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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Winners announced

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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Voting until 01-MAY-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Arelem »

Hello Everyone,

This was a really tough challenge to judge. There were no bad songs here, in fact, everyone did great! Unfortunately for me, that makes it difficult to rank. Anyway, here is my feedback/vote.

Haplos - I really like the sounds used. The guitar and drums sound great. The only thing I would say is that the track would benefit from some variation.

Patrlord - I like that you change things up enough to keep them interesting. The intro is maybe a little long considering that it's over half the track, but I think it works ok. During the drop, the mid-low is a bit muddy. Overall though, really nice track.

Alavault - The song has a retro feel to it. The guitar playing is really good. The track is a little lacking on the low end, maybe could use even a bass guitar if you don't want something synthetic. I can hear some bass at the end, so maybe it's just mixed real quiet. The isn't much of a melody to help grab the listener's attention. As it is now it would work with some vocals, and it feels like it was written that way to me.

A future in noise - At the beginning, I was thinking it sounded kinda cheesy but once it got going it really all worked together. The vocals kinda make me think of some REM songs. I don't really have any criticisms but the song also didn't really grab my interest either. The vocals sound nice but they are a little difficult to understand. Maybe work on getting a more clear annunciation into your singing. Overall it's a nice track, good job.

Esteve Corbera - Your song made me think of Nine Inch Nails' song A Warm Place a little bit. I think the NIN song manages to elicit more of an emotional reaction from me though and not really sure what exactly causes that. The only reason I bother to make the comparison is because even though your track is pretty minimal, that doesn't mean that it can't be a great track. I think a lot of times, slower, more minimal tracks like yours don't perform well in a competition setting just because they aren't as exciting. I do like your track overall but it could use a little something extra. Maybe a more defined melody, a counter melody, maybe a wider pad in the background, something like that.

Olli H - The drum playing and guitar sound great. The vocals are a little buried and I'm not really a fan of the reverb on the kick. Other than those minor things, I can't find anything else I would change. I think it's a pretty good track overall but not really my style.

VCA-089 - The intro sounds really neat but it's definitely too long IMO. I appreciate that you have a few change-ups throughout the song but all the sections are kinda just atmosphere and drone. I think it has a good feel to it and could definitely have its place as like a background track to a video game or something, but it isn't a song I would actively listen to. There isn't necessarily anything I would change, but for a contest, it would help to be a more conventional song with a melody that the listener can follow.

becsei_gyorgy - Your track has a big cinematic feel to it. I really like the drums! Did you program those in manually or is it a preset/sample? Either way, great use of them. I didn't really care for the throat singing vocals. I think past the intro, the track would have been better without them. There is a weird tone to them that was kinda distracting for me. Apart from the drums, there wasn't really much here that I was getting into. That's not to say it isn't good, but I just wasn't really feeling it. I wish there was more I could say as far as being constructive but sometimes a song is a perfectly good song that you just don't vibe with. That was the case for me here.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Voting until 01-MAY-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by alavault »

Feedback :

Arelem - Ether
Good structure with good use of build ups and arrangement.
Simple but catchy melody.
Good mix with very good sound placement.
Not much to add.

Haplos - Passenger
Simple structure. Simple melody. A tad repetitive
The drop at 316 coud be soften. Same for the ending.
The main melody is repeated too many times and does not seem to vary between each repetition.
Good mix and production.

Patrlord - Star Cloud
More modern sounding than the others.
Great sonic soundscape, but not necessarily the most melodic.
Sections are long. Intro and endings could be shortened, unless this is the DJ edit.
Great mix and production.

aFutureInNoise - TheDestructionAndRebirthOfTheUniverse
Straight out the 70s ! Lack of variation on last chorus ?
More volume on lead vox.
Good mix and production.
Off-topic ?

Esteve Corbera - Anem A Un Altre Món
Dream house ?
Anyway, long and minimalist. This is a risky combo, as it's hard to keep the interest throughout
And this where it falls. Great for background, not as much for listening.
Good mix, great production.

OlliH - PatheticJustice
Voice lines. That's a good change from the other.
Lack of variation that makes the ending a bit too predictable. (Add a counter melody ?)
Great production, great guitars. Dry mix that does not necessarily feels out of place when we consider the song.
Off-topic ?

VCA-089 - Gateway
Excellent sound design composition.
Variety and good taste makes a long song interesting : excellent.
Great production and mix.

becsei_gyorgy - Chronicles
More cinematic soundtrack than song. Not really a problem in my book.
I like this ethnic style. Very good percussion and good use of voices.
A bit more variety ? Maybe ?
Great mix and productino.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Voting until 01-MAY-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by patrlord »

Hi everyone,

Here is my feedback on all your tracks, great work everyone, was great to hear such a wide variety of musical styles ! I would have preferred to only give a top 3 ranking, because after that it gets very hard to force rank the other songs that are so close ...

