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MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Winners announced

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Submissions until 21-12-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by javiramallo »


@Giancarlo, thank you very much for your work on this mix.It is a really well balanced mix, maybe I have felt more than I would like some compression in the voice. But it is something that does not cloud the quality of your mix. Thanks a lot.

@Alexvanmixland, Really thanks for the Mix. Nice balance, I liked very much. The voice is really present and with some prominent midhighigh in some moments! The bass is really round. For the rest I miss electric guitars. Maybe the overall feeling is that the track have a loudness feeling. You know, with a round and prominet lowend and the same in the upper part of the sprectrum but with a lack of mid-lows and mids in the center zone. Great mix anyway. again thanks.

@tomigoi[/i]. Thank you for your mix, so far the more natural. Just that is what I look for in a MIX. It is a Pity that is in AIFF and over the given level.. I think, in the rules, specifys wave files and no more than -16dBfs. I think Mr. Fox will had something to say with that.

@altavault, thank for your mix. Great job with the voices using delays and creativity. The overall balance sound a bit over compressed or distorted, (I think this feeling come from the drums, maybe a parallel track too much present or something like that.) to me but the sound of the guitars and percussion are amazing.
Really thanks!"

@DodgingRain, really thsanks for your work. Very balanced and compensate mix. My grain of sand is that overall feeling is a little bit lifeless, maybe I am missing some mnid-high freqs here and there. Some more stereo feeling could help too. In the other hand, need some automation in the backvocal tracks because, in some moements are too much up and other are too low. Excellent work, really thanks.

@Mammy soundcloud, no downloadble.Mammy soundcloud, no downloadble.

@JohnK , Thanks for your mix - lovely acoustic guitars in the beginning! My grain of sand is: Why so many compression process? I am pretty sure that whith less compresion (Maybe in the master bus or somewhere of over there) help a more natural sounding. Great balance in any case. Congratulations.

@m_tre, thanks for your track! Sound amazing. Other than the ""S"" issueI love the voice work . My grain of sand is: I would love some more control in the kick volumen due to is over-present some times and needs some less dbs.
The overall feeling is a tad bright.
I am not a big fan of the FADE OUT althought I understan that the original option is hard to deal with.
So, good decision."

@Arturo, Thank you for you mix. I liked the voice treatment. My grain of sand is that I miss the electric guitars a bit. I would like a little more of them. IN the other hand, I could say taht the FX in the guitar sound good although it's a bit risky. The Snare is a Piccolo size, so, try to get that amount of mid-low frecuenci sound a little unnatural. good mix in anycase. Thank you.

@Photonic, thank you very much for your mix. I love it. It feels very natural, my grain of sand is: I would lower the zone below 60Hz a little bit to reduce this "loudness effect" and help it reproduce well in as many audio systems as possible. I'm already talking about subtle adjustments. The overall feeling is a tad bright. So, less sub and less high could help to improve the overall warm feeling.

@dadomachado, Thanks for your mix. It is a great one. My grain of sand is, I think the Snare could sound really better! The rest it is amazing! Thank you

@Naturecord, Thank you for the mix. I have some weird feelings with this mix, Sorry. There is undoubtedly an extraordinary work behind it, it shows and I appreciate it, but the general feeling is a bit strident for me. The work with Melodyne on the chorus voices is great although I think they have remained a bit high in volume in the mix since when they enter they muddy, perhaps they have excess frequencies around 200 Hz.
On the other hand, have you changed some bass notes? that's the feeling it gives me!
I miss some interesting electric guitar arrangements.
And finally, maybe a little less than the ""crushed"" track of the voice would do you good.
In short, it would need more naturalness and less process."

@Hi Green-Dog.Thanks for your work. I love the guitars and percussion at the beginning. The Stereo Image is lovely!
The overall feeling is fantastic, I liked very much the guitars, the snare, the backvocals.
All the balance is great! congratulations.
My grain of sand.: I notice the voice unnaturally. Maybe the term is ""muddy"". I miss Mid-High frequencies on it.
Did you use any sample in the kick?. Anyway, I think that the kick's sound not fit well with an acoustic drum set, I feel it like a disco kick. I would look for a more natural option that fit better with the rest.
Also, the Snare is Piccolo size, so, be careful trying to bringmid low frecuencies of it. If not, you'll turn the sound of the Snare in unnatural.
Great work GD."

@MarkAndrews- Extraordiany explanation in your post, thank you for that. The mix is great. Maybe a bit muddy in same cases but great in any case.
My grain of sand is: maybe less reverb all the elements help to sound more natural.
Also, I miss the kick!
And finally, Melodyne or what you use, make really weird thing in the voice."

@PGPMixing - Nice mix, thank you. My grain of sand is that I feel some phase issue constantly fighting in from of me when I listen it.
Particulary the voice and the Snare need a more natural treatment, maybe they are over processed.
I hope this help in anyway.
Really thanks PGP."

@nicores, Thanks you for your mix. it is great!
My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) will makes your mix more natural
if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speaker or room configuration.
Also, the voice is not integrated in the mix, it is like it there out of it. IMHO need a lot of less process. you know..... less is more.
And finally, be caregul with the tool you are usin to increse the Snare's transient. Maybe you are push until the edge where it stops sounding good and becomes unnatural.
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@Michaelh. Thanks for your mix. I Like it. My grain of sand: I'd turn down that annoying kicks sub and bring up lively the electric guitars at some points that they remained very hidden.
Finally, the voice look a little dark. I would advice bring down some frecuesies between 200 and 300 hz. but with subtlement .. it is a detail issue.

@S&F, thank for your mix! The best Voice work so far, very natural, This is the way I like it.. Is a really well balance mix.
My grain of sand is: If you turn down a bit the snare, hh and kick, they will fit better in the mix.
Also, I miss electric guitars and backvocals in some parts.
The guitar solo is GREAT!"

@CeZar, thank you for your mix. I like the balance although, the overall feeling is a bit dark.
And finally, Melodyne or what you use, make really weird thing in the voice."

@J.R, thank you for your mix. For me, was weird listen the acoustic guitars so clear in the beginning and suddenly lose them when the voice came in.
Also, I think needs work more in the way of get a natural sound of drum. cause, now the only thing I hear is the snare. I miss Hit hat, and OOHH to give air and life to the drum and the mix in general..
Hope this help."

@yethu, Thanks you for your mix. Is a really well compensate mix. My grain of sand is voice is a little dark. I would like some more of 3 khz or so in this voice to fit better. It is something subtle, with no exagerations.

@Bluesation, thank you for your mix. Nice one!
My grain of sand. I think Melodyne (or whatever) is wild here. Honestly , It is doing really weird things in the voice.
In the other hand, Eggs and triangle are protagonists in your mix, mora than really important things como la caja or the guitar in many cases.
Voice are cool, only , for my taste too much 200 hz feeling on it and a couple of db's less.
Again thanks."

