2024-JUN-02 Info: Happy 10 Years Anniversary, everyone! Check out our current running games Mix Challenge 098 and Songwriting Competition 082.

MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Submissions until 21-04-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by DimitrisPalantzas »


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FcDLSk ... sp=sharing

So I really liked the track.. I'd say it's like Frank Zappa meeting Jacob Collier in the present.

67 LV FX STEM_04 - high shelf +2 dB

60 CH FULL Voice Delay RAW STEM + 6 db at 1.6KHz

59 CH BG HARM RAW STEM - slightly panned left

57 ALT CH BG HARM RAW STEM - -7 db at 2KHz , +8 db at 7.4 KHz

51 LV CH Full Voice 3 RAW STEM - slightly panned right

50 LV CH Full Voice 3 DBL RAW STEM - slightly panned left

49 LV CH Full Voice 2 RAW STEM - halfway panned right

48 LV CH Full Voice 2 DBL RAW STEM - slightly panned left

46 LV CH Full Voice 1 DBL RAW STEM - moderately panned right

44 CH Falsetto ALL COMP 1 RAW STEM - panned hard left

31 3OSC CH HI Bass.10_01 - high shelf + 4 db

24 Choir STEM_01 - slightly panned left

14 Bass STEM_03 - deep cut 5 db at 110 Hz

02 Abbey Perc RAW STEM - lots of ableton's default send reverb

The tracks that I didn't mention don't have any effects to them neither are panned.

Link to the rest of the chains that weren't that easy to write down:

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Submissions until 21-04-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by linden6790 »


Here's my mix :

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yhByxk ... sp=sharing

and screen shots of project and mixer:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oAka52 ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XmfGbU ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pz1vLV ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KNv1i8 ... sp=sharing

Great sounding tracks! Very unussual track hence intresting. Very good singing! As mentioned here before. This song is already well arranged as if it was already premixed so for basic mix there's little polishing to do here. Therefore my approach was to make this song even more intresting and alive with automation and effects. Vocals are very important in this song so I treated some instrument parts more as an ambient for the vocals. Besides little EQ here and there and compression, I've used sidechained reverb (two different ones) with stock compressor on vocals so the reverb goes quiter when theres signal from voc track. I've also sidechained gate with white noise on snare just to give it more snare wires sound and brighten it up. I added also crancked flanger on toms and made it sound as another synth or something definitly not organic ;P. I wish I gave myself more time basicly for this mix but that's on me :D. If you guys need more details on my mix please let me know, I will be happy to get more into it if needed.

Cheers and good luck!
Cadence Soundlabs
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Submissions until 21-04-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Cadence Soundlabs »

Here is the link for my mix.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/wsh3y9eham5ea ... s.wav?dl=0

Organization was key to mixing this project. I started by grouping elements how I like to see them, and then gain staging them appropriately. I used the SSL Native Channelstrip to gain stage, EQ and compress. I also panned at this point as well.

On my master bus, I had a band pass filter setup for 800 Hz and 18,000 Hz setup just for reference purposes. I would listen to double check how it sounds on devices such as a phone or computer. I would then remove it. It is literally a strategic move to listen similar to the car radio test.

I then added reverbs and delays... It was a pretty straight forward mix.

Thank you for the opportunity to work on this.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Submissions until 21-04-2021 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Naturecord »

A last minute mix, some busy days, but still had a lot of fun!

I tried to let the voice take the lead part, and keep the mix pretty dry and clean. I focused more on automation than on prosessing the tracks as a exersise for myself, working mostly on the vocals.

On the mixbus I have glue compression (two in series just touching: ssl buscomp and shadow hill), slate saturation and some EQ scooping out some mid freq and trying to get a touch better separation, removing low (under 100) from the sides to concentrate the low end.

I tried to feed in some parallel mixbus compression, but I got into some phase issues, so it has been hard to balance. Time was short, so I think I could have payed more attention to the levels to avoid introducing some phase feel on the vocals when I ride the compression.

