2024-SEP-01 Info: Every September, the Mix Challenge audio community brings awareness to the topic mental health. Please have a look at Songwriting Competition 085.

MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Mix Round 2 in evaluation

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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by wferdinand »

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f3-KxV ... sp=sharing

Hello Guys! I think I mixed so simple this song.

- Added mostly EQ's, comp to kick and snare and reverb to snare. Cut other drum tracks while only kick plays.
- Just levelled with Analog Obsession LALA
Acoustic guitar:
- EQing with Analog Obsession SSQ, comp with Purple MC77 and added some room
- grouping the channels, add some hall and dbx 160 to group
- compressing with CLA-76 and added some room
Guache shaker:
- grouping the channels and added some hall
- only added some room
- EQ with SSQ, comp with dbx 160, added plate, hall and little microshift
- HPF and some 3k cut with Logic ch EQ, Logic De-esser 2, comp with UADx LA2A and CLA-76, added a bit top-end with 550B. sended to plate and hall
Master Bus:
- Minimal compressing with Puigchild 670 and added Kramer Tape
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Strange »

Hi everyone and thank you for this opportunity!

Here are my thoughts and my submission:

https://os5.mycloud.com/action/share/7c ... 7541a621b8

First I listened and I hear the guy is falling (in love). So I need a big space for a deep and long "falling" in the chorus. In the verse I want to be near the singer to hear his thoughts about the girl (or boy or whatever), so I choosed an ambience with enough predelay. In the bridge there must be another Space for another perspective. So this was the structure for my mixing: I got three vocal-tracks for the different parts of the song.
How I tried to make it work technical?

Kick (without intro and outro): saturation (spicerack), EQ (kirchhoff)
Snare: EQ, UAD 1176, ModellN Channelstrip
Snarereverb: Plate (Lustrous plates)
SnareSpringerplate: EQ
HH, OH, Room: EQ
DRUMBUSS: API 2500, PawnShop, SoundCityRoom
shaker and guiro Buss: STA Comp, EQ, snarereverb. (I did a pan-automation for every Guirostroke)
Bass: SmackAttack, Spicerack, EQ (different settings for chorus and verse)
AGuitar: EQ, Hilbe Mo 67 preamp, Neve 33609Comp, Modell N Channelstrip (Highs), BlackBox HG2
Guitarreverb: TC 8210 Plate
Piano: EQ, LA2A, Blackbox HG2
Pianoreverb: B M7, deep ambience (liquidSonic)
Marimba: khs transient shaper, Cubase FX Modulater, EQ
Marimba delay: Galaxy Tape Echo ("Falling down with verb"-preset), EQ
Horns: MAgma BB tubes, EQ, piano-reverb, guitar-reverb
Every Vocal: Auto-tune, Silk, EQ with slightly different setting
Verse Vocal: 1176 Comp, Avalon VT-737
Verse reverb: B M7, clear ambience (liquidSonic), 40ms predelay
Chorus Vocal: LA2A, Avalon VT-737, H910 Harmonizer
Chorus reverb: Lexicon 480L randomHall, MautoPitch
Chorus Delay: EchoBoy, EQ (send to reverb)
Bridge Vocals: like ChorusVocal, different settings
Bridge reverb: Valhalla VintageVerb
MixBuss: Mixland VacAttack, Ampex ATR102, ManleyMassivPassiv, ElJuan Limiter

I hope you like it :smile:
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by nickgmix »

Hey everyone! As always thanks to the artist and team for putting this together!

Nice recording on all the tracks - this made it super easy to work with.

I tend to like the sounds to pop out of the speakers a bit, but this can change the "vibe" of the song if I go too far. Hopefully I found a happy medium.

I tried to be pretty simple with the mixing. I focused on balancing volume/gain levels, I used mild compression throughout (some SSL mainly), a bit of distortion here and there (on kick, snare, bass, and a touch on vocals) for the harmonic texture, and mixed thru bus compression from early on in the process. I used some VerbSuite reverb and Repeater delay for vocal FX, but tried to be subtle there as well.

Check it out!

Last edited by nickgmix on Thu Aug 22, 2024 18:17 CEST, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Piotr »

Hi everyone! Nice to see you again! :smile:

My mix:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/13J2uc5 ... sp=sharing

All channels starts with two inserts: Lindell 80 series channel strip and SSL Native channel strip 2 – as first stage of saturation and EQ/filter points. And compression at some cases.
- Bass: EQ , UAD 1176, UAD Pultec, Quadrafuzz v2 (saturation)
- Kick: EQ , EnvelopeSharper, UAD Pultec, Comp
- Snare: EQ, Inflator
- SnareSpringerplate: EQ
- HH, OH, Drums Room, Guache, Guiro Marimba : EQ
- Piano: EQ, Saturation knob, Inflator
- Guitar: EQ,
- Trumpets: EQ, stock Comp, Imager
- Vocal: A bit of Melodyne in some spots, EQ, DeEsser, UAD 1176, LA-2A
- Vocal fx: EQ + Quadrafuzz, filtered
- Reverb 1: Revelation (stock cubase)
- Reverb 2: REV-PLATE-140
- Delay: UAD Galaxy tape echo
- Slapback delay: Monodelay (stock cubase)
- Drums: EQ, Shadows Hills Comp
- Shakers: EQ,
- Marimba: 1176, Multitap delay
=Main Buss: Imager, MaagEQ4, SSL Native Buss Compressor
Ozgen Sabuncu
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Ozgen Sabuncu »

Hi everybody.

