Those were really good mixes in the second round, not much to complain. Still very different approaches, all valid, and that made it really hard to decide. Good job all around!
So every comment that follows is mostly a taste thing.
- something bugs me about the picked strat, feels a little bit too obtrusive. Either too loud or it could use less lower mids.
- I still think the solo guitar in the intro sounds too thin/tame, feels better in the second solo part
- I still feel the bass is coming on very strong on the "1" of every bar in the chorus. Not by much, though.
- hard to put it words, but i think the reverbs feel too much like a "reverb effect" instead of a room, which I've come to prefer over the course of this contest. A bit too obvious.
- the lead vocal in the chorus feels a tad too much in the background compared to the verses (only at times)
- the solo guitar seems to be too compressed, the attack especially in the second part sound somewhat artificial
- the shaker is still too dominant IMHO, especially when it sets in the first time it drwas attention away from the vocals. Better in the chorus.
- Lead vocals feels a bit too nasal to me.
Octopus on Fire
- i think you went a bit too heavy on the deesser.
- lead vocals feel a bit buried in the chorus at times
- attacks of the solo guitar are a bit too much
- personally, I'd like the clean strat sound to the right and the slide to the right, but that's just because I am used to it
Decisions, decisions, decisions...
Well, one had to be made, it was really tough and I went back and forth, when I listened to one mix for some time I preferred that but when I switched and got used to the other mix, I was unsure again. Shows to me that there is not much to complain from a technical side and it is mostly a taste issue.
As a result, the ranking of the podium is more or less interchangeable and might look different another day.
The podium:
1. Zsolt - for the overall balance and a nice warm and round mix.
2. Photonic - by a tiny margin. Well balanced, everything is there.
3. KevinGobin - for the intimate mix and the dynamics. Takes some time to get used to this very different approach, but it grew on me.
Thanks to everyone for taking part! It was fun and once again I learned a lot!