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MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Mix Round 1 in evaluation

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by SDB_12 »

Strange wrote:
Wed Oct 09, 2024 23:53 CEST
SDB_12 wrote:
Wed Oct 09, 2024 22:14 CEST
On a side note:

I'd like to encourage people while listening to all of these mixes, not to just run them back to back, one right after the other. This will not give your ears time to adjust and reset. I feel it's important to be comparing these mixes to commercial releases in-between each mix submission. Listen to a contestant mix, then refresh by listening to one of the reference tracks (like AC/DC)...then move on.

I notice often that a lot of the mixes that get selected for the next round are very thick...with a lot of bottom and may sound nice and full compared to other mix submissions...however...when you compare these mixes to commercial releases...they often sound way too boomy/muddy and more like a rough mix than like a record...at least to my ears. But maybe I'm crazy... :grin: Could totally just be my taste.

Just a thought, have fun everyone! Thanks again for the cool song!
I agree, but maybe the monitors or the rooms doesn't translate the sound very well. Did you see the Interview with Rick Rubin at Rick Beato? Rick Rubin controlled his Mixes on cassettes in a rented Toyota. Maybe this is the solution :wink:
Ha! You might be on to something there, I'll have to check that episode out. Whatever works is all that really matters, right? :)
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Edling »

SDB_12 wrote:
Wed Oct 09, 2024 22:14 CEST
On a side note:

I'd like to encourage people while listening to all of these mixes, not to just run them back to back, one right after the other. This will not give your ears time to adjust and reset. I feel it's important to be comparing these mixes to commercial releases in-between each mix submission. Listen to a contestant mix, then refresh by listening to one of the reference tracks (like AC/DC)...then move on.

I notice often that a lot of the mixes that get selected for the next round are very thick...with a lot of bottom and may sound nice and full compared to other mix submissions...however...when you compare these mixes to commercial releases...they often sound way too boomy/muddy and more like a rough mix than like a record...at least to my ears. But maybe I'm crazy... :grin: Could totally just be my taste.

Just a thought, have fun everyone! Thanks again for the cool song!
Here's the deal with bass in mixes. If you reference any modern track with older music you'll find that all modern music is more bass heavy. The reason for this is simply that technology has changed over time. In the old days, when the primary (and only) means to reproduce music was vinyl, bass was an issue, as bass frequencies produce deeper cuts into the vinyl, and too much bass would compromise the integrity of the medium. In order to get music up to a good volume, bass was for this reason often mixed much lower than today. Another example is that in the mastering process all music was hi-passed for 40Hz when mastered for Vinyl, but in modern scenarios it's almost always hi-passed at 20Hz.

The other thing is that bass is the hardest part to mix correctly, since it's the hardest thing to control in a room. Unless you have a perfect acoustic space, chances are high you're gonna screw up on some of the lower frequencies. The most important thing is that you have good balance between the bass-heavy instruments in your mix (kick, bass, and so on), then if it's to heavy overall on some bass frequencies can be adjusted in the master.
Last edited by Edling on Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:18 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
Old-school mixer that started out in -95 on tape-machines and analog desks. Today mostly in-the-box. Big UAD fanboy
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Ultimate Beta »

Mix Details - MC100__SilverStoned__MrRockNRoll__UltimateBeta

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... drive_link

Keeping things short here…
1. Bass – Nothing was done on the bass track except a 1db boost in the higher frequency.
2. Drum kick – I used Pro Q3 to shape the kick’s tone to my preference, cutting out unwanted high frequencies.
3. Drum Snare – Around 6db compression in the mid and high frequencies to tame the snare’s harshness.
4. Drum Rack & Floor Tom – Nothing done except volume balance.
5. Drum Overhead and Room – The overhead and room mics were treated together with a bit of saturation and compression in the high frequencies to tame harshness.
6. Guitars – All Guitar tracks were individually panned to the center, left, and right to my taste. Some tracks were grouped together to treat it with a bit of saturation and reverb to give a sense of width to the guitars. Parallel compression in certain parts to tame guitars here and there.
7. Synth Chorus – Nothing but a bit of reverb.
8. Vocals – De-Esser followed by saturation and a bit of delay.