All tracks treated by lindell80 channel strip
ssl bus comp for parallel drum bus

uad la2a

lindell80 channel strip

Stl amphub hotrod deville amp
eventide blackhole

uad soundcity reverb


nectar vox leveller, uad 1176, Pro mb
nectar delay reverb and voice(for octave up)

Mixbuss: ssl buscomp, ozone dynamics in paralel with rms mode

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wiz00x0b ... v7akq&dl=0
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by artisan.au »

Hi, First time on Mix Challenge.

Primarily on all tracks, I have used Fabfiltre Pro Q-3 for equalization and Fabfiltre C-2 for compression.
The vocal vibe is a bit bright, with Overheat for a bit of saturation.

Orilriver for subtle reverb and delay

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lkv78oyc ... k75bg&dl=0
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by alanvaldez »

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lzKp0i ... sp=sharing

Hi hope you like this mix :hihi:

Mixed with Nuendo 13

Kick: Smart EQ 4, Hornet H76 compressor, MdrumLeveler (Melda) and Mbassador to enhance the rumble

Snare: MDrumStrip (Melda)

HH: Hornet HarmonQ, MAutoDynamicEQ

OH: Mcompressor

DRoom: Hornet H76

Drum group HarminiQ, Sleek and FireCobra (United Plugins)

Bass: DIFIX, HarmoniQ, SmartEQ4, MSpectralDynamics (sidechained with the kick) and Saturation Knob by Softube

ACGTR: SmartEQ4, Hornet HA2A, Melda MstereoEnhacer

Piano Dry: Smart EQ4, Smartcomp, Smart Reverb and Melda MStereoSpread

Main Voc: SmartEQ4, Hornet HA2A, MautoPitch, Deeser and FrontDAW

Vocals were sent to a fx channel and it has the MDoubleTracker by Melda
Another track with a beta thing that I can´t tell

Shakers were aligned with MAutoAlign and sent to a track with only SmartEQ4

Guiro was only panned

Marimba was aligned and then grouped, it has HornetH76, Hornet HarmoniQ, Melda MdrumLeveler, Gorilla Drive and Fox Echorus by Safary Pedals

Trumpets has HarmoniQ, Hornet H76 Mequalizer to correct an enhance certaing things, Sleek, NFAPunctuate to enhace the dynamics, Melda Mcenter to open more to the sides and leave space to vocals on the center, Mconvolution EZ and Nuendo EQ to correct small things

on the master bus has Hornet Multicomp Plus and the ampex ATR-102
Metal Musician Certified by Steinberg with a degree in Classical guitar, I love to use Cubase / Nuendo and make noise.
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by useruser »

hey, folks, hope everyone is doing well. Big thanks to Isaac for giving us something to play with, this was a fun one. The tracks were pretty dry, which i like, so i don't have to a/b too many steps in the initial process. I usually try to recreate a regular tracking chain into a mix so this starts with pre emus with some tape on the other end (usually). EQs were mostly 4 band console types with filters. I like the SSL and Harrison stuff for the flexibility and more mellow tonal stuff from like a 1084 or 550b. I used a Pultec on the kick and a Maag type on the vocals cause i was feeling saucy. Comps were pretty by the numbers as well. Kick and snare got Distressor types, VCA type comps on the percussion, and some vintage sounding opto/vari-mu types for smoothing effects and such.

I leaned on the marimbas for dynamics as everything else seemed to want to keep the pulse going and i didn't want to automate all that out. The marimbas also got some delay and pretty heavy reverb to try and sound more like the synth plucks you'd hear in pop and edm type stuff and i just liked the vibes. The bass got an amp sim on it and the piano got some lo-fi treatment to get it in the ballpark of what was requested. Pretty sure the reference was a harpsichord with some filtering and bit crushing kinda stuff but i tried more of an "analog" overdrive, eq/filters, and delay. Probably missed the mark here (among other places). The vocals just got some reverb layers that kick in on different parts. Pretty sure that's it for the "creative" decisions. The master has some tape and a comp that's getting kissed with less than 1dB of GR which i don't think is cheating but i could have misinterpreted the rules. Oh yea, and Ozone to get it to the right level, no actual compression or anything.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nywto2 ... sp=sharing
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Re: MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by elements »

As round 1 is drawing to a close I just wanted to add how good it was to have such detail in the notes about what the influences were for different parts and what the preferences were for how things should sound. It did help me when making decisions in the mix process to have a solid reference point to calibrate to.
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MIX CHALLENGE - MC099 August 2024 - Submissions until 21-AUG-2024 23:59 UTC+2/CEST


Post by Mister Fox »

:arrow_right: A friendly reminder:
We're in the final 24 hours to submit your mix.

So far, we have 61 entries (compared to 143 Mix Pack downloads -- 38x LZMA compressed ZIP, 105x regular ZIP).

If you've been sitting on your mix, now is the time to get everything sorted out, post both your link and documentation. Please pay attention to detail. Do not put your entry at risk of being disqualified.

There are several mixes submitted that do not adhere to the given filename specs, or are even accessible to download. Mostly from new participants. This is a one-time warning: you can edit your filename on the uploaded service without chanting anything else. Do this by the time the deadline has been reached. No re-uploads - your submission is final (I got all files downloaded up until this point, I can and will double check this).

Also try to prevent to post at the very last minute to not run into server issues (see Global Countdown).

There will be no deadline extension!
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