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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2024 19:02 CEST
by kombainera
So my issue is solved thanks to @Mister Fox for the time. The problem was that for some reason when i exporded the file it was on monomixdown not stereo after i reexport it all stast are the same in cubase in reaper and in standalone mode. It was stupid human mistake and one more leason that i must check everything 2x and 3x times.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2024 20:57 CEST
by Edling
So here's my take on the song. I liked the lo-fi feeling of the drums in the original version so I wanted to stay somewhat true to that in my mix as well. Here's a summary of what I did:

Template setup
I use the UAD Api Vision channel on almost all tracks as this is my fav channel strip both in terms of saturation and EQ. For all groups (drums, bass, git, vox, etc) and master out I use the Britson Buss console emulation as it gives a subtle color.

Send effects
I used two different reverbs on the track, one mid-size spring reverb for body and a longer plate for some tail. I also used a delay, and to spice it up I ended up picking a more modern stereo delay with reverse effect called "Spaced out".

I ran the drumbus through an 1176 to get that compressed feel and then through a tape emulation plug for saturation and for shaving of the hi-ends as I wanted a more lo-fi feel to it.

As I wanted a little more bass out of the track I ran the signal through an Ampeg sim and then through an 1176 compressor for some control. I sent the bass to the reverbs during the first part of the song as I really liked that idea from the original mix.

Used an LA-2A as I like it on acoustic guitars.

Marimba, Piano, Trumpets
Nothing special, boosted mid and hi frequencies to get some clarity. Added delay to the piano as I wanted some more sustained pad like sound. Ran the trumpets through a somewhat overdriven tape-sim to get a more "Motown" sound to them.

Used a de-esser in front and then an 1176 for compression. Again ran the vocals through a tape sim to add some saturation and body. I then routed the vocals to a complimentary channel which I distorted heavily and blended with the original vocal track to make it a bit more edgy.

I always have an API 2500 with the input barely touching the needles as it gives it just a bit of glue and tcoloration that I like. I had to boost the output a bit as I normally mix well below -1db but I wanted to get somewhat up to the specified levels :smile: Other than that I normally try not to pollute my mixbus too much and leave it up to the mastering engineer. ... d2lto&dl=0

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2024 21:11 CEST
by juhu

1) Enjoy my mixdown of "Falling" by LosTimpanis: :phones: ... __juhu.wav

2) Documentation below (click on "Show" to expand):
► Show Spoiler

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2024 02:25 CEST
My submission for MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 ... sp=sharing

Documentation: [TRACK: Plugins (Sends)]

KICK: Pro-Q3, StandardCLIP (Lexicon 480L)
SNR: Pre 1973, SSL Comp (Spring reverb)
HAT: API-2500 (SP2016)
DRUMS ROOM: Pro-Q3, Studer A800
SHAKER: Empty (EMT 250)
GUIRO: Pro-Q3 (EMT 250)
DRUM BUS: SSL Comp, Pro-L2
BASS: Fairchild 670, StandardCLIP (Lexicon 480L)
HORNS: LA-2A (H3000 hall reverb, Lexicon 480L)
AC GTR: Pro-Q3, DIMENSION-D, Fairchild 670 (Lexicon 480L, slap delay)
MARIMBA: L1 Limiter (Spring reverb, Lexicon 480L)
PIANO: Pro-Q3, LA-2A
LEAD VOCAL: Fairchild 670, Pro-Q3, 1176, DeEsser (H3000 hall reverb, Lexicon 480L, Spring reverb)

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 08:23 CEST
by kombainera
Hi there my entry : ... sp=sharing

acustic guitar : low mid cut and send to a revurb
bass guitar : i duplicated the original file so i can split the proccesing for the low and the hi part ,soothe on the low bass cose the notes was very uneven and some eq on both tracks
kick: compression and limiter i am not sure how the drums was programed but when i look in wavescope the hits seems the same only the tranzient part have big bumbs not sure if its from velosity or something else
snare : limiter again eq compression i try to put some tape there to tame a bit the snare but i thing for this song pooky snare is the way to go.
rest of the drum tracks: just eq and balance
Drum buss: a bit of eqing out some low mids and boosting upper hies and buss comp 1 db for glue
Percussions: just fader balance
marimba: api style eq for color api bus comp and limiter
Piano: Here i start to feel the lack of layer so i send the piano to a shimmer fx to create some sort of a pad
Trompets: eq api style buss comp and send to fx again
Vocal: Paralel compression to take a bit the dynamic out eq buss compression and sooth and the end to tame some stuff send to 4 fx room short plate delay and doubler
Master: compression , brit style channel strip for color , eq to cut 1-2 db in low mids and 1db boost at 3k and true peak limiter at the end just for volume boost

After my problems with export i remix the song from the start all over again this time in luna and still
got a lot of problems in the process of setting the finale loadness tested 5 limiters and all loadness meters that i know and every time i got not the same values like in the daw on the real time playback maybe bad drivers or converters or i dont know but after the 6 real time export i just give up and leave it at -18 lufs and -1.4-1.5 peak just to be sure i am ok with the rules.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2024 00:01 CEST
by drunk-ffx
Just for fun: ... sp=sharing

Not sure if I am matching those LUFS... Also wasn't unsure about the provided stems, those aren't same length and also aren't recorded at 109BPM, but whatever, stretched it to 109BPM then with the Porsche algorithm...