Special thanks to the Mix Challenge community and the song provider. It was fun mixing the song. I really loved the process and the energy the song is packed with. I have listened to the track for hours, and at this point, I have gone almost deaf. Just joking. 😊
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Strange »

Edling wrote:
Thu Oct 10, 2024 06:33 CEST
Here's the deal with bass in mixes. If you reference any modern track with older music you'll find that all modern music is more bass heavy. The reason for this is simply that technology has changed over time. In the old days, when the primary (and only) means to reproduce music was vinyl, bass was an issue, as bass frequencies produce deeper cuts into the vinyl, and too much bass would compromise the integrity of the medium. In order to get music up to a good volume, bass was for this reason often mixed much lower than today. Another example is that in the mastering process all music was hi-passed for 40Hz when mastered for Vinyl, but in modern scenarios it's almost always hi-passed at 20Hz.

The other thing is that bass is the hardest part to mix correctly, since it's the hardest thing to control in a room. Unless you have a perfect acoustic space, chances are high you're gonna screw up on some of the lower frequencies. The most important thing is that you have good balance between the vass-gravyr instruments in your mix (kick, bass, and so on), then if it's to heavy overall on some bass frequencies can be adjusted in the master.
Hi Edling,
I think you're right. I'm mostly on the bassy side of the mix, my monitors ends at 38Hz, my room is too small for deep low-end and so I often decided: a little more Bass :smile: . But when I checked it on other "sound systems" like my sonos or in the car I can hear the "boominess"- and sometimes it's too late for changes :sad:
Nowadays I try two new "tricks": I use TonalBalance from izotope to see the lowend balance, it's the first indication. And then I try to check on headphones, that gives me a better audio perspective of the deep tones. So I hope I'm gettin better.

The other thing is the muddiness SDB_12 mentioned. I think, it's the 200 to 300 Hz area. I think, here you hear the differences of the listening environments of the mixing-deciders. I think, most of us try to get that 250 Hz warmth, that hugs you and often defines the foundation of the vocals. 2dB up or down in this area make a lot to the sound, in my ears. Too much is muddy, too little is cold.

So I repeat Rick Rubins piece of advice: Listen to your mixes in other environments.
And, like SDB_12 said: Reference your mix.

But probably you heard my mix and asked yourself: "why didn't he do it?" And yeah, I got other ears and maybe another taste, like anyone of us. So these are my little thoughts, I'd like to share. Thanks.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Christoph_K »

A big thank you to @JeroenZuiderwijk for providing the multitracks. It was great fun mixing them.

For this challenge I used ProTools with the Michael Brauer Template again. I like it for dense tracks where everybody is fighting for attention so to say. The MB setup can handle this very well on most occasions. For those not knowing the way it works I highly recommend watching the Puremix Video if available or the interviews which are flying around. Basically his approach is to use a multi bussing technique with a lot of parallel processes, mostly compression and saturation. All tracks are treated with either SSL4K or 9K emulations, the bass is spilt into a neck and a body part. I used the Softube Console 1 + Fader Combo.

I used SoundRadix Drum Leveler for the Kick because I thought there were so many inconsistencies in volume and additionally ended up automating it where I thought it was needed.
The snare was difficult to manage, because of the nasty spikes it had baked in. I used Decapitator as a first stage for taming the transients, RBass for adding low punch instead of EQ (I sometimes find that more pleasing), 1176 with the fastest attack settings and Eventide Split EQ (using the transient portion) to tame the spikes as much as possible. It then goes to a parallel punch channel to make it cut though the mix in a more natural way.
The overheads are treated with the UAD Fatso and ProTools Lofi to tame some harshness and automation for more dynamics.
Toms and Room have the Kramer Pie Compressor to get some punch.

Because the track was generally quite muddy and missing detail I duplicated it, treated the copy with a Fuzz effect by Amplitube and automated it to taste, so that it cuts through the mix and gives it a certain vibe. I also thought that this tone came across as a bit pretentious, which emphasizes the attitude that the lyrics convey.

It wasn't easy to make sense of the order and hierarchy of all these tracks so I spent some time to distribute them in a way I could understand them. I then used the DI track with Amplitube in verse one where I thought something was missing. For widening some tracks I used Waves ADT where I thought the stereo image went out of balance. In the Parts with the main riff I added some parallel compression (Dual 1176) to bring them out and to get even more bite. I used a lot of automation to get the push where it was needed.

As these where already treated I only used a L1 Limiter to catch some of the peaks, followed by UA1176RevA for the tone plus the Weiss Deesser to tame harshness and sibilance.

