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MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by LCressy »

Had fun with this mix. Challenge for me was balancing the Bkg Vocals to cut through – especially the low male vocal seemed to compete with the synth swells.
Mixed with protools, all channels had Console 1 with the SSl 4000 as the basic channel strip. Lead Vocal Group went through an FMR RNC comp then UAD Fairchild. Background Vocal Group with through UAD 1176, Guitar and Keys Group went through a UAD 1176 as well. Bass went though FMR FNC comp. Drums – Snare and kick went through DBX160a’s and a Pro Vla 2 as a parallel comp – all of these fed into a 2 mix bus which was then sent to an Audio Scape G Buss and 2 Klark Teknik EQP-KT pultec clones. FX Units – TC Electronic M2000 for the room verb, TX Electronic D Two for delay and Lexicon 300 for the long plate.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/gp4eeev8jldwc ... y.wav?dl=0

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Lemmonz »

Mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MaZFDJ ... sp=sharing

Details: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

TL;DR - approached mix in 2 'stages'. 1st is tidying up the tracks to get a better rough mix going. 2nd state was putting that 'onto tape' and into a 'console' (both emulations) to focus on getting things to work together, create sub groups/busses, then to the mix bus.

Appreciate the band letting everyone have a go on their song!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by javiramallo »

Let's go friends!
there is little left!
Last edited by javiramallo on Sun Jul 19, 2020 00:43 CEST, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Dodgingrain »

Like the track. I just mixed it, didn't worry to much about style, etc.

wav: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqpB-RLndYJrj88LkPr ... g?e=TxiyVb

Vocals: Lots of parallel compression and some eq, added some pop vocal sound, did some dynamic eq to knock down some of the peaks. I did a little bit of pitch correction on some of the backing vocals but not much. The low pitched vocals have a lot of eq and some volume automation.
Bass: Pushed this hard into a REDDI which did most of the compression for me. Other than that it ducks a little bit on the kick.
Drums: Mostly tube distortion and a little bit of eq. Did some parallel compression. Did a little bit of gated snare sound and used something similar on the toms (send to reverb, compressor, gate, eq chain).
Guitars: Not much done here other than some dynamic eq to take out the low end when the bass was playing. Some panning as well.
Synths: Mostly eq and tube distortion. Eq used to get rid of the low end and get them out of the way. The synths were recorded well enough that it wasn't necessary to use soothe on more than 1 track.

On the master bus I did some tape saturation with a little crosstalk and glue compression SSL style, nothing fancy. I would have mixed this a lot louder but we have rules on that. :(
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by rafael1983 »

My name is Rafael Umbelino. I'm from Portugal.
I think this band has a really great and cool song, with great musicians and a great voice !!!

This is my mix, and it doesn't have any Mastering processing. I hope you all like it... Thank you!

My Wav file in 24-Bit:

Descrition of my work:

First, I calibrated all tracks to -18dB with a "VU meter" from my DAW - Studio One 4.6 Professional. So I started to separate the tracks in stereo from Left and Right position, and make volume adjustments on the faders until I got close to the desired result.

I created 8 Bus tracks: Drums, Bass, Clean Guitars, Synths, Distortion Guitars, Choir Vocals, Backing Vocals, and finally Lead Vocal.

I used the "Waves" "CLA MixHub Lite" plugin (Lite version, because consumes less CPU) on all individual tracks, but mostly I never used all the plugin's features; that is, there were tracks in which I only equalized, there were others in which I equalized and compressed.

In the individual voice channels, the "CLA MixHub Lite" plugin has the functionality of adding another external plugin, which I used the "RVox" plugin in all voice channels, except for the distorted voice, in which I used the "Krammer PIE" plugin from "Waves".

In addition, on individual channels, I also used the "Chorus" plugin for which backing vocals, and the "Phaser" plugin for the clean funk guitar. These two plugins are from S1 DAW. For Synths, I mostly used the free "Valhalla Supermassive" plugin from "Valhalla DSP", which is my favorite free plugin. In the Lead Voice I also used the "RDeEsser" plugin from "Waves".

In the Mix Bus I added the "Brainworx bx_townhouse Buss Compressor" from the "Plugin Alliance", where I compressed all the tracks, removed the hamonic distortion ("V-Gain") because it was noisy, and added a little "Headroom".

I used the "TSAR-1R Reverb" plugin from "Softube" on two separate FX channels. The first one on the FX channel I used for the drums, with a more exaggerated configuration, and then a second FX channel with a "Room Reverb" configuration for all the other channels.