@Lughsenderson, thanks for your mix, Sound very well. Really natural. My grain of sand is. I would turndown 1 or 2 db of 150 hz in the snare. It is a piccolo snare so getting so many frequencies of that type out of it makes it an unnatural sound.
Also, I would rise up a tad of mid or mid -low freqs in the voice. Now it too much thin. Something subtle. you know. "

@Christoph_K, thank for your mix. Really cool one. It is a winner one.
My grain of sand is: I would like some more automation in the snare because, very often is even over the voice.
Something subtle, maybe 1 or 2 dbs donw in some places. Only take care of the volume of it agains the voice plane please.
The overall felling is a little rumble, Maybe 1 or 1,5db less of low end could help to get a more natural feeling.
Amazing mix."

@romaingarnier, thanks for your mix. Nice , Clear and Natural. Congratulations. My grain of sand is: there is a couple of "GRITA" very high and out of the mix, one of them in the second 45 and the other in 1'41". Finally, I would try to get a more natural sounding kick, more acoustic and less processed. A pity, you could be at the round 2!

@PrzemekM. Thank you for your. Regardless of the excessive loudness issue, it's a great mix.
I really like the voice.
Thank you for your work."

@harryc1344, thank you for your mix. Sound Amazing. My grain of sand is , Could you help the snare to fit better in the DRUM sound? For moments it appears to be too loud, maybe some automation could help.
Amazing mix."

@Doobop thanks for your mix. I like it. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz)in the kick, and more definition in the mid or mid-high zone will makes your mix more natural, if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers or room configuration.
Also, due to de above mentioned , the voice seems to be hiden. becareful with the ""s""
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@Kirurg , Thank you for your mix. it is a really good one. My grain of sand is, in some moments I feel like a bit of hubbub, maybe could necessary to do not use all tracks in some moments.
Great work! Congratulations"

@maxovrdrive, Thank you for your mix. I liked very much, My grain of sand is: IMHO the egg in the beginning is really high! IN the other hand the voice seems to be opaque, like singing with a kitchen rag covering the mouth.
Grat mix in any case.

@Dwic, really thanks for your mix. Great treatment of the back vocals, I love them. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) in the kick, and more definition in the mid or mid-high zone will makes your mix more natural, if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers or room configuration.
Also, due to de above mentioned, the snare seems to be hiden.
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@echooread, thanks for your mix.I love the percussion and acoustics guitars at the beginning.
My grain of sand is: IMHO You neglected the low end of the spectrum.
The song need, at least, some low content to complet the sound. For the moment seems to be lame. Atention, I am not saying put on it a 25hz kick, this will be wrong as well. I mean to work properly the range 50-200hz contributing which is necessary .
Good work in the mid and mid-high zone."

@samuwuori, really thanks for your mix. Great treatment in the guitars, I love them. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) in the kick and bass-guitar, and more work in order to get a best definition in the mid or mid-high zone will makes your mix more natural (something subtle, maybe are 1db only adjustenments ), if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers or room configuration.
IMHO, the voice sound weird, seems to be lifeless and overprocessed.Maybe it is only a feeling, but this is the feeling.
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@PenguinJon, thanks for your mix. I love the percussion and acoustics guitars at the beginning, the voice also sound natural althought with more ""sss"" than I would like. My grain of sand is: It's needed some Automation in the voice volume due to in some moments it feels high, Maybe 1 or 1.5dBs less in some points could helps her to fit better in the mix.
In the other hand. I would like less compresion in the Snare or OOHH (Depending for where the snare is getting sound ) in order to get a mor natural drum sound and less tamed. (Subtle things)."

@jordi makes, really thanks for your mix. BCN?.... It is a really balanced one. congratulations. My grain of sand is: I feel the lead vocal and back vocals really aggressive. I don´t know if is matter of volume, saturation, some dB less of high crispy freqs or all toguether . who knows.
Also, I would rise the kick up a couple of DB´s in order to built a sweet but solid low end. (I would not touch its equalization or any process of the kick. it's fine as it is.)
Tha bass is amazing, dont touch it in any aspect.

@Flik, thanks for your mix. Other than loudness issue I like your mix. I think it is a very compensate one. My initial ,in general, feeling is that I am listening continuously a reverb tail of a variety of element that mix themself creating a confuse and cahotic image. My grain of sand is: turn down a bit all your FX returns. Something subtle.
Great Job. "

@marcbalsa, Thanks for your mix. Nice one. I liked the general balance. My grain of sand is. I would turn down 1 or 1,5dBs of 300 hZs of in the lead vocal track. something subtle.
Also, I would love turn up a tad the back-vovals in some moments to give them some more protagonist rol. A pity, you could be at the round 2!
Excellent job.Thanks Again."

@ObaOzai, Thanks for your mix. I invite you to listen carefully some of the other mixes in order to start to understand the foundations of the mix comparing with yours. This help you a lot of, I am sure.

@Manii, Thanks for your mix. I liked it. My grain of sand is: I would try works some more the drum. I am meaning not the sound because I think it is right. Maybe it a volume issue. Why don't you try bring at front 1 or 1.5 dBs in order to get a more open and with air mix?
Maybe less compression feeling in the SNARE or OOHH or where the snare is coming from could help.
The objetive could be try to get a not so diffuse drum sound but in the same plane tha actual.
Excellent. Good Job!"

@Emiliano Brescacin Thanks for your mix. As soon as I started listening, I noticed something strange in the voice that accompanied me throughout the song.
My grain of sand is: IMHO Maybe you over-processed the voice too much and it was left out of the mix.
It's a great mixing job in any case.
thanks, again."

@Jerze Thanks for your mixJerze Thanks for your mix. As soon as I started listening I noticed the voice experiment at the begining. I am a not big fan, sorry. After that the sound of the voice is amazing.
My grain of sand is: bass a tad UP in order to to get a solid combo with the kick which is alone now. Amazing sound of snare, really natural , i love it. It's a great mixing job
thanks, again..

@skym Thanks for your mix. Great and compesated one.. My grain of sand is: Due to you decided give such a protagonist to the brush/snare, I think they could sound more beautiful, more open and more integrated.
Also, IMHO , the voice need some automation becasuse in some places ar too high.
Good job. Congrat."

@pabloAT Thanks for your mix. Sound good for me. My Grain of sand is:
Voice seems to be loud and out of the mix. I would like a bit more integrated feeling for this.
In the other hand, I perceibe some issues in the low end.
First of all, in general there is a lack of them. IMHO need a bit more solid lowend. Something subtle, I am not saying put on it a 25hz kick, this will be wrong as well. I mean to work properly the range 50-200hz contributing which is necessary .
More particularly I'll refer to the kick.
I would continue with the same approach, that is, trying to get a kick drum that sounds clear and differs in the mix, but trying to make it have something to do with the rest of the elements in the mix, not as something independent.
the concept would be: Integrate the kick drum into the rest of the drums and this will integrate it into the mix
I am not big fan of the double voice at the beginning."