Kush Goldplate, IK Multimedia Studio Reverb with a Chamber, Slate Verbsuite Classics with a Bricasti Preset for Room Ambience, Delay (UA EP-34) for the vocals at some spots and UA Korg SDD-3000 and Pulsar Echorec + McDSP EC300 for the Solo Guitar to get the depth I was looking for.

The Mixbus is populated with the Fab Filter Pro MB with a preset I "stole" from Fab Dupont. I think it helps a lot :) It then goes to my Tonefarm SSL Gbus compressor clone (great units build by Frank Röllen here in Germany). For a track like this, which is fast and energetic I tend to use these type of mixbus compression 10 times out of 9. It is then followed by Softubes Germanium Compressor, which is part of the MB template and gives a nice low-end. The signal then goes to the Sonnox Oxford Limiter using the Inflator circuit a bit (which gives more perceived loudness), Softubes Curve Bender to get more definition of the whole mix and for widen the track a bit, UAD Studer 800 and the Weiss Deesser to tame some harsh resonances.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/sawz1js14bzt1 ... K.wav?dl=0
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by phildoc83 »

Hello everyone, here I go for my very first submission to the MIX CHALLENGE. But first I would like to thank Mister Fox and the song provider for the opportunity.

Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wpQB9q ... sp=sharing

My settings are as follow : • Channels SSL 4000 type strip on all tracks
DRUMS : frequency cleaning, VCA type compressor on the kick, tape and transient on the snare to reshape it and add sustain, overhead 1176 mode bluey and Drum bus soft clipping plus compression 33609 to lift the high parts.
BASS : No amp, parallel bus with decapitator type saturation
GUITARS : dealt in 3 groups (Rhythmic | Clean | Solo) equalised side/center pan for more energy and presence, slap delay on the center guitars
KEYBOARD : discreet saturation to boost the harmonics and pan mooves L / R
VOCAL : voc 1 and 2 have a pultec type vintage equalization to give it body + déesseur + LA2A for warmth, voc 1 frequency cleaning and type CL1B vintage compression.
BUS MIX : Opto type Tape + compression + shadoll hills type VCA
Reference track for Tonal balance inspired from the Foofighters’ “The pretender”
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Onni »

Christoph_K wrote:
Thu Oct 10, 2024 09:38 CEST
A big thank you to @JeroenZuiderwijk for providing the multitracks. It was great fun mixing them.

For this challenge I used ProTools with the Michael Brauer Template again. I like it for dense tracks where everybody is fighting for attention so to say. The MB setup can handle this very well on most occasions. For those not knowing the way it works I highly recommend watching the Puremix Video if available or the interviews which are flying around. Basically his approach is to use a multi bussing technique with a lot of parallel processes, mostly compression and saturation. All tracks are treated with either SSL4K or 9K emulations, the bass is spilt into a neck and a body part. I used the Softube Console 1 + Fader Combo.

I used SoundRadix Drum Leveler for the Kick because I thought there were so many inconsistencies in volume and additionally ended up automating it where I thought it was needed.
The snare was difficult to manage, because of the nasty spikes it had baked in. I used Decapitator as a first stage for taming the transients, RBass for adding low punch instead of EQ (I sometimes find that more pleasing), 1176 with the fastest attack settings and Eventide Split EQ (using the transient portion) to tame the spikes as much as possible. It then goes to a parallel punch channel to make it cut though the mix in a more natural way.
The overheads are treated with the UAD Fatso and ProTools Lofi to tame some harshness and automation for more dynamics.
Toms and Room have the Kramer Pie Compressor to get some punch.

Because the track was generally quite muddy and missing detail I duplicated it, treated the copy with a Fuzz effect by Amplitube and automated it to taste, so that it cuts through the mix and gives it a certain vibe. I also thought that this tone came across as a bit pretentious, which emphasizes the attitude that the lyrics convey.

It wasn't easy to make sense of the order and hierarchy of all these tracks so I spent some time to distribute them in a way I could understand them. I then used the DI track with Amplitube in verse one where I thought something was missing. For widening some tracks I used Waves ADT where I thought the stereo image went out of balance. In the Parts with the main riff I added some parallel compression (Dual 1176) to bring them out and to get even more bite. I used a lot of automation to get the push where it was needed.

As these where already treated I only used a L1 Limiter to catch some of the peaks, followed by UA1176RevA for the tone plus the Weiss Deesser to tame harshness and sibilance.