Arelem - Ether

It has a dark and foreboding feel, an atmosphere that suits the theme. I would have liked a faster tempo, or maybe a bit more activity in the drums in the earlier part of the song, before the climax starting at 2:40. The drums sound quite bright / up front, I'd like to hear how they sound pushed back and glued into the mix a bit more. The quarter note delay on the melody made it feel a little static to me. Nice growling bass for foundation. The song has a good intro and then build up to a climax, although at 2:38-39, the sound seems to fizzle out before the chorus comes in, maybe a crescendo or a clearer drop would sound better ?

Haplos - Passenger

There are some good ideas in here, I would just like more variation. The intro synth and bass lines are both 4 crotchets to the bar which sounds a bit basic at the start. More fills on the drums could add more variety. The rhythm rock guitar that accompanies the melody starting at 0:48 remains on the same pattern for the rest of the song. However at 2:41 I love the mellow guitar part, this is my favourite bit (I'd prefer without the top synth still in the background though) and the organ accompaniment goes very well with it.

Alavault - Atar 8K50

I love the trance / hard rock mix, it works very well. Plus the energy in the track that keeps getting ratcheted up ! Only point for improvement for me is that it's the same repeating chord sequence + bassline for most of the track, and the near-constant arps from start to finish start become a bit fatiguing by the end of the song. But the sheer energy carries it through. Nice smooth transitions between sections & use of filters to create variation.

A Future in Noise - The Destruction and Rebirth of the Universe

There are lots of ideas here, ranging from intentional dissonance at the beginning to more down-to-earth harmonies in the middle. I think the instruments and song sections would benefit from more time spent on mixing and transitions to knit/glue them together a bit more fluidly. I admittedly found it very difficult to relate the lyrics to the competition theme and also the name of the song itself.

EstevaCorbera - Anem A Un Altre Mon (Let's go to another world)

Great Vangelis-style soundscapes created from the start. The top synths may need a bit of taming, the mid-high frequency resonances seemed a tad harsh to me. I get that it's an ambient style track. However I felt a little lost, floating in the sound, I was looking for some underlying chord progression or theme, or maybe a melody hook to latch onto. Or some way to build anticipation and then resolve before the end.

Olli H - Pathetic Justice

This is in a style that is very far from my stomping ground. But I like it a lot, it's original for an intergalactic themed song ! The lyrics tell a story, and it fits the theme well. Maybe it's not in the intended style of the song, but I found myself wanting a chorus with a different chord progression on top of the alternating verses and instrumentals. Having said which, there is plenty of variety and interest throughout, within a coherent story-telling structure. It's a very well-accomplished song.

VCA-089 - Gateway

I like the deep saw bass intro that sets a dark foreboding atmosphere, followed by a digital / low bitrate sound that is very alien. The octave-jumping bass coming in at 1:30 creates some needed drive. The lead gliding synth at 3:30 seemed to meander around though, losing me a bit. The overall effect is a large swirling ambience with analog grit, which gives an interesting evolving texture.

Becsei_gyorgy - Chronicles

This is a slickly produced track, and sounds like it was done by someone with experience writing cinematic music. The mix and balance of sounds is good, although the drums sound like they are in a room whilst the rest of the track is in a hall. And sometimes sound a bit busy in calmer parts of the song. I would also have welcomed a crescendo or musical development from the repeating main theme into a chorus / climax. It made me think of Indiana Jones arriving at the Temple of Doom, giving more of an exotic, rather than other-worldy, feel.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Voting until 01-MAY-2022 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by A Future in Noise »

At first I considered writing a song about visiting a department store for the first time, since it's obvious that it must be like entering a new world, for example for a person who has grown up in a tribe in Amazonas. Maybe I should have stuck to that idea.

Also, mixing and producing isn't my main interest, I'm afraid. I wright songs and hope that somebody else will be interested in doing the final mix. This also means that I sometimes find it a little hard do comment on other people's productions. But I'm very grateful for all the tips I get.

1. Olli H

Good sounding e-guitar and double bass (real double bass as I understand it). The fact that drums begins where they do made me surprised at first (it sounded good, though), but I don't think I had realized then that this is 3/4. (So SSD means Steven Slates Drums?) No problems with me that lyrics is performed as a mixture of recitative and aria (or both at the same time). Not so unusual.

But it is really hard to hear every word you talk/sing. ”Some trace of justice ...” at the end was easy to perceive, but not everything else. If you hadn't mentioned the book of Job in your submission, I'm not sure I would have understood that this is what it's about (and the river of Styx). Quite a heavy subject, but brave to do it.