@VasDim Thanks for your mix. I think you moved some tracks in the project ... for example an acoustic guitar or some percussion like eggs.
In any case it is a good mix with a kick drum and a very well integrated bass."

@MattRocket, thanks you for your mix. Nice beginning without guitars! and a nice nice voice treatment, very natural which I love it. My Grain of sand is: I note too much the difference of level between the lead vocal at the very begging of the song and the first ""griiiitaaa"" in 00'.48"". maybe lowring 1 or 2 dbs of the lead vocal at the beggining helps the jump go unnoticed.
In the other hand I miss a lot a a guitar arrangement in 01'24''. Could you recover it? Great MIX, thank you for your work."

@spafles, thanks for your mix. Sound amazing. Very natural. My grain of sand is : I would like a bit less level difference between the voice at the beginning and the voice in second 00:45. At the moment there is a very big step between them.
I would try increse up a bit the very beggining voice level.
In the other hand the kick.
I would trying make it have something to do with the rest of the elements in the mix, not as something independent.
The concept would be: Integrate the kick drum sound into the rest of the drums and this will integrate it into the mix.
Great Mix, cheers and thanks!"

@eusonic_studio, Thanks for your mix. I invite you to listen carefully some of the other mixes in order to comparing with yours. I think, half of the process you describe are giving a result that may not be the expected.

@JulienMeirone, Thanks for your mix. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) in the kick and bass, and more definition in the mid or mid-high zone will makes your mix more natural, if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of your speakers setup or room configuration.
Also, due to de above mentioned , the voice seems to be dark. Like with a kitchen rag in front of the mouth!
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@SuC76 Thanks for your mix. I like it. My grain of sand is: Be careful with the lowend. It is a bit abundant

@mitjak, Thanks for your mix. I like it. My grain of sand is: Be careful with the kick. It is a bit abundant, some less could help to get a more natural sounding mix.

@Clueless, thank for your mix. The stereo image at the beginning is great. I liked very much. The rest is also very compensated and balanced.
Do not lose the the electric guitar arrangement in 1'26''.

@vintage, Thanks for your mix. Sound amazing. My grain of sand is: Be careful with the low end. It is a bit abundant, especially due to the bass. Also, a treatment of the kick that integrates it more into the acoustic feeling of the drums would be appreciated. At this moment is so prominent that appears something independient of the rest of the drum!. In the other hand I miss the Electric guitars in many moments.

@jvrdiez, thanks for your mix. Great mix. I liked. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) will makes your mix more natural
if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers set up or room configuration.
IMHO, I feel that these low end energy is making the bus compresor pumping in an audible form.
The rest of elements are amazing, congratulations.
Thanks again for your work."

@ivizzjohn thanks you for your mix. Nice beginning ! and a nice nice voice treatment, very natural, which I love it. My Grain of sand is:
Something not important: in the lead vocal, the first ""griiiitaaa"" in 00'.48"" is to loud, it needs to be compensate.
Something, I think , Important: IMHO The kick is messing up your mixing job.
-it is loud.
-The sound is not natural and have nothing to do with the rest od the drum.
-Need automations because in some moments is too much present and others remain integrated in the mix.
Great mix in anycase.
Thank you for your great job."

@IbanezoO thanks you for your mix. IMHO it need more work to get a more natural feeling in all the senses and a more balanced final picture.
Thanks for your job and effort."

@cpsmusic thanks for your mix. I liked .. I think is a very well compensate one. My grain of sand is: Voice seems to be very boomy. IMHO Would turn down some 150-200 hz on it. In the other hand, I feel the snare unrelated with the rest of the drums. Maybe toot much transiente attack? .... un-natural for my taste. Somo more natural and organic treatment could help.
Thanks in anycase because is a great mix. Congratulations. "

@Blang, thanks for your mix.. Is a really well done one. My grain of sand. The right side acoustic guitar is too loud. IMHO it is over present all the track, more than the aproppiate.
The overall balance is amazing althought a tad dark. Maybe a tad of the voice up could help. Something subtle, you know.
Great great mix. Thank you for your work. "

@TomImmon, Thanks for your mix. Great natural sound, and very balanced. My grain of sand is: That peak peak in your kick feels like Metal music… IMHO I would re-worked in order to get a more appropriate one.

@Odistdan.. Thank for your mix. I love it. Is very balanced and natural.I love the Voice treatment. Also the drum sound amazing. My gran of sand is: IMHO you lose some electrics guitar arrangements in some zones. For example in 01'24''. IN the other hand IMHO the voice is a bit high.

@alphoc, thanks for your mix. My grain of sand is: IMHO I felt it very noisy. Maybe for the drum ambience and its treatment, is given a very bustling feeling.

@SDB_12 thanks for your mix. Is a very natural one and I liked. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) will makes your mix more natural
if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers or room configuration. Here in my control room, my Sub is flappering cheerfully with your kick, more than could be appropriate I mean.
Great mix in any case, congratulations."

@d8bflup thanks for your mix. I am not a big fan of chorus in the rhythm guitars but this is just a matter of taste. My grain of sand is: I felt something weird in the voice, it sound is like in a BOX. maybe for the reverb or some other process that I think is not helping to the natural sound of it.
Also seems to be high of volume. I would look for a more integrate plane into the the mix for it.
Good mix in any case. thank you for your work."

@WhitePunkOD really thank for your mix and for your work. I liked. My grain of sand is: IMHO you overdo it with the distortion of the voice! maybe is not neccessarfy such amont of it to get a nice vintage feeling.
Also IMHO The kick is a tad high! I am listen it all the time over the rest of the things in the mix, you could say that it is not integrated.
In general, IMHO maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) will makes your mix more natural. "

@CantusPro. Thanks for your mix. I invite you to listen carefully some of the other mixes in order to comparing with yours. I think this help you to get a clue about what happened with your mix.

@bravadogrey, thank for your work. It is Curious, the mix coud sound good but.. It was definitely not necessary such an amount of destruction of the dynamics of the song..

@loupi, thank you for your mix. My grain of sand is: Clearly you did a good job compensating the element between them but, unfortunately then overall result is a bit muddy and lifeless.
Maybe you are lossing some betwenn 2 and 5 kHz?
Thank you. "

@Cadence Soundlabs thank you for your mix. I liked it. The voice is so natural and warm... My grain of sand is: This long reverb in the voice seems not fit very well in the final picture. In the other hand, IMHO I would turn down the bass to get a more integrate feeling with the kick which is amazing.
For my taste, I don't like to listen so present the bass (taking up such an amount of space) all all the time and to have diffultties to listen properly the guitars through it.
In any case is a great mix.Thank you for your work.."

