2024-SEP-01 Info: Every September, the Mix Challenge audio community brings awareness to the topic mental health. Please have a look at Songwriting Competition 085.

MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by pabloAT »

Dear all,
Many thanks to the song provider and to Mr. Fox for such an interesting and fun track to mix.
I’ve spent most of the time of the mix trying to get a nice balance, looking for separation and clarity of different tracks using only the fader, panning and (a lot of) automation.
To diversify the different parts of the track, I’ve used filtering effects in the guitar and vocals, as well as a vintage delay and a flanger for drums for the chorus and middle section, respectivement.
Best wishes,

[Dropbox link to MC099]
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Denge »

Hi all!

I'm new here and (even though massive hesitation) here's my mix.
I really hope that I got the levels right for the rules. I did it last night. I'm sorry if they are off. I will do better next time.

Thank you to LosTimpanos and @Isa for letting us (me) have a go at mixing the track.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DwrAVN ... drive_link

I have tried to put everything in the same room. To give a "band playing together" kind of feel.
So here's my process:

1: Listening in and volume riding the tracks for a good balance.

2: Drums - Just minor tweaks to get a good "drumkit" feel when listening. I added some transient boost on the kick but other than that it's just EQ.

3: Bass - I really liked the "baryton" feel of the original mix so I copied the track to add a Twangier Bass to certain parts. The processing is mainly EQ and Tube Channel strip. For the Twang it's all EQ and a RO-GOLD reverb.

4: Percussion - All EQ and volume riding

5: Guitar - Scheps Omnichannel and a reverb

6: Marimba - My nemesis :) Here I had to work with each hit to get them balanced and sounding like I want to. I used a SSL Bus Compressor and a Limiter as well.

7: Piano - Just EQ and volume riding

8: Horns - Just EQ and an extra Reverb

9: Vocals - I like the vocals so I didn't do much in terms of processing. Keeping it to the Band playing together idea. The slides to notes gives it character. So I just added a Vocal Strip with a light De-esser, Compression and some extra Delay and Reverb.

10: Everything is running in to a room reverb on a bus. Just a very different levels.

**Edit** Forgot that everything runs in to a very modest Frontier compressor just to glue it back together.

Thanks and sorry :)
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by O'MIX »


Thank you for this new mixing opportunity, thank you to the supplier of the track and to Mix challenge.

My goal here is to propose a mix quite different from the one proposed by the supplier of the track.

The proposed work is therefore to favor a good balance and a good dynamic and to play a lot on the contrasts between the vocal parts, many different effects have been used for this.

In summary, a mix that sounds analog where each instrument finds its place and a powerful final sound that corresponds to this type of commercial track that must be able to be listened to everywhere in a pleasant way, from the mobile phone to the car, on the hifi system and in the studio.

The technical part:

A careful listening of the separate tracks was carried out and equalization corrections were made using the KIRCHHOFF PA equalizer in linear phase mode and using the dynamic functions to remove resonances and adjust a little if necessary and some preamps were applied to give grain to the tracks.

All bands go through ACUSTICA AUDIO (AA) SALT ULTRA GOLD, API, SAND preamps chosen according to the source, mainly SAND here (the SSL sound).

Volume automation was necessary, to bring out each part, compression was also done in parallel with the WAVESFACTORY TRACK SPACER on different elements.

(for the mojo).






LEAD VOICE: FLUX EVO CHANEL (comp+Eq+ de-esser), WAVEALCHEMY RADIANCE (revb), TIMELESS 3 (delay effect), FABFILTER PRO Q3 (tel. eq)

STEM BUS: STL TONES CONTROLHUB Imprint of the AMS Neve analog summing processor (that I built myself) on different parts of the mix, Drums, Bass, Instruments, Vocals)

MASTER BUS: AA WINE (eq curve + comp), AA JAM (saturation), AA GREEN5 (eq), AA ASH (clipper) AA LAVE (peak limiter)

The file is in 24Bits / 44.1 khz

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pLFadi ... sp=sharing

LUFS -18
TPL -5.20
DR 10.40

Have a good listening,
Patrick from Brussels
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Valter Zape »

Hi everybody!

Here's my mix:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PrGoRO ... sp=sharing

I used reaper, started increasing the volumes leaving the master track at 0dbvu.

