Hi Ady, nice world music tune!
Mixing this song was a little tricky, many elements to combine but I hope I have succeeded.
There are minor edits, I hope these are permited.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FOuiyv ... sp=sharing
Many this to talk about the whole processing I will try to make a resume.
Basically there is saturation eq and compression in almost all the tracks.
But Mostly:
Desert beat= Turn down the sustain on the low (kick), and -3 db on the fundamental (+ some tape saturation)
Karakaba, hi pass and boost about 3 db's the fundamental (1k)
cajon; sidechain the lows with the kick, boost about 3k and compression.
Cymbals: agressive high pass about 2k.
Cala: also sidechained the low with the kick and compression
Bass: boost the lows and about 2 3 k + opto compression
Vox: A large chain and a little rx7 to reduce the clipping in some parts.
Guitars: a lots of eq, some widening and short reverbs and delays.
Brass section: quite widened, and a little tape saturation, gentle sidechain with the vox.
Ribab, compression, hard eq, and a touch of delay and chorus.
There are like 7 aux tracks, with short and long reverbs, a spring reverb, delays, 2 tracks of amp saturation and a wet hass effect.
Mix bus with compression, eq, gentle clipping and limiting.
If you want details about the plug-ins used I can provide it.
Once again sorry for the bad English and cheers from Barcelona, good luck Everyone.