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MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by kovachev72 »

Hello, everyone ! I am participating for the first time in this challenge and I am very happy to make a mix of this nice song! In the process of work, I used entirely the plugins of Slate Digital. In my next posts, I will be more comprehensive about the mixing profession. And here is my mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q9Gloh ... sp=sharing
Last edited by kovachev72 on Tue Dec 20, 2022 08:32 CET, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by VasDim »

Hi all,
this is my attempt to mix:

https://www.mediafire.com/file/91jzn84q ... m.wav/file
For all track are used:
- Waves Q10;
- Waves C4;
- Db ProComp.

AUX Effect;
- Waves TrueVerb;
- Waves SuperTap;

Good luck to all.
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Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2020 19:41 CEST

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by IbanezoO »

Hi all,

here's my entry:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OacRLE ... share_link

My approach was basically to bring the drums to life and to process the vocal parts differently to meet the requirement of imagining 3 singers without completely going nuts.

Overall basic EQ moves on individual tracks to boost the fundamentals and add attack. Additional subfrequency boost for the kick and saturation for the snare to add grit. No compression on individual tracks, only in parallel as the drums are already compressed through the provided samples. Additional reverbs to add ambience and a heavily crushed room reverb to get some life out of the drums (muted for intro). A bus compressor on the drum bus to keep everything together.

The classic trick of using one track for low end only and one track for distortion. In this case I used the low end of the amp track and the distortion on the DI, glued together on a bus with EQ and compression.

For the rhythm guitars I used the printed track of Guitar 1 and the DI of Guitar 2 run through a high gain amp sim to create more stereo width. The lead guitars got some flanger, delay and reverb and are ducking the rhythm guitars. The octave got some reverb and after the first chorus additional delay to fill some gaps. Octave guitar is ducked by vocals. A reversed reverb effect in the intro to get the transition smoother.

A mix of overall treatment like reverb and delay sends from the vocal bus but also individual treatment like an additional 1/4 delay for the clean vocals, 1/8 delay for the chorus vocals and a lot of saturation for the screams. Each vocal types are EQed similarly but not equally and got their own amount of compression (1176) and de-essing. Dynamic EQ to get rid of low mid resonances only when they appear.

Mix bus:
A gentle smiley face EQ, 2,5dB gain reduction on the bus compressor and tape saturation. No clipping, no limiting, no multiband stuff.

Good luck to everyone!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Hoek »

Hello you all!

And happy hollidays!

Here's a mix i just finished: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W92Zj0 ... share_link

My biggest concerns was with the guitarsound. I started out this mix using ampsims on the Di's and built the mix around that and was fairly happy. Then yesterday I thought, to hell with it, I will reamp, the oldschool way to really get a different gtrsound than everyone else! I did, using my trusty old marshall cabinet and Engl head for right channel and a borrowed 5150 for the left one. miced up with a single 57. I edited out noise in the DI in between riffs before reamping but didnt mess with the timings. Well then just now I decided to keep the ampsim ones low in volume under the reamped tracks, cause they had some lowmid oomph that i missed in my newly rerecorded tracks. (too much gain possibly) So theres 4 Rythmgtrtracks all in all.

The bass DI I also "reamped" through my Sansamp pedal and blended the DI And the SA plus a ampsim version. ( Brainworx Ampeg.)

Drums were fairly simple, radical eq, compression and some decapitator-warmth and grit and finally JST clipper. The drumeffect in intro and outro is Soundtoys Devil-loc on the drum buss. The drums are also compessed in paralell.

Voxtracks also nothing crazy. Really good singer, no tuning necessary, just dynamic control, some eq and soothe2. Various delays and reverbs comes and goes. And oh yes, the clean lead gets some magic dust from Soundtoys microshift.

the whole mix runs through my Tk audio BC1 ssl-style HW comp. 4:1 attack 10 release auto. 23- db GR.
There's minor eq also on 2 bus, boosting 2 db low, taking out some 4-500 like 1.5 db. A ever so slightl kiss from Gullfoss. No limiter

Yup! Merry X-mas!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by doobop »

Hi to all !

Although I found the released mix absolutely fine, I liked the song and the style so I decided to give it a try.

As always first I did a rough mix to figure out what was happening with the tracks, and to figure out what path I’d follow for my mix. I did not use the DI tracks for Gtrs and Bass. I did not make any reamping or replacing drum samples.

After the rough mix I start the processing stage using simple mixing methods without any tricks. Lots of Compressing and EQ on almost all channels. Lots of Reverb and Delays too, that to my ears are not so present but give just a vibe and glue..
Final I did some level automation on vocals.

Hope you like it!

https://www.dropbox.com/s/39ca09kfshz2b ... p.wav?dl=0

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by tiptoe3 »

Hi guys ´n grrls,
had a tough time with it, cause i rely an my drum sounds. Well, i reworked the drums sounds: multed the tracks: pitched, compressed and used plugin alliance DSM to form a sound which i liked. reverb and some shifter through a gate. I come near what i´m used to- lasted a lot longer.

From there it speeds up and i finished it in 45mins. I dont use special plugins. L2 on most of the tracks to take off 1-3dbs. Vocals got some treat with rcomp with a feed for a simple 1/8 delay and trueverb. Guitars are reamped, cause the amps were setup: 5150 and soundcity 50. 57/ 121, same cabinet: home-made 4x12 with celestion 30s. Api with 100 and 10k shelf +2db
Most of the time went into a vocal balance til i found something that fit.
I mix into a comp, pre-amp and an L3. Had to take that off, which changed the total balance. Dont mind and bounced it offline.

cheers, tiptoe3

https://c.gmx.net/@317237882228053658/X ... zJukyCzI3Q
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Havol »

Hi everyone !!