@satchboogie thank you for your mix. I liked it. It is a very well compensate one.
My gran of sand is: you losed some electrics guitar arrangements in some zones. For example in 01'26''. IN the other hand IMHO the voice is a bit high.
In the other hand. Althought the mix is more than correct and compensated, I miss something that I am not be able to explane. maybe the atmosphere generateed by the reverbs election or something like that.... who knows!!.
So I could summaring in, it doesn't excite me.
what is clear is that it is an excellent job.

@leslingle thank you for your mix. I liked it.
My gran of sand is: be careful with the voice plane. it is out of the mix.
Also, the stereo Image got me crazy hahahaha. Dude I don't know what you did but something in the phase is weird and distracting.
I also felt a over excitament in the high freqs that I think is not appropriate.
what is clear is that it is a very worked mix, so thanks.

@Jetwolf thank you for your mix. your back vocals treatment is amazing. Congratualtions. also the lead vocal is fantastic.
My grain of sand is: IMHO The weak point of your mix is these low end elements rumbling.
I would try maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) in the kick and bass-guitar, and more work in order to get a best definition in the mid or mid-high zone in order to get your mix more natural
I also felt a over excitament in the high freqs that I think is not appropriate. hihat, cymbals are unnartural
what is clear is that it is a very worked mix, so thanks.

@ArneB thank you for your mix. My gran of sand is: I felt the voice over the rest of elements of the mix and with some muddy feeling.
I would try to integrate better the voice in the mix.
The rest of elements remains so overshadowed by the voice that I is difficult tell you something with a correct criteria.
Thanks for your voice. "

@diegonerysts, thanks for your mix. I liked very much the guitars treatment. My grain of sand is: IMHO the voice is too low , In the other hand melodyne or what you are using to tune the voice is doing things really weird.

@Franz, Thanks for your mix.
you're right, your mix isn't of much interest.
Thanks in any case."

@TonnoBass Thanks for your mix. Your mix a very compensate and balanced one. My grain of sand is: Maybe a tad less of kick could help to integrate it better with the bass.
In the other hand, I miss some life in the voice. Maybe i am missing some mid high freqs (something subtle).
great mix in any case.
Congratulations & thanks ."

@pemberley Thanks for your mix. you choosed a risky ambience for the voice.
My grain of sand is: For my taste this ambience don't fit well with the song.
Also, be carefull with the level is really loud agains the rest of elements.
great mix in any case.
Congratulations & thanks ."

@GBReal, other than the loudness level issue, the mix ok. My grain of sand is: be careful with the kick plane. Is out of the mix, in opposite the base is absent. Thanks for your work.

@canese, Thank you for your mix. Sound good. My grain of sand is: Be careful with the kick plane is over the rest of elements in the mix in a very evident.
For my taste such amont of saturation in the lead vocal seems to be no appropriate.
Great job in any case, tahnk you ."

@SamuelPelegrini, I invite you to listen carefully some of the other mixes in order to start to understand the foundations of the mix comparing with yours. This help you a lot of, I am sure.

@hjchjc thanks for your work. My grain of sand is: I felt the voice unnatural and with a excesive volume agains the rest of elements.
Also, the snare is so aggressive that it is taking a leading role that it does not deserve.
In general I feel a leak of naturallity.
Great job in any case, thank you ."

This is All.
Again thanks to everyone.

Round2 contestants in the following post.
White Punk OD
Posts: 280
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2018 23:58 CEST

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Submissions until 21-12-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by White Punk OD »

thanks so much, this was really fast!
yeah I need to do another roundtrip through the car stereo, my kick is always too loud in the first version.
the waves vintage saturator for the vocal needs fine-tuning with the drive knob. it sounds so sexy you get carried away, then distorts too much. also, less mid-range for the first verse+chorus, these sound different.
so, half our entries are too bass-heavy, the question is, can the mastering engineer easily attenuate it, or is it a more complicated thing?
because there is a little trade-off between bass in such a song, and the general energy. the sweet spot might be quite narrow.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Submissions until 21-12-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by javiramallo »

Round2 contestant are:

@photonic >>>listen
@Christoph_K >>>Listen
@harryc1344 >>>Listen
@Manii >>>Listen
@Jerze >>>Listen
@Skym >>>Listen
@MattRocket >>>Listen
@spafles >>>Listen
@Clueless >>>Listen
@Blang >>>Listen

In the feedbacks post are the different considerations about those mixes.
About the time you have to develop the Second Round mix, stay tuned to this forum due to, maybe, Mr. Fox give some more time because the holidays issue.

Thanks to all.
Last edited by javiramallo on Wed Dec 23, 2020 20:16 CET, edited 1 time in total.
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Mister Fox
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-DEC-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »

Thank you for handling the evaluation, Javier.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us kick off Mix Round 2, which will end on Wednesday, 30-DEC-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET

As of this moment, that is a bit more than 7 days. This is an extension over the usual 5 days due to the "Winter Holidays", and I think this is a fair buffer. All Mix Round 2 participants will be sent a reminder via mail, as this has been the case for a couple of month now.

There is a GLOBAL COUNTDOWN available to check for deadlines.
Just follow this link: Global Countdown (on homepage)

The following 10 participants go into Round 2 (alphabetical order)
(all Mix Round 2 participants should have been pinged)


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Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Sep 23, 2020 01:11 CEST
Location: Germany

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Submissions until 21-12-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by m_tree »

javiramallo wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 19:20 CET
@m_tre, thanks for your track! Sound amazing. Other than the ""S"" issueI love the voice work . My grain of sand is: I would love some more control in the kick volumen due to is over-present some times and needs some less dbs.
The overall feeling is a tad bright.
I am not a big fan of the FADE OUT althought I understan that the original option is hard to deal with.
So, good decision."
I like to check the balances also at very low listening volumes - and the 'S' sounds are definitely not too loud (the voice shouldn't be lisping), also the presence of the kick. So, what disturbs you must be in the subbass area. I compressed the kick with 3 different compression steps kind of heavy, by the way.
The 'bright' feeling is due to the IMHO overloaded arrangement. I had to create a lot of space in the lower midrange respectively emphasize the presence area, to fulfill my mixing-approach in general (which is to embed the lead vocals in the midrange area).
The fade-out is just a suggestion and could be removed with a few klicks. But I didn't make it to round 2, so this will be unnecessary anyway.