I started by compressing each Bus channel with the "API 2500" plug-in from "Waves". Only on the Bus channels of all Voices, I did not use the "API 2500" plugin, but the "GW VoiceCentric" plugin from "Waves", regulating "Intensity", "Doubler" and "Reverb". In the Drum Bus Channel, I used the "Waves" "API 560" plugin, adding or removing moderately, to clean each frequency, and get the cleanest sound possible. In the remaining 7 Bus channels, I used the "Gate/Expander" of the "Fat Channel" plugin from my DAW, because I think it is the easiest "Gate/Expander" to use, in my point of view. I completed the Backing and Lead Voice Bus channels with the plugin "Valhalla Supermassive" plugin from "Valhalla DSP".

Then I added the "Waves" "NLS Non-Linear Summer" plug-in. I only used the "Stereo Channel" version on each Bus, and finally, the "Stereo Bus" version on the Mix Bus. In this, I adjusted the Trim to smaller values, so that the VU meter of that plugin would stop clipping. I set the plug-in to the "MIKE" position, I didn't add any "Drive" values, but I activated the plug-in's "Noise" function in which Channel and in the Bus Channel of this plugin.

From here, I started doing many types of automation, using VCA faders, sometimes on sets of individual group channels, sometimes on Bus channels. When it was just one channel, I automated it just this channel, without VCA faders.

I created a third FX channel, where I used the "Voxbox" plug-in from "Soundspot", to create a larger "Wider" effect and a great "Doubler" effect, so that the Choir seems bigger, and again the "Valhalla Supermassive", automating this FX channel via VCA, for the desired effect.

When I had the mixing process calibrated and balanced, I used another bus channel, which I always call "PreMain". Then I used the plugin "API 2500" and the plugin "API 560", to clean frequencies and finish the mix. As I like to pass everything through the Tape, I used the "Tape" plugin from "Softube".

I finished the mix by placing some plug-ins in the Main DAW channel. I used the "Binaural Pan" to create a wider effect on the entire mix, and the "Velo 2" plugin from "Soundspot", that is a "limiter" plug-in, and I calibrated with a -1dB ceiling and a 0dB "Input". I put two plugins of my DAW, one called "Spectrum Meter" and the other called "Phase Meter" in the Post, to rectify the entire mix. I reduced the volume of my "PreMain" Bus for match about the 19/20Lufs.

After making some final adjustments, like tuning all Voices with "Melodyne 5 Essencial" plugin from "Celemony", make some adjustments on individual faders or on the fader bus, I concluded the job. I have made a Mixdown of the entire mix to a Wav file in a 24-bit.

Once more: Thank you!!!
Last edited by rafael1983 on Mon Jul 20, 2020 19:28 CEST, edited 1 time in total.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by skym »

Hey everyone!
First time for me to submit here :) Had fun mixing this song.

Here's the mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T015SN ... sp=sharing

Mix notes:
I usually start by normalizing all tracks to -8dB then i group them such that I have fewer faders and channels to deal with.
Then I do the initial volume balance and static mix. Take a break. Then get back to it. My main reference for this mix was Ain't It Fun by Paramore.

Initial stage of static mix includes some low and high pass filtering. Initial stage all done with Console 1.

Vocals compression was mainly used to catch some peaks.
Slight tuning on lead and bg vocals for best impact and not to be [mentally] taken away from the song. Did not tune the “aahs”.
Tubetech compressor,soothe2 and new york saturation(slate) on the lead vocals. Not much eqing done. Rode them as well to keep levels in check.

Using less-is-more mentality, I decided to bring the low vocals in the prechorus/chorus parts down and only showcase it sometimes, and tried to give it a more percussive role.

Gutiars - saturation on pre chorus plucking guitar+delay. Guitar bus has the Fairchild 670 and Chandler curve bender and ProQ3, and the Decapitator.
Bass has LA2A and is blended with a slightly distorted channel using the Devil-Loc by soundtoys.

On the drums i have the black 1176 from slate, fg-A and S eq then te FG Bomber. using the ssl 9000j for parallel comp on the snare and the monster for parallel comp on the kick. Some plate reverb on the snare as well.

Keys and synths more atmospheric role rather than lead instruments. Used panman for some timed movement.

On my stereo bus I have a bx ssl e, fabfilter pro-C2, amek eq, bx townhouse and pro Q3. Pro Q3 is mainly used for taming resonances on the whole mix.