On Vox I put a uad neve 1073, a uad faircild 670 comp, a maag4 and LLB voice of good, Soothe 2 and Rvox. There is a whisper track (Morphoder) and a dist track feed in under the main vox. Sends to EMT 140, a 224 and a 480. There is also a parallel compression (pultec-LA2-pultec)

Back vox has been doubled (loooots of tracks :)), one with original tracks and one with tracks that has gone to melodyne and vocaligne. The cleaned tracks became very clinical, so are feed in to get nice harmomies under the original "choir".

Guitar tracks are automated, a little EQ and a Left and Rigth verb on the stereo part. Not much else done.

On keys and synths I did not do too much.A little EQ, some Fabfilter saturation, and fresh air on keys. Quite some automation.

Bass tracks have a Fabfilter EQ to clean up, a 1176 parallel compression. I doubled the tracs and sent a signal removing the low end (under 400) and crushing it with a sansamp to get some drive on the top.

Drum AUX has a EQP-1A, Decapitator and some EQ for seperation. It has a drum plate and a drum verb (lex 224). It also has a parallel compression track (1176)

Kick has a Fabfilter EQ, LLabs Voice of good, Spiff and a decapitator. Sent to Distr aux.

Snare has a Fabfilter EQ, a decapitator and are sent to a snare plate that is EQed quite alot. (most of the snare “sound” is from the snare plate)

The rest of the perc only has some Fabfilter EQ, and a little saturation.

The drum parts except the kick are sent to a drum verb (224).

Other sends, there is general verb (valhalla so create s common verb), only feed into a little. There is a soundtoys echo (ping-pong) automated on one part of the backing vocals.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kwfwlpoouj1jp ... d.wav?dl=0

EDIT: I made a mistake uploading my file to dropbox, and a new file has been re-uploaded after the deadline. I know this disqualifies this entry from the challenge, but still it would be interesting if someone has some feedback.
Good luck to all!
Last edited by Naturecord on Thu Apr 22, 2021 00:52 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
Pål Isdahl Solberg
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by Mister Fox »

It is the 22nd April 2021, 00:30 UTC+2/CEST - the first Mix Round has officially ended

Another very warm welcome to all new participants and as usual, a huge thank you to everyone that is spreading the word about the Mix Challenge. Please help get the Songwriting Competition as popular (less than 3 days left).

  • If I didn't miscount, we have 61 submissions this month (61 prior to the deadline, 00 including entries after the deadline)
  • We have 0 submissions after the deadline (as of 22-APR-2021 0:30 UTC+2/CEST)
  • We have 0 submissions that could not be downloaded by the time of this post and is therefore disqualified
  • We have 1 submission that has been withdrawn (but counts as entry within the deadline)
  • Overview of Submissions - is your entry within given parameters? (PDF - updated: 02-MAY-2021, full sheet)
  • Overview of Submissions (disqualifications only) (PDF - updated: 02-MAY-2021)
Statistic sheets have been updated (on 22-APR-2021, then updated again on 02-MAY-2021)
Statistic sheets are not available yet, please wait for the official announcement post


Until the end of 2020, I provided a data sheet each month showing all entries and what values they have in terms of loudness (LUFS ILk), maximum signal strength (dBTP), if they are in the correct bitrate and sampling rate, if they were downloadable, etc. You can read about the whole process here.

As of 2021, I'm continuing this endeavor as additional learning tool for the Mix Challenge. This data sheet is not an automated process. I will post separately once I have the data sheet prepared and uploaded (which will be linked to from this post you're reading right now).


As talked about in the General Gossip Thread, I am introducing a new game mechanic and try a test run throughout Q2/2021 (MC075/April to MC077/June).