Congratulations to the round 2 participants. :smile:

Happy holidays!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Submissions until 21-12-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by javiramallo »

m_tree wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 21:32 CET
javiramallo wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 19:20 CET
@m_tre, thanks for your track! Sound amazing. Other than the ""S"" issueI love the voice work . My grain of sand is: I would love some more control in the kick volumen due to is over-present some times and needs some less dbs.
The overall feeling is a tad bright.
I am not a big fan of the FADE OUT althought I understan that the original option is hard to deal with.
So, good decision."
I like to check the balances also at very low listening volumes - and the 'S' sounds are definitely not too loud (the voice shouldn't be lisping), also the presence of the kick. So, what disturbs you must be in the subbass area. I compressed the kick with 3 different compression steps kind of heavy, by the way.
The 'bright' feeling is due to the IMHO overloaded arrangement. I had to create a lot of space in the lower midrange respectively emphasize the presence area, to fulfill my mixing-approach in general (which is to embed the lead vocals in the midrange area).
The fade-out is just a suggestion and could be removed with a few klicks. But I didn't make it to round 2, so this will be unnecessary anyway.

Congratulations to the round 2 participants. :smile:

Happy holidays!
Thanks again m-Tree!
Happy holidays!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Submissions until 21-12-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by J.R. »

javiramallo wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 19:20 CET


@Giancarlo, thank you very much for your work on this mix.It is a really well balanced mix, maybe I have felt more than I would like some compression in the voice. But it is something that does not cloud the quality of your mix. Thanks a lot.

@Alexvanmixland, Really thanks for the Mix. Nice balance, I liked very much. The voice is really present and with some prominent midhighigh in some moments! The bass is really round. For the rest I miss electric guitars. Maybe the overall feeling is that the track have a loudness feeling. You know, with a round and prominet lowend and the same in the upper part of the sprectrum but with a lack of mid-lows and mids in the center zone. Great mix anyway. again thanks.

@tomigoi[/i]. Thank you for your mix, so far the more natural. Just that is what I look for in a MIX. It is a Pity that is in AIFF and over the given level.. I think, in the rules, specifys wave files and no more than -16dBfs. I think Mr. Fox will had something to say with that.

@altavault, thank for your mix. Great job with the voices using delays and creativity. The overall balance sound a bit over compressed or distorted, (I think this feeling come from the drums, maybe a parallel track too much present or something like that.) to me but the sound of the guitars and percussion are amazing.
Really thanks!"

@DodgingRain, really thsanks for your work. Very balanced and compensate mix. My grain of sand is that overall feeling is a little bit lifeless, maybe I am missing some mnid-high freqs here and there. Some more stereo feeling could help too. In the other hand, need some automation in the backvocal tracks because, in some moements are too much up and other are too low. Excellent work, really thanks.

@Mammy soundcloud, no downloadble.Mammy soundcloud, no downloadble.

@JohnK , Thanks for your mix - lovely acoustic guitars in the beginning! My grain of sand is: Why so many compression process? I am pretty sure that whith less compresion (Maybe in the master bus or somewhere of over there) help a more natural sounding. Great balance in any case. Congratulations.

@m_tre, thanks for your track! Sound amazing. Other than the ""S"" issueI love the voice work . My grain of sand is: I would love some more control in the kick volumen due to is over-present some times and needs some less dbs.
The overall feeling is a tad bright.
I am not a big fan of the FADE OUT althought I understan that the original option is hard to deal with.
So, good decision."

@Arturo, Thank you for you mix. I liked the voice treatment. My grain of sand is that I miss the electric guitars a bit. I would like a little more of them. IN the other hand, I could say taht the FX in the guitar sound good although it's a bit risky. The Snare is a Piccolo size, so, try to get that amount of mid-low frecuenci sound a little unnatural. good mix in anycase. Thank you.

@Photonic, thank you very much for your mix. I love it. It feels very natural, my grain of sand is: I would lower the zone below 60Hz a little bit to reduce this "loudness effect" and help it reproduce well in as many audio systems as possible. I'm already talking about subtle adjustments. The overall feeling is a tad bright. So, less sub and less high could help to improve the overall warm feeling.

@dadomachado, Thanks for your mix. It is a great one. My grain of sand is, I think the Snare could sound really better! The rest it is amazing! Thank you

@Naturecord, Thank you for the mix. I have some weird feelings with this mix, Sorry. There is undoubtedly an extraordinary work behind it, it shows and I appreciate it, but the general feeling is a bit strident for me. The work with Melodyne on the chorus voices is great although I think they have remained a bit high in volume in the mix since when they enter they muddy, perhaps they have excess frequencies around 200 Hz.
On the other hand, have you changed some bass notes? that's the feeling it gives me!
I miss some interesting electric guitar arrangements.
And finally, maybe a little less than the ""crushed"" track of the voice would do you good.
In short, it would need more naturalness and less process."

@Hi Green-Dog.Thanks for your work. I love the guitars and percussion at the beginning. The Stereo Image is lovely!
The overall feeling is fantastic, I liked very much the guitars, the snare, the backvocals.
All the balance is great! congratulations.
My grain of sand.: I notice the voice unnaturally. Maybe the term is ""muddy"". I miss Mid-High frequencies on it.
Did you use any sample in the kick?. Anyway, I think that the kick's sound not fit well with an acoustic drum set, I feel it like a disco kick. I would look for a more natural option that fit better with the rest.
Also, the Snare is Piccolo size, so, be careful trying to bringmid low frecuencies of it. If not, you'll turn the sound of the Snare in unnatural.
Great work GD."

@MarkAndrews- Extraordiany explanation in your post, thank you for that. The mix is great. Maybe a bit muddy in same cases but great in any case.
My grain of sand is: maybe less reverb all the elements help to sound more natural.
Also, I miss the kick!
And finally, Melodyne or what you use, make really weird thing in the voice."

@PGPMixing - Nice mix, thank you. My grain of sand is that I feel some phase issue constantly fighting in from of me when I listen it.
Particulary the voice and the Snare need a more natural treatment, maybe they are over processed.
I hope this help in anyway.
Really thanks PGP."

@nicores, Thanks you for your mix. it is great!
My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) will makes your mix more natural
if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speaker or room configuration.
Also, the voice is not integrated in the mix, it is like it there out of it. IMHO need a lot of less process. you know..... less is more.
And finally, be caregul with the tool you are usin to increse the Snare's transient. Maybe you are push until the edge where it stops sounding good and becomes unnatural.
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@Michaelh. Thanks for your mix. I Like it. My grain of sand: I'd turn down that annoying kicks sub and bring up lively the electric guitars at some points that they remained very hidden.
Finally, the voice look a little dark. I would advice bring down some frecuesies between 200 and 300 hz. but with subtlement .. it is a detail issue.

@S&F, thank for your mix! The best Voice work so far, very natural, This is the way I like it.. Is a really well balance mix.
My grain of sand is: If you turn down a bit the snare, hh and kick, they will fit better in the mix.
Also, I miss electric guitars and backvocals in some parts.
The guitar solo is GREAT!"