Thanks for this month's contest ! I love this song and i had so much fun mixing it !

So here's my mix :
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bQX58_ ... sp=sharing

First thing I did was gain staging, some cleaning for those buzz on guitars (reamped as explain below), comp vocals and finally my balance. After that, I started my process :

1) Some gentle treatments on the master : bus compression and pultec EQ

2) Drums :
Nothing really special here. Just EQ, compression, exciter and limiter on both tracks. After that, all the tracks goes in a really small room and in an aux for parallel compression.

3) Bass:
I only used the DI track, duplicated and treated it one for the low and one for the high. Once again EQ, Comp, bass enhancement or exciter and limiter. I also did a parallel compression.

4) Guitars:
This is where the serious stuff begins as these dual mono guitars were a problem. To fix that, I reamped the DI tracks differently. One in a SLO, one in a 5150 (with the Neural DSP plugins) both with differents IR. Now that I had the guitars in stereo, I did the classic treatment. But to accentuate this stereo feeling and leave space in the middle, I used a stereo enhancer just a little.

5) Vocals:
Lot of automations work here but the treatments are quite simple. EQ, comp, de-esser, saturation, exciter and limiter. Of course some reverb and also a parallel compression.

Here is what I did in general. Hope you like it ! :smile:

Good luck to all ! And Merry Christmas !

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by LnMStudio »

Long time listener first time caller 😊

Thank you for the opportunity to mix “Inferno” It is a great tune!!

Here is our link

https://www.dropbox.com/s/6njml72zf84cl ... o.wav?dl=0

I have been out of the mix game for a couple of years, and this is my wife's first go as a producer, I think she did AMAZING!!

Our final version is a hybrid mix.

Plugins used

Studio One stock plugins

Slate Digital plugins

Analog gear used

Tube Preamp

Drawmer 1973 multi band compressor

Aphex Exciter


Tascam M308B mixing console from 1984

Amps used in re amping are a combination of Marshall and Orange

Mics used in re amping Shure SM57 On center and Fat Head II ribbon mic off center

Bass print Presonus Channel Strip and a Symetrix 551E 5 band Parametric EQ


In the box processing only


Printed (Not Sims), original track not used


Re amped (Not Sims), original tracks not used


In the box processing only

Mix Bus


Again, we would like to thank Hooker and a Handgun for this amazing opportunity and we hope you enjoy our version!!

Last edited by LnMStudio on Tue Dec 20, 2022 14:44 CET, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by jules666 »

Enjoyed working on this track.

Here is my attempt at this mix challenge.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hpsI1B ... share_link

My approach was -

All tracks had subtle saturation, light compression (SSL style) more for character as not compression I felt was needed, and the EQ was quite minimal on the shells, though did use some dynamic EQ in places for some low end control. Clipper was also used agains all drum tracks. Transient designed used on kick/snare

Stereo Fill: added Decapitator on to dirty it up a little and add a little aggression
OH/Room: Some more agressive EQ here, removing low end on OH, and top end on Room.
Created a second room track from overheads,rolling off heavily highs/lows, compressed hard and reverb applied to defuse it, then delayed by 20ms.

Snare/Fill/Toms - going to a reverb
Kick/Snare/Fill - going to Devil-loc for some parallel compression

All Drums going to drum bus : Further saturation/compression/EQ and clipper.

Used DI: duplicated and processed one for low and the other for more "high". Tracks sent to a bus with a clipper on.

Rhy GTR:
Used 1 of the DI's, which I duplicated, and edited the empty space, bring the stop/start parts a litte tighter I hope.

Processed one with Melodyne (100% for pitch centre/drisft), new DeathWestern amp sim from Purafied (picked up in black friday sale, so thought would give it a go) and also added a 20ms delay to it. Panned hard left.

Other DI used ML Sound Labs Roots, panned hard right
Waves C4 on each track to tidy up low end.

Octave GTR: ML Sound Labs Roots again and a slight delay to give it a more stereo vibe

GTR LEADS:DI tracks again
ML Roots on Lead 1, with a little delay.
Lead 2: Sansamp/EQ/Delay and Chorus

Also created a parallel distortion with decapator
Flange effect used on chorus.

All tracks had 2 compressors, EQ, limiter, saturation and Waves sibilance

Sends on vocals went to slapback/reverb/widener/alterboy and 1/4 note delay.

I also used the rear bus technique, and tried sending the mix to a verb which was heavily compressed - I was after that band practise sound, which I blended in quite low.
Lots of automation also used, for volumes and fx sends.

Master Bus:
Compression (SSL Style) a couple of db here (i mixed into this from the start)
...I added a second compressor (puigchild) to just round any further peaks - 0.5db at very most gain reduction.
Little bit of Pultec style EQ, pushing low end a little more.

Hope you like!

Wild Card x2
Wild Card x2
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC089 December 2022 - Submissions until 21-12-2022 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by JeroenZuiderwijk »

kovachev72 wrote:
Mon Dec 19, 2022 07:59 CET
Hello, everyone ! I am participating for the first time in this challenge and I am very happy to make a mix of this nice song! In the process of work, I used entirely the plugins of Slate Digital. In my next posts, I will be more comprehensive about the mixing profession. And here is my mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q9Gloh ... share_link
Hi Kovachev,
I think you want to check your link. At my computer it is asking for an inlog code.
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