remove the ‘Welcome to Mix Challenge’ vocal as it sounded like an anti-piracy watermark to prevent illegal home copying!

The Exponent
An excellent track with a great mix and production. Very impressive with all the different sounds you have produced from the one synth, I particularly liked the bird and animal noises! It fits very well with this month’s theme of postcards and I could tell that a lot of skill had gone into the programming and arrangement for which you deserve a lot of credit. Any improvements? Well, my only suggestion would be to have used some drum samples (I know this was OSC track so you are limited to using the synth, but maybe a separate Songwriting Challenge mix would be possible!)

Some very retro sounds which I like although it would be nice to have some variation in the sounds as the track progresses with the introduction of some ‘softer’ textures mixed in for contrast. I particularly liked the delay and pitch effects on the vocal and the vocoder section was great. The vocal is too low in the mix however and needs to be louder, although the volume in the vocoder section was fine. Overall a good track but just needs a bit more attention to the mix

Journey To The Top
An atmospheric start with some beautiful pads which develop into a nice ambient track which would be well suited to chill out background music, I can imagine listening to this after a log hard day at work. I liked the transition to the change at 3:08 and the introduction of percussion at this point works well. The track fits the title perfectly and succeeds in portraying a journey, ascending upwards to the final destination, maybe the ending could have been more dramatic building a crescendo with a massive gong to finish!

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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by A Future in Noise »

What I learned this month / reflections:
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by JeroenZuiderwijk »

A Future in Noise wrote:
Thu Apr 27, 2023 16:28 CEST

JeroenZuiderwijk: Good groove here. I would have rated you higher if the vocals section had started earlier in the song. It's kind of odd to let the singer begin when more than 50 percent of the song has already passed by. The first 1:47 – what would you call that section if you use ordinary music terminology?
Thank you for the feedback. You are absolutely right...in ordinary music this would be a very weird structure....hm, ok maybe in not-so-ordinary music as well ;-) anyway. I initialy wanted to have vocals for the first section...that could have made it better. I just didn't have the inspiration and couldn't come up with a vocal line before the deadline. But apart from that I also like the weird surprise of the vocal at the end of an otherwise instrumental song....creative freedom! :-)
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by JeroenZuiderwijk »

Good thing to have been writing music again. This one I’ll keep in my music archive because this could grow into a full alternative rock song….needs
'a little' more work. But that is the fun of this challenge, just seeing how far I can get in a limited period of time.
Like every month voting is also a challenge with so many good songs. I did try to make a list of 5 see below:
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And my comments on the fantastic songs of this month:
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Last edited by JeroenZuiderwijk on Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:05 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mellow Browne »

Things I’ve learned this month:

Authentic guitar playing with vsts is an art for itself and needs a lot of experience
I wasn’t aware how much impact each string on a bass guitar has while playing the same note. I was playing with the keyswitches and Modo Bass 2 replicates this behaviour really good.
The bass is the boss, the tone of a bass guitar is so important for a composition
To play the drums on the grid is the hardest thing I believe.

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@JeroenZuiderwijk I used the UAD Studer 800 on the kick track to lower the peak and I underbiased the whole machine a bit to squash it even more.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by The Exponent »

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Hey all!

I must say that all you guys are really talented and there's so much to learn from your tracks/techniques/feedback :hug:

My focus this month was more on sonic story telling, composition and sound design. Also, given that this is a Songwriting Competition and NOT a Mix Challenge, I tend to favor better 'written' (instrumentals also count) songs over better 'mixed' ones for this particular challenge. I usually try to create an enjoyable and balanced mix but there's always scope for improvement.

My learnings/reflections for this month:
  • Make alternate mixes/arrangements for different competitions/platforms/purposes instead of trying to use the same mix everywhere (even though you feel it's good enough).
  • FM synthesis is a lot of fun!
  • Foleys and organic sounding elements greatly elevate an arrangement
  • Try to listen to your mix on phones and cheaper ear buds to hear the imperfections and resonances (like loud and clicky percussion, inaudbile bass) that otherwise seem fine on headphones/monitors

• A Future in Noise

Your vocals sound very pristine and clear, the singing is quite passionate. I like the instrumentation and mixing is balanced, the song is quite pleasant and vibey. The kick gets a bit buried, you could sidechain it a tad bit to make it cut through or raise it up in the mix. I quite liked the guitar soloing, but the guitar tone is a bit brittle sounding, a warmer tone would be even more delightful. The ending, as others have also pointed out was a bit abrupt though. Overall there's a lot of passion in your song, well done!

• Arelem
Really beefy guitar tone, quite like it! The bass tone could be a bit heavier though, sounds a bit thin. Nice riffage during the breakdown. I like the grit in your vocal processing, but it's not punctuated enough by the actual performance. I find the arrangement to be a bit sparse and there's a lack of a proper B section. The riffage in the end is really cool! I wish you'd put more such sections in the whole song or made this section last a bit longer. The song does end abruptly and leaves the listener hanging. That said, it's a great effort.

• JeroenZuiderwijk
Very nice performances on guitar, some really nice riffs in this one. Since I quite like the vocals you've got, wish you'd either made the song either entirely instrumental or gone full steam with the strong vocals all across. It's a very vibey production and I will not comment on the mix choices but personally you could do with a tad bit more low end and some nice high shelf to open up the mix. Since you chose to end the song with the vocals, perhaps adding a bit more reverb and delay to them would make for an epic finale? Kudos for making a soulful track!

