2024-JUL-01 Info: We're still celebrating our 10 Years Anniversary! Check out our current running game: Songwriting Competition 083.

SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Winners announced

Thematic Songwriting Competition - recurrence: monthly
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Winners announced


Post by Mister Fox »

Hello and welcome to the Songwriting Competition 080 - April 2024

:information_source: BEFORE WE GET STARTED:
  • Please consult the official and very simple "Rules and Guidelines" (TL;DR version) for the Songwriting Competition regarding principles of the game, it's engaging game mechanics (allowed editing/re-submission of your entry until the deadline has been reached) and upload/submission guidelines.
  • The general idea of this game is to "...just make music", to also challenge yourself by stepping a bit out of your comfort zone, and take a dip at realms you've never worked in before. Instrumentals are just as welcome as productions with vocals.
  • The Genre and "Premise" of this months challenge can be found in in post #002
  • Filename Template (Important): SWC080__ArtistName__TrackName.wav or .mp3
    • example: SWC080__MisterFox__ColorOfTheSky.wav
    • example: SWC080__Mister_Fox__Color_of_the_sky.wav
Read more about this month's competition further down below. And if you got any question, please also reach out on Discord.


Post #001 -- Introduction post and index for the various stages of the Songwriting Competition. Will be updated as we progress
Post #002 -- Submission Period: General Information, Source Material, Sponsors
Post #003 -- Cheat Sheet: A couple of examples / audio demos for this month's challenge (limited if genre is "free to select")
Post #036 -- Voting: Summarized entries and start of voting process
Post #053 -- Results: Results of the Songwriting Competition
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Submissions until 24-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »


Time Frame: Monday, 01st April 2024 to Wednesday, 24th April 2024 (24 days)

Challenge submission will end on 24-APR-2024, 23:59 UTC+2/CEST (Germany) - until further notice.

Want to find out if you're still within the deadline, please either consult the Global Countdown (dedicated page), or the countdown on the landing site. There will also be short reminders on Social Media and on Discord. Does the game time frame feel too long? Why not set a personal shorter one of 5-7 days absolute max to push yourself to focus on the essentials, then use the rest of the time to ask for feedback and possible refinements. :bulb:

SONGWRITING THEME: "Scaffold" (Picture Theme)
GENRE: free to select

Image Source: Achim Scholty (via Pixabay), released under Creative Commons CC0

Bonus Image (for inspiration): photo 01
Image Source: Pexels, released under Creative Commons CC0

A few word about this month's theme:
Staff (Mister Fox) wrote: We're having a "Picture Theme" this month.

There will be no extensive brief with twists and turns. Please have a look, get inspired by the image(s) and the theme. Although, this time I selected a photo because of various things happening behind the scenes (which are too many to list as of this moment).

Let your mind wander for a bit. Then start writing. :pencil2: :musical_keyboard: :notes:

Your task for this Songwriting Competition:

This month, you can create a production in any music genre you feel like.

A short explanation of the concept of this month's game: The general idea is to draw inspiration from the picture(s). However do not solely fixate on that particular photo and it's details alone. Rather focus on the "overarching concept". The picture and possible provided key words can have many different meanings. How you interpret it, is up to you.

You set your own parameters and limitations, e.g. style and genre, melodic questions and counter arguments. As long as you don't exceed 10 minutes of runtime, neither have endless padded out repetition. Please keep us listeners engaged. And as usual - vocals are optional. Don't feel pressured to provide any.

Just make music and have fun!

I'm curious about what you come up with! :headphones:

Songwriting Rule Summary / Add-On Rules:
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:arrow_right: LICENSE SPONSORS (Bonus Prizes):

A huge thank you goes to our very generous License Sponsors for this month's game. Those being (in alphabetical order):

Cherry Audio, Ghostwave Audio, Hollow Sun, Hornet Plugins, IK Multimedia, JRR Sounds, kv331 audio, Luftrum, Musiclab, Rekkerd Sounds, satyatunes - Sound / Graphic Design, and Tone2.

A detailed list of offerings can be found in the following information block.
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Good luck to all participants.
And most importantly, have fun!
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Submissions until 24-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »


Articles and Info Pages:

A great starting point is the "Addendum"/Supplementary thread for the Songwriting Competition
Songwriting Competition - Addendum: Music Maps and BPM Charts

Since the genre this month is "free to select", there are no clear pointers

Music examples (selection for inspiration, 00 videos):

No music examples available this month. But I can always recommend to enter random genre search words either into Youtube, Spotify or whatever music streaming services you prefer using.

Please also check in with the following threads in the the Gear Talk sub-forum, if you're on the look-out for new tools:
Places to fuel your GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) (the starting point if you're in need of audio tools -- from free to affordable).

if you're new to/need help with songwriting - please check out the following tools:
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More tools of the trade
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UPDATED: 31-MAR-2024 23:15 UTC+2, updated 01-APR-2024 04:15 UTC+2
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Submissions until 24-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by EsteveCorbera »

Mister Fox wrote:
Sun Mar 31, 2024 23:05 CEST

Parallel to the main image for this month's game, there is a ZIP file with additional photos for inspiration.
Additional ideas/phrases/concepts for this months theme were: "make a step", "move forward", "aim high", "big things", "Leap Year".
@Mister Fox That is correct?
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Submissions until 24-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

That was indeed an oversight, thank you for pointing that out, @EsteveCorbera.

This has now been corrected, and I added another image for additional inspiration.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Submissions until 24-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by EsteveCorbera »

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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Submissions until 24-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by APi_ZZ »

This round's theme Scaffold gets the meanings of framework and structure in my little musical attempt.
I picked two chordstructures (one in F maj [F], one in D# min [d], four bars each, BPM = 85), set up a simple song scheme of some repetitions of F, then some from d, repeat. Within that scheme the chords are used repeatedly while adding or substracting instruments. The four-bar basics are never altered.
All voices are made via MIDI, just the percussions are from loops.

The setup has 12 tracks:
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Submissions until 24-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

Interesting approach, @APi_ZZ.

However, you should definitely work on the volume fluctuations, as these feels a bit jumpy in places. Just to create a more mellowed out listening experience. I would also like to hear/read more about your used equipment.
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Submissions until 24-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by APi_ZZ »

Mister Fox wrote:
Sun Apr 07, 2024 21:09 CEST
Interesting approach, @APi_ZZ.

However, you should definitely work on the volume fluctuations, as these feels a bit jumpy in places. Just to create a more mellowed out listening experience. I would also like to hear/read more about your used equipment.
You are right, especially the strings come along way to harsh. I replaced the legato strings with some having less attack, and the spizzicatos got an ambient envelope (that is an FX setting my DAW Music Maker offers for vocals).

My equipment just is Music Maker as DAW, running on a PC with Win10. All MIDI instruments are from the DAW's repertoire, that is MAGIX and (mostly) their VITA instruments. The loops are from the DAW as well, this time from the sound pool.

I hope these info help a bit ... :smile:
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC080 April 2024 - Submissions until 24-APR-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

It's a start, yes...

Have you ever considered maybe "upgrading" your music equipment? From Magix Music Maker to maybe "Essentials" versions of Cubase, Studio One or even Reaper? And even if you don't want to switch DAWs, Magix Music Maker can apparently load custom VST plugins.

On that behalf, are you aware of the "Tools of the trade" section in post #003?
I do list a lot of free tools there that can elevate your setup. And this is just a starting point... :educate:
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