Kush Goldplate, IK Multimedia Studio Reverb with a Chamber, Slate Verbsuite Classics with a Bricasti Preset for Room Ambience, Delay (UA EP-34) for the vocals at some spots and UA Korg SDD-3000 and Pulsar Echorec + McDSP EC300 for the Solo Guitar to get the depth I was looking for.

The Mixbus is populated with the Fab Filter Pro MB with a preset I "stole" from Fab Dupont. I think it helps a lot :) It then goes to my Tonefarm SSL Gbus compressor clone (great units build by Frank Röllen here in Germany). For a track like this, which is fast and energetic I tend to use these type of mixbus compression 10 times out of 9. It is then followed by Softubes Germanium Compressor, which is part of the MB template and gives a nice low-end. The signal then goes to the Sonnox Oxford Limiter using the Inflator circuit a bit (which gives more perceived loudness), Softubes Curve Bender to get more definition of the whole mix and for widen the track a bit, UAD Studer 800 and the Weiss Deesser to tame some harsh resonances.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/sawz1js14bzt1 ... K.wav?dl=0
I like your mix a lot! The energy is there and the bass fuzz is fun and interesting. I would like to hear the bass fuzz more in the choruses too, I think it sounds quite nice with the guitar distortion. I'm listening to this in a bus with kinda cheap earbuds tho so that might be the issue haha.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Onni »

phildoc83 wrote:
Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:38 CEST
Hello everyone, here I go for my very first submission to the MIX CHALLENGE. But first I would like to thank Mister Fox and the song provider for the opportunity.

Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wpQB9q ... sp=sharing

My settings are as follow : • Channels SSL 4000 type strip on all tracks
DRUMS : frequency cleaning, VCA type compressor on the kick, tape and transient on the snare to reshape it and add sustain, overhead 1176 mode bluey and Drum bus soft clipping plus compression 33609 to lift the high parts.
BASS : No amp, parallel bus with decapitator type saturation
GUITARS : dealt in 3 groups (Rhythmic | Clean | Solo) equalised side/center pan for more energy and presence, slap delay on the center guitars
KEYBOARD : discreet saturation to boost the harmonics and pan mooves L / R
VOCAL : voc 1 and 2 have a pultec type vintage equalization to give it body + déesseur + LA2A for warmth, voc 1 frequency cleaning and type CL1B vintage compression.
BUS MIX : Opto type Tape + compression + shadoll hills type VCA
Reference track for Tonal balance inspired from the Foofighters’ “The pretender”
Hey I tried to listen to your mix but I didn't have the permission to do so. According to Google. :(

The pretender is a great reference song btw! I always loved the dynamics and energy. More songs should take inspiration on how to create massive energy in the choruses without losing definition on any of the sounds.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Onni »

Rc² wrote:
Wed Oct 09, 2024 17:38 CEST
Here is my go at this one, I really had a lot of fun with this!

I definitely found myself starting to go in circles though and worry I over egged things a little and hope I did manage to keep the energy of the original. I got to that point where I was just 2nd guessing what I think the artist would like when in reality I have no idea if this is their thing or not :confused: If I was working with a band I would have definitely asked for feedback at a much earlier point in the process and realise now I actually find that one of the biggest challenges of the mix challenge. Its a lesson in itself!

Wav File
Mix Console Screenshot 1
Mix Console Screenshot 2

Cool mix! It kinda feels like I'm sitting in a smokey garage and the band is playing there. In a good way. Nice vibe and energy! One thing I would change is have the choir vocals a bit less "in my face". More behind the lead if you know what I mean. Lower in volume and maybe less high mids. Just my preference though and I'm listening with cheap earbuds in a bus 😅
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC100 October 2024 - Submissions until 21-OCT-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by MartialFromentin »

Hello everyone!

Here is the link to my mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E3lqF_ ... sp=sharing

Kick: Eq, KSHMR
Snare: Eq
Toms: Eq, comp.
OH: comp.
Drums bus: saturation, dyn. Eq

Bass: Eq, Distressor

Guitars tracks: opto comp. if needed, Kramer HLS
Guitars bus: saturation

Synth: opto comp., Eq & saturation

Lead vox: Silk Vocal, Pultec Eq, comp., Fresh Air, de-esser, tube saturation, limiter

BG vox: Silk Vocal, Pultec Eq, comp., stereo widener

Reverbs: 1 plate, 1 room

1 parallel drums bus: 1176 comp.
1 parallel rear bus: vari-mu comp.

Master bus: dyn. Eq, SSL bus comp., tape saturation
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