A Future in Noise wrote: ↑Fri Sep 02, 2022 16:44 CEST
Olli H wrote: ↑Fri Sep 02, 2022 16:11 CEST
In that new version there's also an added synth with my first self made Voltage synth preset.
The synth is the saw?
No, it's wave oscillator with delayed vibrato and some filters, and it goes to guitar amp and tape delays. I was trying to make a "poor man's pedal steel", so my reference was a dry pedal steel signal before it hits the amp. But I didn't use sliding effects with that synth yet. Still have to figure out how to add slide to one note while other note remains static.
A Future in Noise wrote: ↑Fri Sep 02, 2022 16:44 CEST
When I think about it, this tune could be inspired by the Dylan album Oh Mercy (especially from where the tremolo guitar starts).
It could have been, or should have been. Now that you mentioned that album, I listened it again while I was walking. Plenty of tremolos and softly played drums or no drums at all... And Lanois as a producer. Most of the time the song "Most of the time" from that album belongs to my absolute favorites. I just checked that I seem to have about 50 cds from Bob Dylan and about 10 vinyls. So, I guess, whatever I do, is heavily influenced by Dylan.
A Future in Noise wrote: ↑Fri Sep 02, 2022 16:44 CEST
It's in fact the second chord, and the guitar to the left I find problematic. But just looking at your description, and the names of the chords, doesn't help me much. But when I get back home, where I have my keyboard, I will have a closer look at this. Maybe even come up with an alternative solution (if you don't mind?).
Of course I don't mind.
A Future in Noise wrote: ↑Fri Sep 02, 2022 16:44 CEST
Did you edit the vocals? I found it much easier to perceive what words you are singing in the new Soundcloud version. Maybe I wasn't fully focused the last time I listened. Or something was wrong with the equipment.
I recorded a new vocals, and some new versions of the shaker. New finger picking guitar parts. New tremolo chords. And most importantly, I spent some time with mixing, and especiallymixing through speakers.