The mechanic is as following:
  • every forum participant starts with two (number: 2) "wild-cards"
  • the "wild-cards" are basically a chance to advance the game, even though you made a mistake. May it be a simple render mistake (wrong bitrate or sampling rate), your material went a bit over the allowed specifications, or you didn't properly document your edit
  • in order to be able to use this option, your entry must be listed under "disqualified" in the statistic sheet
  • if your material could not be downloaded, has been re-uploaded prior to the end of Mix Round 1, has been submitted after the deadline, or has been withdrawn due to personal reasons - you forfeit this option
  • advancing through a wild-card can not be forced (participant insisting), only the song provider can decide if you go into the next round
  • if your entry moves into the next round, not only do you then need to address desired changes, you also need to fix your mistake while still adhering to given established rules
  • you can decline your chance to participate during the next Mix Round. But if you decide on advancing and to submit your edit, your available wild-card amount drops by -1
  • wild-cards can not be recovered / do not recharge
  • wild-card usage will be pointed out by you getting a special rank ("Wild Card use x1" or "Wild Card use x2")

Participants that used a "wild-card" will be pointed out though the following icons on their user account:

Image and Image

This mechanic is not there to straight up ignore established Rules and Guidelines. However, sometimes slight mishaps do happen. I also had song providers write me a couple of times "pity, I've really enjoyed this entry - but rules are rules". This is your chance to learn from your mistake, fix it, and grow from this experience. Let us run this game mechanic as a test until end of June 2021, and then see if this will transition into a regular mechanic.

I now open the field for everyone to give each other feedback (highly encouraged). This will be independent to the client feedback however.

Please watch this spot for the client feedback and Mix Round 2 participant announcement.

Good luck to all participants.

:arrow: The Songwriting Competition 44 (SWC44) is still in full swing.
The deadline is 24th April 2021, 23:59 UTC+2/CEST. The genre is "Jazz / Fusion" - interaction is highly encouraged.

:arrow: Please also take a look at our two mini surveys in the Gossip, Polls and Q&A Area. The deadline for both are 24th April 2021, 23:59 UTC+2/CEST as well.

Please spread the word!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by Elver »

https://drive.google.com/file/d/16non20 ... sp=sharing

Kick:Emprical Mike-e’preamp for coloration,bx_4000E to curve the eq
Snare: do nothing but volume knob
Hat:Abbey Road RS135 for some warm high frequency and Fabfilter q3 to Hi/Low Cut for the clean sound and the position in the picture
OH:Low cut about 300Hz and boost hi-end about 11Khz,the going through BSS-DPR402 for some color and de-essing
Room: Cal-1176 push it up with fast attack and lowest release
E-Drums/Percussion:Just volume control and buss processing through MTurboComp MSressor default setting.
Acoustic Guitars:Waves Api2500 Fast attack and lower release and Fabfilter Q 3 to clean it up
Strings/Chorus:Q 3 and Stereo Savage to open up the screen
MainVocal:Nice Performing! I use CLA-76 to make it sound “radio” and Q 3 to clean some muddy sound out, then I use Softube Tonelix tilt eq to Make sound Lower and I send these vocal to Echoboy tapeecho <15 iPs tape echo>
And seventh heaven tied room and Soundtoys little plate for some vintage and big Vocal sound.
BV:I want retain the BV’s dynamic so I send those BVS All to one Buss and use cal-2a to get some leveler result and abbey road RS135 eq boost 8k to make it sound upper than the MainVocal
Then I add a plate reverb to make it sound together but unique in the music
E-piano:Spring reverb to make it spotted easily
Pianos;Just PSP Piano-reverb and Tape Machine from Acustica Audio
Automation:MV BV PIANO Strings
Last edited by Elver on Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:03 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by Mister Fox »

:arrow: The "Overview of Submissions" PDFs have been uploaded.
You can check them through the upper post (post #105).

Apologies for the waiting time.