You get ten points since I like the mood and since I got the impression that your entry is genuine and authentic, so to speak (and not merely glitter or kitsch). The sound is well balanced, although maybe I still think that the pedal steel guitar after four minutes has been a little to dominating. I don't care very much about a topic like Gateway to a new world – I mean if the track is on or off topic. Who knows what is going on in somebody else's head? It seems as if the general opinion about music describing a gateway to another world must be done with lots of synthesizers and in a frightening way. I just don't understand it, that gateway and the new world could be anything and an image/picture can make different people associate in a billion different ways.

2. becsei_gyorgy

Ghost-like voice followed by fateful brass in the opening of this production. Could very well fit the theme. Four minutes feels like an appropriate length for this composition. Nice variation – voices, percussion, flute comes and goes. I doubt that the flute panned a little to the right (1:30) is a real one, but it doesn't matter much. You handle it in a tasteful way. And you get extra points for having done all this in one single day. P.S. I got the feeling that this music introduces a major fight on a battle field.

3. Arelem

0:00 Distorted synths, very steady kick. 1:04 synthetic snare no round robins and totally quantized. 1:35 Staccato lead synth. 1:51 high staccato lead synth – that sound does not really sound like a musical instrument to me, more like a alarm clock or something. 2:08 I don't know what Ether means in this context, but could this part be inspired by the swirl on the picture? 2:40 A very strange association came to me here. The beat and the bass reminded me of something. At first I thought I'd never be able to find the source for this reminiscence . But after a few seconds I did: the hit song Self Control with Laura Branigan from 1984. The similarity is probably impossible to hear for anybody but me. But what I mean is that the beat between 2:40 and 3:12 doesn't really fit together with the rest. 3:12 – 3:44 (and until the end) the synth lead is a little too simple.

After all these remarks you might think I didn't like it. But I did. Sometimes I just write what comes into my mind.

4. EsteveCorbera

I have a little bit hard to imagine how you plan your compositions, where your ideas come from and which your main sources for inspiration are. Anyway this song could very well be a song about a Gateway to a new world. The organ-like sound in the beginning sounds a lot like a church- (pipe-) organ. I'm not sure it fits in a new world. At 3:59 something happens: a little deeper bass. 4:30 same thing again (bass drum / kick). 4:55 very deep base. 5:12 very-very deep base. Maybe you should not have waited until the end with this kind of ingredients, because the first four minutes are very ”airy”. Still this could be a very unpredictable ”description” of a Gateway to another world.

5. alavault

Very rocky start. 0:27 a synth pattern appears that doesn't really belong to the rocky start. Between1:05 and 2:03 all the rock musicians take a long break. 2:03 distorted guitars again. 2:35 the keyboard / synth player almost gets mad. In this new world people seems to be a little bit too hyperactive. Sorry.

6. patrlord

Until 1:28 almost only rhythm. At 1:58 the show really begins. I don't know how to value this. Rhythm can be your main tool, or harmonies/chord progression/melody. When the rapid tones from the synth starts to disappear again at 2:35 and then at 2:50 gets completely silent, I find it a little bit hard to interpret this piece of music in any direction at all. But it's a solid production in terms of mix, EQ and all that.

7. VCA-089

Interesting sound, with that sawtooth (/square?) bass, and all other stuff. But maybe this tune would have needed a motion picture (/film/cinema) to be combined with? Unless, of course, the music itself creates pictures and images in the listeners head. And it actually does, to some extent (although I can't describe). But I'm thinking: in what kind of situation is one supposed to listen to this tune? In ones armchair? When you're out jogging? I just listened because it's a part of the agreement, but I don't think I would have chosen this song in any other situation, although it's well mixed and performed. Maybe it's a little bit too long and has a little bit too little variation. And it's very dark, I'm not sure every future world has to be frightening.

8. Haplos

Low Fi? Until 0:45 very repetitive. I like the sound of the drums, although they would have needed some more variation. 2:39 very pleasant sound from that e-guitar. But the repetitive synth that emerges once again behind the guitar at 2:48 – I don't think that they fit together. 3:17 Steady beat, but very little variation. And why LoFi?
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - results in preparation


Post by Mister Fox »

It's the 02nd May 2022, 07:00 (UTC+2/CEST) - the Voting Period has officially ended.

Sadly, not all participants have submitted final feedback, we would therefore have 1 disqualification (and only 8 votes)

I will send out another newsletter to those particular participants (@Haplos), give you until the end of Monday, 02-MAY-2022 as per the rule book on the voting process ("overtime mechanic"). If there is a feedback and a vote by the participant in question, only -5 points will be deducted from the scoresheet. Else, sadly a disqualification. I will not alter the Winners Podium.

Once I have this feedback as well, I will post the results within 2-3 days and take "late feedback" into consideration.
(this is not an automated process)

Please have an eye on this thread :educate:
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Winners announced


Post by Mister Fox »

Ladies and Gentlemen, here are the results of Songwriting Competition 56

:arrow: The winners podium consists of:
  1. @patrlord (76 pts)
  2. @Arelem (74 pts)
  3. @Olli H (67 pts)

Apologies for the waiting time, this is not an automated process.

