2024-OCT-01 Info: We're celebrating 10 years of our small community, and our 100th Mix(ing) Challenge. Many games to participate in this month - please have a look.

Mix Challenge - Homepage Update (July 2020)

News and Announcements resolving around the Mix Challenge community
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Mister Fox
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Mix Challenge - Homepage Update (July 2020)


Post by Mister Fox »

Hello everyone,

as announced and in direct result of the recent poll, there has been a "face-lift" to the community in form of a dedicated "Rule Book" section in the Challenge (sub-)Forum. You can now find all known "Rule Books" in this section. And in the future, also all addenda for them.

:arrow: List of the most important homepage updates:
  • Navigation Bar - the Navbar (main homepage) links to the Rule Books have been updated accordingly
  • Forum - implemented new "Rule Book" forum section
  • Forum - moved all "Rules and Guidelines" and currently definite declared Addenda to the new "Rule Book" forum section. All currently running game threads linking to the established rules, have been updated accordingly.
  • Forum - forum permissions slightly restricted for certain forum sections (namely: News and Announcements, Challenge Forums). In these forum sections, users can not create new threads. This is to prevent spamming and "misclicking" (New Thread instead of New Post/Reply).
  • Forum - users can no longer permanently delete their own posts, only "soft delete". Admins and Moderators will be able to recover your post in case you (the forum user) did a mistake. This is also to prevent radical behavior on the forum and then hiding it (future proofing).

:!: There are more updates planned and prepared for Q3/2020 (July to September). I will address them in this very post and the newsletter.

Thanks for reading :phones:
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