2025-MAR-01 Info: Take part in our "Special Task Challenge" with SWC 091, where you have to create a song production based on a given 16-bar chord progression.

SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Winners announced

Thematic Songwriting Competition - recurrence: monthly
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Voting until 03-MAR-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by simiansoundlab »

Hello everyone, I hope all of you doing well! This is our feedback and vote for SWC090

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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Voting until 03-MAR-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by J.Ruegg »

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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Voting until 03-MAR-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by Elcubano »

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My vote :
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Voting until 03-MAR-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by VCA-089 »

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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Voting until 03-MAR-2025 23:59 UTC+1/CET


Post by EsteveCorbera »

Good night,

As always, thank you all for participating and thank you Mister Fox for organizing this competition.
Thanks to everyone for the comments and votes made so far.
Congratulations on the good songs you have presented this month.
Thank you.

I like these free themes where each of us imagines a world of different styles.
This month I wanted to try making my composition with a small group of notes, I focused more on developing the sounds than a memorable melody because I felt that it had to be an uncertain future.

I leave you comments on your works:

Arelem - Oblivion
Original start, you made me check if the headphone connections were good.
As always, you made a super powerful theme. You hardly left any moment of rest.
The approach is fully in line with the theme proposed by Mister Fox.
Good mixing work in general. I like the vocal work and the spatial effects you've put on it.

hincore - Goosebumps
I really like how the song evolves, it's moving towards more interesting terms. I also like the style. Good work.
Good rhythm and good guitars. And good effects with the guitars.
As an improvement, maybe you could boost the bass a little.

JeroenZuiderwijk - Alright
Good song. With a lot of vibration. I like the explanations you give of how you played and arranged the music. The vocal choruses and the overdubbed guitars are also very good.
As one of the colleagues says, it's very cinematic, it would serve as an action song.
A few things to tweak: The vocals need more prominence (maybe hiding the guitars a little). The drums would make it deeper.

toadhjo – Analog Sun, Binary Dreams
I like the sound of the epiano, it gives character to your song. Very well chosen.
The flute, on the other hand, lacks something to be more real. It sounds too vintage, although I like the simple melody it draws. The constant rhythm that the finale ends up slowing down could have more variation, ends up being a little tired.

simiansoundlab – Mindless Void
From the first moment it gives you the impression of ‘Future uncertain’. Very good. It is also very cinematic.
I like the change of rhythm at minute 1:40 approx. The lo-fi piano works very well. The guitars give it strength.

VCA-089 - Hope Remains
I love your compositions. Very cinematic. Very good work with lots of layers and textures. I also like the 80s sound that some of the synthesizers have. I like the reverberated sounds. Very good work on the low frequencies.
Maybe it would hide the crunchy/distorted sound of high frequencies, it ends up masking other parts.

Elcubano – Threshold of Collapse
Good initial atmosphere with the guitars and drums. Very appropriate to the theme raised in this challenge.
Good mix with the stereo opening of the guitars. Good thought in combining distorted guitars with more natural sounds. Good work.

J.Ruegg - Desolation
Good sound designs. I really like this bass that is distorted and varies throughout the song. It brings a lot of interesting movement. Many layers and incredible sounds. Good mix and the use of the panorama, you don't get a break with so much movement. Very good work

ThomC - Last Drive Around Town
What a different approach from the rest of the participants. Here I see something quite calm, at least in the initial part. But suddenly things change, as if we had changed songs. In the central part I imagine that you wanted to move forward in time and go towards a more uncertain future. If I have interpreted it correctly, I like the idea.
I like the use of strings, very sensitive. These melodies they draw steal my heart.

(translated with google, sorry for the imperfections that the translation may contain)
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - results in preparation


Post by Mister Fox »

It's the 04th March 2025, 0:31 (UTC+1/CET) - the Voting Period has officially ended.

All participants have submitted final feedback, we therefore have 0 disqualification.

Please no more changes to your feedback from this point forward.
I will post the results within 3-4 workdays. (this is not an automated process)

Please have an eye on this thread :educate:
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Winners announced


Post by Mister Fox »

Ladies and Gentlemen, here are the results of Songwriting Competition 089

:arrow_right: The winners podium consists of:
  1. @ThomC (38 pts)
  2. @Elcubano (33 pts)
  3. @simiansoundlab (28 pts)

Apologies for the waiting time, this is not an automated process.