As mentioned in July 2020, this data sheet is used for giving an overview of all entries, and whether or not they are within given parameters (loudness, sampling rate, bitrate). As of 2021, I'm continuing this endeavor as this is adding to the learning process. Please take note that creating this is not a fully automated process. I am using Wavelab 10's "Batch Analysis" tool (EBU R-128 specs / equivalent to ITU-R BS.1770-3+), but the overall layout and highlighting the issues, is time consuming. If you do not find yourself on this list, please let me know.

We have a disqualification rate of 24,59% for April 2021 (61 entries, 14 disqualifications, plus 1 withdrawn entry, not counting the 1 submission after the deadline).

In comparison to previous months:
March 2021 (25,64%, 39 entries, 10 disqualifications), February 2021 (35,05%, 77 entries, 27 disqualifications), December 2020 (22,67%, 75 entries, 17 disqualifications), November 2020 (31,15%, 61 entries, 19 disqualifications), October 2020 (33,70%, 92 entries, 31 disqualifications), September 2020 (32,60%, 46 entries, 15 disqualifications), August 2020 (28,57%, 35 entries, 10 disqualifications) and July 2020 (40,37%, 109 entries, 44 disqualifications).

On average (9 months), we currently have a disqualification rate of 30,48% (compared to last month's 31,22% avg).

:arrow: A commentary on this month's entries:

I once more notice some careless mistakes. This time however, I could download every entry without any problems (not counting @Elver's entry after the deadline -- please, we do have a Global Countdown page). But it still stings to see entries submitted at 16bit (@Blang, @Cadence Soundlabs, @Hiwatter), or even straight up MP3 (@Edu Cesar).

There have been requests in the General Gossip Thread to maybe create a some-sort of check-list prior to uploading. While this isn't possible for the forum engine (at least I don't know how to offer something like that), I could create a PDF file for you to use at your own leisure for your studio/environment. I think this might work as a huge asset (speaking from experience with client work - although I do this with handwritten notes). I hope to present first versions of that the following days in the General Gossip Thread.

Just two hints for the future:
  • Please check out MediaInfoOnline, to see if your exported file is in the right sampling rate and/or bitrate before posting on the forum. Especially if in doubt that the file-manager of your OS shows you the correct values
  • I can still highly recommend Youlean Loudness Meter 2 to double-check your file. The "Free Version" doesn't allow drag and drop for "offline analysis", but it's the most affordable and up-to-date variant to run a double check prior to my readouts (either use the ITU-R BS.1770-4 or the EBU R128 preset, Wavelab uses EBU R128). Orban Loudness Meter does get a bit long in the tooth at this point (only goes to ITU-R BS.1770-2)

Let me point out however, that documentation is not on a "let me know if you want to know" basis. The documentation aspect of the Mix Challenge is not only for you to learn to note down settings for a possible need of "total recall", but also for the learning aspect of this community. Furthermore, don't just drop a link and then move on (@Euphony).

Other than that, I am looking forward to the "Wild-Card Mechanic" test run until end of June 2021. I'm curious how this will go.

:arrow: I (re-)open the field for everyone to give each other feedback (highly encouraged). This will be independent to the client feedback however. Criticism on the rule set and angry posts will be moved to the General Gossip Thread without further notice.

Please watch this spot for the client feedback and Mix Round 2 participant announcement.
This will happen sometime within the next 14 days (starting tomorrow).

In the meantime, please check out the Songwriting Competition 043 (March 2021). The Deadline is 24-MAR-2021 23:59 UTC+1/CET.

Also please don't forget the two currently running mini-polls. Please leave some feedback, and help shape the future of the community.
Edu Cesar
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2020 14:01 CEST

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by Edu Cesar »

Mister Fox wrote:
Thu Apr 22, 2021 13:15 CEST
:arrow: The "Overview of Submissions" PDFs have been uploaded.
You can check them through the upper post (post #105).

Apologies for the waiting time.