Favorite part of the song is when we get to the chorus after the bridge. Really tried to make that part groove well.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by simola »


I started the mixing process by importing the tracks to my DAW (Reaper) and setting the individual tracks to peak at -12db. Then I went through all the multi-miked tracks (drums mainly) and phase aligned them with InPhase by Waves. Then I added the Master chain that in this case was NLS Bus, SSLComp, PuiqTec EQP1A, Vitamin and Kramer Tape. The master chain does only minimal low and high boost, mid reducing and 1-2db of gain reduction on the compression. My monitor FX consist of Waves VU meter, REFERENCE, PAZ analyzer and WLM Plus.

After that I grouped all the tracks to have a main bus: Drums, Bass, Guitar, Synth and Vocals and added Neutron 3 from Izotope to all these bus tracks and used the sculptor module with corresponding setting for the bus. Also grouped the kick, snare and tom tracks to their own sub tracks. Kick, snare and tom tracks got the levelling and gating treatment from Drum Leveler by SoundRadix. Then I started levelling the drums to a decent static mix, panning the tracks and started mixing the individual tracks.

All of the tracks on this project have the following chain: Waves F6 EQ, SSLChannel and the NLS Channel. F6 to carve out the bad, SSLChannel to boost the good and compression and the NLS for analog summing.

Had to carve a lot of low mids out of the drum tracks and add little high end to all of them. The close miced tracks were compressed about 3db with slow attack and fairly fast release. Hihat high passed at 898Hz, OH at 100Hz and the room mics so that the kick drum low end is not there anymore. Tom Dub tracks were first given the same kind of treatment as the kit toms and then routed to a bus that has Devil-Loc plugin there with crush at 6 and crunch at 1. This gave the tom pass a lot more sustain and some distortion to get a distinct sound.

Bass track was a bit too noisy for me on the silent parts so I added a gate first. Then I added Powair by SoundRadix with the Leveler function to maintain a solid and consistent bass. Then the normal treatment with F6 mainly with lowpassing only. SSLChannel reduces some 1kHz and nothing more. Then I added Devil-Loc to get some dirt out of the bass track. On the bass bus Neutron 3 a added the Exciter module and added some excitement to frequencies 600-4000Hz. Then balanced the bass to the kick by listening only 0-100Hz filter on the REFERENCE plugin.

At this point I added my reverb and delay busses. Two reverb busses with Waves Abbey Road Plates on the other one and Abbey Road Chambers on the other. SoundToys Echoboy was used as the main delay on this project. Also added Parallel busses for drum close mics and the vocals with H-Comp on them. The parallel busses were then totally crunched to the max and blended with the other tracks to get some fatness.

All the guitar tracks were treated with the F6, SSLChannel and NLSChannel combination, but I think the tracks were recorded so beautifully so that not much had to be done but levelling and finding their own spot on the stereo image. Then I sent some guitar parts to the reverbs, example the Verse guitars and the Funky guitar.

The synth parts were mainly high-passed and some low mids reduced from them and spark added to the higher frequencies. Then I tried to find a place for them on the stereofield so that the parts worth hearing would me heard.

Then the fun begun: Vocal volume automation :) I went through all the vocal tracks and automated for a more constant volume on them Pre-FX, so that when I would compress the tracks, I would get a more constant performance. I grouped the soft vocal parts, BG vocals and the Ahh parts and processed the parent track as a whole. The tracks got once again the F6 + SSLChannel + NLSChannel treatment. Had to get rid of a lot on 500 and 800 from the vocals. Maybe some room resonances when recording. SSL Channel to get some sparkle on the highs and after that the compression. First knocking out the highest peaks with Waves CLA-76 on bluey mode and fast release and medium attack. Then smoothing everything out with Waves CLA-2A with only about 3db on gain reduction. Then I added Soundtoys Microshift to widen the lead vocals a bit with the mix knob on about 10’o clock.

After that I blended in some of the crunch vocals which were also treated with Microshift but now on 100%. After that I blended the soft vocal parts also so that they are not head on their own but if I mute the tracks I notice a difference. Then I went off to balance the background vocal lines so that it felt right. Had some difficulties on the low vocals as they were a bit difficult to get the balance right. I added Waves Reel ADT plugin to get some movement and distortion to the low vocals and separation between the left and right channel. The Ahh vocals where processed on the parent track and only basic EQ and compression.

Finally I automated the lead vocal send to delay for only some lines and checked from the metering VU that the loudest part of the song was hovering on 0 with -18 headroom setting. Also automated some synth parts to be heard better in the mix. I may have forgotten something but this was mainly how it went this time :)

Here is my mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12e7Gxw ... sp=sharing

Thanks for reading and listening!
Last edited by simola on Sun Jul 19, 2020 23:30 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by VasDim »

Hi all,
this is my attempt to mix:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/o5ak496900tyu ... m.wav?dl=0

For all track are used:
- Waves Q10;
- Waves C4;
- Db ProComp.