@CeZar, thank you for your mix. I like the balance although, the overall feeling is a bit dark.
And finally, Melodyne or what you use, make really weird thing in the voice."

@J.R, thank you for your mix. For me, was weird listen the acoustic guitars so clear in the beginning and suddenly lose them when the voice came in.
Also, I think needs work more in the way of get a natural sound of drum. cause, now the only thing I hear is the snare. I miss Hit hat, and OOHH to give air and life to the drum and the mix in general..
Hope this help."

@yethu, Thanks you for your mix. Is a really well compensate mix. My grain of sand is voice is a little dark. I would like some more of 3 khz or so in this voice to fit better. It is something subtle, with no exagerations.

@Bluesation, thank you for your mix. Nice one!
My grain of sand. I think Melodyne (or whatever) is wild here. Honestly , It is doing really weird things in the voice.
In the other hand, Eggs and triangle are protagonists in your mix, mora than really important things como la caja or the guitar in many cases.
Voice are cool, only , for my taste too much 200 hz feeling on it and a couple of db's less.
Again thanks."

@Lughsenderson, thanks for your mix, Sound very well. Really natural. My grain of sand is. I would turndown 1 or 2 db of 150 hz in the snare. It is a piccolo snare so getting so many frequencies of that type out of it makes it an unnatural sound.
Also, I would rise up a tad of mid or mid -low freqs in the voice. Now it too much thin. Something subtle. you know. "

@Christoph_K, thank for your mix. Really cool one. It is a winner one.
My grain of sand is: I would like some more automation in the snare because, very often is even over the voice.
Something subtle, maybe 1 or 2 dbs donw in some places. Only take care of the volume of it agains the voice plane please.
The overall felling is a little rumble, Maybe 1 or 1,5db less of low end could help to get a more natural feeling.
Amazing mix."

@romaingarnier, thanks for your mix. Nice , Clear and Natural. Congratulations. My grain of sand is: there is a couple of "GRITA" very high and out of the mix, one of them in the second 45 and the other in 1'41". Finally, I would try to get a more natural sounding kick, more acoustic and less processed. A pity, you could be at the round 2!

@PrzemekM. Thank you for your. Regardless of the excessive loudness issue, it's a great mix.
I really like the voice.
Thank you for your work."

@harryc1344, thank you for your mix. Sound Amazing. My grain of sand is , Could you help the snare to fit better in the DRUM sound? For moments it appears to be too loud, maybe some automation could help.
Amazing mix."

@Doobop thanks for your mix. I like it. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz)in the kick, and more definition in the mid or mid-high zone will makes your mix more natural, if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers or room configuration.
Also, due to de above mentioned , the voice seems to be hiden. becareful with the ""s""
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@Kirurg , Thank you for your mix. it is a really good one. My grain of sand is, in some moments I feel like a bit of hubbub, maybe could necessary to do not use all tracks in some moments.
Great work! Congratulations"

@maxovrdrive, Thank you for your mix. I liked very much, My grain of sand is: IMHO the egg in the beginning is really high! IN the other hand the voice seems to be opaque, like singing with a kitchen rag covering the mouth.
Grat mix in any case.

@Dwic, really thanks for your mix. Great treatment of the back vocals, I love them. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) in the kick, and more definition in the mid or mid-high zone will makes your mix more natural, if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers or room configuration.
Also, due to de above mentioned, the snare seems to be hiden.
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@echooread, thanks for your mix.I love the percussion and acoustics guitars at the beginning.
My grain of sand is: IMHO You neglected the low end of the spectrum.
The song need, at least, some low content to complet the sound. For the moment seems to be lame. Atention, I am not saying put on it a 25hz kick, this will be wrong as well. I mean to work properly the range 50-200hz contributing which is necessary .
Good work in the mid and mid-high zone."

@samuwuori, really thanks for your mix. Great treatment in the guitars, I love them. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) in the kick and bass-guitar, and more work in order to get a best definition in the mid or mid-high zone will makes your mix more natural (something subtle, maybe are 1db only adjustenments ), if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers or room configuration.
IMHO, the voice sound weird, seems to be lifeless and overprocessed.Maybe it is only a feeling, but this is the feeling.
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@PenguinJon, thanks for your mix. I love the percussion and acoustics guitars at the beginning, the voice also sound natural althought with more ""sss"" than I would like. My grain of sand is: It's needed some Automation in the voice volume due to in some moments it feels high, Maybe 1 or 1.5dBs less in some points could helps her to fit better in the mix.
In the other hand. I would like less compresion in the Snare or OOHH (Depending for where the snare is getting sound ) in order to get a mor natural drum sound and less tamed. (Subtle things)."

@jordi makes, really thanks for your mix. BCN?.... It is a really balanced one. congratulations. My grain of sand is: I feel the lead vocal and back vocals really aggressive. I don´t know if is matter of volume, saturation, some dB less of high crispy freqs or all toguether . who knows.
Also, I would rise the kick up a couple of DB´s in order to built a sweet but solid low end. (I would not touch its equalization or any process of the kick. it's fine as it is.)
Tha bass is amazing, dont touch it in any aspect.

@Flik, thanks for your mix. Other than loudness issue I like your mix. I think it is a very compensate one. My initial ,in general, feeling is that I am listening continuously a reverb tail of a variety of element that mix themself creating a confuse and cahotic image. My grain of sand is: turn down a bit all your FX returns. Something subtle.
Great Job. "

@marcbalsa, Thanks for your mix. Nice one. I liked the general balance. My grain of sand is. I would turn down 1 or 1,5dBs of 300 hZs of in the lead vocal track. something subtle.
Also, I would love turn up a tad the back-vovals in some moments to give them some more protagonist rol. A pity, you could be at the round 2!
Excellent job.Thanks Again."

@ObaOzai, Thanks for your mix. I invite you to listen carefully some of the other mixes in order to start to understand the foundations of the mix comparing with yours. This help you a lot of, I am sure.

@Manii, Thanks for your mix. I liked it. My grain of sand is: I would try works some more the drum. I am meaning not the sound because I think it is right. Maybe it a volume issue. Why don't you try bring at front 1 or 1.5 dBs in order to get a more open and with air mix?
Maybe less compression feeling in the SNARE or OOHH or where the snare is coming from could help.
The objetive could be try to get a not so diffuse drum sound but in the same plane tha actual.
Excellent. Good Job!"

@Emiliano Brescacin Thanks for your mix. As soon as I started listening, I noticed something strange in the voice that accompanied me throughout the song.
My grain of sand is: IMHO Maybe you over-processed the voice too much and it was left out of the mix.
It's a great mixing job in any case.
thanks, again."

