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MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Submissions until 21-06-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by JonasLasse »

PPS: Next time, please give the mixer a dry Snaresample. =)

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Submissions until 21-06-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by RichardClarke »


I will be away for the 2nd around and unable to participate if to get through.

Please regard this as my 2nd round submission if I am that lucky (my first round submission is the very first post on this thread, I was confused by the submission dates at the time!).

I love mixing metal and found this a really great track to work with. So I made improvements to mine later and just wanted to submit it in some way so it wasn't a totally wasted effort.

MP3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wET2q ... 39-W-iOFuD
WAV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Dr2es ... mcwQxgPNDd

The main change is I basically automated the panning/levels of the guitars throughout so it was more cohesive.

Already looking forward to MC045!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Submissions until 21-06-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Franz »

Hello everyone,

I just realized that I forgot the MP3 version of my mix
here is something done below:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ovh8di1pfunj7 ... z.mp3?dl=0



Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Submissions until 04-06-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by SRMix »

Baddo wrote:
Sun Jun 03, 2018 02:52 CEST
Hello folks, I'm the author. I'll be here in case you have any questions.
Hi and thank you for this opportunity. I have a question: How did you mix the main-distorted-guitars? They sound so good!
Could you please explain me every little details on how you mixed them? Did you group them? And also your speaker-monitor model, please.


My submission:
I haven't used the DIs.
full itb. eq and comp for every channel and a saturator on the 2 buss and on main guitars.
Reverb on snare, and delay on guitars. That's all.

wav https://mega.nz/#!F7Q1UIjK!mUGpiaZPP9kY ... Qk9Em2xxA0
mp3 https://mega.nz/#!JqR3CY7T!OgNzWoBHPiP8 ... ziuThwwY4E

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Submissions until 21-06-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Dr.Acula »

I don't think we have to submit a wav AND mp3 file or am I wrong?
kevin gobin

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Submissions until 21-06-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by kevin gobin »


Thank you very much for posting this song here with us Baddo. :tu:

Dr. Acula I think we have to post both, but I may be wrong. Not a big deal anyway so I always post both.

Here is my attempt:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ty38jcqhexzn4 ... n.wav?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/v4qwcgr5rccqw ... n.mp3?dl=0

Of course I followed the rules strictly so nothing was added from my library. :educate:

My goal was to add depth and variation, and fight the harshness.

I also had to figure out what style would suit best, and going strictly metal didn't work for me.

So vintage underground hard rock was my inspiration to shake my booty. Weird I am.

I played a lot with guitar tracks automation (panning and volumes).

I used the guitar clean DI track prefader to shape a pad with reverb and delay.

I used the Eventide track to shape another pad with an harmonizer.

I compressed a rear bus for some drums, another one for some guitars.

No Room tracks at all, just digital reverb.

I limited each bass track and adjusted the phase issue and the volume between them.

Nothing on my 2BUS except a gain (down :grin: ).

All the rest is eqs, automated eqs, delays and reverbs.

And... saturation!!!

See you soon everybody, and good luck to all.
Olli H

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Submissions until 21-06-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Olli H »

These tracks were pleasure to mix.

While mixing I was refreshing my ears mainly with Children of Bodom and some checking against Green Door. So evidently their sonics and balances affected my mix quite much.

I tried to create clear transitions from one part to another. I wanted to feel as if the song is growing all the time. I did quite much automation to volume levels and plugin settings.

Drums: As I wasn’t sure, no samples, I used only provided tracks. Actually I first interpreted that own samples were allowed in this competition (in my first mix I had some samples), but after the conversation on this forum I decided not to use them in my final version. Personally I think they could be allowed, for also big boys seems to use them despite the fact that they get the best possible multitracks. But I’m happy to follow whatever rules.

I used quite much gating on drum tracks to avoid phasey cymbals and also to make them clearly positioned in the stereo field.

Side guitars: As Children of Bodom had wide guitars I tried to make it also but I still wanted to make a mono compatible sound. I picked only one track per guitar + DI-guitars.

Middle guitars: I used different stereo effects (Dimension 3D, Microshift, Delays) to make middle guitars sit nicely with wide side guitars.

Overall: guite much parallel compression with each instrument.

2 Bus: slow compression (2dB) for glue, Pulse Teq Eq for smile, and some basic EQ for small sonic corrections. Mainly I mix into these effects, so I add them quite soon after i have rough balance made. No loudness adjustments made.

I mix with Klanghelm VU meter calibrated to -18 dBs. After I rendered my mix I checked the loudness values with Reapers Loudness calculator:
Integrated loudness: -15.9 LUFS
True peak: -3.6 dBTP

MP3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_cYHu ... r-ZlwVUMvD
WAV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XHelW ... uneSZFH5Wt

Good luck to everyone!
kevin gobin

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Submissions until 21-06-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by kevin gobin »

Oh, just one more thing.

I am listening to R1 mixes, and I can see a lot of new contestants for this challenge.


Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC044 June 2018 - Submissions until 21-06-2018 11:59pm GMT+2/CEST


Post by Aurel »

Hi ! First time here, looking forward to improving my mixes alongside everyone !

Here's my mix for this song, I went for a punchy, fat, in-your-face sound.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/9qsysfi8t1ilm ... l.mp3?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ohqd94gvis8t ... l.wav?dl=0

With drums, I used the provided kick sample to fill-in and help it feel bigger. I left the snare sample out because I didn't like how wet it is. Everything else is pretty standard, fair amount of slow compression & a really pushed parallel compression bus.

The bass was pretty weird to me, it had a lot of mids but lacked that deep growl that would make it huge. What I did is reamp the DI through SHB-1 from Ignite Amps, and used a D6 IR to get that sweet V curve. I then blended in the original amp track to get some mids back to help with clarity.

Lastly, guitars. I'm well aware that hard L/R pan often leave an obvious gap in the middle, but I found the song to take care of that quite well actually. Lead guitars come in fairly often so having them near centre made the space well occupied.
I think the provided mics lacked some low mids, to get that nice organic tone, so I added a Archon-type amp with the DI. Mostly used the SM & MD mics. Lightly brought in the 906 in the end to dial the right amount of brightness.
Now, the leads needed to separate well so I used mostly the MD & 906 mics, added a Mesa Mark II type amp to get a different grain, lightly blended in.

Very few mixbus processing, just a bit a saturation and EQ.

Edit : links rectified, I appear not to know how to copy/paste correctly :)
Last edited by Aurel on Sat Jun 30, 2018 15:07 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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