• Doc Jon
Really juicy synth sounds, very authentic sound with your sound selection. The AI vocals are really cool and their programming is really well done. I know some people find it distracting and unnatural but I loved it! I guess you could have actually added some more adlibs to the chorus or some lush pads in certain quieter sections. I do agree that a slightly different B section or a fuller 3rd chorus would be really nice, with a synth solo perhaps! Solid work and really enjoyed it!

• KukoBass
Really chill and groovy track. I like those vocals, they add a lot of character to the groove. I guess you could've varied the drums a bit with some embellishments and fills, since the arrangement is a bit sparse. That would add some movement to the already groovy beat! The production has some rough edges like clicks and pops which could be improved. I like the bass tone and the playing is quite nice!

• EsteveCorbera
• Very nice pads and arps, the FX and chords. The track has some nice melodic ideas, but they sound like noodling, without a strong sense of a central theme. The transition around 2:30 sounds a bit forced. Maybe you could have created a nice breakdown and transition into a B section with those drum variations you used around 1:35. That could lead to a nice shift in energy of the track. Also mix could do with a bit of a smiley curve EQ treatment for a deeper low-end and airier highs. Overall I think you've succeeded to make an authentic 80s style track!

• Mellow Browne
You've produced a very vibey and chill track, and curated very tasty chord progressions from Scaler 2. As you indicated yourself, this song will work really great as a backing track for some nice lush vocals. That said, there is little variation in the energy of the drums and the overall energy of the composition is a bit flat. It's like one of those "lofi songs to listen while <doing whatever you want to do>" but in a good way! Solid production and sound selection is really awesome on this one, really enjoyed it. Well done!

• Canese
Really cinematic! I like that you've let the track evolve gradually and organically instead of forcing a rigid song structure. Only comment is that the pads are a mid-heavy and I guess could do with some airiness/sparkle. Maybe some sort of shimmer verb or granular layers with a high shelf. Or maybe some M/S EQ to open up the mix even more! I like those gated pads towards the end and the chord movement is fantastic. What can I say, composition-wise this is my favourite track of the lot and is quite emotional. Well done!

• becsei_gyorgy
Lovely flourishes of ethnic instruments, vocals and FX usage all across. Very authentic sounding! However, the rhythm of the ethnic percussion in the intro could have been edited such that the accents align with the groove of the kick and bass. Certain other plucks also seem out of time at several places, which can be tightened. Since psytrance is intrinsically very rhythm based and fast-paced, this mismatch in accents makes it sound a bit clumsy and off. Rest of the track sounds really nice and is a nice journey overall, well done!

• Bedlamward
Your song has a distinct character. It's eclectic and groovy in a unique way. I like the basses and the various layers. It's an interesting arrangement. Mix-wise it lacks a bit of depth, which is a shame since your sonic layers are fantastic. I guess you could probably improve the dynamics of the track/manage its energy a bit better, the drums and the bass keep playing from start to end without a break or change in intensity/volume. The B section with the vocoder is a very nice touch! Overall it's an interesting track, well done!

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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by A Future in Noise »

canese wrote:
Wed Apr 26, 2023 15:23 CEST
... it could be polished a little bit. Like vocal tuning ...
Mellow Browne wrote:
Sat Apr 29, 2023 00:27 CEST
Singing is good, but could benefit from tuning here and there, it is off on „too many“ occasions.
As for vocal tuning / tones out of pitch, I would very much appreciate if you could tell me if you hear this during the two sections I have called pre-choruses? I myself hear a clean b (246,9 Hz) when I sing booth 'fall' and 'Ball'. However, I am convinced that the chord progression in these prechoruses comes as a surprise: E major, B7, A major and F#minor (although the E major should be no problem; the song begins with an E major). Is it in fact the unexpected chord progression that is the problem?

Please just let me know if the need for vocal tuning is in the prechoruses or elsewhere. (I could agree that the first syllables in the bridge feels somewhat “tentative”.)
Mellow Browne
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mellow Browne »

A Future in Noise wrote:
Sat Apr 29, 2023 09:39 CEST
Mellow Browne wrote:
Sat Apr 29, 2023 00:27 CEST
Singing is good, but could benefit from tuning here and there, it is off on „too many“ occasions.
Please just let me know if the need for vocal tuning is in the prechoruses or elsewhere. (I could agree that the first syllables in the bridge feels somewhat “tentative”.)
Excuse me, I should’ve been more precise. It is throughout the whole song, it is a microtuning thing, the intonation, the range from your initial tone and pitch to the desired note you want to sing. You have some vibrato in your voice, you need to control this in order to stay in tune. I hope this helps.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by A Future in Noise »

Mellow Browne wrote:
Sun Apr 30, 2023 20:09 CEST
... it is a microtuning thing, the intonation, the range from your initial tone and pitch to the desired note you want to sing. You have some vibrato in your voice, you need to control this in order to stay in tune. I hope this helps.
OK, thanks. You are probably right.
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC068 April 2023 - Voting until 01-MAY-2023 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder:
We're in the final 24 hours to submit your feedback and cast your vote.

Please check post #37 regarding the feedback and voting mechanic. Please don't let yourself be put at a disadvantage by not participating (fully). The Songwriting Competition lives from the given feedback towards each other.

Outside feedback is welcome, of course.
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