@Jerze Thanks for your mixJerze Thanks for your mix. As soon as I started listening I noticed the voice experiment at the begining. I am a not big fan, sorry. After that the sound of the voice is amazing.
My grain of sand is: bass a tad UP in order to to get a solid combo with the kick which is alone now. Amazing sound of snare, really natural , i love it. It's a great mixing job
thanks, again..

@skym Thanks for your mix. Great and compesated one.. My grain of sand is: Due to you decided give such a protagonist to the brush/snare, I think they could sound more beautiful, more open and more integrated.
Also, IMHO , the voice need some automation becasuse in some places ar too high.
Good job. Congrat."

@pabloAT Thanks for your mix. Sound good for me. My Grain of sand is:
Voice seems to be loud and out of the mix. I would like a bit more integrated feeling for this.
In the other hand, I perceibe some issues in the low end.
First of all, in general there is a lack of them. IMHO need a bit more solid lowend. Something subtle, I am not saying put on it a 25hz kick, this will be wrong as well. I mean to work properly the range 50-200hz contributing which is necessary .
More particularly I'll refer to the kick.
I would continue with the same approach, that is, trying to get a kick drum that sounds clear and differs in the mix, but trying to make it have something to do with the rest of the elements in the mix, not as something independent.
the concept would be: Integrate the kick drum into the rest of the drums and this will integrate it into the mix
I am not big fan of the double voice at the beginning."

@VasDim Thanks for your mix. I think you moved some tracks in the project ... for example an acoustic guitar or some percussion like eggs.
In any case it is a good mix with a kick drum and a very well integrated bass."

@MattRocket, thanks you for your mix. Nice beginning without guitars! and a nice nice voice treatment, very natural which I love it. My Grain of sand is: I note too much the difference of level between the lead vocal at the very begging of the song and the first ""griiiitaaa"" in 00'.48"". maybe lowring 1 or 2 dbs of the lead vocal at the beggining helps the jump go unnoticed.
In the other hand I miss a lot a a guitar arrangement in 01'24''. Could you recover it? Great MIX, thank you for your work."

@spafles, thanks for your mix. Sound amazing. Very natural. My grain of sand is : I would like a bit less level difference between the voice at the beginning and the voice in second 00:45. At the moment there is a very big step between them.
I would try increse up a bit the very beggining voice level.
In the other hand the kick.
I would trying make it have something to do with the rest of the elements in the mix, not as something independent.
The concept would be: Integrate the kick drum sound into the rest of the drums and this will integrate it into the mix.
Great Mix, cheers and thanks!"

@eusonic_studio, Thanks for your mix. I invite you to listen carefully some of the other mixes in order to comparing with yours. I think, half of the process you describe are giving a result that may not be the expected.

@JulienMeirone, Thanks for your mix. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) in the kick and bass, and more definition in the mid or mid-high zone will makes your mix more natural, if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of your speakers setup or room configuration.
Also, due to de above mentioned , the voice seems to be dark. Like with a kitchen rag in front of the mouth!
Hope this help.
Thanks again for your work."

@SuC76 Thanks for your mix. I like it. My grain of sand is: Be careful with the lowend. It is a bit abundant

@mitjak, Thanks for your mix. I like it. My grain of sand is: Be careful with the kick. It is a bit abundant, some less could help to get a more natural sounding mix.

@Clueless, thank for your mix. The stereo image at the beginning is great. I liked very much. The rest is also very compensated and balanced.
Do not lose the the electric guitar arrangement in 1'26''.

@vintage, Thanks for your mix. Sound amazing. My grain of sand is: Be careful with the low end. It is a bit abundant, especially due to the bass. Also, a treatment of the kick that integrates it more into the acoustic feeling of the drums would be appreciated. At this moment is so prominent that appears something independient of the rest of the drum!. In the other hand I miss the Electric guitars in many moments.

@jvrdiez, thanks for your mix. Great mix. I liked. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) will makes your mix more natural
if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers set up or room configuration.
IMHO, I feel that these low end energy is making the bus compresor pumping in an audible form.
The rest of elements are amazing, congratulations.
Thanks again for your work."

@ivizzjohn thanks you for your mix. Nice beginning ! and a nice nice voice treatment, very natural, which I love it. My Grain of sand is:
Something not important: in the lead vocal, the first ""griiiitaaa"" in 00'.48"" is to loud, it needs to be compensate.
Something, I think , Important: IMHO The kick is messing up your mixing job.
-it is loud.
-The sound is not natural and have nothing to do with the rest od the drum.
-Need automations because in some moments is too much present and others remain integrated in the mix.
Great mix in anycase.
Thank you for your great job."

@IbanezoO thanks you for your mix. IMHO it need more work to get a more natural feeling in all the senses and a more balanced final picture.
Thanks for your job and effort."

@cpsmusic thanks for your mix. I liked .. I think is a very well compensate one. My grain of sand is: Voice seems to be very boomy. IMHO Would turn down some 150-200 hz on it. In the other hand, I feel the snare unrelated with the rest of the drums. Maybe toot much transiente attack? .... un-natural for my taste. Somo more natural and organic treatment could help.
Thanks in anycase because is a great mix. Congratulations. "

@Blang, thanks for your mix.. Is a really well done one. My grain of sand. The right side acoustic guitar is too loud. IMHO it is over present all the track, more than the aproppiate.
The overall balance is amazing althought a tad dark. Maybe a tad of the voice up could help. Something subtle, you know.
Great great mix. Thank you for your work. "

@TomImmon, Thanks for your mix. Great natural sound, and very balanced. My grain of sand is: That peak peak in your kick feels like Metal music… IMHO I would re-worked in order to get a more appropriate one.

@Odistdan.. Thank for your mix. I love it. Is very balanced and natural.I love the Voice treatment. Also the drum sound amazing. My gran of sand is: IMHO you lose some electrics guitar arrangements in some zones. For example in 01'24''. IN the other hand IMHO the voice is a bit high.

@alphoc, thanks for your mix. My grain of sand is: IMHO I felt it very noisy. Maybe for the drum ambience and its treatment, is given a very bustling feeling.

@SDB_12 thanks for your mix. Is a very natural one and I liked. My grain of sand is: maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) will makes your mix more natural
if not, most likely, it will only sound good in the place where you had mixed it, perhaps because of its speakers or room configuration. Here in my control room, my Sub is flappering cheerfully with your kick, more than could be appropriate I mean.
Great mix in any case, congratulations."

@d8bflup thanks for your mix. I am not a big fan of chorus in the rhythm guitars but this is just a matter of taste. My grain of sand is: I felt something weird in the voice, it sound is like in a BOX. maybe for the reverb or some other process that I think is not helping to the natural sound of it.
Also seems to be high of volume. I would look for a more integrate plane into the the mix for it.
Good mix in any case. thank you for your work."