On each channel I used:

>>>Drums_Kick: two compressors, one to emphasize the attack and a second to control peaks. Then an equalizer from Reaper itself increasing 6db at 72hz and 430hz and lowering 6db at 218hz and 900hz.
>>>Drums_Snare_SpringorPlate: two compressors, one to emphasize the attack and a second to control peaks. Then an equalizer from reaper itself increasing 6db at 6770hz. And finishing with a limiter attenuating by 2.
>>>Drums_Snare: two compressors, one to emphasize the attack and a second to control peaks. Then an equalizer from reaper itself increasing 6db at 1511hz and 7916hz, HP filter at 200hz. And finishing with a limiter attenuating by 2.
>>>Drums_HiHat: 100% pan to the left, two compressors, one to highlight the attack and a second to control peaks. Then an equalizer from Reaper himself with HP filter at 840hz, and increasing 6db at 10120hz.
>>>Drums_Overhead: reaper's own equalizer with HP filter at 350hz, and increasing 6db at 9600hz. And finishing with a compressor to hold peaks.
>>>Drums_Room_100wide: equalizer with HP filter at 100hz, LP filter at 5700 and decreasing 16db at 920hz.
>>>Bass_Mono: equalizer with HP filter at 141hz, LP filter at 10000 and increasing 3db at 580hz. Compressor to hold peaks and another compressor to level the audio.
>>>GouacheShakers: I put the 3 channels in a group, equalizer with HP filter at 1000hz and compressor to hold peaks.
>>>Guiro: 100% right panning, equalizer with HP filter at 1000hz and compressor to hold peaks.
>>>Marimbas: I put the 4 channels in a group, equalizer with HP filter at 100hz, compressor with fast attack and medium release, light limiter for the peaks, on each individual channel, equalizer with HP filter at 550 and compressor to enhance the attack.
>>>Acoustic Guitar_Stereo: compressor to hold peaks, equalizer with HP filter at 300, -10db from 590hz to 1400hz and +6db at 10790.
>>>Piano_Dry: equalizer with cut at 200hz, -6db from 400 to 600hz. Compressor to hold peaks, stereo control plugin to leave the piano in mono. In the final part of the song, I added an equalizer with an HP filter at 1200hz, a saturator for distortion and a reverb plate.
>>>TrumpetsStereo: equalizer with HP filter at 270, -6db at 400hz, +3db from 7590 to 14700. Then a compressor to hold peaks.
>>>MainVocals: equalizer with HP filter at 100 Hz, -3db from 150hz to 460hz, -6db at 2577db. Compressor to hold peaks. Another compressor to hold bass in the 80hz region, plus a third compressor with a slow attack.

Master track:
Multiband compressor lightly compressing frequencies at 80hz, 400hz, 2200hz, 6000hz.
Another compressor to hold peaks.

Reverb Effects:

I created 4 types of reverb:

1-Focus Reverb, with the aim of playing the instrument further back. Reverb without pre-delay and without EQ cuts so that all frequencies are reached by the reverb. I used this reverb on the tracks GuacheShakers, Piano_Dry and TrumpetsStereo.
2-Fill Reverb, reverb with pre-delay and equalization cuts, HP filter at 100 hz and LP filter at 10000. I used this reverb on the MainVocals track.
3-Body Reverb, reverb with pre delay and equalization cuts, HP filter at 100 hz and LP filter at 1000. I used this reverb on the tracks Drums_Kick, Drums_Snare_SpringorPlate, Drums_Room_100wide, Bass_Mono, Marimbas and Acoustic Guitar_Stereo.
4-Bright Reverb, reverb with pre delay and equalization cuts, HP filter at 1000 Hz. I used this reverb on the tracks Drums_Snare_SpringorPlate, Drums_Snare, Drums_HiHat, Drums_Overhead, Guiro, Piano_Dry and MainVocals.

Other Effects:

Auxiliary Channel to add an effect to the voice: Doubler and equalization with HP filter at 100hz and LP filter at 5000hz.
Auxiliary Channel to add an effect to the bass: compressor with high level of compression, attack and quick release, with the aim of distorting the bass audio.