AUX Effect;
- Waves TrueVerb;
- Waves SuperTap;

Good luck to all.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by jeffssoloband »

Dear Sam, Paint Me in Color, and the Mic Challenge community:

Please find my submission for MC067 here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mpzl69lyhai2c ... d.wav?dl=0

My Process (Everything done ITB in Logic Pro X, no additions/subtractions, no end fade out. All individual tracks were gain staged, and subjected to subtractive EQ and compression as needed.):

Drums: I did a lot of carving to minimize the bleed (EQ, noise gate, etc.) to get more control of the transients. I let the OHs and Room tracks fill in the gaps. I panned the hi-hat a bit to the left, Tom 1 and Room L hard left, Tom 2 and Room R hard right. Everything else is straight up the middle. The drum buss has a vintage style EQ with a little bump at 300Hz, a little dip at 3kHz, and a high shelf at 16kHz for sparkle. The buss is also compressed in parallel for thickness. The whole thing has a bit of reverb.

Toms (dub): Tom 1 is panned hard left, Tom 2 is up the middle, and Tom 3 is hard right. Their buss was hit with a transient shaper, and an 80s-style gated reverb.

Bass: Hit with an envelope filter and blended into the dry signal for a little movement in the higher frequencies, and J37 for tape saturation.

Guitars: Not much here other than some added reverb (since they are printed with effects, I assume that is what the artist wanted them to sound like). Tracks are panned for stereo spread.

Rhodes: Hit it with some harmonic distortion and tape saturation for grit, followed by a dash of reverb.

Synths: The other synths were bussed, hit with Brauer Motion to give some overall movement, and hit with a large room reverb.

Lead Vocals: Vocal Rider automation to smooth the performance, followed by 3 compressors in series, and a bit of chamber reverb.

Lead Vocals (dbl): Soft LV 1 is panned hard left, Soft LV 2 is panned hard left and the crunch LV is up the middle. The three tracks are bussed, compressed, hit with a bit of reverb, and blended into the lead vocal to help fill it out.

BG Vocals: The remaining background vocals (BG & Ahh) are panned to various degrees for stereo spread, compressed an hit with a chamber reverb.

Low LV: I hit it with Little AlterBoy (robot mode, with the formant at 8.0, and the drive at 3.9, mixed at 50%), followed with some distortion and saturation and an instance of Brauer Motion to push the width.

Stereo Buss: I added NLS to add some color to the mix, as well as a vintage-style compressor to try to tame some pesky transients.

That's about it. Feel free to hmu with questions/comments/concerns. Thank you for listening (and reading), and for your consideration.

Kind regards,
Jeff (jeffssoloband)
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC067 July 2020 - Submissions until 21-07-2020 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by nicores »

HI! Here is my mix!

waves ssl channel strip, ReCenter, Fab Filter Pro Q 3
Sends: waves SSL Channel strip

Kick in and out:
Inserts: Fab flter pro q 3
Sends: waves dbx 160, puig chlid 660

fab filter pro q 3, waves dbx 160, waves scheps 73, waves artg masterng live.
Sends: bx_yellowdrive, tr5 CSR hall.

waves Q2

Fab Filter pro q 3, waves Rverb.

Cla Drums, Devil Lock Deluxe.
Sends: DVR 250

Drums Buss:
waves Ssl comp, waves Nls Channel, Reelight, waves Reed 17,waves L1 limiter, Devil lock deluxe
Sends: sound toys Little alterboy, dvr250, hdelay, cla 76

waves Nls Channel, Waves Maxx Volume, Fab filter pro q 3, waves sub aligne.
Sends: Sound toys Little alter boy, cla 76

Waves Nls Channel, Waves cla 76, waves s1, sound toys devil lock deluxe, Sound toys Little alter boy.
Sends: waves h Delay, dvr 250, Cla 76

Waves Nls channel, fab flter pro q 3, waves cla 76, waves puigtec eq, ddevl lock deluxe, waves Smack attack
Sends: Waves doubler, Cla 76, Sound to escho boy, Waves H delay, dvr 250.

Inserts: Fab filter pro q 3, R compressor, waves Ps225 Spread, Devil lock deluxe.
Sends: waves Cla 76

BackG vocals:
Inserts: Waves L1 Limter, fab flter pro q 3
Sends: dvr 250, waves doubler, soundtoys Little alterboy

Master Bus: Ssl comp, TR5 Dyna-mu comp.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iOk6yD ... sp=sharing
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