As mentioned in July 2020, this data sheet is used for giving an overview of all entries, and whether or not they are within given parameters (loudness, sampling rate, bitrate). As of 2021, I'm continuing this endeavor as this is adding to the learning process. Please take note that creating this is not a fully automated process. I am using Wavelab 10's "Batch Analysis" tool (EBU R-128 specs / equivalent to ITU-R BS.1770-3+), but the overall layout and highlighting the issues, is time consuming. If you do not find yourself on this list, please let me know.

We have a disqualification rate of 24,59% for April 2021 (61 entries, 14 disqualifications, plus 1 withdrawn entry, not counting the 1 submission after the deadline).

In comparison to previous months:
March 2021 (25,64%, 39 entries, 10 disqualifications), February 2021 (35,05%, 77 entries, 27 disqualifications), December 2020 (22,67%, 75 entries, 17 disqualifications), November 2020 (31,15%, 61 entries, 19 disqualifications), October 2020 (33,70%, 92 entries, 31 disqualifications), September 2020 (32,60%, 46 entries, 15 disqualifications), August 2020 (28,57%, 35 entries, 10 disqualifications) and July 2020 (40,37%, 109 entries, 44 disqualifications).

On average (9 months), we currently have a disqualification rate of 30,48% (compared to last month's 31,22% avg).

:arrow: A commentary on this month's entries:

I once more notice some careless mistakes. This time however, I could download every entry without any problems (not counting @Elver's entry after the deadline -- please, we do have a Global Countdown page). But it still stings to see entries submitted at 16bit (@Blang, @Cadence Soundlabs, @Hiwatter), or even straight up MP3 (@Edu Cesar).

There have been requests in the General Gossip Thread to maybe create a some-sort of check-list prior to uploading. While this isn't possible for the forum engine (at least I don't know how to offer something like that), I could create a PDF file for you to use at your own leisure for your studio/environment. I think this might work as a huge asset (speaking from experience with client work - although I do this with handwritten notes). I hope to present first versions of that the following days in the General Gossip Thread.

Just two hints for the future:
  • Please check out MediaInfoOnline, to see if your exported file is in the right sampling rate and/or bitrate before posting on the forum. Especially if in doubt that the file-manager of your OS shows you the correct values
  • I can still highly recommend Youlean Loudness Meter 2 to double-check your file. The "Free Version" doesn't allow drag and drop for "offline analysis", but it's the most affordable and up-to-date variant to run a double check prior to my readouts (either use the ITU-R BS.1770-4 or the EBU R128 preset, Wavelab uses EBU R128). Orban Loudness Meter does get a bit long in the tooth at this point (only goes to ITU-R BS.1770-2)

Let me point out however, that documentation is not on a "let me know if you want to know" basis. The documentation aspect of the Mix Challenge is not only for you to learn note down settings for a possible need of "total recall", but also for the learning aspect of this community. Furthermore, don't just drop a link and then move on (@Euphony).

Other than that, I am looking forward to the "Wild-Card Mechanic" test run until end of June 2021. I'm curious how this will go.

:arrow: I (re-)open the field for everyone to give each other feedback (highly encouraged). This will be independent to the client feedback however. Criticism on the rule set and angry posts will be moved to the General Gossip Thread without further notice.

Please watch this spot for the client feedback and Mix Round 2 participant announcement.
This will happen sometime within the next 14 days (starting tomorrow).

In the meantime, please check out the Songwriting Competition 043 (March 2021). The Deadline is 24-MAR-2021 23:59 UTC+1/CET.

Also please don't forget the two currently running mini-polls. Please leave some feedback, and help shape the future of the community.

Oh oh! Just realized my mistake!

Sorry, I meant to copy and paste both a mp3 and wav version of my mix on the post. I usually provide both versions of the file so people can listen to it on mobile but pasted only one (and the wrong one) on my post. Well, there goes a few hours of work in the trash!
Unfortunate mistake, but hey, rules are rules!