To finish, I connected my audio card to a 4-channel analog soundboard to generate the final stereo bounce. On this table, I increased it slightly at 12000hz and 80hz. Decreases slightly at 2,500 Hz.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by AskAndy »

https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al0k-deoMtpH51h1V0Q ... _?e=Df1TPa
Fun piece. especially since there is only one vocalist. I found that the chorus was narrower than the verse. it didnot feel right . so ihad to figure out how to get the chorus a little more bloomy. so there i some delay and reverb embellishment . ie i octaved down a subtle delay . otherwise the chorus sure seemed lack luster. personally i have other thing to prove with thiss mix, just getting it pass the filters.
tried to keep the horn back , the piano/marimba closer kinda with the percussion. felt the kick should be subtle, let the snare hold the beat for the chorus. except for the coda where the kick needs to hold things up.
thank you for the piece
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by MartialFromentin »


Here is my entry for the mix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1up7DFJ ... sp=sharing

Kick: Eq, dbx160
Snare: Eq, dbx160
Other drums tracks: Eq
Drums bus: Refire

Bass: dyn Eq, Distressor, Basslane

Marimba: Century Tube CS
Guitar: Century Tube CS, Fresh Air, opto comp, stereo widener
Piano: Century Tube CS, stereo widener
Trumpets: Century Tube CS, Saturation Knob
Instr bus: Inflator, FAST Reveal (lead vox SC)

Lead vox: a little bit of tuning (based on the C/Am scale), gain rider, Silk Vocal, Century Tube CS, Maag EQ4, MaxxVolume
4 aux tracks, 100% panned, with various delays and pitches for width, tube saturation
2 aux tracks, 50% panned, with 3rd and 5th pitches for harmonies (with volume automation on chorus)
Vocals bus: limiter, dyn Eq

Instr reverb: Raum reverb
Vox delay: Raum delay, SC comp (lead vox)

Mix bus: SSL Bus Comp, TR Master Match

I tried things to deal with the only vocals track and to get it wider.. I hope it's not too bad. :hmmm:

Good luck everyone!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Michael_K »

Hi everyone!
Interesting and challenging mix of a track with a fresh composition and arrangement perspective.
Kick: 1176 comp, eq cut some low mids
Snare: dbx comp, eq add some highs
Hihat and room mics: hipass filter, C2 comp on the room mics.
Bass: Opto comp (C2), eq cut low mids.
Guitar and Piano: ssl channel strip, eq for clarity.
Marimba: dbx comp, eq
Guiro: 1176 high ratio parallel compression to make it a little smoother so it doesn't stick out.
Rest of percussion: hi pass filter.
Vocal: 1176, de-esser (very slight), dynamic eq on the low mids, very little saturation, add a tiny amount of highs.

I automated the effects on the vocal to create some subtle variety between sections.
Also automated the delay in the marimba to create a sort of rhythmic bed in the middle section.

On the mix-bus I have a C2 in Bus mode doing very little with SSL bus-comp style settings.
I left the ending unchanged. My first instinct was to cut off the sustained bass note but I thought it might be there intentionally so I left it.

My mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z4BsPa ... axtrl/view

Good luck to everyone!!
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by _StillBorn »

https://1drv.ms/u/c/331e78a0d5493b69/Ea ... w?e=cNLhtk

Cleaned and made it a bit more tight. Bit less bottom on the kick than most mixes in here but perfect for pop.

I had a hard time with the hihats. I don't get it and this is where the producer in me wants to talk to the artist to understand what he wants to accomplish. No hihat in 3rd chorus at all? Only hihats in half the chorus everywhere else? Is it to create some tension or…? I feel whatever the reasoning is there is a better alternative.

I had made some breaks in the hihat and added some in the chorus - and did the same to the kick to make the track "breathe" better. Apparently that was against the rules, so I left those out and kept it as is.

Pitch correction (tasteful ofc), bunch of comp and EQ
Doubled the chorus to use as manuel fx tracks (reverb).
Some minor distortion some places added (on "falling" f.i.) for effect.

Not as wet, trying out some granular effect to give a little pling pling delay effect in the top - worked out great IMO. Tried to get a bit of a "chuggy" sound otherwise.

Reverb on original did nothing good in my mix. Kept it dry and simple and right in your face. Amp'd a bit further. Fits great in the mix imo.

Tried getting the sound the artist had in mind but a bit less "processed" and wet which fit my mix better.

Comp + room. Just trying to make it back up the vocal without taking over.

Not much. Some reverb, some comp, pulled back a little so it's not too dominant. Lowered that first marimba hit 4db everytime it comes in or so :)

Everything has got a bunch of EQ as well and other stuff as well - above is some of the things giving my mix the sound it ended up with.