<4 participant rule is not in use (staff comments and votes, my vote would count as bonus)
We have 00 disqualifications (due to lack of feedback / a final vote)
We have 00 entries outside of competition (but counts as submission within the deadline, yet couldn't be voted for)
We have 00 withdrawn entries (but counts as submission within the deadline, yet couldn't be voted for)
We have several users still in the game that tied
  • The following ties on the chart happened due to various reasons
    • hincore -- participation vote is 16pts -- the tie with VCA-089 resulted due to losing out on bonus points (resulting in 26pts)
    • VCA-089 -- participation vote is 14pts -- the participant has all bonus points otherwise (resulting in 26pts)
  • no (more) users that tied
"Sole (License) Winner" rule does not apply - 3-position Winners Podium (>= 9 participants prior to the deadline)

Overview of Submissions (PDF - updated: 06-MAR-2025, full sheet)
Overview of Submissions - loudness normalization comparison (PDF - updated: 06-MAR-2025, full sheet)

 ! Bonus Info
Short info:
I am using Wavelab 10 for batch analysis, then I manually port the CSV export to a Microsoft Excel/Open Office Calc sheet with custom layout (this is not an automated process).

As pointed out in this post from SWC047 / July 2021, Wavelab has different tolerances for dBTP max analysis compared to tools like iZotope RX, Youlean Loudness Meter, NUGEN Audio VisLM, etc. To find a common ground, I've implemented "allowed tolerances" (just like with the Mix Challenge). These are based upon allowed offsets mentioned in the technical papers for EBU R128 and ITU-R BS.1770-4. Since no measurement tool is the same, to be on the save side, please export at -14,1 LUFS ILk max, and -1,1 dBTP max.

As usual, I did list/analyze alternative releases (MP3s and FLAC). If you've submitted your entry in multiple file formats, the statistic sheet will focus on the uncompressed material first (WAV), then FLAC, then MP3. The higher the quality, the less possible loss on bonus points for "Loudness Specs" due to offsets introduced by a used CODEC. In this case, FLAC and MP3 are merely for information purposes.

:arrow_right: Here are the results as chart in image form:


:arrow_right: INTRODUCING:
An additional source of information that will contribute to the learning aspect of our community. The following screenshot shows you a more visual representation of your entry. Additional screenshots (see the second PDF file available with this post, the "Loudness normalization comparison") show how your song/mix would behave if it were "loudness adjusted" (loudness normalized / "matched") on a streaming platform.

This is bonus information. Very dynamic material may not be able to be matched, and material that is mixed too tightly (dense) may result in a lifeless listening experience (due to lack of transients). Limiting dynamic range is a highly subjective topic - there is no right/wrong scenario. But hopefully this gives you a better idea of how complicated the "Modern Loudness War" still is.


Thank you so much for your participation. :clap:

 ⚠ Moderation Message from Mister Fox  
As of January 2023, we are using a "tiered points system" for the voting mechanic. An extensive Rule Book update with in-depth mechanic explanation is in the making (apologies for the waiting time).

:arrow_right: Breaking up a tie:

There was no unbreakable tie that needed to be addressed. The fall-back mechanics were used.

:arrow_right: An explanation on the bonus points and penalty points:
  • Due to exceeding the loudness specs, the following users could not acquire all 4pts bonus -- @Arelem, @J.Ruegg and @JeroenZuiderwijk for either exceeding the maximum signal strength of -1,00 dBTP or the maximum loudness of -14 LUFS ILk
  • I sadly had to withdraw 1pts bonus from @J.Ruegg for not using the filename template properly. Please check your white spaces and double-underscores in the future. In case of SoundCloud, you can name your songs different compared to the filename.
  • I could sadly not award 2pts bonus for "feedback for everyone" to @hincore and @simiansoundlab - as the feedback given was "the bare minimum" (by personal choice!).

I hope you all had fun and learned something new in the process. Please keep it up for future challenges throughout 2025.