EQ on most tracks is UVI Shade (I like its gui the most), drum recordings were a mess, eqed and compressed snare and kick using Shade and MDynamics. Kick was compressed a lot, was a transient thin thingy. Bass got a bunch of compression, eq and saturation (softboob VCA compressor, shade), so it sounds like an actual bass. voice got mdynamics, vca compressor (sat) and firecobra (distortion/sat), and delay+ in reverb mode (Bitwig internal). Acoustic guitar was spread, to provide room for the voice, highpassing highband-chorus and bitwig spread + UAD lexicon 224 (have to try it, though the gui is so annoying). Most tracks 24dB highpassed with Shade, for extra phasing issues. Supermassive asds to kalimba track, compression and highpass of course. Less reverb is more, if you ask me, esp. for a pop production. Bass has a fast low-band-eq-duck-by-kick.

Hope you like it.

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2024 04:44 CEST
by Isa
cpsmusic wrote:
Fri Aug 02, 2024 04:45 CEST

And finally, there's a file called "Drums_Snare_SpringorPlate". I realise that this is the snare reverb but I'm curious about the naming. Why "SpringorPlate"?

When trying to the isolate the sound on my VST. The wording was confusing to me. I believe it said spring plate. What was happening was that the snare was playing at the same time. So I just rendered the spring plate snare because it was different than other snare that my MIDI was playing.

My MIDI was playing two snares one with reverb and one without. I just rendered the one with reverb as a precaution. (So that I wasn't missing any audio)

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2024 09:40 CEST
by scottfitz
Hi all,
Thanks to the artist and to Mister Fox for giving us this challenge!

Here's the link for my mix ... sp=sharing

I have to say this was an extremely difficult track for me to mix. In the end I've decided to go with this version early partly because I'm trying to work under time pressure/spend less time on each mix. Also partly because this challenge I could see myself spending an incredible amount of time on :) I like the original mix for it's uniqueness and subtlety and so I've tried to take my cue from that style, but tried to make it a bit more conventional sounding.

Specific Notes

(Assume EQ on pretty much every track)

Kick - just EQ
Snare - Fabfilter C2
Hats - 1176
OH - Distressor
Room - Distressor
Bus - API2500 into softube tape

crystalline mono room verb 20%

Fabfilter C2
Fabfilter Saturn
another C2 for sidechain to kick

Marimba -
fabfilter C2
Transient Shaper
Pulsar Mu for the tone only
marimba fx - valhalla shimmer, shaperbox

RC20 saturation

Studer tape

cenozoix compressor doing about 4dB GR

vox fx
valhalla plate -> black box (panned left)
room -> softube saturation (panned right)
valhalla slap (chorus only)
valhalla hall (chorus only)


the god particle
fabfilter saturn - gentle saturation

Please ask if you'd like any more details about my mix
Cheers and good luck all :)

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2024 17:00 CEST
by Ultimate Beta
Hi Folks,
Here's the link to the finished mix... ... drive_link

MC099_LosTimpanis_Falling_Ultimate Beta

Mix Details:
1. Acoustic Guitars – Significant cut out in mid frequencies with high frequency boost around 2k – 20k Hz. Introduced plate reverb and mild exciter.
2. Bass - Drastic EQ boost in the low to lower mid frequencies with mild saturation using the DAW’s stock plugin.
3. Drums Hi-hat – Carved out frequency around 655 Hz with heavy compression and mild exciter.
4. Drums Kick - A drastic boost at 50 Hz, added with multiple EQ moves across the frequency spectrum. Shaped the drum tone to resemble a pop or Bossa nova genre in certain sections.
5. Drums Overhead and Drums Room – Nothing done except for the volume balance.
6. Drums Snare – Heavy saturation and compression with Saturn 2 plugin and stock plugin.
7. Guache Shaker – Nothing done except mild panning.
8. Guiro – Steep low cut at 1k Hz.
9. Vocals – Compression using CLA plugin. Reverb throughout the song, with echo only in certain sections.
10. Marimba – Nothing done except volume balance.
11. Trumpets – EQs cut out in the mid-frequency with mild saturation.

Special thanks to Mix Challenge Founders and Staff, Song Providers, the Sponsors, and my fellow folks.

Ultimate Beta

Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 18:42 CEST
Hi! First post and entry: ... drive_link

Drum Bus: UAD Studer A800 for tape saturation (most of the drum sound/character), UAD Distressor compressor, little bit of plate reverb
Kick: EQ big bass and high boost, gated, some compression
Snare: Gated, some EQ
OH: Little Radiator for grit
Room: Decapitator for crunch

Percussion bus: Soundtoys Little Radiator, Devil-Loc

Bass (split in low and high):
Bass low: EQ bass boost, low mid cut, RBass + parallell distortion with decapitator
Bass high: par distortion + spring reverb

Acoustic guitar:
EQ high pass to 90 hz+low cut+high mid and high boost, 1176 compression, Soothe2, Soundtoys Little Radiator, SketchCassette II, fresh air, 1/8 delay, Valhalla Vintageverb

Marimba: EQ low cut+high boost, Izotope RX to remove some clicky attacks, 1/8th delay for some movement (really liked this one)

Piano: EQ low cut+high boost, 1176 compression, Soundtoys Little Radiator, SketchCassette II, Fresh Air, 1/8th delay

Trumpets: Saturn2 to remove some room, Devil-Loc, Fairchild compressor, Echoboy

Vocals: Melodyne and Autotune for some tuning, EQ low cut, low mid cut, some nasal mid cuts, Fabfilter Pro-MB to duck some high mids, RVox and LA-2A compression, de-esser, Soothe2, UAD Pure plate reverb and a little hint of Echorec slapback delay

Shadow Hill compressor with 0,5 db compression, Gulfoss, Oxford Inflator, God Particle with some high boost and without limiter

That's about it! Open to questions and any feedback is welcomed. Have fun mixing everybody!