@WhitePunkOD really thank for your mix and for your work. I liked. My grain of sand is: IMHO you overdo it with the distortion of the voice! maybe is not neccessarfy such amont of it to get a nice vintage feeling.
Also IMHO The kick is a tad high! I am listen it all the time over the rest of the things in the mix, you could say that it is not integrated.
In general, IMHO maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) will makes your mix more natural. "

@CantusPro. Thanks for your mix. I invite you to listen carefully some of the other mixes in order to comparing with yours. I think this help you to get a clue about what happened with your mix.

@bravadogrey, thank for your work. It is Curious, the mix coud sound good but.. It was definitely not necessary such an amount of destruction of the dynamics of the song..

@loupi, thank you for your mix. My grain of sand is: Clearly you did a good job compensating the element between them but, unfortunately then overall result is a bit muddy and lifeless.
Maybe you are lossing some betwenn 2 and 5 kHz?
Thank you. "

@Cadence Soundlabs thank you for your mix. I liked it. The voice is so natural and warm... My grain of sand is: This long reverb in the voice seems not fit very well in the final picture. In the other hand, IMHO I would turn down the bass to get a more integrate feeling with the kick which is amazing.
For my taste, I don't like to listen so present the bass (taking up such an amount of space) all all the time and to have diffultties to listen properly the guitars through it.
In any case is a great mix.Thank you for your work.."

@satchboogie thank you for your mix. I liked it. It is a very well compensate one.
My gran of sand is: you losed some electrics guitar arrangements in some zones. For example in 01'26''. IN the other hand IMHO the voice is a bit high.
In the other hand. Althought the mix is more than correct and compensated, I miss something that I am not be able to explane. maybe the atmosphere generateed by the reverbs election or something like that.... who knows!!.
So I could summaring in, it doesn't excite me.
what is clear is that it is an excellent job.

@leslingle thank you for your mix. I liked it.
My gran of sand is: be careful with the voice plane. it is out of the mix.
Also, the stereo Image got me crazy hahahaha. Dude I don't know what you did but something in the phase is weird and distracting.
I also felt a over excitament in the high freqs that I think is not appropriate.
what is clear is that it is a very worked mix, so thanks.

@Jetwolf thank you for your mix. your back vocals treatment is amazing. Congratualtions. also the lead vocal is fantastic.
My grain of sand is: IMHO The weak point of your mix is these low end elements rumbling.
I would try maybe less bass frequencies (20 - 60hz) in the kick and bass-guitar, and more work in order to get a best definition in the mid or mid-high zone in order to get your mix more natural
I also felt a over excitament in the high freqs that I think is not appropriate. hihat, cymbals are unnartural
what is clear is that it is a very worked mix, so thanks.

@ArneB thank you for your mix. My gran of sand is: I felt the voice over the rest of elements of the mix and with some muddy feeling.
I would try to integrate better the voice in the mix.
The rest of elements remains so overshadowed by the voice that I is difficult tell you something with a correct criteria.
Thanks for your voice. "

@diegonerysts, thanks for your mix. I liked very much the guitars treatment. My grain of sand is: IMHO the voice is too low , In the other hand melodyne or what you are using to tune the voice is doing things really weird.

@Franz, Thanks for your mix.
you're right, your mix isn't of much interest.
Thanks in any case."

@TonnoBass Thanks for your mix. Your mix a very compensate and balanced one. My grain of sand is: Maybe a tad less of kick could help to integrate it better with the bass.
In the other hand, I miss some life in the voice. Maybe i am missing some mid high freqs (something subtle).
great mix in any case.
Congratulations & thanks ."

@pemberley Thanks for your mix. you choosed a risky ambience for the voice.
My grain of sand is: For my taste this ambience don't fit well with the song.
Also, be carefull with the level is really loud agains the rest of elements.
great mix in any case.
Congratulations & thanks ."

@GBReal, other than the loudness level issue, the mix ok. My grain of sand is: be careful with the kick plane. Is out of the mix, in opposite the base is absent. Thanks for your work.

@canese, Thank you for your mix. Sound good. My grain of sand is: Be careful with the kick plane is over the rest of elements in the mix in a very evident.
For my taste such amont of saturation in the lead vocal seems to be no appropriate.
Great job in any case, tahnk you ."

@SamuelPelegrini, I invite you to listen carefully some of the other mixes in order to start to understand the foundations of the mix comparing with yours. This help you a lot of, I am sure.

@hjchjc thanks for your work. My grain of sand is: I felt the voice unnatural and with a excesive volume agains the rest of elements.
Also, the snare is so aggressive that it is taking a leading role that it does not deserve.
In general I feel a leak of naturallity.
Great job in any case, thank you ."

This is All.
Again thanks to everyone.

Round2 contestants in the following post.

Can someone tell me how to do better? Because I thought I made the song a lot better than it was before, but apparently not. So some guidance would be great.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-DEC-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by RonHalperin »


I know im little late, but since i worked on the mix quite a bit, (and really enjoyed it)
Here is my mix:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mVHjwg ... sp=sharing

Mixed the song all in the box on cubase 9.5.

Vocals: eq and serial compression with waves cla2a, desser, blackbox for some distortion
BV: eq and group compression with waves rvox.

Kick: gate. eq, waves rbass to add some low content, envelope shaper, compression and distortion with black box
snr: gate. eq, compression, multiband distortion to add harmonics, clipper, blackbox
brush: eq and compression
HH: some eq, and manual volume editing
Toms: eq
OH: eq and compression
triangle: eq and room reverb
egg\shaker: eq
Drum Bus: compression and parallel compression. room reverb, multiband compression, blackbox

Bass: eq, serial compression, waves rbass, decapitator, distiortion, parallel compression, parallel bass amp
acc guitar: eq and compression
electric guitars: eq , compression, reverb, delay
piano: eq, compression, reverb, widening
organ: eq, reverb, widening

Mix bus: eq, compression, tape, multiband compression.

Thanks a lot and hope you will like it:)
Good luck all!

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-DEC-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by jvrdiez »

Hi, thank you so much for your feedback!
its the first time in this community and maybe I don't understand the way the contest works...
You choose 10 participants for the 2nd round? or everyone you give the feedback still are in the round 2?

I don't know if I must to fix something and update the mix to you or not :lol: :lol:

Thank you
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC072 December 2020 - Mix Round 2 until 30-DEC-2020 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Mister Fox »

Only the 10 people that both Javier (client) and I (as host and "show-runner") have pointed out go into Mix Round 2. Javier did however go the extra mile and comment on every mix that was submitted up until this point, which is rare here on the Mix Challenge.

To everyone reading along... @RonHalperin asked me through PM he could still post a mix. I agreed to that, and will in fact update the Statistics Sheet. It would be nice if there would be some feedback for this entry as well. Maybe the community can step in.
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