If anyone’s interested here are both links that I was supposed to paste:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iLs-pc ... p=drivesdk

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kKz44 ... p=drivesdk

<banging my head on the wall> :curse:

Good luck everyone!
White Punk OD
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by White Punk OD »

Edu Cesar wrote:
Thu Apr 22, 2021 14:18 CEST

Oh oh! Just realized my mistake!
Hi Cesar, I like your mix a lot, sorry for the dropout, but perhaps you get the wildcard ticket.
Very clear and precise, and sounds beautiful.
Personal taste, I have the following issues:
The attack of the electric piano is not beautiful, many mixes have too hard attacks on the pianos, like a "toing/teng" sound. Perhaps it is the use of the compressors.
The drums in the two last sections are very loud, but we need the "maniac" kick in after, with rage and stomps, which is not possible by this.
The mix is very dry, perhaps give it a percent more ambience, because of the applause. There is some scoop in the mid-range, while my mix might have a bit too much of mid and ambience.
The ideal might be somewhere in between?
Good luck, we never know what happens. Your work has been heard, it is not in vain.
We don't live for winning free plugins, it's just a little reward for having luck in a time-consuming game.
White Punk OD
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC075 April 2021 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation


Post by White Punk OD »

Random remarks on a couple of mixes:

the drums obliterate the mellow orcestral sounds in the bridge part.
overall sounds a bit narrow.
sound is not bad but somehow could be a bit more consistent through the different sections.
we need to put these puzzle stones together for an integral experience as a whole.

something's not light enough.
the mega chorus sections and the "mellotron" part could kick in with a lot more energy.

pianos seem very loud
I feel the vocals have a little gap in the midrange

why is the piano so dark?
vocals in the quiet parts might sound a bit boomy, though the idea of sounding dark is legit.
so, the whole mix is a bit dark.
consequently, the darkness/sub freq exceeds the maximum when getting to the stomp sounds.

bass sounds really a bit strange for me.
to show the quirky personality of the portrayed character with a kaleidoscope of sounds though is a very good idea.

In general, it seems there were two main difficulties to some participants, and probably to those who declined this time.

1) A high track count, with the nested bussing I get close to a 100.
One needs to have all their tech skills and hardware put together, to meet this challenge.
Know what eats up YOUR cpu (systems can be widely different), and how to print intermediate tracks/stems in smart and versatile ways.
As a case study, I did not even bother. I have an ASUS TUF 2 years old, 6 kernels doubled by hyperthread.
A new computer might even have double that capacity. Very fast SSD is also crucial.
My DAW is the free Tracktion 7 running on 32 bit! I want to use some plugins that have no update. No problem at all.
I throw heavy plugins on issues that deserve it, and spare them on many other channels. The piano eats at least 20% but who cares, I can freeze it.
But I did not freeze anything and still have room.

2) Consistency and integral experience, when we put those wild pieces together. This takes a lot of experience with classic music or Musical or movie soundtracks. Not sure if I did well, but I hope it works.

Therefor, I would like to suggest a very different type of "referencing".
Jethro Tull https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X15PsqN0DHc (check 0:02:55.) -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XrlWumWbUU
There is a different sound scape like every 20 seconds.

JCS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZD9b-NRfN8 --- go to 1:01:00 and 1:11:30
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qh5H_o ... d&index=21
Also, the development of their different releases and versions is interesting, it was a studio album first, and then became a movie soundtrack with an entirely different recording, and then some remakes by different theaters.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Chr ... ar_(album) get this one if interested.

Now the problem with ancient vinyl rips on YT is one thing.
But the point that I want to make is the management of so many sounds and chapters that happen within a few minutes, and still keeping the whole experience and impact together, so the whole music has an exciting flow, and the wide dynamics make sense.
Last edited by White Punk OD on Thu Apr 22, 2021 16:06 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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