<4 participant rule is not in use (staff comments and votes, my vote would count as bonus)
We have 1 disqualification (due to lack of feedback)
We have 0 withdrawn entries
We have 0 votes after the deadline - therefore -5 points penalty
We have 6 users that tied
  • Olli H has 3x10pts, 0x9pts, 0x8pts 1x7pts -- becsey_gyorgy has 0x10pts, 2x9pts, 1x8pts 2x7pts -- Olli H therefore scores higher
  • VCA-089 has 2x10pts, 0x9pts, 1x8pts 1x7pts -- EsteveCorbera has 0x10pts, 0x9pts, 2x8pts 1x7pts -- VCA-089 therefore scores higher
  • A Future in Noise has 0x10pts, 1x9pts, 0x8pts 1x7pts -- alavault has 0x10pts, 1x9pts, 0x8pts 0x7pts -- A Future in Noise therefore scores higher
"Sole (License) Winner" rule does not apply - 3-position Winners Podium (>= 9 participants prior to the deadline)

Overview of Submissions (PDF - updated: 07-MAY-2022, full sheet)

 ! Bonus Info
Short info:
I am using Wavelab 10 for batch analysis, then I manually port the CSV export to a Microsoft Excel/Open Office Calc sheet with custom layout (this is not an automated process).

As pointed out in this post from SWC047 / July, Wavelab has different tolerances for dBTP max analysis compared to tools like iZotope RX, Youlean Loudness Meter, NUGEN Audio VisLM, etc. To find a common ground, I've implemented "allowed tolerances" (just like with the Mix Challenge). These are based upon allowed offsets mentioned in the white papers for EBU R128 and ITU-R BS.1770-4. Since no measurement tool is the same, to be on the save side, please export at -14,1 LUFS ILk max, and -1,1 dBTP max.

As usual, I did list/analyze alternative releases (MP3s and FLAC). If you've submitted your entry in multiple file formats, the statistic sheet will focus on the uncompressed material first (WAV), then FLAC, then MP3. The higher the quality, the less possible loss on bonus points for "Loudness Specs" due to offsets introduced by a used CODEC. In this case, FLAC and MP3 are merely for information purposes.

Here are the results as chart in image form:

Thank you so much for your participation. :clap:

:arrow: License selection:

We'll now perform with the usual. Selecting licenses is handled in public. Please select one license/company out of the pool (in order of the winners podium) and mention it in this thread, then (important) please get in touch with me (via PM) with your full name, email address and your license selection.

As usual - you're not forced to pick up anything. You can pass and therefore offer more to select for the next person in line (if there is a spot existing / not available for "sole winner" mechanic --- although due to the long waiting time this month, I am making an exception and allow passing up to third place max!). Just let all participants/winners/the staff know in a timely manner. Once one company has been selected, it's out of the pool for the next person on the podium.

 ! Bonus Info
Information regarding IK Multimedia MODO Bass

MODO Bass v2.0 has been announced, however the suite not released yet. You can not purchase MODO Bass v1.5 anymore, but "preorder" v2.0, and to bridge the time until release (coming days/weeks), get v1.5 in the process.

I've reached out to IK Multimedia regarding a Grace Period Upgrade type situation, but did not get a conclusive response. As of this moment, my assumption is, that an "auto-upgrade" is not happening. I am sorry about that.

Should you, the winner, however decide to pick up MODO Bass, you will still get access to an amazing suite. Your license will work with the upcoming MODO Bass 2 CS, resulting in a great starter set for the new features. Additionally to that, it is possible upgrade at a discount at a later state (only possible to check after logging into your account).

I re-open the field for talking some more about each others' productions. If things drift a bit too off-topic, please use the General Gossip thread.

See you in in the next challenge!

Songwriting Competition 057 (May 2022) is still in full swing.
Please help spread the word! :help:

Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Winners announced


Post by patrlord »

Hello again everyone

Thanks to you all for your varied and original entries, for your support and your frank feedback !
... and thanks to Mister Fox for his impeccable organization of the whole process.

I'd like to claim the Luftrum Bioscape plugin, please.

Until next time ! :clap:
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Winners announced


Post by Arelem »


I would like modo bass if possible. I saw the comments on it and I don't quite understand but it did say it was available. If I have to pick something else just let me know.
And a thank you to Mister Fox for running the contest here.

Olli H

Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Winners announced


Post by Olli H »

Modo bass is great. Good choice, Arlem!

I'll go with Voltage Modular Ignite with a license of "Year One Collection".
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC056 April 2022 - Winners announced


Post by EsteveCorbera »

Congratulations to the winners!!! v :clap:
See you soon!!! :tu:

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