See you folks in the next game. :headphones:

:arrow_right: License selection:

We will now perform with the usual. Selecting of licenses is handled in public. In order of the winners podium (top spot to lowest), and only if you want to, please select one license/company out of the pool and mention it in this thread, then (important) please get in touch with me (via PM) with your full name, email address and your license selection. Else, licenses can not be addressed.

As usual - you're not forced to pick up anything. You can pass and therefore offer more to select for the next person in line (if there is a spot existing / not available for "sole winner" mechanic). Just let all participants/winners/the staff know in a timely manner (within 5 days of this post). Once one company has been selected, it's out of the pool for the next person on the podium.

Since SWC090 has a 3-position Winner's Podium, we can also continue to test a possible new game mechanic that offers "low placed participants" a chance to pick up a bonus license - if somebody from the Winners Podium passes on a selection. You can read more about this in SWC083 - post #067. The follow-up post will have a summary to that concept.

I re-open the field for talking some more about each others' productions. If things drift a bit too off-topic, please use the General Gossip thread, or Discord.

See you in in the next challenge!

Songwriting Competition 091 (March 2025) is still in full swing. There are currently 02 entries, yet barely any feedback. There are 18 days left to participate.

Please have a look. :educate:

EDIT: 06-MAR-2025 23:30 UTC+1/CET - initial post.
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Winners announced


Post by Mister Fox »

:information_source: A continuation of the "Passing on Bonus Licenses" mechanic...

We've been testing this mechanic since SWC083. So far, this concept has been well received and is still being fine-tuned. Sometimes a bonus license can be the right boost to elevate a production - and with this bonus mechanic, no one feels "left out".

 ⚠ Moderation Message from Mister Fox  

Starting with SWC083 - and depending on how many bonus licenses have been picked - I am now putting "passed on" license selections back into the pool and make a possible selection available for "low positioned participants".

:arrow_right: Mechanic Idea:
  • This mechanic will be available with a 3-position (or higher) Winners Podium.
  • This mechanic will be tiered
    • Tier 01 (9 to 15 participants) - the Winners Podium has 3 positions. Each passed on license will be added into a drawing pool (remaining participants), and additional winners will be selected at random
    • Tier 02 (16 participants or more) - the Winners Podium will change from 3 to 5 positions. Each passed on license will be offered to up-to two (number: 2) "runner-ups" (position 6 and 7). Should these participants also pass on selecting something, then this passed on license will be added into a drawing pool (remaining participants), and additional winners will be selected at random.
  • The draw is carried out using a tool such as the "Wheel of Names". Each participant is placed 5 times on the wheel and the wheel is spun 5 times. The winner of the bonus license is determined on the last spin.
  • In parallel to the the "Podium"'s decision which route to go, participants in lower positions can decide upfront if they want to "pass on" a license. If this has been made clear before a draw is being done, this particular participant will not be added to the "wheel".
  • if a randomly drawn participant also does not want to pick up a license, the "passed on" license will not be put back into the drawing pool (the offer can only be passed on once). This is to prevent an endless "draw", as this is an additional courtesy.
Fine-tuning to this particular idea can still happen with future games.

We're all here to learn, grow from the experience, and spread positivity...

This is still an experimental bonus mechanic. I would love to get some additional feedback on this. If this mechanic is met with interest, it could become a regular implementation for the Songwriting Competition (incl. the Rule Book).

Thank you. :educate:
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Re: SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Winners announced


Post by ThomC »

Wow! Thank you everyone for your votes and for the great feedback, these competitions are super inspiring and I love that they keep me writing / composing. Also, it's great to listen to everyone's take one a particular theme, can't wait to take part in the next one!

Regarding the license @Mister Fox : Would it be possible to get MODO BASS 2 by IK Multimedia? Thanks a lot for doing this again!

Cheers everyone!
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SONGWRITING COMPETITION - SWC090 February 2025 - Winners announced


Post by Mister Fox »

ThomC wrote:
Fri Mar 07, 2025 02:44 CET
Would it be possible to get MODO BASS 2 by IK Multimedia? Thanks a lot for doing this again!
That's entirely possible.
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