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MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May 2018 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Dodgingrain »

Nonlinear wrote:
Sun May 20, 2018 20:46 CEST
mp3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LufNrg ... sp=sharing
wave: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xCoRcp ... sp=sharing

This is the first project I've ever mixed in Reaper. Coming from 18 years on Cubase it was a little bit of a challenge - especially the tempo mapping - but it worked out well.

I used a lot of pan automation and echos to keep things moving and used some automated EQ on the Trans Bass to add some motion as well.

I didn't want to try and re-create the pumping effect in the transition section so I took a different approach that I think works for the song.

It was a challenge to keep levels up without using a limiter but I did use some parallel buss compression and compressors on individual tracks. I think with some mastering finesse and limiter this could easily reach "EDM levels".

Cool and interesting tune. Well arranged. Thank you for sharing your tracks!
Why did you move from cubase to reaper?
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

A friendly reminder:
Including today, 24 hours left to submit your mix

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Nonlinear »

Dodgingrain wrote:
Mon May 21, 2018 02:48 CEST
Why did you move from cubase to reaper?
Ironically - I found out there was a major flaw in their implementation of the Elastique time stretching function.

I struggled with it for years then finally started doing some testing and confirmed what I was hearing - rendered tracks do NOT sound the same as live playback. There is a flaw in the time warp implementation that causes timing drift in any tracks that are audio-warp quantized. There are numerous posts about this on the Steinberg forums going back to 2012.

Steinberg released CB versions 6.0, 6.5. 7.0, 7.5 with this known error and claim they finally "fixed it" in an update to 8.0. I was assured that for $300 I could have it working correctly with the latest upgrade.

I asked some folks with version 9.0 to try my tests and they confirmed it STILL does not work right. If you start playback or render in different places you get different results - does not null with full-length rendered tracks!

I dabbled with Reaper several times over the years - and never really liked its "fiddly" interface - but decided to see how it handled warping. I quantized some audio tracks the same way I did in Cubase and it worked GREAT. Rendered tracks re-imported to the project nulled 100% with the live tracks (as they should)! What you hear is what you get. :tu:

I have since found many, MANY things I can do in Reaper that I could not do in Cubase - subprojects, all the custom functions, etc. Cubase has some nice features - and I loved and supported it for many years - but none of that matters if I can't trust what it's rendering. I especially did not appreciate the way I was treated about this matter.

Cubase GONE. Reaper IN. I'm sold.

BTW - I work mostly with audio tracks. If you work mostly with MIDI then Reaper may be somewhat lacking (for now, but growing rapidly).
kevin gobin

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by kevin gobin »

Welcome to the Reaper lovers community Nonlinear!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by VasDim »

Hi all,
this is my attempt to mix:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/v305awrpv2jl3 ... m.mp3?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gcd82079bsg49 ... m.wav?dl=0

For all track are used:
- Waves Q10;
- Waves C4;
- Db ProComp.

AUX Effect;
- Waves TrueVerb;
- Waves SuperTap;
- Waves MetaFlanger;
- Waves Doubler 4.

Good luck to all.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by jetwolf »


Here is my submission for MC043. Very cool song to work on! Thank you for sharing.

I used FF ProQ/Slate VMR and on most every channel. I have been using VMR quite a bit lately since it is handy to use for gain staging using the integrated meter when getting the tracks organized.

What does everyone else use to set up gain staging?

Waves SSL G-Channel was used on a few percussion tracks.
Added a Drawmer after the VMR to every kick or bass channel.
A vocoder was added to help support the Lead channel.
Puigtec EQs on the master bus.
FabFilter Reverb was used for hall sounds and rooms.

I tried to make the buildup in the middle sound like a tornado.
Lots of filters sprinkled throughout.
I ended up using timed echoes integrated into some of the lead lines and ended really up liking the way it sounded. Because of this, I ended up scratching the time stretch due to wanting to keep these timed echoes. If the artist wishes, I can change this in the second round if I am chosen to advance.
I loved the sound of the opening and closing synth bass lines, and I worked hard to enhance the growl as much as possible.

I had fun! Hope you enjoy my spin on it.



WAV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10Zpxq ... DlQolYlk0A

MP3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1G1l9c ... olVdZc5D2b
Olli H

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Olli H »

My mixing procedure was quite similar to what i do with everymix: rough balance, drums, bass, kick side chaining, all the rest. I made quite much small automation here and there, but most of the are not so audible. So mainly small moves, but plenty of them.

Main problem that I encountered was that I was not sure how strong the low end should be. In some of my EDM references low end was too huge for my taste, for example Hardwell. So, when it comes to frequency balance I chose to listen more David Guetta, Zedd and Avicii as my references. Their low end was more controlled and balance to my taste.

I experimented quite much with pumping compressors. In the end I had 7 slightly differently dialled side chained compressors, each controlling different set of instruments. I went more towards moderate pumping effect, but I’m glad to use them stronger if so asked.

Loudness of my mix seemed to end up around -14 LUFS integrated. No loudness controll on the master buss. Hopefully it’s not too loud to be disqualified from this competition. On the other hand the preview mix was around -7 LUFS, so it was heavily mastered. Hopefully the judge will level all the mixes to the same loudness level. I’m sure each submission can be easily pushed to same loudness level as the preview mix.

MP3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14f1jo ... pyB7J8g4YY
WAV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yDI18 ... VEbECSXtXf

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by OctopusOnFire »

kevin gobin wrote:
Mon May 21, 2018 07:16 CEST
Welcome to the Reaper lovers community Nonlinear!
Welcome Nonlinear, and congrats. :cool:
Waleed Morris
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Waleed Morris »

Hello all ,
Good production and very nice elements.
-My first SC for trans sub ,boost around 45hz and made deep cut all the rest.
2nd SC with trans bass ,cut around 200,400 hz.with a bit hard compression .
-Kick ,boost around the fundamental 80hz,cut deep around 220, wide boost around 2k , very subtle compression coz it's already consistent
-Claps ,good amount of compression about 5/6 GR.also cut low end around 90/100hz
-Big snare Hp around 100, subtle boost around 1/2k
-Lots of automation in every single track.

Wav : Link here
Mp3 : Link here
Why did you move from cubase to reaper?
I used every single DAW you can imagine in last 10 years ago.no one can close in "Reaper" actually any daw when you comparison with REAPER it's just a toy. Welcome aboard Nonlinear :smile:

Cheers !
Last edited by Waleed Morris on Mon Jun 24, 2019 16:54 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC043 May2018 - Submissions until 21-05-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Henrik Hjortnaes »

jetwolf wrote:
Mon May 21, 2018 10:04 CEST
What does everyone else use to set up gain staging?
For the audio to hit the first plugin with proper level, I always use the built-in clip gain feature (Pro Tools). Basically, I simply increase or decrease the track audio recording to reach the desired level, looking at the built-in meter.
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