Bottom can be controlled pretty good on the full mix and boosted or shelved to your preference without some elements take over (at some point the bas will though and it should be fixed in the mix).

Master bus is just some EQ (small boost, mono everything below 51hz), a glue comp, finishing touches with eq, limiter which does nothing but keep me inside the rules of this competition and insight to make sure the rules are followed (!). No need to use your ears anymore I guess ;)


EDIT: if anyone wants anything explained deeper let me know which tracks and I'll break it down.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Sonnea »

Hi guys,

I enjoyed mixing this, I spent a few days on it and would find the track on repeat in my head which is a good sign of a catchy song, props to @Isa.

I wanted to balance everything without changing the tone of the song with too much reverb/delays/fx and try and stay true to the original mix.
Isa said he wanted to evoke "honesty in a confession", for me that sounds like the track should be upfront, clean and intimate, like you are in a confessional box at church.
I listened to "Sora no Utsuro" by Sasanomaly and managed to get pretty close I feel to the sound for the piano.

Here is what I have done;

VA = Volume automation
EQ8 = Low end roll off

DRUMS: CLA-76, Decapitator, SSL E-channel, Maag EQ4, Kclip3
>>>>>>>KICK: ProQ3, CLA-76, Kclip3
>>>>>>>DRUMS OVERHEAD: ProQ3, CLA-76, ProQ3
>>>>>>>DRUMS ROOM: ProQ3
>>>>>>>SNARE: Gate, ProQ3, Diode-609, PerfectPlate, Kclip3, VA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>SNARE TOP: ProQ3, FET-76
>>>>>>>>>>>>>SNARE BOTTOM: ProQ3, FET-76
>>>>>>>SNARE ROLL: ProQ3, CLA-76, Kclip3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SNARE ROLL TOP: ProQ3, FET-76
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SNARE ROLL BOTTOM: ProQ3, FET-76
>>>>>>>HIHATS & RIDE:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RIDE: EQ8, Maag EQ4, Kclip3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MAIN HIHAT: EQ8, ProQ3, Kclip3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BRIDGE HIHAT: EQ8, EQ3
>>>>>>>SHAKER: Maag EQ4, VA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ALL 3 STEMS: EQ8

>>>>>>>>>ALL 4 STEMS: EQ8

BASS: EQ8, PuigTec EQP1A, PuigTec MEQ5, MannyM TripleD, ProQ3, OTT, Pro-MB, Kclip3

VOCALS: EQ8, Gate, Waves C6, CLA-76, CLA-2A, Waves Sibilance, L3-LL, ProQ3, Baby Audio IHNY, VA

GUITAR: EQ8, ProQ3, EQ Sitral-295, UAD LA-2A, VA

GUIRO: EQ8, ProQ3, PuigChild 670

PIANO: EQ8, EQ3 (Midnight preset for telephone sound), MV2, CLA-76, ProQ3, VA, AutoPan

TRUMPETS: EQ8, ProQ3, CLA-2A, Utility (to cut some width), AutoPan, TrackSpacer with SC from Vocals

>>>>>>SpacedOut Delay
>>>>>>1/4 note Delay
>>>>>>Vocal 8th note ping pong
>>>>>>Vocal Reverb
>>>>>>Vocal Chorus
>>>>>>Long Plate Reverb
>>>>>>Mid Spring Reverb panned hard left
>>>>>>Long Room Reverb panned hard right
>>>>>>Trumpet send with Overdrive and RCompressor

Vocals routed to a Vocal Bus with SSLComp, Oxford Inflator, Kclip3

Everything else routed to Pre Master with SSLComp, TrackSpacer with SC from Vocals, VA, AutoFilter

MASTER: Abbey Road J37, Pulsar W495, ProL2, another ProL2

I use Ableton Live

Here's my submission: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YGVReg ... sp=sharing


Good Luck
Last edited by Sonnea on Wed Aug 21, 2024 15:18 CEST, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by doobop »


To be on time I did this on a hurry, it took me about 4 hours.

First a fast rough mix to get the feeling of the song and choose what tracks are more important.

For the final mix I used a lot of Reverb and EQ. Compression not so much because most tracks were not captured by a microphone.

My goal was to be in levels and on time and to like what I’m listening to.

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4te8gwma ... ibf8c&dl=0

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